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In1951,When Tibet wonpeaceful liberation, PLAsoldiers reached a townwith only a few house-holds. As a token of thanks forthe PLA who strove to expandit, the town was named Bayi,or August 1,the day on whichthe People's Liberation Armywas founded.  相似文献   

NyingchiinTibetisoftenlikenedtotheaffluentareasouthoftheYangtzeRiverininlandChina.Itfeaturesrichresources,denseforests,pleasantclimateandattractivescenery.ZayuandMedoginsoutheastNyingchiarementionedalongsidetheXishuangbannainYunnan,featuringprimitiveforests.However,acombinationofhistoricalreasonsandnaturalconditionshaverestricteddevelopmentoflocalresources.Asaresult,economicdevelopmentinthisarealaggedfarbehindotherpartsofChina.Butthisisnowhistory.NyingchiTelecomenjoysfivefirsts:Firstto…  相似文献   

<正>每个人心中都有一个西藏,每个人心中都有一个林芝。林芝生态旅游的发展应该打破传统景区的概念和模式,去做全域旅游、全情体验、全区消费,要摆脱对门票经济的依赖,打造一种"观光是核心吸引,文化是深度体验"的新格局。前往林芝考察,我心中惦记的是赫赫有名的墨脱、朗县、雅鲁藏布江大峡谷、南迦巴瓦峰,林芝当地安排的却是距离行署地八一镇不远的三个古村落——真巴村、才召村、百巴村,以及一座废弃的毛纺厂。林芝要做生态旅游区规划。当我怀着旅游规划和策划者的思维,向行署专员旺堆抛出一个区域旅游产业  相似文献   

Nyingchi has changed beyond recognition in recent years. In 1996, sevennew streets were built in Bayi, thecapital, flanked by chain stores,Karaoke halls, beauty parlors, and fashion shopsno different from towns in inland China!"Guangdong and Fujian have done a lot forus," say local people one encounters. "For theconstruction of the seven streets, for example,they invested 120 million Yuan."In the past, roads here were muddy and narrow. New streets, spacious and asphalted, comecomplete with …  相似文献   

姜向阳  任佩瑜 《旅游科学》2012,26(4):17-25,76
为了在一定程度上缓解生态旅游发展与保护生态环境的尖锐矛盾,必须而且可能实施旅游高峰期时空分流导航管理。本文讨论了最小Hamilton回路和最优旅行商问题的关系,分析如何将旅行商问题(TSP)转化为Hamilton回路问题,本文通过在TSP中引入虚拟点,使单旅行商问题转化为多旅行商问题(MTSP),从而更合乎实际情况,并给出了它们的一般数学模型和精确求解方法。在此基础上构建优化的游览导航路径管理,在信息综合集成技术支持下,实现时空分流导航管理,能达到消除安全隐患,扩大旅游规模,保护生态环境的目的。本文虽然主要讨论的是利用旅行商问题来解决景区旅游的时空分流的管理问题,但事实上我们可以借鉴这种方法和思路,去解决交通运输、物流配送、车辆调度等的路线优化问题。  相似文献   

They say first impressions always matter. Americans acquired an empire of tropical islands in the Pacific about which they knew little and cared even less. Yet they set to almost immediately to understand and harness these new environments for their own purposes. This paper looks at the processes through which these strange new worlds in the Philippines and Guam were incorporated and subordinated into a comprehensible imperial framework through the diaries of two environmental managers, Gifford Pinchot and William Safford. Both men wrote about their first encounters with the tropics, recording its strange flora and fauna, noting its seismic convulsions and climatic extremes, and trying to manage it by making sense of what they saw, heard, smelt and touched. As diarists, scientists and, above all, imperialists, they give us rare insight into the initial attitudes of the men who managed these new imperial landscapes.  相似文献   


This paper examines a version of the religious violence thesis drawn from William Cavanaugh's critical diagnosis of it, and particularly the characterization of some of its proponents that religion is uniquely divisive and, consequently, a unique cause of conflict and violence. According to one representative model advanced by Martin Marty, Mark Juergensmeyer, and others, religion is an inherently disunifying phenomenon because it uniquely enables sacred and exclusive bonds that nurture antagonistic proclivities toward those outside that bond. This paper presents some viable counterexplanations for this kind of phenomena that provide a sufficient basis for questioning the core thread of the thesis.  相似文献   


In October 1997, over 200 participants attended the First Mayan Women's Congress in Mexico and called for financial assistance, capacity building, and training to help Mayan women escape poverty. The Congress was initiated by the UN Development Fund for Women in collaboration with the Small Grants Program of the UN Development Program. Traditionally, Mayan women and men have played distinct roles in society, and efforts are underway to increase gender sensitivity and achieve a new balance of power. Mayan women attending the Congress reported that they face daily challenges in gaining their husbands' approval for participation in income-generating activities outside of the home. Eventually, however, some husbands also start working in these enterprises and are learning to assume their share of domestic responsibilities. Mayan women have been forced to reevaluation their role in society by a prevailing agricultural and environmental crisis as well as a high unemployment rate. Crafts that were once produced only for household consumption are now considered for export. Because the women need funds to initiate income-generating activities, the Conference linked women's groups with development practitioners, policy-makers, and donors. The women requested financial aid for more than 30 specific projects, and Congress participants agreed to pursue innovate strategies to support the enterprises with funds, training, and technical assistance. The Congress also encouraged environmental nongovernmental organizations to include Mayan women in mainstream development activities. This successful Congress will be duplicated in other Mexican states.  相似文献   

珏子 《旅游纵览》2008,(6):68-68
<正>题记:因为我们把首都北京遭帝国主义铁蹄践踏当成了今天与旅游有关的日子,所以,我们就应该把北京最早的全图绘制完成日也当成与旅游有关的日志。这不仅在于地图是我们出门旅游的工具,而且更在于我们的祖上,也重视掌握山河情况,这张图,在八国联军入侵北京前150年,就郑重出炉了。  相似文献   

In October 2005, a total of 11 students of the China TibetanLanguage Higher Institute of Buddhism completed theirBuddhist studies for the Toranba Geshi title and a grandaward ceremony was held. This marks the fresh progressthat Tibetan Buddhism is making in Buddhist studies.The China Tibetan Language Higher Institute of BuddhismFirst Toranba Geshi ClassWith the development of Tibetan society in recent years, Tibetan Buddhistcircles have been seeking the introduction of an authoritati…  相似文献   

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