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清政府的倾覆,原因是多方面的。关于这方面的研究成果已经很多,成绩也很斐然,但笔仍觉得有补充研究的必要,其中对摄政王载沣的研究就是—个关注点。因此,笔不揣浅陋,拟在前人相关研究成果的基础上,拟以载沣的所作所为为考察对象,试阐述其在清王朝倾覆过程中所扮演的角色。  相似文献   

张南金 《四川文物》2020,(2):96-105
明代蜀藩墓葬自20世纪50年代以来发现颇多。结合对《明实录》等文献的梳理,推测潘家沟蜀王墓为明晚期的蜀端王墓,圹志碑未写蜀王谥号或与继任者"遽奏名封"一事有关。根据墓葬形制及蜀王文集、地方志等文献,凤凰山"蜀王妃"墓应是一座明早期的郡王级墓葬,墓主为崇庆王的可能性更大。结合部分亲王妃、郡王等略低等级墓葬的分布情况,可知蜀藩亲王墓可分为成都北郊、成都东南郊、黄龙溪、仁寿4个墓区。明初蜀王墓的选址经过较严格的规划;僖王使用了尚在郡王位时即已选定的墓址;此后的和王、定王选址较分散,距成都较远;怀王之后均相对集中葬于成都东南郊,或有政令因素的影响。  相似文献   

燕王府位置因与元明之际宫殿的营建相关,因而成为备受学者关注的问题。关于这一问题,历来有燕王府沿用元大内正殿与沿用元代西内两种观点。本文在对明初王府建筑制度特征进行深入研究的基础上,论证了燕王府的建筑制度的特殊性及其与元代宫殿制度的关联,认为燕王府当沿用了元大内的正殿,并以永乐朝北京宫殿营建过程中的历史事件为旁证,进一步论证了燕王府用元大内正殿的可能性。  相似文献   

衡云花 《华夏考古》2007,(3):129-132
本文考证了一面图案罕见的唐代神仙人物镜。证实此镜图案是把武则天巡幸升仙太子庙、立升仙太子碑并撰写碑文与浮丘公接王子乔升仙等故事相连结,把几代人的典故用图样表示出来,构成一幅生动的神仙人物故事图案。  相似文献   

本文通过对比、校对故宫博物院现藏的四种《兰亭图》拓本,全面详细地介绍了明代周王、益王刻《兰亭图》卷之体例、版本及其变迁;针对出现"潢南"和"仙原"这两种不同版本的益王刻大卷《兰亭图》,进行了考订与分析,厘清了清代内阁翰林校订益王刻《兰亭图》过程中出现的讹误,并指出其成因。作者还阐明永乐十五年(1417)朱有燉初刻大、小《兰亭图》卷,自万历二十年(1592)第三代益王又将此两图重新摹刻、补刻。  相似文献   

晋武帝立嗣是事关西晋政权存亡的重大问题。而《晋辟雍碑》为探究该问题提供了新材料。将碑文与史籍相互比证,可知皇太子司马衷莅临辟雍观礼虽不合古制,但此举却是晋武帝提升太子在士林声誉的重要措施。陪同太子辟雍观礼的贾充、司马攸、杨珧分别代表着功臣、宗室、外戚三派政治力量,是成宁二年后晋武帝对西晋政局改组后的集体亮相。晋武帝这一系列举措都是为确保太子司马衷顺利继位而展开的。  相似文献   

王乔传说最早出现在南方,在被河洛王子晋传说取代多年以后,复归于越地,天台山遂为王子晋信仰的发祥地,并与台州白鹤大帝信仰融合为鹤仙信仰,广泛流传于东瓯地区,衍化为多种信仰民俗,远及日本。  相似文献   

This review article provides an examination, viewed through the prism of Mark Stoyle's “The Black Legend of Prince Rupert’s Dog,” of the reputation of Prince Rupert of the Rhine during the English Civil War and Restoration. In particular, it focuses upon the injection of violence into civil society by the Prince and his troops; and the manner in which the experience of war re-activated fears and theories of witchcraft, bringing to prominence the figure of the familiar spirit. Through the comparison of recent biographical studies with the primary sources that illuminate and underpin Rupert's career, the Prince emerges as a more equivocal figure but also, arguably, as a far more capable statesman and military commander.  相似文献   

日本古代天皇制的形成,启动于圣德太子改革,初步形成(模型化)于孝德天皇与天智天皇的大化改新时期,制度化于大化改新矛盾积累导致的“壬申之乱”后的天武天皇及其继任者持统、文武、元明天皇时期,中间走过了百年左右的曲折历程。圣德太子改革、大化改新、“壬申之乱”是日本古代天皇制形成的三部曲。从政治结构上看,古代天皇制具有明显的日本特色,它是中国式皇帝制与日本祭祀制的统一。古代天皇制特殊的政治结构对后来的日本政治文化传统产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

This article analyses the evolving use of the institution ofthe British Monarchy as an instrument of imperial politics andpropaganda in the Indian empire. Through an analysis of a seriesof royal tours by Princes of Wales, ranging from the littleknown visits of Prince Alfred and Prince Albert Victor to thecelebrated tours of the future Edward VII, George V and EdwardVIII, it outlines the methods deployed by the Government tomake the monarchy appeal not just to an Indian audience, therebyhelping enhance the Raj's legitimacy and counter the risingtide of nationalist critique, but equally significantly, tothe British public to symbolize imperial power and assuage doubtsconcerning the future of the empire. Such a strategy depended,crucially, upon the persons of the Princes themselves and thearticle accordingly gives attention to the personality and politicalproclivities of these Princes and their perceptions of theirrole as guardians of the British imperial heritage. It is arguedthat this emblematic exploitation of royal prestige was of limitedeffectiveness and royal manipulation could not function in acontested paradigm, especially after the impact of the FirstWorld War and the advent of Gandhi. While the monarchical presencecould work to consolidate loyalty and power where it alreadyexisted, it was less successful in creating it when contested.  相似文献   


In my limited study of the Greek and Serbian Churches in the nineteenth century, I had found numerous cases of Greek meddling in Serbian affairs, but never a reverse case. Then I came across a passing reference in Gavrilovic´s fine biography of Prince Milo? Obrenovi? of Serbia (who ruled from 1815 to 1839) to Milo?’ playing a major part in ousting a Patriarch of Constantinople. Following up Gavrilovi?'s citation led me to the following letter written by Prince Milo? during his triumphal visit to Constantinople in 1835. It was written (and it should be noted this means dictated since Milo? was illiterate) to his wife Ljubica on 28 September 1835. Since I have never come across any reference to the events Milos describes in any work I have made use of on the patriarchate in the 19th century, I have taken the liberty of translating the letter from Milo?’ Serbian both to call attention to it and to make the text available to a wider range of scholars. The original text is to be found in Mita Petrovi?, Financije i Ustanove obnovljene Srbije do 1842, Beograd, 1901, pp.336–37.  相似文献   

依据文献记载,并结合考古发现的实物遗存,对梁昭明太子萧统陵墓的几个具体问题作了考证。文章认为昭明太子陵址在建康东北郊,陵号应是安陵,而非安宁陵。今栖霞镇新合村狮子冲一对有角石兽位于梁代陵区范围内,其墓主有可能就是昭明太子萧统。  相似文献   


My focus in this article is on a small group of German theorists, designers and patrons who thought extensively about the relationship between national identity and garden design: Christian Hirschfeld, Prince Franz von Anhalt-Dessau and his wife Luise, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Prince Pückler. These garden enthusiasts knew one another through personal contact or their writings, and they responded to and developed their ideas in relation to the newly framed creative enterprise in German lands of “garden-landscape-art”. What they shared was a conviction that garden forms affect feelings, with the role of the garden artist to determine paths that would alter and diversify the visitor’s experience of place. This essay explores how spontaneous emotions, elicited by movement through the garden, were linked with a growing sense of patriotism that contrasted with cosmopolitan judgments in the writings of Hirschfeld, Pückler, and Goethe.  相似文献   

Social and cultural dominance is (re)produced in the landscape by the exclusion or marginalisation of subordinate and minority groups. This paper illustrates the long-standing and ongoing exclusion of representations of indigeneity in and around Prince Henry Gardens, part of one of the most significant cultural and memorial sites in South Australia. Prince Henry Gardens is home to a large number of monuments and memorials that commemorate almost solely non-indigenous people and events. This is a selective and deliberate landscape of the dominant culture. It confirms a legacy of indigenous dispossession and is symbolic of ongoing marginalisation. While there have been recent compensatory initiatives by state and city agencies to create landscapes of reconciliation through symbolic gestures such as renaming parkland areas, these are argued to be contentious. They associate indigeneity with the city's margins, with violent places and public drunkenness, and perpetuate problematic associations between ‘real’ indigeneity and nature. The paper concludes with some ideas for new memorial landscapes intended to help construct a postcolonial Australian city.  相似文献   

Faunal evidence from five village sites at Prince Rupert harbour, British Columbia reveals very high levels of dependence on one food resource, salmon, during the period from 500 BC to AD 1000. At some of these sites, it appears that little else in the way of vertebrate fauna was consumed. Comparisons with faunal data from other parts of the Northwest Coast show that the Prince Rupert villagers during this period were extreme salmon specialists, as highly focused on this one resource as any the Northwest Coast culture, and among the most highly resource specialized hunter–gatherer cultures worldwide.  相似文献   

This article examines the nature of the illness that plagued Edward the Black Prince (1330–76) for the last nine years of his life and caused his death. The prince's premature death had profound political repercussions and a discussion of his symptoms provides a lens through which to examine late medieval attitudes to a wide range of social, religious and medical issues. The prince's symptoms, especially those described by Thomas Walsingham in his Chronica maiora, suggest traditional explanations of his death are incorrect. This article offers a number of varied but connected medieval and symbolic interpretations as well as a consideration of methodologies appropriate for analysing such material  相似文献   

This article examines the nature of the illness that plagued Edward the Black Prince (1330–76) for the last nine years of his life and caused his death. The prince's premature death had profound political repercussions and a discussion of his symptoms provides a lens through which to examine late medieval attitudes to a wide range of social, religious and medical issues. The prince's symptoms, especially those described by Thomas Walsingham in his Chronica maiora, suggest traditional explanations of his death are incorrect. This article offers a number of varied but connected medieval and symbolic interpretations as well as a consideration of methodologies appropriate for analysing such material  相似文献   

Islands are the challenging targets of a global pursuit in the closing of gaps, their distinct geography so far having seemingly eluded and mocked both human ingenuity and terra firma. This article seeks to deconstruct the concept of the bridge as more than just a value-free symbol of inexorable technological progress, and uses islands as the reference point to flesh out such an argument. Bridges impact on the subtle balance between the characteristic 'local–global' nature of an island identity; such an impact is multi-faceted, complex and case-specific. These ideas are applied to the specific case of the Confederation Bridge, the 14-km structure linking Prince Edward Island to New Brunswick, and which celebrated its tenth anniversary in June 2007.  相似文献   

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