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《古事记》神话舞台的构造,有天界、人界、冥界、仙界等,这与中国神话舞台的构造大致相同。但《古事记》神话各界的名称多有不同,且《古事记》神话各界之间的通道更具象化。"根之坚州国"则是日本神话中所独有的。《古事记》神话世界中可看出中国道教宇宙观的投射。《古事记》神话舞台的构造反映了中日文化接触所导致的受容和变异。  相似文献   

《庄子》中存在着大量的神话材料,自王国维开启以神话眼光看《庄子》的先河后,鲁迅、郎擎霄、闻一多、茅盾、顾颉刚等许多学者开始关注《庄子》与神话的关系,并取得了一定的成绩。进入新时期后,对《庄子》神话的研究进入了一个更深更全面的阶段,鉴于此,有必要对研究成果进行一番梳理,有利于推动《庄子》神话研究的发展。《庄子》神话研究成果主要集中在神话与寓言研究、神话原型和意象研究、神话思维研究、神仙思想研究。  相似文献   

《庄子》中存在着大量的神话材料,自王国维开启以神话眼光看《庄子》的先河后,鲁迅、郎擎霄、闻一多、茅盾、顾颉刚等许多学者开始关注《庄子》与神话的关系,并取得了一定的成绩。进入新时期后,对《庄子》神话的研究进入了一个更深更全面的阶段,鉴于此,有必要对研究成果进行一番梳理,有利于推动《庄子》神话研究的发展。《庄子》神话研究成果主要集中在神话与寓言研究、神话原型和意象研究、神话思维研究、神仙思想研究。  相似文献   

黄遵宪《日本杂事诗》开篇前五首(《立国》、《开辟神话》等)诗吟咏的是日本神话与历史,可称之为“神话诗”。神话、历史、政治三者在这部诗集中是紧密结合的。结合当代神话学与神话历史理论,通过对诗中日本神话与历史的分析,可以透视出作者以诗歌传达政治理想的意图与叙事策略以及内含的“天朝”心态。  相似文献   

本文以《吴越春秋》、《越绝书》中的神话为线索,进行分析和比较,发现《吴越春秋》与《越绝书》两书的材料来源基本同一,《吴越春秋》广泛地运用了先秦以来的资料,《越绝书》是其参考书之一。因此《吴越春秋》具有整合之功,内容更为丰富。《吴越春秋》对汉代神话传说的记录,体现出政治思想对神话的产生具有重要的影响作用。两书在风物等方面都具有一定的地方特色。  相似文献   

木粲成 《黑龙江史志》2013,(13):142-143
神话研究一直以来都是人类学关注的重要话题。英国人类学家爱德华·泰勒于1871年出版的《原始文化》一书便专门罗列章节对神话进行了探讨。本文基于对《原始文化》之中神话研究的解读,试图展现在古典进化论范式之下神话研究的理论根基与核心议题。并认为,理解泰勒对于神话的认识与分析,明确其问题意识与解释路径,对理解后世人类学的神话与信仰研究,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

《尧典》作为《尚书》历史的开篇,标榜尧舜禅让之盛事,在儒家政治伦理学和历史编纂学中具有开宗明义的地位,是儒家思想的奠基石。但此篇虽属《虞书》,却并非唐虞历史之实录,而是战国时期儒家知识分子综合古史传说编纂而成的神话"创世纪"。顾颉刚早已指出了《尧典》中材料的神话来源,从比较神话学的视角出发,通过对《尧典》文本构成和情节结构的分析,可以进一步揭示其神话意蕴。  相似文献   

王浚波 《沧桑》2009,(6):224-226
吴承恩的《西游记》和斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》是16世纪至18世纪世界文学宝库中的两部经典作品。二者具有通过讲述神话或童话故事,来抨击各自国家的社会弊端,表达作者政治理想的相似性。  相似文献   

《山海经》与《逸周书·王会篇》比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以《王全篇》为基点 ,以音韵学为工具 ,对《山海经》中的奇人怪兽进行了诠释 ,解读了《山海经》中的许多重要信息 ,对中国上古神话及人文地理等众多问题进行了积极探索。《山海经》 ,特别是《海经》 ,主要从《王会篇》采集素材 ,但也从其他文献中采集素材 ,从而合成了新的著作。特别要指出的是 :《山海经》是以隐晦的方式曲折地反映了《王会篇》的内容 ,否则就没有必要揭示其本来面目了 ,因而两篇著作的同时存世 ,是完全可以理解的。  相似文献   

《世本·作篇》记载大量上古发明创造神话,多将发明权赋予神话中的神,这是历史的神话化的典型和集中体现.其结果使得历史中的文化英雄和社会制度被神话化而纳入神话传说系统,也在一定程度上低估了上古发明创造历史的久远.但有一点不可否认,就是神话中体现出的文化自我意识.  相似文献   

The historic region of Ohmi‐Hachiman, located in central Japan, is an example of a Continuing Landscape in an Asian setting. With a differing perspective on what may constitute authenticity, a planning exercise is now underway looking for a sustainable future for the city and surrounding countryside that is both a popular tourist attraction and a working agricultural area. Ohmi‐Hachiman combines two areas ICOMOS has declared as under‐represente d—an Asia heritage site and an agricultural landscape. This region is a Japanese case study that shares many planning and policy traditions with the West. It is the product of a long industrialised and developed nation, yet the site is quintessentially Asian with rice paddies and small villages sharing an ethos with the rest of this part of the world. It is an ethos that includes a philosophical and practical approach to this Japanese Continuing Landscape which dramatically diverges from conventional Western practices and challenges the accepted ideas of authenticity. It is an approach worthy of close scrutiny by those overseeing heritage landscapes in the rest of the world who may also be facing the uncomfortable clash of commerce and conservation.  相似文献   

The complexity of binary maps that is provided by the areal arrangement of colors is considered, and measured using information theory. In addition, information theory provides other measures that have an interpretation in a map context. One of these, redundancy, is examined and found to bear a striking empirical relationship to a spatial autocorrelation statistic. It is argued that spatial autocorrelation is, conceptually as well as empirically, the two-dimensional equivalent of redundancy. It too measures the extent to which the occurrence of an event (color) in an areal unit constrains, or makes more probable, the occurrence of an event in a neighboring areal unit.  相似文献   

The undeveloped world indigenous archaeologist is absolutely the other in his/her own country; such a condition is a result of a long term process, the process of post industrial revolution in the developed countries which changed the universal actions and reactions towards the undeveloped one. An archaeologist in the undeveloped world is the other because his/her discipline is an imported unindigenous one. His/her context is more problematic and he/she is usually an adherent of his/her western discipline pioneers. As will be narrated below, an indigenous archaeologist has to censor himself/herself and distance from their native context, while there is no place in the developed world for them as that is naturally another world. Their education in an undeveloped country has made them apply methods and adopt approaches which are mostly defined by the propaganda and the regional policies of governments based on nationalism. However, archaeology needs anthropological humanistic principles in order to be effective in a world scale. Four social encounters with an indigenous archaeologist have been narrated in this article; in his own society, in a developed country and in a postcolonial context. These narrations depict the status, the individuality and the contextual conditions of an archaeologist’s.  相似文献   

The scattering problem of seismic waves is an important issue for studying earthquake engineering. In this paper, the null-field boundary integral equation approach was used in conjunction with degenerate kernels and eigenfunction expansion to solve the SH-wave scattering problem of a circular or an elliptical-arc hill. The original problem is divided into subdomains by taking a free-body diagram. One region is an interior boundary value problem. The other is a canyon scattering problem. For the boundary value problem, not only a simply connected domain (elliptical-arc hill problem) but also a doubly connected domain (a circular-arc hill problem containing a circular tunnel or a circular inclusion) is considered. The canyon scattering problem may be addressed in an infinite domain with an artificial boundary of a full plane such that the degenerate kernel can be fully utilized. The null-field integral equation method is used to match boundary conditions. Numerical results are compared favorably with the available data.  相似文献   

The economic importance and strategic significance of Australia's relationship with China means that bilateral ties have become a major focus of attention in the scholarly and policymaking communities in Australia. Understandably enough perhaps, less attention has been given to the way the relationship is understood in China. This article addresses this absence in the literature by providing an overview of some of the more important contributions to the discussion in China. The most important point that emerges from such an analysis is that there is an ‘asymmetry of interest’ in the two countries, with Australia occupying a far less prominent place in Chinese policy discussions than China does in Australia. Equally noteworthy is the fact that the study of Sino-Australian relations in China is characterised by a greater variety of perspectives than it is in Australia. Appreciating this diversity is an essential part of developing a more accurate understanding of the policymaking milieu in China.  相似文献   

一个行业的职业道德准则对该行业秩序的发展及其法制的完善都具有重要意义。《国际博物馆协会博物馆职业道德准则》作为博物馆行业的最低道德标准和兼采各国经验总结而成的国际性道德准则,对博物馆行业国际秩序的发展发挥着重要影响,对于一国文物、博物馆法制的完善也有积极意义。当前我国尚未真正建立起切实有效的博物馆行业自律系统,现行法制也不能完全满足博物馆事业发展的需要。以《国际博物馆协会博物馆职业道德准则》为参照,完善博物馆行业治理体系,是我国博物馆事业发展的必要选择。  相似文献   

A variety of definitions of “territorial production complex” is analyzed in terms of the factors that enter into this concept of an integrated areal production unit of the Soviet economy. The author favors a definition that would encompass the interplay of all human activities within a given territory, from a major economic region to an individual place. The theory of cycles, developed by N. N. Kolosovskiy as an analytical tool for the study of regional economies, is criticized on the ground that it considers only the technological feasibility of combining a set of related industries into a so-called cycle, but ignores the issue of economic efficiency. The proposition is illustrated by comparing the location of a water-intensive and fuel-intensive chemical complex in Belorussia and Eastern Siberia. The technological basis for such a complex is present in both regions, but the economics favors an East Siberian location.  相似文献   

This article describes how region-building is performed by four strategic planning initiatives in north-eastern Slovakia, highlighting a tension between balanced and concentrated development perspectives in Slovak regional policy. The plans are read as records of an institutionalizing process, the product of which is the creation of a lasting collaborative relationship between actors. If strategic planning could fulfil a mobilizing and integrating function in eastern Slovakia, it would constitute a significant contribution to the successful negotiation of social and economic transformations associated with post-communist structural change and European Union (EU) accession. Region-building is complicated by an over-emphasis on endogenous perspectives among local actors, hindering vertical integration, and an indeterminacy about the scale at which such an integration is best performed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of quantifying variation in quality in an amenity as a component of an hedonic property amenity valuation. The paper considers the residential land amenity of an ocean view, a situation where there is typically substantial variation in the quality of the view between sites. The method is effectively a scoring system based on three sub-characteristics of the ocean view. It is illustrated by application to a coastal housing subdivision in Western Australia. The results provide an estimate of the increase in the sale price of a site attributable to the quality of the site’s ocean view. The method has a potential role in coastal land use management decisions.  相似文献   

The character of an ethnic whole is analyzed in terms of systems theory. An ethnos is viewed as a closed system in which the initial burst of energy (innate drive) is gradually spent while entropy steadily increases. The system must constantly remove the accumulated entropy by exchanging energy and entropy with the environment. What produces the wholeness of an ethnic system is not the grouping of similar individuals, but the existence of a particular set of relationships between these individuals, giving rise to what may be termed an “ethnic field”. In light of the systems and field concepts, the author argues against defining an ethnic community as a mere social organism distinguished by common language, culture, daily life and mental outlook. Such an approach, in his view, limits the question of ethnic wholeness to the principle of external likeness, without delving into the internal linkages that hold an ethnos together.  相似文献   

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