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东南沿海所具有的侨乡禀赋与特殊优势 ,使之在中国改革开放进程中成为先行地区。作为海外社会资源载体的华侨华人与港澳同胞 ,不仅通过捐赠款物和直接投资等形式全面参与和大大促进了侨乡经济改革进程 ,而且侨乡地方政府与普通民众 ,通过与海外乡亲的密切联系 ,一方面从中学习和获得了兴办企业、改进管理、开拓海内外市场等方面的经验与资源 ,另一方面 ,开阔了眼界 ,解放了思想 ,为改革开放的持续发展排除了不少阻力 ,减弱了社会动荡。凡此 ,降低了改革的成本 ,加快了改革的进程 ,推动了经济起飞。在此基础上侨乡进行了一系列的制度创新 ,为改革的进一步深入与经济持续发展开创了新的道路。同时 ,沿海侨乡的成功经验与社会资源逐渐向内地传导 ,又降低了中国经济改革的成本。  相似文献   

Adolf Beck, born in 1863 at Cracow (Poland), joined the Department of Physiology of the Jagiellonian University in 1880 to work directly under the supervision of the prominent physiology professor, Napoleon Cybulski. Following his suggestion, Beck started experimental studies on the electrical brain activity of animals, especially in response to sensory stimulation. Beck placed electrodes directly on the surface of brain to localize brain potentials that were evoked by sensory stimuli. He observed spontaneous fluctuations in the electrical brain activity and noted that these oscillations ceased after sensory stimulation. He published these findings concerning the electrical brain activity, such as spontaneous fluctuations, evoked potentials, and desynchronization of brain waves, in 1890 in the German language Centralblatt für Physiologie. Moreover, an intense polemic arose between physiologists of that era on the question of who should claim being the founder of electroencephalography. Ultimately, Richard Caton from Liverpool showed that he had performed similar experiments in monkeys years earlier. Nevertheless, Beck added new elements to the nature of electrical brain activity. In retrospect, next to Richard Caton, Adolf Beck can be regarded, together with Hans Berger who later introduced the method to humans, as one of the founders of electroencephalography. Soon after his success, Beck got a chair at the Department of Physiology of the University at Lemberg, now Lviv National Medical University.  相似文献   

书云/作家,制片人。生于上世纪60年代。1982年考入北京大学英语系,之后在牛津大学圣安东尼学院攻读国际关系,毕业后现在英国从事电视制作。首部导演的纪录片《半边天》讲述一家四代中国妇女的命运,获得瑞典“环球南北电视大奖”最佳纪录片奖。1997年,参与制作的《百年叱咤风云录》获得“艾美奖”最佳纪录片大奖。  相似文献   

Foreword Economic development in its conventional sense is defined as a unification process of the growth of social wealth, optimization of industrial structure, improvement of people's ability to create wealth, and  相似文献   

胡英泽  郝平 《清史研究》2005,(2):118-124
2004年8月16日至18日,由中国人民大学清史研究所、山西大学中国社会史研究中心共同举办的“区域社会史比较研究”中青年学者学术讨论会在山西大学召开。包括中国、英国、加拿大以及香港和台湾地区的20余名学者参加了会议,共提交论文26篇。会议期间与会学者进行了广泛的学科对话,展开了热烈的学术讨论与争鸣。20世纪90年代,区域社会史逐渐成为中国社会史研究的一个潮流,形成了“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的局面。如何跨越各自研究的区域,进行比较研究,开展研究理论、方法的对话与交流,并在此基础上进行深刻的理论反思,从而进一步推进中国社会史研…  相似文献   

Have you ever been in Tibet? Do you want to enjoy your holiday? Why not go to Tibet, where you can see the blue Sky with flaky clouds, green hills with blossoming flowers, snow- capped mountain peaks, great rivers and beautiful lakes, dense  相似文献   

MyheartoftenbeatswarmlywheneverTibetismentioned.Itsnaturalbeautv-snow-cov-eredmountainsandbluesky-thenumerouslegendsofthesnowlandanditsmysteriousreligion,alwayscreatedanenchantingspellforusPekingUniversitystudents.Iyearnedtovisit,andthechancefinallycamelastsummer.TogetherwithsomeGermanstudentsfromtheuniversity,weleftBeijingforXiningbytrain.OnceintheQinghaicapita1,wetookawell-furnishedcoachandbegantheone-monthjourney.TIBETAN.WestoppedoverinGolmud,and,aswewereabouttoleave,someTibetanscame…  相似文献   

IhadtheexperienceoftakingacargotruckfromChengdutoLhasa,crossingadistanceof3,300kminoneweek.IwasdeeplyimpressedbythevastsweepofdesertSpreadingintothefardistanceunderthebluesky.Witheasyaccesstomoderntransporttools,journeyingintoTibetisnolongersomethingimpossible.Thosewhowishtogotherefastmaytakeaplane.Forinstance,aplanetripfromBeijingtoLhasatakesonlysomefourhours.Overlookingtheundulatingsnowymountainsdownbelow,onefeelslikebeinginafairyworld.Nomatterwhattransportmeansyouresortto,airinLhasaisin…  相似文献   

As an important phenomenon of human society,the problems of religion have been deeply influencing both religious believers and political, economic,cultural and social aspects of all nations ever since their emergence. In today’s multicultural, information  相似文献   

詹全友 《民俗研究》2001,(3):181-184
民俗不仅仅只是一种民间自我传承的文化事象,它还是一个民族自由表达情感、展现独特精神风貌和世界观的一种行为方式。一个民族优秀的合理的民俗文化能否有效地传承下去,既是该民族群体凝聚力的标志。也是该民族文化生命力强弱的测量器。中国各民族历史悠久、文化丰富多彩,千百年来,中华民族以自身独特的民间文化事象,演绎了境内各民族你中有我、我中有你、你我难分却又诣趣分明的万史发展过程,  相似文献   

On July 10,2004a 12-member journalist delegation left Beijing for Tibet by air.The plane landed at Chengdu Shuangliu Airport at 13:00,and took off again at 15:10.At about 17:00 we arrived at Lhasa Gonggar Airport.Following a journey of some 90 km after leaving the airport,we reached Lhasa, and stayed at Lhasa Tibet Hotel.  相似文献   

Celestial burying ground, also called "Mandala", is where life leaves and comes. A huge piece of stone hidden in high mountains is surrounded by burning plants that give up smoke going up into the air. The Tibetans believe in Buddhism and hold that life is endless. One life ends and this means the beginning of new life. In their eyes, body is merely the carrier of soul. When one life ends, the soul leaves the body that needs to be presented to the deities as  相似文献   

<正>Although I am naturally born for business,I urge my children to do their best in school since I do not want them to be useless and without knowledge,not even properly equipped to find their way to a nearby restroom to relieve themselves,in a way similar to yaks and sheep.  相似文献   

新时期以来当代中国史研究日益受到学界重视,取得了引人瞩目的研究成果。近几年来,当代中国史研究出现了新的发展态势,越来越多的学者提出了要加强与政治史、经济史、文化史并列的社会史研究,强调以整体视角来拓展与深化当代中国史研究,这既蕴涵着学术演进的内在逻辑支配,又有着与外在的社会现实相契合的时代机遇。在此发展背景下,一些国史学者从宏大叙事转向微观实证,致力于地方、社会层面的微观研究,重视地方史料的发掘与整理,取径民间,以区域或地方为个案进行实证研究,力求在地方史或区域史研究的基础上把握总体史的样态。因此,很有必要从方法论的角度,以社会史为视角检讨当代中国史研究的开拓与进展,从而推动社会史这一新的学科的建设与发展。  相似文献   

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