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汉代以前山东与朝鲜半岛南部的交往   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据<史记>等文献记载,山东与朝鲜半岛南部的文化交往始于秦代.本文从考古实物出发,在韩国出土的考古实物中辨别出来自战国时期齐国的铜剑和铜鼎等遗物,从而以确凿的考古证据证明山东和朝鲜半岛南部的人员与文化交往至少在战国时期就已开始了.战国时期齐国亡民应是从山东半岛出发,经海路直接东渡到达朝鲜半岛南部的,这对于纠正学界认为这条航路开通于南朝刘宋时期的传统认识也有一定帮助.  相似文献   

Men and women who became friends in the early American republic struggled with societal worries about the purity and chastity of their friendships. More so than other pairs of friends, heterosocial friends had to attend to how their friendships appeared to those around them. One of the most important ways of doing so was positioning a friendship in relation to spouses. In an era when marriage was the central structure for relations between men and women and fears of seduction and ruin were rampant, friends of the opposite sex needed to integrate their friendships within their marriages. This paper examines how men and women did so through the lens of their correspondence. Navigating a society without clear boundaries or rules for conducting a friendship between a man and a woman, individual pairs of friends improvised to create safe friendships in person and in letters. The careful intertwining of marriages and friendships they created demonstrates the way intimate social relationships were embedded in the social fabric of the early American republic.  相似文献   

崔佳  恒伟 《旅游纵览》2008,(1):37-37
<正>2007年12月15日,秦皇岛少年足球队和北京国际学校队U15在燕大附中的足球场踢了一场友谊赛,这是秦皇岛奥组委组织的一系列迎奥运活动中的一个小序曲。下午2:00比赛正式开始,在冬日午后的阳光里,小队员们在球场上尽情地驰骋,带球、过人、  相似文献   

Abstract: This article explores the emerging shape and form of the European corporate community since 1996. We examine the cohesion of corporate Europe through the network of interlocking corporate directorates and memberships in the European Round Table of Industrialists. We focus on the unequal structure of representation; the interplay of national and transnational aspects of the network; the role of finance capitalists as a signpost of a regime of internationalized finance capital; and the embeddedness of corporate Europe in the global corporate network. Although the transnational European network gained in strength while national networks eroded, expansion of the European network did not negate a structure of representation favoring the northwest. Bankers became less dominant, yet industrialists with financial connections formed the core of the European corporate community, signaling a departure from national corporate communities centered upon banks. At the threshold of the current economic crisis, corporate Europe comprised the most integrated segment of the global corporate elite.  相似文献   

Four Transcripts     

清末民初,以官办企业的衰败为动因,以政府振兴工商实业的政策革新为契机,湖北纺纱、织布、缫丝、制麻四个官局实行了招商承租.四局承租权随后在多个民营企业依仗当政官僚的庇护争相角逐下辗转易手,四局承租权的流转历程,既是几个民营企业凭借官商私谊及其背后的官权保护依次争得"官业"承租权,进而快速孵化、诞生、成长的过程,也是这些民营企业一个个在官商私谊与官权干预侵害下丧失"官业"承租权,进而相继解散的过程.四局在此期间生产管理和经营绩效均取得一定进展,但最终还是在承租权为当政官僚所左右的频频转移中走向了没落.四局招商承租举措由此在实施过程中与政府振兴工商实业的政策初衷发生背离.  相似文献   


Many papers on economic geography have analysed industrial clusters, but few have addressed the relations among clusters. This paper discusses three types of relations among clusters to better understand why they occur and the roles that human resources, capital, knowledge and markets play in such relations. It provides theoretical ideas, empirical illustrations and suggestions for future research on the relations among clusters in a globalized economy.  相似文献   

日子 很多年以后才明白,生活其实是一个接一个的日子。 草长莺飞的日子,我可以立在三月的桃花雨里聆听一个悄无声息的故事;蛙声如鼓的日子,我可以就着朦胧的星光在杨柳堆烟的山道上独享宁静;落叶满地的日子,我可以为一缕久远的乡魂而迎风长吟。  相似文献   

浸在橄榄中 在安达卢西亚,不论正式餐厅还是小酒馆,只要有当地人吃饭.定会看见他们拿着细长尖嘴的橄榄油壶,往面包上、餐盘里大量浇淋橄榄油;而每一道佳肴,不论是凉拌还是热炒,也都可以吃出浓浓的橄榄油香……在安达卢西亚,一路狂吃的结果就是在某日突然觉得血液骨髓仿佛都被橄榄油浸透了。  相似文献   

徐建霞 《收藏家》2009,(4):77-82
在翻阅古籍时,经常能看见白文方印“四经四史之斋”(图1),或者朱文方印“古东郡四经四史斋”(图2)。这两方印是海源阁阁主杨以增的藏书印。  相似文献   

This project is focused on the long-term constitutive elements of presidential discourse; in other words, how rhetoric helps frame and determine national identity. Seemingly innocuous, and appearing in both ceremonial and policy addresses, presidential language concerning national identity helps shape the context, and thus sets the terms for more substantive, issue-laden debates. While one cannot measure the impact of this type of rhetoric in terms of specific issues and time frames, its influence is apparent in a broader and more diffuse perspective. This research compares the public rhetoric of presidents William H. Taft and Richard M. Nixon specifically in terms of their definitions of national identity. Both Republicans, albeit with very different political contexts and time periods, exhibited marked similarities in their strategies for defining the American polity, particularly with respect to their view of the president as the national representative, the idea that the nation is a unified whole, the belief that the nation follows the greatest good for the greatest number, the belief that each citizen occupies a natural place in the hierarchy of American society, and finally, the conviction that liberty is the most important foundational value of the country. The evidence suggests that rhetorical conceptions of national identity are important over time in the United States. Enjoying a broad audience, the president has the ability to shape national debate according to which groups and issues he includes or excludes from the polity.  相似文献   

In recent years, International Relations theorists have turned to philosophy in search of new ontological and epistemological foundations or to clarify their existing commitments. Scientific Realism and International Relations, edited by Jonathan Joseph and Colin Wight, is a good example of the former: editors and contributors make the case for Scientific Realism—a leading philosophy of science—in International Relations. Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, author of The conduct of inquiry in International Relations, is motivated by the latter concern, and devises a typology based on two key fissures among social scientists: the relationships between the knower and the known, and between knowledge and observation. The Joseph and Wight volume, while containing some thoughtful essays, does not convince the reviewer that assumptions that might apply in the physical world are relevant to its social counterpart. The Jackson book is an intellectual tour de force and a compelling plea for pluralism.  相似文献   

Edwin Guest 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):99-118
This paper reviews the origins, chronology, and changing circulation pattern of the potin coinage of Iron Age Britain. Archaeological evidence suggests that British potins were made in north Kent from the later second century to the late first century B.C. although potins continued in circulation after this. They were the first indigenous coinage, apparently copying cast central Gaulish imitations of the struck bronze coinage of Massalia, and possibly originated in the Medway area. Initially, potins circulated alongside the imported Gallo-Belgic gold coinages and, like them, were probably used as a form of primitive valuable, but in the mid-later first century, their circulation pattern and Junction changed, becoming closely associated with a network of major sites spanning both sides of the Thames estuary and with the later Iron Age developments which accompanied this, notably the elaboration of the well-known ‘Aylesford Complex’. Appendixes list stratified coins and sites with potin finds.  相似文献   

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