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正19世纪80年代,当雪茄商Don Vicente Martinez-Ybor为他在美国基韦斯特市的雪茄厂寻找新的落脚点时,好友Gavino Gutierrez向他推荐了这样一个地方:位于佛罗里达坦帕市城区的东北部,面积约16万平方米的沼泽与灌木,连接着便利的铁路与码头。Don的远见卓识使他认定这里是个发展雪茄业的风水宝地,于是短短的数年内,整个美国东南部,基韦斯特以及哈瓦那的雪茄工厂纷纷乔迁至此。  相似文献   

<正>佛罗里达环形群岛的起点在迈阿密南部,结束于基韦斯特,后者是美国大陆最南端的小巧城镇,也是穿越群岛的美国1号公路的终点站。无论你来自哪里,亚洲或是欧洲,美国北部或是加勒比海,第一次踏上佛罗里达群岛的游客,都会被群岛独特的悠闲氛围深深吸引,这里是美国的"天涯海角",一个远离大城市喧嚣的南佛州世外桃源。  相似文献   

Historical Archaeology -  相似文献   

The arrival of Europeans in the New World had profound and long-lasting results for the native peoples. The record for the impact of this fundamental change in culture, society, and biology of Native Americans is well documented historically. This paper reviews the biological impact of the arrival of Europeans on native populations via the study of pre- and postcontact skeletal remains in Spanish Florida, the region today represented by coastal Georgia and northern Florida. The postcontact skeletal series, mostly drawn from Roman Catholic mission sites, are among the most comprehensive in the Americas, providing a compelling picture of adaptation and stress in this setting. Study of paleopathology, dental and skeletal indicators of physiological stress, stable isotope (carbon and nitrogen) analysis, tooth microwear, and skeletal morphology (cross-sectional geometry) reveals major alterations in quality of life and lifestyle. The bioarchaeological record indicates a general deterioration in health, declining dietary diversity and nutritional quality, and increasing workload in the contact period. The impact of contact in Spanish Florida appears to have been more dramatic in comparison with other regions, which likely reflects the different nature of contact relations in this setting versus other areas (e.g., New England, New France). The bioarchaeological record represents an important information source for understanding the dynamics of biocultural change resulting from colonization and conquest.  相似文献   


An excavation in stratified sediment more than 13 m. below the present surface of Warm Mineral Springs in Florida has yielded human remains 10,000 years old. Samples of wood from the same level of sediment in the spring in which a human vertebra was discovered provided a radiocarbon date of 10,260 ± 190 years: 8310 B.C. (Gak-3998). Wood samples from the next two superior 0.10 m levels of the test also yielded dates in excess of 10,000 radiocarbon years. A second human bone, a fragmentary ilium, was recovered a few centimeters outside the excavation in the sedimentary zone. These specimens may represent the earliest closely dated human skeletal remains so far discovered in North America.

Results of a geological study are in agreement with the archeological information. Radiocarbon dates on selected charcoal samples are only slightly younger than those reported above. The stratified deposit containing the human remains accumulated on a ledge between 10 m. and 12 m. below present sea level as a series of leaf deposits interbedded with calcitic muds containing fresh-water and land snail fauna. This lower leafy bed represents a stage of fluctuating water level in an open cenote. An overlying calcitic mud with only minor amounts of terrestrial plant debris represents a higher stand of the water table in the cenote. An upper algal sludge layer represents subsequent conditions of a flowing connate spring.

It is evident that the rising potentiometric water level in this large feature correlates with the post-Wisconsin eustatic rise in sea level. The fluctuations suggested by the lowest bed containing the human remains probably indicate variation in amount of precipitation. However, even the calcitic mud and tufa encrustations and formations that formed at the highest stand of water within this event are indicative of a climate considerably more arid than now existing.

Summary geological and archeological data acquired at two other similar solution features in Florida, Little Salt Spring (8 So 18) and Devil's Den (8 Lv 44), where unarticulated human skeletal material and artifacts dating from the late Paleo and A rchaic periods have been found, are included to extend and strengthen the interpretation of the geological sequence and the theory advanced that these sites were primarily utilized as water sources during periods when surface water on the peninsula was less available. There is no evidence that the sinkholes were utilized for habitation or sites of primary burials as has been suggested.

The recovery effort marks the first successful adaptation of standard archeological techniques to the excavation of a submerged prehistoric site.  相似文献   

Traditional artifact typologies are typically poorly defined. While several attributes usually help define a “type,” shape is invariably the most important. Here I report on a study that uses landmark-based geometric morphometrics to better define three Paleoindian point types from Florida: Suwannees, Simpsons, and Transitional Side Notched. Bilaterally symmetric specimens were created from the original artifacts to capture the presumed ideational forms of the points. The shapes of the bases and the entire points were tested to determine whether the types could be discriminated, and if so which shape was best at discriminating the types. The results show that the base configurations were best at discriminating the groups in two different jackknife allocation tests. The entire point shape was less robust due to the variability in blade shape. The study demonstrates that the three point types can be rigorously defined in ways that are usable in daily archaeological practice, and that base shape, rather than the entire shape, is a better discriminator. Further, the study demonstrates the utility of using several freeware programs for processing and analyzing shape data.  相似文献   

In A Florida Fiddler, Gregory Hansen has done a masterful jobof bringing to life a portrait of a traditional artist, placinghim in the context of his geography, time, and community. Throughthe use of interviews, transcribed public performances, andobservation, the author lets Richard Seaman speak for himself,in his own voice, to tell his own  相似文献   


The discovery and investigation of submerged prehistoric sites in the Big Bend region of the Gulf coast of NW Florida has revealed occupation ranging from the latest Pleistocene to the middle Holocene age. A summary of the local prehistoric record and the history of sea level rise are used to present the kinds of sites that may exist offshore and how far out on the continental shelf they might be discovered. A local paleoriver channel (the PaleoAucilla) has been traced offshore and parts of it have been surveyed for archaeological sites with excellent results. The local offshore environment is described, the history and methods of research are presented, and the results of selected analyses are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Doing a Florida thing: the creative class thesis and cultural policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we discuss the screen media businesses and production milieu that has developed in the predominantly rural region of the Northern Rivers, Australia, over the past 20 years. Spread across a number of towns and small cities each at some distance from each other, this screen milieu would seem to go against the prevailing logic for screen media to concentrate in globally connected cities. Taking up Allen J. Scott’s suggestion that the new capitalism of the twenty-first century is producing restructuring effects in many of the interstitial spaces between large cities, this article examines the spatial assemblages of the screen media and related creative industries sectors in one such space. We demonstrate how screen media actors in this rural region are participating in the wider cultural economy and explore its cultural policy implications.  相似文献   

The Venice Train Depot is a case study for an archaeology of transportation, an examination of new places and more rapid travels over the modern period. The goal of this approach is to capture the dynamics of landscapes, agency, and movement. There have been productive discussions of transportation networks and national integration; methodological discussions have noted the need to account of the movement of things in the analysis of the material record. The case study exposes the dynamics of change for the Florida frontier in the twentieth century focused on the construction of a railroad line and station in Venice, Florida.  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2002,21(1):85-90
Given the social and spatial dynamics of the electoral college, small groups of voters can profoundly shape national outcomes. This paper examines the 2000 election in Florida in three ways. First, it offers historical depth by comparing and contrasting the 2000 and 1876 presidential elections. Second, it portrays the spatial distribution of votes across the state. Third, it applies a combinatorial analysis of the power of small groups of Florida voters to influence the 2000 presidential election to demonstrate the discrepancy between their influence compared to those of voters nationwide.  相似文献   

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