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这是本作2002年10月22日在中国社会科学院世界历史研究所讲座的要,他介绍了西方城市史研究中的主要理论。第一部分从功能上对城市进行了区分;第二部分介绍了西方城市史学中最有影响的理论和学派。尽管这些理论都有时间和地域的局限,但是,在我们对城市进行研究时,这种功能的划分和理论仍具有指导意义。  相似文献   

I review several bodies of empirical urban theory relevant to the archaeological analysis of ancient cities. Empirical theory is a type of “middle-range theory” (following Robert Merton): sets of concepts and methods that are less abstract, and have greater empirical content, than high-level social theory. The categories of theory reviewed here include environment-behavior theory, architectural communication theory, space syntax, urban morphology, reception theory, generative planning theory, normative theory, and city size theory. Most of these approaches originated in the fields of architecture, planning, and geography, and they directly link the urban-built environment to the actions of people within cities.  相似文献   

Blair Badcock, Unfairly Structured Cities, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1984, pp. 395, $17.95 (paper).

John Halligan and Chris Paris (eds), Australian Urban Politics: critical perspectives, Melbourne, Longman Cheshire, 1984, pp. 247, $12.95 (paper).  相似文献   

藏淑英 《人文地理》1992,7(2):26-30
本文基本上沿用著名规划思想家Lewis. Mumford著述规划思想的体系,把十六世纪以来出现的规划思想归结为六种类型:形式规划、实用规划、浪漫规划、乌托邦规划、技术规划和有机规划;并进行了简要的评价。  相似文献   

美国城市史学中的人文生态学理论   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
城市史学作为历史学的一个分支学科是在20世纪60年代出现的,它是以埃里克.E.兰帕德的《美国历史学家和城市化研究》一的发表作为新城市史学与旧的方志式的城市史相区别的标志。他在章中明确提出了城市化研究应该作为城市史学家主要致力.的任务,应该把城市社会诸多关联的方面作为一个生态复合体来研究。以后,关于城市化的理论在这一学科范围内不断深化和发展,直至今天,人们约定俗成,承认60年代是城市史学诞生的年代。  相似文献   

The European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) is being described as 'inter-governmental'. The original initiative was for a Community spatial strategy for the delivery of the Structural Funds. Coming from France, it met with opposition. So it was that the successive six-monthly Presidencies of the EU took turns in managing the process. In truth, however, without Commission support the ESDP would not have come about. Now that the ESDP is on the books, the Commission is claiming a leadership role. Taking a position on this, one needs to view spatial planning against the backdrop of general thinking about European integration. Positions in the literature are often presented as polar opposites, like that of 'neo-functionalists' putting faith in integration on the one hand and that of 'realists' emphasizing the continuing dominance of nation states on the other hand. However, a growing body of literature is not about these 'grand theories', but about the actual workings of European institutions. It takes a middle ground and invokes concepts which planning writers are accustomed to, like networks, discourses and governance. From this literature it appears that mutual learning, a feature also of the ESDP process, is common in European integration. European spatial planning must be seen as part and parcel of an emergent system of European multi-level governance. In it, power is exerted at multiple levels of government. Denying the Community a spatial planning role is not realistic, therefore.  相似文献   

This article is a case study of the Palestinian recent past that produces a new knowledge on the maltreatment given to the archaeological remains of the Palestinians in the Late Ottoman period (18th to 20th centuries) by the dominant culture in Israel. The inequitable representation of the Palestinian-Ottoman heritage by the state creates both submission and resistance to the prevailing culture by the Palestinian citizens. The new knowledge created by this case study may be further used in order to understand the diverse experience of marginality of various contemporary dispossessed and displaced groups.  相似文献   

这几年,业内对年鉴编纂进行了大量的创新性研究,有些研究是在正确方向上的研究,但有一些是不太切合实际的所谓创新。要把握现阶段中国年鉴出版的正确定位,首先要弄清楚年鉴的性质及年鉴的功能。其功能在于:提供宏观以及相应微观决策资料;提供翔实、全面、权威的国情、地情资料,为经济建设和科学研究提供佐证;为国情教育提供生动具体的教材。而这些特殊功能决定了年鉴读者群的非大众性。因此,地方综合(专业)年鉴只有本着年鉴出版的本质特性,立足地方特色,提高品位和质量,为当地经济建设和社会发展服好务,才是年鉴事业健康持久发展和长期生存的准确定位。  相似文献   

旅游目的地定位研究中的几个理论问题   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
基于对目前我国很多地区在旅游目的地营销方面存在问题的观察,本文探讨了与旅游目的地定位相关的几个理论问题,旨在分析和澄清定位与品牌化的关系、旅游目的地的定位目的、品牌定位与品牌形象的关系、目的地形象的形成原理以及旅游目的地定位的原则,并就个别术语的使用问题提出个人见解.  相似文献   

Ryan Holifield 《对极》2009,41(4):637-658
Abstract:  Recent critiques of environmental justice research emphasize its disengagement from theory and its political focus on liberal conceptions of distributional and procedural justice. Marxian urban political ecology has been proposed as an approach that can both contextualize environmental inequalities more productively and provide a basis for a more radical politics of environmental justice. Although this work takes its primary inspiration from historical materialism, it also adapts key concepts from actor-network theory (ANT)—in particular, the agency of nonhumans—while dismissing the rest of ANT as insufficiently critical and explanatory. This paper argues that ANT—specifically, the version articulated by Bruno Latour—provides a basis for an alternative critical approach to environmental justice research and politics. Instead of arguing for a synthesis of ANT and Marxism, I contend that ANT gives us a distinctive conception of the  social  and opens up new questions about the production and justification of environmental inequalities.  相似文献   

基于ELES模型的城乡居民国内旅游消费结构实证分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文依据ELES理论,利用2002—2008年的数据,从边际消费倾向、消费投向、收入弹性及价格弹性四个方面对我国城乡居民国内旅游消费中的食、住、行、游、购、娱等9类消费的结构进行了实证分析,主要结论如下。(1)城镇居民的国内旅游边际消费倾向为0.0636,农村居民为0.1174;在9类单项旅游消费中,购物和其它服务的边际消费倾向最高,消费投向主要为购物、其它服务和长途交通。(2)农村居民各单项旅游消费需求的收入弹性均大于l,城镇居民基本旅游消费需求的收入弹性小于l,非基本旅游消费需求和餐饮消费需求的收入弹性大于1。(3)城乡居民各项旅游消费需求的自价格弹性较大,互价格弹性较小;城镇居民非基本旅游消费需求和餐饮消费需求的自价格弹性大于1,农村居民各项旅游消费需求的自价格弹性均大于1。  相似文献   

赤峰市旅游市场定位与营销策略研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王文丽  刘继生 《人文地理》2003,18(3):64-67,7
本文对赤峰市旅游市场现状进行系统分析发现:该区旅游市场结构以国内旅游者占绝对优势;旅游者以中青年居多,其分布表现出时间上的高度集中性和空间上的近距离性,行为特征表现为休闲观光比重大、散客多、逗留时间短等。针对这些特征,笔者从空间定位与类型定位两方面对赤峰市旅游市场进行探讨,将区内客源市场细分,确立了三级客源市场,提出不仅要将目标市场定位在拥有双休日的中青年市场,同时应该关注6-9月份有闲暇时间的青少年市场、老年市场、学生市场和教师市场等。文章最后从产品策略、价格策略、形象策略和促销策略等四个方面进行了相应的营销策略研究,并将赤峰市的旅游产品从深度和广度上进行组合,设计出"八大旅游区"和"八条精品旅游线"。  相似文献   

Ancient Maya settlement patterns have long been described as dispersed. Instances of low-density or dispersed urbanism among agrarian-based societies are common in tropical civilizations, and are of particular interest due to their expressed problem of social integration. Traditionally, archaeologists have focused on classic hallmarks of state integration, including force, infrastructural control, large-scale ritual, and kinship; thus, reflecting the polar extremes of integration. Current models accord a more multi-scalar and dynamic nature to state and urban organization, and the need to pursue diachronic perspectives that consider more subtle and varied degrees of integration. With regard to settlement, examining the total patch of occupation on a landscape, how it developed, how it was divided up, and in turn brought together, is of interest. In this study I apply criteria developed in New Urban Design Theory, a body of thought and practice concerned with modern-day issues of dispersed and low density settlement, to evaluate an architectural complex at the Classic Maya centre of Buenavista del Cayo, Belize, believed to have functioned as an integrative space within the civic entity.  相似文献   

一、都市化和民俗 研究领域的变化 以前民俗学是从村落社会中探求对象.这是因为民俗学是以方法论为主来寻求近代以前的百姓生活,其目的是搞清楚日本人传统的生活方式和思考问题的方法.因此,有必要选择远离中央、近代影响较小的社会做为研究对象.另外,正如柳田国男在《远野物语》这本书中所叙述的"这是眼前的事情","本书是现在的事实"那样,做为轻视大多数日本人生活的以中央为中心的历史学的反对,和为了解与过去连续的现在,做为探求现在中的过去的所谓现在学的历史认识逐渐深入.但是今天的社会状况已经发生了很大的变化.此外民俗学的调查本身也不是以现实的村落生活为对象,而变为调查自古以来能够听到的范围内的过去的生活.民俗学再构成的村落,已不能说是《远野物语》中的那种存在了.  相似文献   

This study proposes a high-precision positioning correction method for multiple degree-of-freedom loading units in hybrid simulation. These loading units can impose inaccurate displacements to the specimens due to the elastic deformation at the reaction wall or connections. To compensate for these displacement errors, an online correction method adjusts the displacement command by the difference between the target and achieved displacement. This correction method also accompanies an accurate 6DOF monitoring system to detect the displacement errors. Two examples of hybrid simulation tests are provided to demonstrate the precise displacements attained on the specimens through this control method.  相似文献   

The paper concerns the relationships between the physical form of the urban environment and leisure activities. It examines how urban space morphology - i.e. spatial patterns and formal patterns - may have an impact on tourists' attraction and preferences in the contemporary cultural context of urban tourism. Can urban design and the physical form of space in themselves determine anything in urban tourism development?  相似文献   

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