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太极拳,是一种武术项目,也是体育运动和健身项目,在中国有着悠久的历史。它起源于古代骑兵的枪法、长柄大刀,基本用法是:开、合、发。  相似文献   

董更顺 《神州》2012,(15):328-328
音乐可谓是体育舞蹈的灵魂。音乐与体育舞蹈是不可分割的,作为体育舞蹈灵魂的音乐,可使体育舞蹈的艺术表现力更加丰富、动人、靓丽。音乐与体育舞蹈的动作两者的有机结合,可激发舞者的情感,使体育舞蹈美更加动人,更完善,更丰富。  相似文献   

杨芹  莫小红 《神州》2014,(12):117-117
大学生的体能和艺术修养不但决定了自身的发展,同时也直接关系着整个社会和国家的未来,在高校开展体育舞蹈可以有效提高大学生体能,培育大学生审美能力,发展大学生综合素质,是一项一举多得的体育课程。本研究从大学体育舞蹈的教学实际出发,分析了大学体育舞蹈的特征,强调了大学体育舞蹈对于大学生美感培养的意义,提供了大学体育舞蹈教学过程中从形体、动作、音乐和教学方法等手段,以达到更好培养大学生美感的方法。  相似文献   

李霞 《文史月刊》2012,(8):137-138
体育舞蹈是一项对技术要求严格规范的竞技体育项目。因此如何在大学时间使得学生的体育舞蹈技术达到一定的水平,是高等院校体育舞蹈教师迫切需要考虑的问题。体育舞蹈的教学是教师的教和学生的学习、训练等双边活动,一方面要求教师具有专业的技术水平,高尚的道德情操,灵活多样的教学方法和教学手段,另一方面要求学生具有正  相似文献   

姚志明  彭丹 《神州》2012,(29):204-204
当前,艺术类运动项目成为高职院校体育教育、社会体育专业领域中一门重要的技能课程,是运动训练专业的主修课程之一,也是公共体育课和校级任选课当中最欢迎的选项课之一。本文在分析艺术类运动项目以体育舞蹈课程为例,在高职院校开设的原因、现状及课程设计的思想、效果等方面做出阐述,并提出高职院校开设艺术类运动项目的创新与特点。  相似文献   

颜美  吴薇 《神州》2011,(4):114-114
健身舞蹈是以健身为目的,以舞蹈动作作为表现形式,以音乐为载体,是广大群众喜爱和接受的集健身、健心、健体、益智于一体的一项有益的健身活动。调查发现健身舞蹈作为体育中极富锻炼价值的运动项目,深受广大群众的喜爱。本文对绵阳市社区健身舞蹈的开展状况进行了调研,试图对绵阳市社区舞蹈的开展现状有一个全面的了解,并在此基础上分析社区健身舞蹈开展过程中存在的各种现象和问题提出相应的对策,为更好地推动绵阳市社区健身舞蹈提供科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

江源 《神州》2013,(10):94
素质教育是高等学校面向21世纪的主要任务,体育舞蹈作为普通高校实践中的一门全新体育课程,融体育、音乐和舞蹈于一体。结合体育舞蹈基本特点,分析了开展体育舞蹈教学,培养正确体态,陶冶美的情操,可以提高大学生生理健康、心理健康、个性发展、审美能力和社交身体素质,对学生的智力和心理有很大的促进作用。  相似文献   

张家银 《神州》2014,(11):120-120
体育舞蹈是一门集体育运动与舞蹈展示为一体的教学科目,它其中含有丰富的运动成分、同时也渗透着一定的艺术元素,体育舞蹈教学活动的开展充实了大学生的校园生活,锻炼了他们的身体素质,培养了他们的审美能力,也有效带动了他们校园生活质量的提高,培养了他们积极健康的生活态度。本文分析了合作学习模式在体育舞蹈教学中的应用。  相似文献   

张达成 《神州》2014,(17):275-275
作为中华民族的文化瑰宝,太极拳是中国武术的表现形式之一,成为人们参加体育运动不可或缺的一部分,在全民健身中具有特殊的意义。本文利用问卷调查法、逻辑分析法、文献资料法、数理统计法等研究方法对黑河市城区居民进行太极拳练习情况进行调查分析,得出黑河市居民具有广泛的健身活动和太极拳基础,太极拳已成为全民健身运动中不可代替的运动项目之一,通过一定量的运动,改善身体机能,从而改善体能。  相似文献   

体育舞蹈教学对大学生健康人格影响的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡雪 《神州》2013,(3):78-78
本文则写作过程中则重点围绕着体育舞蹈对大学生人格的影响作用出发,从人格的基本特点出发,论述了体育舞蹈对人格的影响,旨在通过这种方式来提升人格培养的目的。  相似文献   

本文从古典舞身韵教学的基本要点、课程特点、如何教学以及作为高校教师所应注意的要点四个方面来详细阐述和分析当前高校中的中国古典舞身韵教学。作为一个学科的建设,中国古典舞已经走向成熟,而身韵教学是这一学科建设在舞蹈本体观、舞蹈方法论方面成熟的标志。  相似文献   

考古学与中国古代体育史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔乐泉 《南方文物》2008,1(2):127-134
本文根据考古发现的有关资料,对近几十年来中国古代体育史研究的几个方面进行了针对性地分析。研究的内容主要包括对体育起源新线索的分析、球类资料的发现与古代的球类运动、兵械拳术的演变与古代武术的发展以及养生技术的进步与养生体育体系的形成等。从一系列史前时期的考古发现所反映出的原始竞技、舞蹈的产生与发展,表明人们的身体练习已经成为包括体育在内的具有多种意义的重要社会活动。而随着历史的发展,以蹴鞠(足球)、马球、捶丸(高尔夫)、武术以及保健养生等为代表的体育活动形式.逐渐成为了中国古代体育活动的重要内容,并在人类体育发展史上产生了重要影响。本文认为。利用考古学的方法。以考古发掘或传世之遗物或遗迹中的体育文物为母体.对古代体育史进行实证性的分析、探讨.以揭示古代体育各类运动形式之发展演化的规律,将是我们体育史学工作者和历史及考古工作者今后努力的方向。  相似文献   


Workhouses were no doubt the first old people’s homes. Sick old people without social or financial resources had no alternative other than admission to one of these state institutions . These institutions instilled fear in local communities and admission represented a failure in society. Due to medical advances and improved social conditions, people lived for longer and during the 20th century the majority of the inmates were old people. After the inception of the welfare state institutional care for older people was mainly in buildings inherited from the poor law. Consequently, even after I948, for many old people admission to an institution still carried a stigma. By using oral histories of relatives and professionals who cared for old people during this time, alongside documentary sources, this article examines how the process of transition from poor law to welfare state affected families in Oxford. This first-hand perspective, missing from most studies on the history of ageing, explores how caring for old people at a time of great social change was influenced by the local workhouse.  相似文献   

黄维  李凡  杨俭波 《人文地理》2022,37(6):12-19
作为早期非表征理论构建的主要场景,舞蹈是特定想法—行为的表达与实践,有助于探察身体动作在理解和创造表达上的潜能,而舞蹈正式进入文化地理学视域的时期也正好是非表征理论对传统文化地理学的挑战接近成熟的关键时期。随着展演的身体成为分析对象以及编舞成为地理研究中新的非表征方法概念,舞蹈作为社会跨学科实践和工具受到越来越多关注。本文以非表征理论引发的诸多争议为基本背景,力求全面呈现如下两个转变过程:①舞蹈如何从关于身体、展演性、认同等地理学话题,逐渐演变为检测动作节奏、感觉、生成空间的地理实践和方法;②舞蹈地理研究经历如何从批判的舞蹈文化政治学,逐渐转向实践性的展演艺术与创意地理学。文章认为,非表征思想有望用于解决表征之外可能存在的开放性实践难题,丰富调节实践的情感维度,并拓展分析情感交缠的物质主义话语,而转变后的西方舞蹈地理研究对于理解我国现当代文化政治经济的情感属性、思考艺术影响下城市公共社区的差异化也就具有明确的启发价值。  相似文献   


Dwarfs, midgets, even freaks, are the terms that have been used to label little people. Little people are individuals who for genetic or hormonal reasons grow to a height of less than 4 feet 8 inches (1.42 m). While little people face similar issues of access to those of other physically disabled groups, they live in spaces that are designed, both physically and socially, for people of 'average height'. In addition, little people face unique stigmas that are historically rooted in mythology, idealized body types, and the commodification of body difference for profit. This paper draws upon the spatial conception of Henri Lefebvre and the premise that social spaces are produced. Specifically, this paper offers the term, staturized space, to describe how the material environment produces relative stature in common representations of space. Furthermore, it identifies the ways in which dwarfism affects social relations as they are played out in spaces intended for average-height people. Finally, this study describes the ways little people's homes and meetings of the organization Little People of America are re-staturized spaces both physically and socially. The production of such alternative social spaces produces enabling and normative environments for little people. These issues are explored through in-depth interviews and participant observations with a married couple in which both individuals are little people. The case study of the Jamisons is part of a larger project which seeks to reveal aspects of the social spaces of a population that is difficult to access and frequently misunderstood. Geographers can benefit from the perspectives of little people by becoming increasingly sensitized to discourses of height and their material implications in the production of public and private spaces.  相似文献   

This paper explores the usefulness of employing the concept of social capital within a research project investigating the best ways of meeting the health and well‐being needs of young people living in rural Wales. The first part of the paper provides an overview of some of the current research exploring the relationship between social capital, health and young people. The second part provides an overview of findings from an action research project to illustrate how social capital is conceived and applied in this context. It concludes by stating that children and young people do actively generate, draw upon and negotiate their own social capital, and that this is an under‐utilised resource in terms of promoting health and well‐being.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the interaction between Lutheran missionaries and Arrernte people at Hermannsburg mission was shaped by different body practices and discourses. Notions of sickness, causation and healing were central to the ideas of the body. Both missionaries and Arrernte paid attention to these somatic states in their social interactions. Lutherans attempted to reinforce an individualistic notion of the body, while Arrernte people continued to believe in the fundamental interconnectedness of the person with ancestors and kin. In the new social environment of the missions, the indigenous socio-somatic view of a person remained flexible enough to accommodate aspects of Christian ontology and ritual.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the social geographies of people with intellectual disabilities. We focus particular attention on the significance of shopping and spaces of consumption as they relate to questions social inclusion and belonging in the lives of PWID. The focus on consumption offers a useful counterpoint to a prevailing policy emphasis on social inclusion through productive activities. The paper also contributes to the literature on intellectual disability within social and health geography, shedding light on the varied socio-spatial experiences of people beyond the confines of community-care facilities and other separate spaces. Our analysis draws on data collected from a participatory research project in Toronto (Canada). The project involved a small but diverse group of people with intellectual disabilities, who led academic researchers on a series of excursions designed to explore those places and routes that make up their everyday social geographies. Shopping emerged as a significant but often ambivalent theme in the context of these geographies, and the analysis demonstrates the complex interplay of autonomy and control, pleasure and restraint, care and support that shape people’s experiences of consumption. We conclude by discussing the significance of these findings for notions of social inclusion and belonging.  相似文献   

This article will examine how British-born second- and third-generation Irish people use Irish music and dance in the production of an Irish cultural identity. The article draws on research undertaken with members of the Irish communities in the English cities of Coventry and Liverpool. The research was conducted with music and dance practitioners in Liverpool who strongly identify as Irish and also with schoolchildren in Coventry whose parents or grandparents were born in Ireland. The paper first explores the comments of the Liverpool respondents and points to how music and dance can offer a space in which different generations can mark out their affiliation or embody their Irishness. Secondly, the paper considers interview work with schoolchildren in Coventry, concentrating on their responses as listeners to Irish traditional music. Their comments point to the capacity of this music to resonate with multiple, even conflicting, productions of Irishness. The comments of all the respondents raise key debates about authenticity and the construction of identity.  相似文献   

This contribution looks at the Three Gorges dam project, and specifically at the resettlement programme, focusing on two major aspects. It examines the resettlement programme in relation to the environmental capacity in the reservoir area; and it assesses the existence of a risk consciousness and a reconstruction strategy, seen in terms of the ‘impoverishment risks and reconstruction’(IRR) model. The author argues that issues related to the environment and natural resources are highly significant and have led to changes in the resettlement programme, including a change in policy towards moving rural people out of the reservoir area, as well as the issuing of new resettlement regulations. The IRR model is a useful tool to identify risks and can serve as a guide to the reconstruction of livelihoods for the resettled people. The limitations of using the model in the Three Gorges project concern specific Chinese environmental, social, economic and political conditions that influence efficient resettlement implementation. The Chinese authorities’ emphasis in resettlement has been on rebuilding relocatees’ livelihoods: it focuses less — if at all — on the social aspects and the social trauma of broken networks. The IRR model could therefore be useful in the context of focusing more on the social costs of resettlement.  相似文献   

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