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In 1911, an eminent amateur prehistorian pulled the broken end of a pointed wooden shaft from Palaeolithic-age sediments at a seaside town in Essex. This artefact, still the earliest worked wood to be discovered in the world, became known as the Clacton spear. Over the past one hundred years it has variously been interpreted as a projectile weapon, a stave, a digging stick, a snow probe, a lance, a game stake and a prod to ward off rival scavengers. These perspectives have followed academic fashions and as the popular views of early hominins have altered. Since discovery, the Clacton spear has also been replicated twice, has undergone physical transformations due to preservation treatments, and has featured in two public exhibitions. Within this article the changing context of the spear, its parallels, and all previous conservation treatments and their impacts are assessed.  相似文献   

This paper considers, under rough chronological headings, work undertaken in Niger in the past century. Sites relevant to the Pleistocene occupation of the Sahara, to the adoption of elements of a Neolithic package, to the (perhaps misleadingly late) occupation of the Sahel, to alleged metalworking 3000 years ago, and to social complexity, are described and discussed. These data carry a relevance far beyond their immediate area, and the most fruitful application of the archaeology of Niger is to be found in theoretical rethinking.  相似文献   


This paper outlines the history of preservation in situ as practised in London over the last hundred and fifty years. It touches upon the early development of the City of London and the destruction of significant remains, which gradually lead to a heightening of sensitivities and public concern for preservation, particularly of built fabric such as the Roman defences. The role of cases such as the Walbrook Mithraeum and Rose Theatre are discussed, both influential in changing the relationship between development and archaeology. The paper concludes by noting how much we have learnt from past mistakes, but notes that more can be done to make these sites more accessible.  相似文献   

中国考古学是从西方引入的,1921年瑞典人安特生发掘河南省仰韶村是近代科学意义的考古学在中国的开始,20世纪20年代末,李济、梁思永等从海外学成归国,在带回了当时国外考古学理论方法的同时也开始了中国考古学本土化的历程。建国后,中国考古学进入“理论多元化,方法系统化,技术国际化”的新时代。步入21世纪,中国考古学建立了以新技术、新方法为特征的一批新兴边缘学科,考古调查和发掘的主力军更加年轻化,为中国考古学注入了新鲜的有生力量。  相似文献   

全祖望是清代著名的史学家、文学家和思想家。百年以来,有关全祖望的研究取得了显著成就。一是理清了其生平事迹和创作情况,整理出版了《全祖望集汇校集注》;二是揭示了他七校《水经注》、三笺《困学纪闻》和增补辑《宋元学案》的历史贡献,三是充分论述了全祖望史学思想的特点和成就。但是,对于全祖望经学思想和文学成就的研究,尚比较薄弱。  相似文献   

Geographical Analysis (GA), in cooperation with the Wiley‐Blackwell publishing business, undertook a project to complete the digitizing of all back issues of the journal and make those for the period 1969–2001 free to the academic community; the volumes for 2002–2005 already were, and continue to be, free. This article commemorates the completion of this event late in 2010, drawing upon this new resource to highlight important contributions made through the journal to the geography and spatial sciences community. Besides summarizing publication trends for the journal, in the tradition of Fenneman's Venn diagram conceptualization of overlaps between geography and its cognate disciplines, this article highlights prominent articles published in the journal that contributed to the four themes of urban and economic geography, transportation geography, spatial statistics, and geographic information science. Geographical Analysis (GA) en cooperación con publicaciones Wiley‐Blackwell llevo a cabo el proyecto de digitación de todos los números pasados de la revista, los cuales están ahora a disposición de la comunidad académica sin costo alguno; los volúmenes de los años 2000–5 ya estaban disponibles y continúan siendo gratis. El presente artículo conmemora la culminación de dicho evento a fines de 2010, recogiendo los aportes de esta nueva fuente de información y resaltando varias contribuciones importantes hechas vía GA a la comunidad de geografía y ciencias espaciales. Además de resumir las tendencia de las publicaciones de la revista, en la tradición de la conceptualización de traslapes entre la geografía y disciplinas afines de los diagramas Venn Fanneman, el presente artículo resalta, artículos prominentes publicados en GA que contribuyeron a los cuatro temas principales: geografía urbana y económica, geografía del transporte, estadística especial y ciencias (sistemas) de información geográfica. 地理分析(GA)和Wiley‐Blackwell出版商合作完成了对本刊1969‐2001年所有刊册数字化的项目,并向学术界免费开放。事实上,从2002年第5卷就已经开始并将一直持续免费。本文记述了2010年末完成的这一事件,并依托这一新的数据资源,重新回顾了本刊对地理学和空间科学研究群体做出的重要贡献。本文总结了本刊论文发表趋势,从Fenneman的韦恩图概念传统来看是地理学及其相关学科的交叉。此外还回顾了本刊发表的对城市与经济地理、交通地理、空间统计以及地理信息科学方法做出卓越贡献的论文。  相似文献   


Since 1999, The First Nations Land Management Act (FNLMA) has offered First Nations the opportunity to opt out of the clauses of the Indian Act that deal with land management. To date, 78 First Nations have gone through the process of writing and ratifying their own land codes to manage their own land transactions on reserve. This article assesses the FNLMA as a potential mechanism of reconciliation, noting both the ways in which the Act marks a significant symbolic and tangible shift in First Nations governance and the ways in which it entrenches existing, and fundamentally neo-colonial, structures of power.  相似文献   

Women in Neuroscience (WIN) is an international organization whose major goal is to promote the professional advancement of women neuroscientists. To this end, WIN facilitates contacts and communication among women working in neuroscience, and organizes appropriate activities at the annual Society for Neuroscience (SfN) meeting. WIN was created in 1980, when despite major changes and advances in “equal opportunities“, women were still not achieving a proportionate level of success in the subdiscipline of neurosciences. In 1980, women made up 40 to 50% of entering classes in medical schools or graduate programs, but often comprised only 5 to 15% of leadership in respective organizations. Although there had been women elected to serve as SfN presidents, council, and committee members, women were underrepresented in other positions of the Society, such as symposium and session chairs. There was an even lesser degree of representation in leadership positions at universities and medical schools in terms of full professorships, chairs, and program directors, as well as on editorial boards, advisory boards, and councils. Over the years, WIN has worked with success toward increasing the participation of women in neuroscience.  相似文献   

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