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宁明花山岩画区危岩体稳定研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
花山岩画区的危岩体的存在严重危及古岩画的保存和游客的安全,使得旅游业遭到重创。为了对区内危岩体状态做出评价,并为其后期治理工程提供依据,通过对岩画区的环境地质条件和病害成因的调查,结合危岩体的形态和结构特征,分析得出了区内危岩体崩塌破坏的三种模式为倾倒式崩塌、错断式崩塌和拉裂式崩塌,并提出了不同破坏模式的力学模型。应用极限平衡法对不同破坏模式的危岩体进行了稳定性计算分析,得出区内危岩体大部分处于欠稳定状态,须进行治理。最后提出了危岩体的防治原则与措施。  相似文献   

花山岩画受环境因素作用,岩体崩落掉块、片状鳞片状剥离脱落等病害,给花山岩画造成了巨大破坏,威胁着岩画的长期保存。其中物理风化引起的岩石片状脱落病害,以及化学风化引起的颗粒状产物对岩画的危害最大,应尽快采取抢救性保护措施对其进行治理。本工作在现场调查的基础上,通过粘合剂强度分析,以及清洗剂实验,研究了治理物理风化片状剥离脱落岩石片的粘合剂性能,以及化学风化颗粒状产物的清洗效果,并在现场无岩画处进行了初步试验。结果表明,使用丙烯酸树脂环氧树脂改性的粘合剂,用于花山岩画片状剥离病害的治理时,可以达到预期目标。在对颗粒状和薄膜状风化产物进行处理,疏松的颗粒状产物,清除效果较好,对岩石没有明显影响;对于较为致密的颗粒状产物或薄膜状产物未见明显效果。  相似文献   

贺兰山岩画在世界岩画中占有重要的地位,由于自然环境因素的长期作用,贺兰山岩画遭受到了严重的破坏,若不尽快采取有效措施,这些珍贵的历史文物将不复存在。但是,截至目前关于贺兰山岩画风化机理的研究甚少,从而严重制约了对其风化机理准确地、有效地科学认识。为此,以贺兰口岩画为研究对象,在风化现状调查的基础上,对其保存环境的温度、湿度、大风及沙尘天气等数据进行统计分析,利用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜等测试手段,并结合冻融实验和风洞试验进行风化病害机理研究。研究发现,贺兰口岩画以长石杂砂岩为主,引起其风化的因素有温度、湿度、风沙等。其中,温度变化和风沙剥蚀为主要病害因素。该研究有望为全面了解岩画风化机理以及其后续保护工作的实施提供理论基础。  相似文献   

贺兰山岩画在世界岩画中占有重要的地位,由于自然环境因素的长期作用,贺兰山岩画遭受到了严重的破坏,若不尽快采取有效措施,这些珍贵的历史文物将不复存在。但是,截至目前关于贺兰山岩画风化机理的研究甚少,从而严重制约了对其风化机理准确地、有效地科学认识。为此,以贺兰口岩画为研究对象,在风化现状调查的基础上,对其保存环境的温度、湿度、大风及沙尘天气等数据进行统计分析,利用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜等测试手段,并结合冻融实验和风洞试验进行风化病害机理研究。研究发现,贺兰口岩画以长石杂砂岩为主,引起其风化的因素有温度、湿度、风沙等。其中,温度变化和风沙剥蚀为主要病害因素。该研究有望为全面了解岩画风化机理以及其后续保护工作的实施提供理论基础。  相似文献   

岩画病害的红外热成像检测技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为探索红外热成像检测技术在岩画病害检测中的可行性,利用红外热像仪对广西花山岩画的病害进行了检测。检测结果表明,利用红外热成像技术可以有效检测岩画中的钟乳石覆盖、片状剥离及渗水病;不同病害其检测的最佳时段不同,钟乳石在夜间或早晨进行检测效果好,而片状剥离岩石使用午后的热像检测效果好;与可见光检测相比,红外热成像检测具有独特优势。  相似文献   

花山岩画位于广西壮族自治区宁明县,其保存环境特征是高温潮湿多雨,花山岩画受环境因素作用,岩画颜料及岩石风化明显,风化类型复杂多样,有化学风化、物理风化和生物风化,同时存在、相互影响。它们均与水分有着直接的或间接的关系,因此水的防治是治理岩画风化病害的前提。本工作在水分来源及岩画保存地区地形地貌现场调查的基础上,通过水质分析系统研究了水在岩画风化病害过程中的作用。提出了花山岩画防水治水原则,并结合地质环境和特殊的地形地貌,将整个治水区域划分为山体山顶治水、溶蚀洼地治水、岩画立壁治水三个区域。根据其不同的渗水机制,分别采用盖、堵、排、导相结合的综合防水治水方法。由于岩画病害机理极其复杂,花山岩画防水、治水的难度很大,必须采取区别对待,综合治理的方法。  相似文献   

标题古建筑、遗址郭陈氏节孝牌坊的加固修复甘肃境内长城遗址主要病害及保护研究中国古建琉璃构件“粉状锈”之病变初探大型平原土体遗址主要地质病害及其保护治水工程技术研究土遗址保护研究现状与进展石窟、石雕、石刻、壁画前视全景钻孔电视在龙门石窟防渗工程中的应用水在广西花山岩画风化病害中的作用及其防治对策内蒙古阿尔寨石窟壁画制作工艺和颜料的分析研究延庆辽代墓葬壁画制作工艺及其颜料的物相鉴定广西花山岩画抢救性保护修复材料的选择试验宁明花山岩画区危岩体稳定研究金属文物昆明羊甫头墓地出土青铜器的分析研究粉状锈在中…  相似文献   

花山岩画位于广西壮族自治区宁明县,其保存环境特征是高温潮湿多雨,因而岩画岩石的生物风化作用较为剧烈。本文通过岩画岩石生物风化病害现状调查,在对风化产物的生物学鉴定基础上,对生物风化产物的X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜等分析,系统研究了花山岩画岩石生物风化的原因及其过程,并依据现状调查结果,提出了岩画岩石生物风化防治对策。  相似文献   

广西宁明花山岩画病害勘察研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在常年自然营力以及环境变化等因素共同长期作用下,花山岩画岩体开裂、片状剥落、岩画颜料层褪色脱落、岩溶覆盖、生物风化等病害程度明显加剧,给花山岩画造成了巨大破坏,威胁着岩画的长期保存,本文从花山岩画病害类型分析、发育程度、分布特征和产生原因等方面详细调查出发,总结出科学勘察花山岩画的方法,为后期岩画保护治理工作提供详细必要的基础资料和依据。  相似文献   

贺兰口岩画空间分布与历史环境风貌研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岩画是一种世界性的、普遍性的远古艺术形式,是古代先民们在漫长的岁月里运用写实或抽象的艺术手法,在岩石上绘制和凿刻的图画,它真实地记录了古代人类社会生活的各个方面,是一种具有代表性的人类文化现象。我国是世界上岩画最丰富的国家之一。贺兰山又是我国北方岩画的代表,而分布集中、内容丰富、数量众多、时间跨度大、作画民族多、内涵丰富的贺兰口又是贺兰山岩画中最杰出的代表。岩画的产生与发展离不开其存在的历史环境,研究岩画与历史环境的关系,对于正确理解岩画丰富的文化内涵和岩画综合研究有着极为重要意义。  相似文献   

以文物遗址为依托的博物馆建设,一直是考古、历史、建筑、规划等专业人事关心和研究的课题之一。本文以贺兰山岩画博物馆选址为研究对象,在分析贺兰口岩画和聚落遗址空间分布特点的基础上,论述岩画、聚落遗址、生态环境与博物馆选址的关系,并着重从地段环境、生态环境、空间格局和视觉景观4个方面对拟选的3个方案进行综合比较分析,确定贺兰山岩画博物馆选址的最终方案,最后还为其他文物遗址博物馆选址提出了5条建设性原则。  相似文献   

The pre-Magdalenian phase of the Côa River Valley open-air rock art is mostly distributed at the boundary between the rocky valley slopes and the floodplain that correspond to the most favourable geomorphological setting for the preservation of pecked and deeply superposed engravings of the most famous artistic phase of the area. The natural vertical panels of the engraved art located at this geomorphological interface have suffered weathering during two cold events of the Lateglacial. They were buried by several colluvial and alluvial deposits. The reconstruction of the sedimentary and archaeological context of the CôaRiver Valley engraving permits a better assessment of the preservation processes and interpretation of Palaeolithic open-air rock art.  相似文献   

Nearly 200 rock art sites of Upper Paleolithic age are currently known on the Iberian Peninsula, in both caves and the open air. Over half are still concentrated in Cantabrian Spain and they span the period between c. 30–11 kya, but–tracking the course of human demography in this geographically circumscribed region–many of the images were probably painted or engraved during the Solutrean and, especially, Magdalenian. Dramatic discoveries and dating projects have significantly expanded the Iberian rock art record both geographically and temporally in recent years, in close coincidence with the growth of contemporaneous archeological evidence: cave art loci in Aragón and Levante attributable to the Solutrean and Magdalenian, many cave art sites and a few open-air ones in Andalucía and Extremadura that are mostly Solutrean (in line with evidence of a major Last Glacial Maximum human refugium in southern Spain), the spectacular Côa Valley open-air complex in northern Portugal (together with a growing number of other such loci and one cave) that was probably created during the Gravettian-Magdalenian periods, and a modest, but important increase in proven cave and open-air sites in the high, north-central interior of Spain that are probably Solutrean and/or Magdalenian. Despite regional variations in decorated surfaces, themes, techniques and styles, there are broad (and sometimes very specific) pan-Iberian similarities (as well as ones with the Upper Paleolithic art of southern France) that are indicative of widespread human contacts and shared systems of symbols and beliefs during the late Last Glacial. As this Ice Age world and the forms of social relationships and ideologies that helped human groups survive in it came to an end, so too did the decoration of caves, rockshelters and outcrops, although in some regions other styles of rock art would return under very different conditions of human existence.  相似文献   

岩体开裂是危害花山岩画最严重的病害,会对岩画造成毁灭性的破坏。为制定有效的灌浆加固措施,在对岩体开裂成因及影响因素分析和现场调查的基础上,做了统计分析。结果表明:1)岩画区共有418处开裂病害,开裂岩体以风化开裂体为主,占69%,且构造开裂体的厚度大于风化开裂体;2)构造开裂体的钙质、钙质与泥质共同充填比例为78%,高于风化开裂体的52%;3)构造裂隙和风化裂隙的张开度均以小于6mm为主,可知当张开度大于6mm时,开裂体将发生剥离掉块;4)风化开裂体的危险性I级、Ⅱ级所占的比例为57%和22%,小于构造开裂体的64%和27%,但风化开裂体多发育于岩画存在部位,易出现开裂和掉块,破坏更大;5)构造开裂体的厚度较大、裂隙连通性好、危险等级高,而风化开裂体厚度较薄、裂隙贯通性差、危险等级较高。本研究结果可为开裂岩画岩体灌浆加固及后期修复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Rock art is one of the most salient features of Neolithic societies in eastern Spain and an explicit form of landscape history. This paper summarizes current debates of Mediterranean rock art chronology and interpretation and explores the contextual differences in two areas of Neolithic settlement with rock art: the Canyoles Valley (Valencia) and the Alcoi Basin (Alicante). Large-scale survey of the Canyoles Valley resulted in a clearer understanding of agricultural land use during the Neolithic that contrasts with evidence from the Alcoi Basin. By analyzing Neolithic rock art in its archaeological context, we discuss the significance and limitations of rock art analysis for understanding and characterizing landscape histories and the transition to agriculture in the region.  相似文献   

圆明园位于北京西郊海淀,是清朝帝王在150余年间创建和经营的一座大型皇家宫苑,在世界园林史上有着非常重要的地位。本研究以如园延清堂基址为示范点,逐步探索如何对圆明园进行保护而做的一些基础工作。此次调查布置人工探查点4个,具体揭露延清堂基址的部分基础形式,并对揭露的三合土地基进行单轴抗压试验,提供三合土地基的天然单轴抗压强度及饱和单轴抗压强度,最后对不同深度的单轴抗压强度对比分析,结果表明大理岩条石作为文物有灭失的可能,应当重点进行保护;三合土地基上部及下部单轴抗压强度较低,中部单轴抗压强度较高,暴露于地表的三合土也急需保护。  相似文献   


This paper outlines the methodology for the conservation of Côa Valley rock art, as carried out by the Côa Valley Archaeological Park Conservation Programme. It examines the overall conservation environment that has determined this approach, which aims at an understanding of all the factors affecting the survival of the Côa Valley heritage. We stress that although the Programme sets precise guidelines for the examination and testing of conservation work to mitigate the effects of complex weathering dynamics in action, there are no miraculous solutions to ensure the complete longterm in situ preservation of this World Heritage Site. Despite this geological impossibility, we also emphasize that in a human time scale it makes sense to try to conserve significant heritage (such as the Côa Valley rock art) that expounds and explains our history and ourselves.  相似文献   

Rock art is the most easily accessible of archaeological material. In Zimbabwe, there are thousands of sites, mostly in open-air environments which can be accessed and enjoyed by many people without any restrictions. Yet, rock art is also easily damaged and therefore requires conservation. Social, political and economic challenges in the last two decades have had profound effects on the conservation status of this particular cultural heritage. This paper examines the state of conservation of rock art, conservation approaches and challenges in Zimbabwe. It also discusses possible solutions especially as the country is making frantic efforts at international re-engagement. The story of rock art conservation in Zimbabwe is similar to what is happening in many neighbouring developing countries such as Kenya, Uganda and South Africa. Therefore, the discussion in this paper also informs on general issues in rock art management and conservation in Africa.  相似文献   

水硬石灰兼具石灰和水泥的优点,低收缩、耐盐、适中的抗压和抗折强度、水溶盐含量低,同时与传统的砖石建筑兼容性好,是一种天然、无污染、耐老化的无机材料。本工作针对花山岩画的开裂特点制订出相应的力学参数要求,配制出两种不同的水硬石灰砂浆,并对这两种砂浆的力学性能进行了分析。同时探讨了不同养护条件对水硬石灰砂浆拉拔强度的影响。现场试验结果说明,填补粘结材料可以提供一定的粘结强度,并且具有使用方便,污染小的特点,可用于花山岩画开裂岩体应急保护加固处理。  相似文献   

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