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ABSTRACT This paper offers an ethnographically grounded examination of the intersections between work, employment and identity for Indigenous people living in a country town in far western New South Wales, Australia. It argues that work, employment and labour are locally deployed categories that meet mainstream discourse in a precarious fashion and, that this disjunction has clear material and ideological repercussions. For most Aboriginal people in Wilcannia, you are who you are, not by virtue of what you have ‘become’ in any economic, professional or educational sense. Who you are is not a becoming, it is established at birth. These genealogical forms of being through kinship see a construction of self which in many ways is at variance to the standard ‘autonomous self‐regulating individual’ (Sennett 1998:215). This sense of self, for most, is not determined by engagement in the capitalist division of labour; indeed, the greater the engagement in the capitalist economy, the more problematic and fraught a sense of self and of belonging can become.  相似文献   


The campaign of Alexios Philanthropenos in Asia Minor, and his subsequent rebellion and punishment were among the most dramatic events in the Byzantine Empire in the 1290S. When first he assumed the responsibilities of a general and doux of the Thrakesion theme, Alexios was the great hope of the Emperor, Andronikos II, and of the population of Asia Minor. With his army, the general soon achieved spectacular victories in the Maeander valley. The Turks of the area were defeated, the Greek population took heart, deserted cities and villages were repopulated; he was able to send back to Constantinople the spoils of war, gold and silver and corn, and many captives. Large numbers of Turks, pressed on the other side by the Mongols, preferred to join Philanthropenos' army, and came to form a substantial part of it. To his own followers he gave a considerable portion of the spoils, and this too spurred them on to greater victories. The local population, having at last found a defender, joined him and gave him their loyalty. At Constantinople, the Emperor and Philanthropenos' friends rejoiced at the success of the young and brilliant general.  相似文献   

This essay frames a number of individual contributions on the subject of visa stories. The author considers the issues raised by these contributors in terms of human rights, structural violence and ethical globalisation. The contributions to this Forum sharply delineate the contrasting capacity of archaeologists from different countries to participate in international scholarly discussions. If we are to tackle the challenges of a more ethical globalisation, we need to integrate a human rights framework into our practices and policies, with a consequent emphasis on shared responsibilities.
Resumen Este ensayo enmarca las diversas aportaciones individuales entorno a las historias sobre visados. La autora tiene en cuenta las cuestiones planteadas por estos autores en relación con los derechos humanos, la violencia estructural y la globalización ética. Las aportaciones a este Forum delinean con gran agudeza la capacidad contrastada de los arqueólogos de diversos países de participar en discusiones eruditas a escala internacional. Si debemos abordar los desafíos de una globalización más ética, es necesario que integremos un marco de derechos humanos en nuestras prácticas y nuestras políticas, con el consiguiente énfasis en las responsabilidades compartidas.

Résumé Cet essai est pour synthétiser les contributions individuelles concernant les histoires d’obtention de visas. L’auteur considère les questions soulevées par ces histoires, en termes de droits humains, de violence structurée (injustices dans les procédures administratives), et de la globalisation de l’éthique. Les contributions à ce forum font ressortir clairement le contraste entre les capacités qui existent, selon le pays d’origine des archéologues, de participer à des rencontres académiques internationales. Si nous voulons relever le défit de développer une éthique plus globale, nous devons intégrer la conception des droits humains dans notre pratique et nos politiques, avec comme conséquence, une emphase sur le partage des responsabilités.

Claire Smith is President of the World Archaeological Congress, and Associate Professor at Flinders University, Australia. Her recent books include ‘Indigenous Archaeologies: Decolonising Archaeological Theory and Method (co-edited with H.M. Wobst, Routledge, 2005) and ‘Digging it up Down Under. A Practical Guide to Doing Archaeology in Australia’ (co-authored by H. Burke, Springer, 2007).  相似文献   

Prehistory vs. Archaeology: Terms of Engagement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

冯筱才 《近代史研究》2006,1(4):134-145
一、前言在近代中国历史上,上海商人团体有着非同寻常的意义,此点尤以民国初年表现最为显著。辛亥以降的动荡时局中,上海工商界,特别是其中的一些团体或者人物,因其背后潜在的经济力以及广泛的社会网络、与政界关系等而为各方注意。无论是政治人物还是财经专家,甚至外交代表、文化领袖,均曾经将目光投射于上海商人团体,希望这些团体能够提供他们所需要的支持。各界对上海商人团体的评价也曾经因为时势及利益的考量,而出现富有趣味的变化。  相似文献   

Lithic use-wear analysis mainly deals with use-wear features which can be observed on the surface of stone tools but a major part of the wear of brittle material is found under the surface. This wear might also be a clue to the interpretation of archaeological stone tools. In this paper we try to examine subsurface damage on experimental and archaeological quartz tools by dying them with fluorescent colour and scanning them with a CLSM. This method shows that various worked materials cause different subsurface damage, which is related to the hardness of the worked material.  相似文献   

Cultural activities such as teaching and learning are highly complex systems that are deeply embedded in a wider culture and these factors impede change. Despite feeling directly the effect of the recent drive towards mass participation in higher education, most lecturers have not accounted for these changes in their teaching methods. Unless lecturers engage in critical reflection and ongoing discovery they stay trapped in unexamined judgements, interpretations, assumptions and expectations. Collaborative teaching observations and reflective practice were conducted by the author and colleagues with a range of experience within a geography department. Several surprising discrepancies appeared between lecturers' expectations and observations of the teaching sessions. The experience showed that, regardless of teaching experience, lectures allow the lecturer in his/her routine practice to neither appreciate his/her performance nor be aware of student understanding. Reflection on these experiences caused the re-evaluation of events and experience and the investigation of other firmly held beliefs that were frustrating and difficult to explain. If lecturers are to become proactive in their professional development, to question their teaching practice and become reflective practitioners, then our teaching culture must embrace the need for change and differences in teaching and learning.  相似文献   

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