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May 20,2006 marks the 20th birthday of CTRC. On May 18, 2006, CPPCC Chairman Jia Qinglin made an inspect visit to the Center to extend cordial greetings to Tibetan study workers of CTRC as well as the whole country on behalf of General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Hu Jintao. Mean while Jia made a speech in which he fully affirmed the achievements made by the CTRC over the past 20 years and put forward new demands on Tibetan studies.  相似文献   

正Although I have been working as a Traditional Chinese Acupuncturist for the past 30 years,I have never visited China until recently.On December 15th 2015,I arrived in Beijing.The English newspapers had been full of how Beijing is suffering from deadly smog.To my surprise I emerge from my Air China flight into cold but brilliant sunshine and a clear blue sky,the clear weather lasted until  相似文献   

中共对外政策和新中国外交史研究的起步与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中外关系史是新中国成立之后才建立起来的一个分支学科 ,对中共对外政策和中华人民共和国外交史的研究基本是在改革开放之后才开展的。本文简要回顾了中外关系史研究领域的拓展过程 ,介绍了有关中共对外政策和中华人民共和国外交史的史料情况 ,对近年来中外关系史研究中出现的一些热点问题作了述评 ,涉及的时间范围从解放战争时期起至“文化大革命”结束。本文的最后一部分指出了当前有关研究工作存在的不足。  相似文献   

元朝是中国历史上第一个由少数民族统治的统一多民族国家,也是中国历史上政治制度变革过程中具有里程碑意义的一个历史朝代。元朝所推行的行省制度、驿传制度、屯田制度、土司制度等统治政策不仅将全国所有地区置于统一中央政权的统治之下,还加强了中央王朝对边疆民族地区的治理,促进了各民族间经济文化的交流与融合,进一步推进了中国以汉族为中心的多元一体格局的发展,并对后世中国行政区划的变革,政治体制的变迁,以及民族地区统治制度和今天民族区域自治制度的形成和发展产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

60年代美国对华政策研究现状述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内外对于 50年代的中美关系和美国对华政策的研究已经取得了丰富的成果 ,而对 60年代美国对华政策的探讨还远远不够深入。美国学者对这一段外交史的研究带有较大的缺陷 ,其主流观点也经历了三次偏摆 ;相比之下中国学者的研究则相当滞后 ,零星的成果也是相当粗糙的。造成这种局面的原因有两个方面 :首先是大部分学者只关注这一时期的主要事态———越南战争 ,认为这一时期美国对华政策基本上承继了 50年代美国对华政策的遗产 ;其次很重要的一点是 ,决定 60年代美国对华政策的最重要的一部分外交档案———约翰逊政府时期的“美国外交文件集”于年前刚刚解密。本文试图依据已获得的这部分档案材料对 60年代的美国对华政策及中美关系的研究现状做一次综述性探索 ,以期抛砖引玉 ,引起同仁对这一主题的重视 ,并展开争鸣。  相似文献   

<正>The "2008 Beijing Symposium on Tibetology" was held at the China Tibetology Research Center from 14 to 17 October, 2008 with the China Tibetology Research Center as the main sponsor together with the China Association of Protection and Development  相似文献   

肖元真  季丰  柏伊菁 《攀登》2010,29(2):80-85
房地产业是我国国民经济发展的支柱产业,确保房地产业健康稳定发展不仅有助于我国经济抵御由美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机,而且可以作为预防通胀的重要手段。本文分析了近期我国政府的房地产调控政策,并结合相关部门的研究,对我国经济复苏期房地产市场的发展前景做出预测。  相似文献   

本文对清代在西北所推行的食盐政策进行了探讨,认为清代在西北盐政问题上采取了求实的态度,将盐政与民族关系、边疆安宁以及社会发展水平结合考虑,采用了因地、因时制宜的方针,比较好地适应了西北的社会发展状况,对稳定西北边疆起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

孙君健 《史学月刊》2000,(4):102-109
美国布什政府对华政策的调整是冷战结束期间美国对外战略调整的一个重要方面.布什当政的四年是美国政府对华政策调整的四年,这一调整过程大致经历了四个阶段.在调整中布什政府对华政策的演变呈现出六大特点一是过程前起后伏;二是目标为演变和遏制中国;三是出发点着眼于长期性和全面性;四是政策的矛盾性;五是突出了人权政策;六是表现出政治问题经济化和经济问题政治化.导致布什政府调整对华政策的直接原因是“六·四”风波,但是,冷战的结束及因此而造成的美国战略利益的转变,才是布什政府改变对华政策的根本动因.  相似文献   

As science becomes an increasingly crucial resource for addressing complex challenges in society, extensive demands are placed upon the researchers who produce it. Creating valuable expert knowledge that intervenes in policy or practice requires knowledge brokers to facilitate interactions at the boundary between research and policy. Yet, existing research lacks a compelling account of the ways in which brokerage is performed to gain credibility. Drawing on mixed‐method analysis of 12 policy research settings, I outline a novel set of strategies for attaining symbolic power, whereby policy experts position themselves and others via conceptual distances drawn between the “world of ideas” and the “world of policy and practice.” Disciplinary distance works to situate research as either disciplinary or undisciplinary, epistemic distance creates a boundary between complex specialist research and direct digestible outputs, temporal distance represents the separation of slow rigorous research and agile responsive analysis, and economic distance situates research as either pure and intrinsic or marketable and fundable. I develop a theoretical account that unpacks the boundaries between research communities and shows how these boundaries permit policy research actors to achieve various strategic aims.  相似文献   

The People's Republic of China (PRC) has made substantial progress in developing environmental legislation and a complementary regulatory structure. These gains are directly related to the economic reforms and opening to the outside world that began in the 1970s, which introduced a greater emphasis on efficiency and more awareness of the costs associated with pollution and environmental degradation. However, the economic growth and devolution of power unleashed by the reforms have also created new environmental stresses and to some extent reduced the regulatory capability of governmental authorities. As a result, some environmental stresses are increasing even as progress is made on other fronts. Political participation is restricted and environmental issues only occasionally acquire political salience. However, international pressure on the PRC to conform its conduct to international environmental norms is likely to increase, which is likely to affect domestic policymaking.  相似文献   

The private sector can create unique institutions that help to achieve industrial and economic goals. To demonstrate this growth model, the Houston Advanced Research Centre (HARC) was created as a private non-profit organization, part of a new town development north of Houston, Texas. Over its 17-year history, HARC has successfully linked university, industry and governmental research in this framework. During this time, four strategies have been tested: large or sensitive R&D projects, strong links with member universities, efforts to bring technology to the marketplace, and policy analysis and advice. Of these, the latter three are today's successes as HARC has become a more responsive, service-oriented organization. Also, sustainable development has emerged as a unifying theme, reflecting part of the organization's initial legacy from its founder, George P. Mitchell. The Woodlands has grown around HARC as a place to live for over 50,000 people, a growing job base, and realization of the initial "research forest" concept with more than 100 firms and 4,500 employees.  相似文献   

Field research, defined as an unstructured contact with public problems and programs, is essential to realistic policy research. Research linking governmental action to good outcomes is rare, because those who study government and those whose who analyze public problems are seldom the same. Field inquiry can help give policy research more governmental content. A lack of field contact is one reason why much of the research surrounding welfare reform has been incorrect. Ideally, the connections between policy and outcomes that respondents claim during field research should be verified by statistical analyses that use program data. Unfortunately, field research is discouraged by academic incentives favoring rigor at the expense of realism.  相似文献   

黄凤志 《史学集刊》2000,2(2):59-63
1937年7月,日本发动了全面侵华战争,企图称霸亚太地区,这与英国维护在华利益、维护华盛顿体系的政策产生了尖锐矛盾。为了对付日本的挑战,英国对日采取了绥靖与争斗相结合,以绥靖为主的对策,对华采取了援助与背弃交互使用的两面政策。  相似文献   

民国科学社团发展研究——以中国科学社为中心   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张剑 《安徽史学》2002,2(2):56-63
中国科学社作为民国时期最为重要的综合性科学社团,对各专门学会的创立与发展有指导与示范作用,但没有成为联合全国各专门学会的统一组织,没有担负起“指导、联络与奖励”中国科学发展的学术评议功能。这一角色转换没有完成,与民国各重要学术团体之间存在“门户”之见、中国科学社自身由于历史原因形成的组织系统、国民政府国家科学发展体系的形成等因素有关。这样,作为制衡政府强力的民间科学社团力量在民国时期并没有形成统一的合力,极大地影响了民国科学的发展。  相似文献   

日本政府为改变信息化相对落后的状态,在新世纪初制定《IT基本战略》,决定实施IT立国战略,2005年把日本建设成为世界上最先进的IT国家。为此,日本政府以制定《IT基本法》、实施IT立国战略为中心,通过e-Japan战略、IT新改革战略、IT新改革战略政策纲要和e-Japan重点计划等,积极采取了推进信息化发展的战略和政策措施。在此基础上,日本政府又提出《u-Japan构想》,争取在2010年建设无所不在的网络社会,以消除数字鸿沟,使地方也能够充分利用IT基础设施,有信息均等和机会均等的公平上网环境,以建设充满活力的地方,实现城市和地方的协调发展。  相似文献   

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