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Editor‘s Note: Radi, a Tibetan, was born in August 1938 in Biru County, Tibet. He is a vice-chairman of the NPC Standing Committee.A serf in old Tibet, he was a Tibetan leader from 1975 to 2003. We interviewed him at the end of 2003,and he talked about changes that have taken place in Tibet in the past 14 years.  相似文献   

Benba,38,is Director ofthe BorderTrade Bureau of the TibetAutonomous Region.Born andbrought up in Xigaze,he talkedabout booming border trade in Tibet duringmy recent interview.  相似文献   

正The town of Tangke is in the southwest of Zogye County, Ngapa Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture. This place in China's Sichuan Province is quite famous as a tourist attraction, as it is where the Yellow River bends the first of nine times throughout the length of its stream. The land is pretty flat and has an abundance of  相似文献   

When I was told Dagben, an NPC deputy, came from the Lhoba area, I perked up. I had long yearned for a chance to make friends with this group.He is 1.80 meters tall, and speaks the Lhoba language, Tibetan and Chinese. We talked in Chinese, which made it perfect for my interview."We live in southeast Tibet, including Zayu, Moinyu, Lhoyu, Mainling, Lhunze and Nang counties. We have a population of some 200,000, mostly living in the area occupied by the Indians," said Dagben, adding that…  相似文献   

YANGCHENGECONOMY&SOCIETYAidProjectsBenefitShannanEnormously-AnInterviewWithXanbaPuncog,SecretaryoftheCPCShannanCommiteeChina′...  相似文献   

Tourism has become a pillar industry of the autonomous region. Major tour items include the Yarlung Cultural Festival in Shannan, the Qomolongma Cultural, Festival in Xigaze, the Darmar Festival in Gyangze, the Kamba Art Festival in Qamdo, the Gongbo New Year in Nyingchi, the Horse Race in Nagqu, as well as others like the Sagya Dawa Festival, Ongkor (Bumper Harvest Festival), Shoton (Sour Milk Drinking) Festival and Bathing Festival.  相似文献   

A solo concert was held to mark the 50th singing career of Cedain Zholma on December 22,2003.The next day,she went to Hunan at the head of the Tibet Song and Dance Troupe where she sang in a concert held by Shaoshan and Xiantan, hometown of Mao Zedong. Upon invitation of Yunnan, she went to Yunnan for solo performance. On this basis, the TAR Federation for Literaturary and Art Circles published a pictorial titled Highland Soul: Cedain Zholma and a book entitled Music of Snowland: Biography of Cedain Zholma, which were first sold in Xiantan of Hunan Province on December 26.  相似文献   

WhentheBeijingInternationalSeminaronTibetologywasheldinBeijingin1997,Imetamanwhospeakswithsouthernaccentbutinahumorousway.HeisDr.ChangJiunnyih,ssaidChengQingyingwiththeChinaNationalCenterforTibetanStudieswhichsponsoredtheseminar.Dr.ZhangwastheformerchiefoftheTaiwanCommissionforMongolianandTibetanAffairs.Twoyearslater,whentheCross-TaiwanStraitsSeminarsonTibetologywasheldinXi'an,IcameacrossDr.Changandhadachancetointerviewhim,andhemadethefollowingremarks:Iwasbornin1950inTaiwan,but…  相似文献   

Forty_EightYearsofEffortstoCarryForwardTibetanCulture—AnInterviewWithEditor_in_ChiefDaiXianoftheNationalitiesPublishingHouseD...  相似文献   

He is a Tibetan who, however,speaks perfect Chinese. On his name card, the he uses a Chinese name: Li Zhanying.  相似文献   

TheLivingBuddhaChazhubNgawangLobsangwasbornin1880(theTibetanYearofironDragon)inthenoblefamilyofDelegRaodainbainXigaze.Hediedin1957asthedeputyeditor-in-chiefofTibetDailyin1957.ChazhubNgawangLobsangwastonsuredtotheSeraMonasteryin1885,attheageoffive.Beforelong,hewasdeterminedasthereincarnatedsoulboyoftheLivingBuddhaGandainChibaLobsangGeleg.Theenthronementceremonywasheldin1886inthemonasteryforhimtobecometheLivingBuddhaChazhubNgawangLobsang,TheLivingBuddhaChazhubNgawangLobsangwasveryi…  相似文献   

Nine years afterthe establishmentof the Preparato-ry Committee forthe Founding ofthe Tibet Autonomous Regionin 1956. namely, in 1965, theTibet Autonomous Region wasfounded. This made it possiblelor the ex-serfs in Tibet toestablish their own politicalpower organs guaranteeingthey could become masters oftheir own late. The CentralGovernment dispatched a high-level delegation for the found-ing of the TAR in view of itsimportance and I was onemember.We reached Lhasa at theend of AugustThe…  相似文献   

In 1985, Xudo received a letterfrom the Nanjing Weather Col-lege, informing him he had beenaccepted to study in the college.He was only 16. He was happy and so were his par-ents. However,where cou1d he getmoney to cover his study in Nanjing?His parents sold a draught cow,and heleft home with 200 Yuan in his pocket. With this sum, and with allowancesgiven by the college and subsidies fromhis unc1e who taught in Tibet, he ekedout a living and grew into a Tibetan  相似文献   

<正>It is a sunny,early-spring morning,and three foreign students from different countries have just arrived at the new Tibet University campus.Linda I Am Pema Metok from Northern TibetFrom the very end of the foreign student dormitory building comes one student in front of the others,and that is Linda from Indonesia.On the classroom's blackboard,  相似文献   

The Southwest College for Nationalities was founded in July 1950 and was formally established on June 1st,1951.The college was renamed the Southwest University for Nationalities with the approval of the China Ministry of Education on April 16th,2003. On June 1st,2011,the university is going to celebrate its 60th anniversary.Having completed 60 years of hard work and won success through strenuous efforts and a creative approach with generations of students,the university has realized its dreams and glorie...  相似文献   

In August, Lhasa is full of tourists from different parts of the country and from all over the world.., but no matter where they come from or whatever they are looking for in the city, without exception they all will visit the famous Barkor Street. These days,the Barkor Street looks different from how it did in the past. As you walk along its well-swept slate pavement, you will find the street much wider and tidier.  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Fifteen years ago, Zhaxi inherited the properties due to her accord-ing to the will of her uncle in Nepal. She brought them back home to Tibet, and estab-lished its first privately owned company-Potala Carpet Co.Ltd. at Damba Village infront of Zhaibung Monastery.Now 58,she owns properties valued at 20 million Yuan.  相似文献   

Norbu Gyaincain is the Party Secretary of the Southwest University for Nationalities. Recently we made an interview with him on the establishment and development of the university.Reporter: Could you please talk about the establishment and development of your university?  相似文献   

<正>On the occasion to celebrate the signing of the"Seventeen Articles Agreement"and the 60th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet,at the request of t...  相似文献   

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