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在读唐诗时我们会发现,唐诗中有许多带有"竹马"意象的诗歌,这种特定的文学现象是在一定的社会背景之下形成的,诗中的"竹马"意象具有固定的文化内涵,在唐人以后逐渐被后世诗家所沿用,因此研究唐代诗歌中"竹马"这一意象就显得十分有必要。本文主要对唐代诗歌中"竹马"意象的普遍性和其代表的文化内涵进行研究和探讨。  相似文献   

马慧珍 《攀登》2008,27(3):109-111
诗歌意象是鉴赏诗歌的审美概念,也是诗歌意境、情思、风格的依托。意象表现为诗歌作者借助客观外物表现主观思想情感、表现对人生主体的思考和概括宇宙人生的具体现象。诗歌中的形象表征常常与民族的历史文化、传统习俗、生活方式、心理特点相互联系。把握了诗歌意象,就理解了作者蕴涵在诗歌中的思想情感,这有助于对诗歌的鉴赏和把握。  相似文献   

在《玉台新咏》这部诗歌总集中,对女性所佩首饰进行细致描摹的诗作随处可见,这些意象不仅只是为我们展现了魏晋六朝女性的绰约风采,更从意象的深层方面传达出诗人的浓浓情意及深深的思想内涵。有的表现了女主人公的愁楚之容,也有的表现了诗人的相思之苦。文章着眼于六朝女性所佩戴的“钗”、“环”“珰”等首饰意象群,试图从表面和深层深刻探讨首饰意象掩盖下的女性之美和诗人之意。  相似文献   

"古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。"西风和着夕阳,将这首诗吹进了我的脑海。今天已经是星期六,我终于又可以回到阔别六天的家了!初冬的阳光飞逝,像箭一样向着地平线射去。路上已经没有多少人了,只有一个我骑着自行车被西风鞭策着,被家召唤着,夕阳催促着我孤长的影子向东行去,行去……  相似文献   

郭锐 《神州》2012,(27):25-26
意象组合是按照一定的美学原则将若干个意象有机地组合在一起,主要有并置式意象组合、对比式意象组合、发散式意象组合和意象叠加等几种组合方式。然而,巧合的是,这种组合方式和电影中表现蒙太奇的用法竟有异曲同工之妙。本文试图通过阐述诗歌意象组合和影视蒙太奇的呈现形态,来揭示其相通之处。  相似文献   

张佩华 《攀登》2003,22(4):96-98
“形象”、“意象”及“原型意象”,是古典诗歌理论研究中探讨的一个重要内容。正确把握这些概念的内涵、区别及其相互关系,有助于我们准确理解诗人诗歌创作的审美心理,也有助于我们准确表述诗歌欣赏的审美体验。  相似文献   

潘泽宇 《神州》2012,(34):201
诗歌是艺术的一种,相对于其他文学样式来说,诗歌它更具有含蓄的美,诗是诗人在感悟生活、凝聚意象、升华之后再创造意境、最后以语言形式将具体而真切的表达出来的一种文学形式。英文诗歌也是如此,英文诗歌由于用词典雅、句法精炼、形式别致以及意象丰富等等的缘故,英文诗歌的学习很是难的。在学习英文诗歌的时候不解诗味,也是一件特别遗憾的事情,在读诗的时候,我们一方面要深入探究诗人借助于诗歌所要抒发的思想情感,深入到诗人的内心世界中去;另一方面我们还要借助于自身的艺术修养、人生体验、并通过想像加以再创造来丰富诗的内涵。  相似文献   

意象是诗歌的感觉示意,是人们进行交流的通道,是诗歌的灵魂。它对与诗歌创作相关的文化因素、民族心理和审美情趣可以起到透视的作用,不同民族不同时代的不同精神文化都会表现到诗歌的意象上来。本文主要通过对中俄诗歌中的意象进行对比分析,揭示了俄汉民族精神的共性和差异。  相似文献   

刘苏 《人文地理》2017,32(3):44-52
段义孚的《恋地情结》核心方法论为理念论,以此为基础实现环境研究的综合性。首先,《恋地情结》从理念出发的"规范性视角"实现了环境研究的综合性。其次,理念论的核心内涵为荣格精神分析学所提倡的圆形(曼陀罗)意象,象征人类对理想环境的追求,是"恋地情结"研究的根本出发点。圆形(曼陀罗)意象跨越历史与地域呈现在不同的城市空间里,并在现代化进程中展现出形式的演变,这构成段义孚城市本体论思想的核心内容。目前,中国地理学对人文主义地理学的思考,倾向于注重其地理知识的差异性,忽略其规范性;对环境中人的理解,也体现出了单向度人的特征,《恋地情结》理念论体现出的规范性与整体性视角,无疑能给予新的启发。  相似文献   

夕阳坡竹简中所谓的"越涌君"当改释为"越濩君",简文记载了公元前306年楚向舒方赠送物品之事。  相似文献   

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Hughes, Jonathan R. T. The Governmental Habit Redux: Economic Controls from Colonial Times to the Present Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 265 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-691-04272-1 Publication Date: 1991

Deese, David A. The New Politics of American Foreign Policy New York: St. Martin's Press 285 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-312-10267-4 Publication Date: December 1993

Cronin, Patrick M., ed. From Globalism to Regionalism: New Perspectives on U.S. Foreign and Defense Policies Washington, DC: National Defense University Press 259 pp., CIP 93-19950 Publication Date: May 1993

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McCleary, Rachel M., ed. Seeking Justice: Ethics and International Affairs Boulder, CO: Westview 163 pp., $39.95 cloth, $12.95 paper ISBN 0-8133-8050-8 cloth ISBN 0-8133-8059-6 paper Publication Date: October 1992

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Barr, Nicholas The Economics of the Welfare State Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 495 pp., $59.50 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-8047-2206-4 cloth ISBN 0-8047-2205-6 paper Publication Date: September 1993

Rist, Ray C., ed. Program Evaluation and the Management of Government: Patterns and Prospects across Eight Nations New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 184 pp., $39.95, ISBN 088738-297-25 Publication Date: 1990

Rozman, Gilbert, ed. Dismantling Communism: Common Causes and Regional Variations Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 405 pp., $38.00, ISBN 0-94-3875-35-8 Publication Date: 1992

Downing, Brian M. The Military Revolution and Political Change Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 308 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-691-07886-6 Publication Date: February 1992

Brawley, Mark R. Liberal Leadership: Great Powers and their Challengers in Peace and War Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 203 pp. $34.50, ISBN 0-8014-2808-4 Publication Date: January 1993

Nagel, Stuart S. and Miriam K. Mills Professional Developments in Policy Studies Westport, CT: Greenwood 264 pp., $59.95, ISBN 0-313-28429-6 Publication Date: February 1993

Nagel, Thomas Equality and Partiality New York: Oxford University Press 186 pp., $17.95. ISBN 0-19-506967-6 Publication Date: August 1991

Golembiewski, Robert T., ed. Handbook of Organizational Consultation New York: Marcel Dekker 801 pp., $185.00, ISBN 0-8247-8690-4 Publication Date: 1993

Mason, Andrew Explaining Political Disagreement New York: Cambridge University Press 170 pp., $44.95, ISBN 0-521-43322-3 Publication Date: December 1993

Gobetti, Daniela Private and Public: Individuals, Households, and Body Politic in Locke and Hutcheson New York: Routledge 211 pp., $55.00, ISBN 0-415-03174-5 Publication Date: 1992

Brams, Steven J. Theory of Moves New York: Cambridge University Press 248 pp., $54.95 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-521-45226-0 cloth ISBN 0-521-45867-6 paper Publication Date: December 1993

Billett, Bret L. Modernization Theory and Economic Development: Discontent in the Developing World Westport, CT: Greenwood 143 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-275-94446-8 Publication Date: September 1993

Gordley, James The Philosophical Origins of Modern Contract Doctrine Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press 263 pp., ISBN 0-19-825830-5 Publication Date: 1991

Perlmutter, Amos FDR and Stalin: A Not So Grand Alliance, 1943-1945 Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press 331 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-8262-0910-6 Publication Date: October 1993

Freedman, Lawrence, Paul Hayes, and Robert O'Neill, eds. War, Strategy and International Politics: Essays in Honour of Sir Michael Howard New York: Oxford University Press 322 pp., $69.00, ISBN 0-19-822292-0 Publication Date: September 1992

Mizruchi, Mark S. The Structure of Corporate Political Action: Interfirm Relations and their Consequences Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 299 pp., $37.50, ISBN 0-674-84377-0 Publication Date: March 1992

Mazlish, Bruce The Fourth Discontinuity: The Co-Evolution of Humans and Machines New Haven, CT: Yale University Press 272 pp., $30.00, ISBN 0-300-05411-4 Publication Date: September 1993  相似文献   

Feature Reviews     

Rosanvallon, Pierre; trans. Barbara Harshav The New Social Question: Rethinking the Welfare State Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 139 pp. + xii. $22.95, ISBN 0-691-01640-2. Publication Date: 2000

UNITED STATES. Politics and Public Policy: Perry, Michael J. We the People: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Supreme Court. New York: Oxford University Press. 288 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-19-512362-X

Bamberger, Michael A. Reckless Legislation: How Lawmakers Ignore the Constitution. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. 233 pp., $32.00, ISBN 0-8135-2732-5 Publication Date: January 2000

Wolbrecht, Christina. The Politics of Women's Rights. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 241 pp., $55.00 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-691-04856-8 cloth ISBN 0-691-04857-6 paper Publication Date: September 2000

Ledeen, Michael A. Tocqueville on American Character. New York: St. Martin's Press. 229 pp., $23.95, ISBN 0-312-25231-5 Publication Date: July 2000

Shaiko, Ronald G. Voices and Echoes for the Environment: Public Interest Representation in the 1990s and Beyond. New York: Columbia University Press. 300 pp., $49.50 cloth, $21.00 paper ISBN 0-231-11354-4 cloth ISBN 0-231-11355-2 paper Publication Date: January 1999

Burke, Sheila; Eric R. Kingson; and Uwe E. Reinhardt, eds. Social Security and Medicare: Individual versus Collective Risk and Responsibility. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. 218 pp., $20.95 paper ISBN 0-8157-1283-9 paper Publication Date: April 2000

Karabell, Zachary. The Last Campaign: How Harry Truman Won the 1948 Election. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 308 pp., $27.50, ISBN 0-375-40086-9 Publication Date: April 2000

Pratt, Richard C., with Zachary Smith. Hawai'i Politics and Government: An American State in a Pacific World. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 310 pp., $57.50 cloth, $27.50 paper ISBN 0-8032-3724-3 cloth ISBN 0-8032-8750-X paper Publication Date: February 2000

Thurber, James A.; Candice J. Nelson; and David A. Dulio, eds. Crowded Airwaves: Campaign Advertising in Elections. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. 187 pp., $39.95 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 0-8157-8456-2 cloth ISBN 0-8157-8455-4 paper Publication Date: July 2000

Stephenson, Donald Grier, Jr. Campaigns and the Court: The U.S. Supreme Court in Presidential Elections. New York: Columbia University Press. 363 pp., $49.50 cloth, $19.50 paper ISBN 0-231-10034-5 cloth ISBN 0-231-10035-3 paper Publication Date: May 1999

Craycraft, Kenneth R. The American Myth of Religious Freedom. Dallas, TX: Spence Publishing Company. 202 pp., $27.95, ISBN 1-890626-13-9 Publication Date: May 1999

Lammers, William W., and Michael A. Genovese. The Presidency and Domestic Policy: Comparing Leadership Styles, FDR to Clinton. Washington, DC: CQ Press. 383 pp., $38.95 cloth, $28.95 paper ISBN 1-56802-125-9 cloth ISBN 1-56802-124-0 paper Publication Date: 2000

Dollinger, Marc. Quest for Inclusion: Jews and Liberalism in Modern America. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 288 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-691-00509-5 Publication Date: July 2000

Spitzer, Robert J., ed. Politics and Constitutionalism: The Louis Fisher Connection. Albany: SUNY Press. 285 pp., $57.59 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-7914-4639-5 cloth ISBN 0-7914-4640-9 paper Publication Date: June 2000

Powe, Lucas A., Jr. The Warren Court and American Politics. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press/Belknap Press. 566 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-674-00095-1 Publication Date: March 2000

Popkin, William D. Statutes in Court: The History and Theory of Statutory Interpretation. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 340 pp., $54.95, ISBN 0-8223-2328-1 Publication Date: September 1999

UNITED STATES. Foreign Policy and National Security: Haass, Richard N., and Meghan L. O'Sullivan, eds. Honey and Vinegar: Incentives, Sanctions, and Foreign Policy. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. 212 pp., $39.95 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 0-8157-3356-9 cloth ISBN 0-0157-3355-0 paper Publication Date: September 2000

O'Hanlon, Michael. Technological Change and the Future of Warfare. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. 208 pp., $42.95 cloth, $17.05 paper ISBN 0-8157-6440-5 cloth ISBN 0-8157-6439-1 paper Publication Date: 2000

Deitchman, Seymour J. On Being a Superpower: And Not Knowing What to Do about It. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 350 pp., $32.00, ISBN 0-8133-6775-1 Publication Date: February 2000

CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA: Frieden, Jeffrey; Manuel Pastor Jr.; and Michael Tornz, eds. Modern Political Economy and Latin America: Theory and Policy. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 348 pp., $65.00 cloth, $24.00 paper ISBN 0-8133-2417-3 cloth ISBN 0-8133-2418-1 paper Publication Date: May 2000

Crisp, Brian F. Democratic Institutional Design: The Powers and Incentives of Venezuelan Politicians and Interest Groups. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 274 pp., $55.00, ISBN 0-8047-3370-0 cloth Publication Date: July 2000

López-Alves, Fernando. State Formation and Democracy in Latin America, 1810-1900. Durham, NC; Duke University Press. 295 pp., $49.45 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-8223-2450-4 cloth ISBN 0-8223-2474-1 paper Publication Date: March 2000

EUROPE/COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES: Mayer, Arno J. The Furies: Violence and Terror in the French and Russian Revolutions. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 705 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-691-04897-5 Publication Date: May 2000

Deák, Istvan; Jan T. Gross; and Tony Judt, eds. The Politics of Retribution in Europe: World War II and Its Aftermath. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 337 pp. + xii, $65.00 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-691-00953-8 cloth ISBN 0-691-00954-6 paper Publication Date: May 2000

Tiersky, Ronald. Europe Today: National Politics, European Integration, and European Security. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield 492 pp. + x, $25.95 paper ISBN 0-8476-8591-8 paper Publication Date: 1999

AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST: Cobban, Helena. The Israeli-Syrian Peace Talks: 1991-1996 and Beyond. Washington, DC: U.S. Institute of Peace Press. 235 pp., + xiii, $19.95 paper ISBN 1-878379-98-4 paper Publication Date: December 1999

Hartman, David. Israelis and the Jewish Tradition: An Ancient People Debating Its Future. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 192 pp., $18.50, ISBN 0-300-08378-5 Publication Date: October 2000

ASIA AND THE PACIFIC: Dittmer, Lowell; Haruhiro Fukui; and Peter N. S. Lee, eds. Informal Politics in East Asia. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 308 pp., $59.95 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-521-64232-9 cloth ISBN 0-521-64538-7 paper Publication Date: July 2000

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, LAW AND ORGANIZATION: Boyle, Francis Anthony. Foundations of World Order: The Legalist Approach to International Relations, 1898-1922. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 220 pp., $54.95 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-8223-2327-3 cloth ISBN 0-8223-2364-8 paper Publication Date: August 1999

THEORY AND METHODOLOGY: Anderson, John C. Why Lawyers Derail Justice: Probing the Roots of Legal Injustices. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. 236 pp. + xii, $40.00 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-271-01842-9 cloth ISBN 0-271-01843-7 paper Publication Date: January 1999

Engeman, Thomas S., ed. Thomas Jefferson and the Politics of Nature. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. 218 pp., $17.00 paper ISBN 0-268-04211-X paper Publication Date: June 2000: Browning, Gary K. Hegel and the History of Political Philosophy. New York: St. Martin's Press. 185 pp., $59.95, ISBN 0-312-22023-5 Publication Date: May 1999

Voegelin, Eric; ed. Gilbert Weiss; trans. Ruth Hein. Collected Works, Vol. 4: The Authoritarian State: An Essay on the Problem of the Austrian State. Columbia: University of Missouri Press. 396 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-8262-1235-2 Publication Date: May 1999

Cliffe, Lionel; Maureen Ramsey; and David Bartlett. The Politics of Lying: Implications for Democracy. New York: St. Martin's Press 236 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-312-23139-3 Publication Date: May 2000

Slomp, Gabriella. Thomas Hobbes and the Political Philosophy of Glory. New York: St. Martin's Press. 194 pp., $65.00, ISBN 0-312-23419-8 Publication Date: March 2000

Eisenstadt, S. N. Paradoxes of Democracy: Fragility, Continuity, and Change. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center. Press/Johns Hopkins University Press 120 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-8018-6309-0 Publication Date: September 1999

Newell, Waller R. Ruling Passion: The Erotics of Statecraft in Platonic Political Philosophy. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield 288 pp., $70.00 cloth, $24.95 paper ISBN 0-8476-9726-6 cloth ISBN 0-8476-9727-4 paper Publication Date: June 2000

GENERAL: Becker, Ted, and Christa Daryl Slaton. The Future of Teledemocracy. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. 230 pp., $65.00 cloth, $24.95 paper ISBN 0-275-96632-1 cloth ISBN 0-275-97090-6 paper Publication Date: June 2000

Sparrow, Malcolm K. The Regulatory Craft: Controlling Risks, Solving Problems, and Managing Compliance. Washington, DC: Council for Excellence in Government/Brookings Institution Press. 314 pp., $20.95 paper ISBN 0-8157-8065-6 paper Publication Date: July 2000

Dunn, Seth. Micropower: The Next Electrical Era. Washington, DC: World Watch Institute. 94 pp., $5.00 paper ISBN 1-878071-53-X paper Publication Date: July 2000

Morton, F. L., and Rainer Knopff. The Charter Revolution and the Court Party. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press. 227 pp., $19.95 paper ISBN 1-55111-089-X paper Publication Date: January 2000  相似文献   

Feature Review     

Nordlinger, Eric A. Isolationism Reconfigured: American Foreign Policy for a New Century Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 335 pages, $29.95. ISBN 0-691-04327-2 Publication Date: September 1995

Ireland, Owen S. Religion, Ethnicity, and Politics: Ratifying the Constitution in Pennsylvania University Park, PA: Penn State Press 292 pp., $55.00 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-271-01433-4 cloth ISBN 0-271-01434-2 paper Publication Date: October 1995

Rozell, Mark J. and Clyde Wilcox, eds. God at the Grassroots: The Christian Right in the 1994 Elections Lanham, MD: Rowman &; Littlefield 288 pp., $59.50 cloth. $22.95 paper ISBN 0-8476-8097-5 cloth ISBN 0-8476-8098-3 paper Publication Date: September 1995

Cavanaugh, John William Media Effects on Voters: A Panel Study of the 1992 Presidential Election Lanham, MD: University Press of America 182 pp., $39.00, ISBN 0-8191-9942-7 Publication Date: September 1995

Verba, Sidney, Kay Lehman Schlozman, and Henry E. Brady Voice and Equality: Civic Voluntarism in American Politics Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 640 pp., $39.95 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-674-94292-2 cloth ISBN 0-674-94293-0 paper Publication Date: September 1995

Silver, Marc L. and Martin Melkonian, eds. Contested Terrain: Power, Politics, and Participation in Suburbia Westport, CT: Greenwood 262 pp., $59.95, ISBN 0-313-29600-6 Publication Date: July 1995

Orum, Anthony M. City-Building in America Boulder, CO: Westview 261 pp., $65.00 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-8133-0842-9 cloth ISBN 0-8133-0843-7 paper Publication Date: April 1995

Browne, William P. Cultivating Congress: Constituents, Issues, and Interests in Agricultural Policymaking Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 295 pp., $29.95 cloth, $14.95 paper ISBN 0-7006-0700-5 cloth ISBN 0-7006-0701-3 paper Publication Date: April 1995

Schick, Allen The Federal Budget: Politics, Policy, Process Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 223 pp., $36.95 cloth, $15.95 paper ISBN 0-8157-7734-5 cloth ISBN 0-8157-7733-7 paper Publication Date: 1995

Himelfarb, Richard Catastrophic Politics: The Rise and Fall of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 University Park, PA: Penn State Press 132 pp., $28.50 cloth, $13.95 paper ISBN 0-271-01465-2 cloth ISBN 0-271-01466-0 paper Publication Date: November 1995

Thompson, Dennis F. Ethics In Congress: From Individual to Institutional Corruption Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 256 pp., $34.95 cloth, $14.95 paper ISBN 0-8157-8424-4 cloth ISBN 0-8157-8423-6 paper Publication Date: August 1995

Mann, Thomas E. and Norman J. Ornstein, eds. Intensive Care: How Congress Shapes Health Policy Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute and Brookings Institution 316 pp., $38.95 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-8157-5464-7 cloth ISBN 0-8157-5463-9 paper Publication Date: September 1995

Pearce, David D. Wary Partners: Diplomats and the Media Washington, DC: CQ Press 205 pp., $35.95 cloth, $23.95 paper ISBN 1-56802-067-8 cloth ISBN 1-56802-066-X paper Publication Date: April 1995

Thurber, James A. and Roger H. Davidson, eds. Remaking Congress: Change and Stability in the 1990s Washington, DC: CQ Press 218 pp., $38.95 cloth, $24.95 paper ISBN 1-56802-160-7 cloth ISBN 1-56802-161-5 paper Publication Date: September 1995

Kerbel, Matthew Robert Remote and Controlled: Media Politics in a Cynical Age Boulder, CO: Westview 170 pp., $45.00 cloth, $13.95 paper ISBN 0-8133-2592-7 cloth ISBN 0-8133-2593-5 paper Publication Date: August 1995

Lewis, Charles and Center for Public Integrity The Buying of the President: An Inside Look at the Special Interests behind Clinton, Dole, Gramm, Wilson, Buchanan, and Others New York: Avon Books 271 pp., $12.00 paper ISBN 0-380-78420-3 paper Publication Date: February 1996

Ragsdale, Lyn Vital Statistics on the Presidency: Washington to Clinton Washington, DC: CQ Press 455 pp., $46.95 cloth, $32.95 paper ISBN 1-56802-050-3 cloth ISBN 1-56802-049-X paper Publication Date: November 1995

Weko, Thomas J. The Politicizing Presidency: The White House Personnel Office, 1948-1994 Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 224 pp., $35.00 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-7006-0695-5 cloth ISBN 0-7006-0696-3 paper Publication Dale: April 1995

Mayer, William G., ed. In Pursuit of the White House: How We Choose Our Presidential Nominees Chatham, NJ: Chatham House 366 pp., ISBN 1-56643-027-5 paper Publication Date: January 1996

Landy, Marc K. and Martin A. Levin, eds. The New Politics of Public Policy Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 344 pp., $49.95 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 0-8018-4877-6 cloth ISBN 0-8018-4878-4 paper Publication Date: 1995

Lynn, Laurence E., Jr. Public Management as Art, Science, and Profession Chatham, NJ: Chatham House 199 pp., $19.95. ISBN 1-56643-034-8 Publication Date: April 1996

Sunderland, Lane V. Popular Government and the Supreme Court: Securing the Public Good and Private Rights Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 361 pp., ISBN 0-7006-0743-9 Publication Date: January 1996

Rochefort, David A. and Roger W. Cobb, eds. The Politics of Problem Definition: Shaping the Policy Agenda Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 216 pp., $29.95 cloth. $14.95 paper ISBN 0-7006-0646-7 cloth ISBN 0-7006-0647-5 paper Publication Date: September 1994

Lerner, Robert, Althea K. Nagao, and Stanley Rothman Molding the Good Citizen: The Politics of High School History Texts Westport, CT: Praeger 187 pp., $55.00 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-275-94919-2 cloth ISBN 0-275-95100-6 paper Publication Date: 1995

Lind, Michael The Next American Nation: The New Nationalism and the Fourth American Revolution New York: Free Press 436 pp. $23.00, ISBN 0-02-919103-3 Publication Date: July 1995

Kutulas, Judy The Long War: The Intellectual People's Front and Anti-Stalinism, 1930-1940 Durham, NC: Duke University Press 334 pp., $39.95 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-8223-1526-2 cloth ISBN 0-8223-1524-6 paper Publication Date: July 1995

Godson, Roy, Ernest R. May, and Gary Schmitt, eds. U.S. Intelligence at the Crossroads: Agendas for Reform Washington, DC: Brassey's 315 pp., $25.95, ISBN 1-57488-036-5 Publication Date: 1995

Stearns, Monteagle Talking to Strangers: Improving American Diplomacy at Home and Abroad Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press 201 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-691-01130-3 Publication Date: February 1996

Yetiv, Steve A. America and the Persian Gulf: The Third Party Dimension in World Politics Westport, CT: Praeger 180 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-275-94973-7 Publication Date: July 1995

Roman, Peter J. Eisenhower and the Missile Gap Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 264 pp., $25.00. ISBN 0-8014-2797-5 Publication Date: 1995

Khalilzad, Zalmay, ed. Strategic Appraisal 1996 Santa Monica, CA: RAND 329 pp., $20.00 paper ISBN 0-8330-2343-8 paper Publication Date: January 1996

Simpson, Christopher National Security Directives of the Reagan and Bush Administrations: The Declassified History of U.S. Political and Military Policy, 1981-1991 Boulder, CO: Westiew 1032 pp. $119.95, ISBN 0-8133-1177-2 Publication Date: March 1995

Thompson, John Herd and Stephen J. Randall Canada and the United States: Ambivalent Allies Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press 387 pp., $45.00 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-8203-1618-0 cloth ISBN 0-8203-1619-9 paper Publication Date: September 1994

Franks, C. E. S., J. E. Hodgetts, O. P. Dwivedi, Doug Williams, and V. Seymour Wilson, eds. Canada's Century: Governance in a Maturing Society: Essays in Honor of John Meisel Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press 369 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-7735-1293-4 Publication Date: July 1995

Nickson, R. Andrew Local Government in Latin America Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner 315 pp., $49.95, ISBN 1-55587-366-9 Publication Date: August 1995

Bartell, Ernest and Leigh A. Payne, eds. Business and Democracy in Latin America Pittsburgh, PA: Pittsburgh University Press 290 pp., $49.95 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-8229-3853-7 cloth ISBN 0-8229-5537-7 paper Publication Date: November 1995

Mainwaring, Scott and Timothy R. Scully, eds. Building Democratic Institutions: Party Systems in Latin America Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 578 pp., $60.00, ISBN 0-8047-2307-9 Publication Date: March 1995

Collinson, Sarah Europe and International Migration London and New York: Pinter 189 pp., $57.50, ISBN 1-85567-049-6 Publication Date: June 1993

Schneider, Gerald, Patricia A. Weitsman, and Thomas Bernauer, eds. Towards a New Europe: Stops and Starts in Regional Integration Westport, CT: Praeger 240 pp., $55.00. ISBN 0-275-94856-X Publication Date: November 1995

Kourvetaris, George A. and Andreas Moschonas, eds. The Impact of European Integration: Political, Sociological, and Economic Changes Westport, CT: Praeger 335 pp., $65.00 cloth, $22.95 paper ISBN 0-275-94952-4 cloth ISBN 0-275-95356-4 paper Publication Date: January 1996

Doud, David Tieman Berlin 2000: The Center of Europe Lanham, MD: University Press of America 327 pp., $49.50, ISBN 0-7618-0067-0 Publication Date: October 1995

Swietochowski, Tadeusz Russia and Azerbaijan: A Borderland in Transition New York: Columbia University Press 290 pp., $32.50, ISBN 0-231-07068-3 Publication Date: August 1995

Parrott, Bruce, ed. State Building and Military Power in Russia and the New States of Eurasia Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe 319 pp., $59.95 cloth, $22.95 paper ISBN 1-56324-360-1 cloth ISBN 1-56324-361-X paper Publication Date: September 1995

Fish, M. Steven Democracy from Scratch: Opposition and Regime in the New Russian Revolution Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 300 pp., $39.50, ISBN 0-691-03703-5 Publication Date: March 1995

Sun, Yan The Chinese Reassessment of Socialism, 1975-1992 Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 352 pp., $45.00 cloth. $18.95 paper ISBN 0-691-02999-7 cloth ISBN 0-691-02998-9 paper Publication Date: October 1995

Shih, Chih-Yu State and Society in China's Political Economy: The Cultural Dynamics of Socialist Reform Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner 206 pp., $45.00, ISBN 1-5587-580-7 Publication Date: April 1995

Gregor, A. James Marxism, China, and Development: Reflections on Theory and Reality New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 283 pp., $34.95, ISBN 1-56000-195-X Publication Date: 1995

Hunt, Michael H. The Genesis of Chinese Communist Foreign Policy New York: Columbia University Press 343 pages. $34.50, ISBN 0-231-10310-7 Publication Date: February 1996

Gu, Weiqun Conflicts of Divided Nations: The Cases of China and Korea Westport, CT: Greenwood 263 pp., $59.95. ISBN 0-275-95112-X Publication Date: July 1995

Alagappa, Muthiah, ed. Political Legitimacy in Southeast Asia: The Quest for Moral Authority Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 446 pp., $60.00 cloth. $19.95 paper ISBN 0-8047-2504-7 cloth ISBN 0-8047-2560-8 paper Publication Date: 1995

Yasutomo, Dennis T. The New Multilateralism in Japan's Foreign Policy New York: St. Martin's Press 230 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-312-04778-9 Publication Date: October 1995

United Nations; intro, by Boutros Boutros-Ghali The United Nations and Human Rights, 1945-1995 New York: United Nations 544 pp., $29.95, ISBN 92-1-100560-4 Publication date: October 1995

Weiss, Thomas G., ed. The United Nations and Civil Wars Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner 231 pp., ISBN 1-55587-527-0 Publication Date: 1995

Kent, Peter C. and John F. Pollard, eds. Papal Diplomacy in the Modern Age Westport, CT: Praeger 288 pp., $59.95, ISBN 0-275-94441-7 Publication Date: June 1994

Goodwin, Charles Stewart The Third World Century Lanham, MD: University Press of America 168 pp., $32.50. ISBN 0-8191-9534 Publication Date: June 1994

Westlake, Martin A Modern Guide to the European Parliament London: Pinter 302 pp., $59.00 cloth, $22.00 paper ISBN 1-85567-200-6 cloth ISBN 1-85567-201-4 paper Publication Date: December 1994

Zartman, I. William and Victor A. Kremenyuk, eds. Cooperative Security: Reducing Third World Wars Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 376 pp., $39.95 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 0-8156-2647-9 cloth ISBN 0-8156-0305-3 paper Publication Date: August 1995

Webb, Michael C. The Political Economy of Policy Coordination: International Adjustment since 1945 Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 269 pp., $37.50, ISBN 0-8014-2929-3 Publication Date: July 1995

Burns, Richard Dean. ed. Encyclopedia of Arms Control and Disarmament New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 3 vols., 5280.00, ISBN 0-684-19281-1 Publication Date: 1993

Tullis, LaMond Unintended Consequences: Illegal Drugs and Drug Policies in Nine Countries Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner 227 pp., $42.00, ISBN 1-55587-549-1 Publication Date: 1995

Gunther, Richard P., Nikiforos Diamandouros, and Hans-Jürgen Puhle The Politics of Democratic Consolidation: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 493 pp., $60.00 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-8018-4981-0 cloth ISBN 0-8018-4982-9 paper Publication Date: September 1995

Shain, Yossi and Juan J. Linz, eds. Between States: Interim Governments and Democratic Transitions New York: Cambridge University Press 326 pp., $59.95 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-521-47417-5 cloth ISBN 0-521-48498-7 paper Publication Date: July 1995

Rohr, John A. Founding Republics in France and America: A Study in Constitutional Governance Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 370 pp., $45.00 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-7006-0733-1 cloth ISBN 0-7006-0734-X paper Publication Date: November 1995

Franklin, Daniel P. and Michael Baun, eds. Political Culture and Constitutionalism: A Comparative Approach Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 246 pp., ISBN 1-56324-415-2 cloth ISBN 1-56324-416-0 paper Publication Date: 1995

Jacobsen, David Rights Across Borders: Immigration and the Decline of Citizenship Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 181 pp., $33.50, ISBN 0-8018-5150-5 Publication Date: 1996

Manuel, Frank E. A Requiem for Karl Marx Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 255 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-674-76326-2 Publication Date: August 1995

Giddens, Anthony Politics, Sociology, and Social Theory: Encounters with Classical and Contemporary Social Thought Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 304 pp., 545.00 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 0-8047-2622-1 cloth ISBN 0-8047-2624-8 paper Publication Date: September 1995

Derber, Charles What's Left: Radical Politics in the Postcommunist Era Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press 225 pp., $40.00 cloth, 514.95 paper ISBN 0-87023-953-8 cloth ISBN 0-87023-954-6 paper Publication Date: July 1995

Disch, Lisa Jane Hannah Arendt and the Limits of Philosophy Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 226 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-8014-3013-5 Publication Date: 1995

Piore, Michael J. Beyond Individualism: How Social Demands of the New Identity Groups Challenge American Political and Economic Life Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 215 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-674-06897-1 Publication Date: 1995

Mahoney, Daniel J., ed. In Defense of Political Reason: Essays by Raymond Aron Lanham, MD: Rowman &; Littlefield 187 pp., $52.50 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-8576-7877-6 cloth ISBN 0-8476-7878-4 paper Publication Date: February 1994

Johnston, Douglas and Cynthia Sampson, eds. Religion: The Missing Dimension of Statecraft New York: Oxford University Press 350 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-19-508734-8 Publication Date: August 1994

Fleming, James Rodger and Henry A. Gemery, eds. Science, Technology, and the Environment: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Akron, OH: University of Akron Press 347 pp., $39.95 cloth, $21.95 paper ISBN 0-9622628-9-7 cloth ISBN 1-884836-00-3 paper Publication Date: December 1994

Peters, Julie and Andrea Wolper, eds. Women's Rights, Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives New York: Routledge 372 pp., $65.00 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-415-90994-5 cloth ISBN 0-415-90995-3 paper Publication Date: April 1995  相似文献   


Williams, Bernard Shame and Necessity Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 254 pp., $25.00, ISBN 0520-080467 Publication Date: 1993

Goldfarb, Jeffrey C. The Cynical Society: The Culture of Politics and the Politics of Culture in American Life Chicago: University of Chicago Press 200 pp., $22.50, ISBN 0-226-30106-0 Publication Date: 1991

Blanchard, Margaret A. Revolutionary Sparks: Freedom of Expression in Modern America New York: Oxford University Press 572 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-19-505436-9 Publication Date: February 1992

Kaplan, Marshall and Sue O'Brien The Governors and the New Federalism Boulder, CO: Westview 136 pp., $18.95 paper, ISBN 0-8123-8371-4 Publication Date: June 1991

Keith, Bruce E., David B. Magleby, Candice J. Nelson, Elizabeth Orr, Mark C. Westlye, Raymond E. Wolfinger The Myth of the Independent Voter Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 224 pp., ISBN 0-520-03688-3 Publication Date: 1992

Kreml, William P. Losing Balance: The De-Democratization of America Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 188 pp., $29.95 cloth, ISBN 0-87332-846-9 Publication Date: October 1991

Silbey, Joel H. The American Political Nation, 1838-1893 Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 348 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-8047-1878-4 Publication Date: November 1991

Bickers, Kenneth N. and Robert M. Stein Federal Domestic Outlays, 1983-1990: A Data Book Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 308 pp., $45.00, ISBN: 0-87332-840-X Publication Date: November 1991

Duncan, Phil, ed. Congressional Quarterly's Politics in America 1992: The 102nd Congress Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press 1704 pp., $69.95, ISBN 0-87187-599-3 Publication Date: 1991

Kaufman-Osborn, Timothy V. Politics/Sense/Experience: A Pragmatic Inquiry into the Promise of Democracy Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 327 pp., $21.95, ISBN: 0-8014-2504-2 Publication Date: September 1991

Fishkin, James S. Democracy and Deliberation: New Directions for Democratic Reform New Haven, CT: Yale University Press 133 pp., $17.95, ISBN 0-300-05161-1 Publication Date: February 1992

Crotty, William, ed. Political Participation and American Democracy Westport, CT: Greenwood 248 pp., $47.50, ISBN 0-313-27652-8 Publication Date: October 1991

Hess, Stephen Live from Capitol Hill: Studies of Congress and the Media Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 178 pp., $8.95, ISBN 0-8157-3627-4 Publication Date: 1991

Light, Paul C. The President's Agenda: Domestic Policy Choice from Kennedy to Reagan. Revised Ed. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 290 pp., $12.95, ISBN 0-8018-4279-4 Publication Date: October 1991

Maveety, Nancy Representation Rights and the Burger Years Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press 257 pp., $34.50, ISBN 0-472-10227-3 Publication Date: 1991

Alexander, Herbert E. and Monica Bauer Financing the 1988 Election Boulder, CO: Westview 160 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-8133-8268-8 Publication Date: July 1991

Rimmerman, Craig A. Presidency by Plebiscite: The Reagan-Bush Era in Institutional Perspective Boulder, CO: Westview 164 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-8133-8333-1 Publication Date: March 1993

Best, Gary Dean Pride, Prejudice, and Politics: Roosevelt versus Recovery, 1833-1938 New York: Praeger 288 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-275-93524-8 Publication Date: November 1990

Pacelle, Richard L., Jr. The Transformation of the Supreme Court's Agenda: From the New Deal to the Reagan Administration Boulder, CO: Westview 264 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-8133-8376-5 Publication Date: December 1991

Wildavsky, Aaron The Beleaguered Presidency New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 358 pp., $27.50, ISBN 0-88738-401-3 Publication Date: 1991

Robinson, Armstead L. and Patricia Sullivan, eds. New Directions in Civil Rights Studies Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia 238 pp., ISBN 0-8139-1319-5 Publication Date: 1991

Taylor, Bron Raymond Affirmative Action at Work: Law, Politics, and Ethics Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press 254 pp., $14.95, ISBN 0-8229-5453-2 Publication Date: October 1991

Holstein, William J. The Japanese Power Game: What It Means for America New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 339 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-684-19176-8 Publication Date: 1990

Wolf, Charles, Jr. Linking Economic Policy and Foreign Policy New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 219 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-88738-399-8 Publication Date: August 1991

Brady, Linda P. The Politics of Negotiation: America's Dealings with Allies, Adversaries, and Friends Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press 269 pp., $32.50, ISBN 0-8078-1971-9 Publication Date: October 1991

Steiner, Barry H. Bernard Brodie and the Foundations of American Nuclear Strategy Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 367 pp., $40.00, ISBN 0-7006-0441-3 Publication Date: July 1991

Pach, Chester J., Jr. Arming the Free World: The Origins of the United States Military Assistance Program, 1945-1950 Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press 322 pp., $34.95, ISBN 0-8078-1943-3 Publication Date: March 1991

Saul, Norman E. Distant Friends: The United States &; Russia, 1763-1867 Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 400 pp., $40.00, ISBN 0-7006-0438-3 Publication Date: April 1991

Pike, Fredrick B. The United States and Latin America: Myths and Stereotypes of Civilization and Nature Austin, TX: University of Texas Press 442 pp., $40.00 cloth, $19.95 paper, ISBN 0-292-78523-2 cloth, ISBN 0-292-78524-0 paper Publication Date: September 1992

Escalona, Roberto Luque The Tiger and the Children: Fidel Castro and the Judgment of History Washington, DC: Freedom House 212 pp., $14.95 paper. ISBN 1-56000-593-9 Publication Date: May 1992

Levine, Daniel H. Popular Voices in Latin American Catholicism Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 403 pp., $18.95, ISBN 0-691-02459-6 Publication Date: July 1992

Johns, Sheridan and Richard Hunt Davis, Jr., eds. Mandela, Tambo, and the African National Congress New York: Oxford University Press 353 pp., $35.00 cloth, $13.95 paper, ISBN 0-19-505783-X cloth, ISBN 0-19-505784-8 paper Publication Date: March 1991

Kortepeter, C. Max, ed. Oil and the Economic Geography of the Middle East and North Africa: Studies by Alexander Melamid Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press 320 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-87850-075-8 Publication Date: May 1991

Ismael, Tareq Y. and Jacqueline S. Ismael, eds. Politics and Government in the Middle East and North Africa Miami, FL: Florida International University Press 570 pp., $39.95 cloth, $19.95 paper, ISBN 0-8130-1043-4 cloth, ISBN 0-8130-106204 paper Publication Date: July 1991

Gupte, Pranay Mother India: A Political Biography of Indira Gandhi New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 593 pp., $30.00, ISBN 0-684-19296-9 Publication Date: April 1992

Harbeson, John W. and Donald Rothchild, eds. Africa in World Politics Boulder, CO: Westview 341 pp., $57.50 cloth, $19.95 paper, ISBN 0-8133-0972-7 cloth, ISBN 0-8133-0973-5 paper Publication Date: October 1991

Frost, Gerald, ed. Europe in Turmoil: The Struggle for Pluralism. European Defence and Strategic Studies Annual, 1990-91 Westport, CT: Praeger 384 pp., $59.95, ISBN 0-275-94129-9 Publication Date: September 1991

Stares, Paul B. Command Performance: The Neglected Dimension of European Security Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 240 pp., ISBN 0-8157-8111-3 Publication Date: 1991

Móller, Bj$oSrn Common Security and Nonoffensive Defense: A Neorealist Perspective Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner 285 pp., ISBN 1-85728-008-3 Publication Date: 1992

Inkeles, Alex, ed. On Measuring Democracy: Its Consequences and Concomitants New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 234 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0-88738-881-7 Publication Date: August 1991

Drache, Daniel, ed. Getting on Track: Social Democratic Strategies for Ontario Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press 237 pp., $44.95, ISBN 0-7735-0895-3 Publication Date: February 1992

Lord, Carnes and David O'Connor, eds. Essays on the Foundations of Aristotelian Political Science Berkeley, CA: University of California 255 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-520-06711-8 Publication Date: August 1991

Wolfson, Robert J. A Formal Lexicon for the Social Sciences Gainesville, FL: Florida Atlantic University Press 159 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-8130-0978-2 Publication Date: December 1990

Hunt, Robert P. and Kenneth L. Grasso, eds. John Courtney Murray and the American Civil Conversation Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 298 pp., $21.99, ISBN 0-8028-05388 Publication Date: 1992

Grey, Thomas C. The Wallace Stevens Case: Law and the Practice of Poetry Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 155 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-674-94577-8 Publication Date: August 1991

Baker, C. Edwin Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech New York: Oxford University Press 385 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-19-505777-5 Publication Date: 1989

Sheldon, Garrett Ward The Political Philosophy of Thomas Jefferson Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 174 pp., $28.00, ISBN 0-8018-4142-9 Publication Date: July 1991

Post, Robert, ed. Law and the Order of Culture Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 202 pp., $9.95, ISBN 0-520-07337-1 Publication Date: 1991

Walsh, David After Ideology: Recovering the Spiritual Foundations of Freedom Scranton, PA: HarperCollins 296 pp., $29.95. ISBN 0-06-069263-4 Publication Date: 1990

The following correspondence was written in response to Marshall L. DeRosa's article, “The Second Amendment and American Federalism: A View from the States,” published in the Spring 1993 (vol. 22, no. 2) issue of Perspectives on Political Science.  相似文献   

Feature Review     

Konig, David Thomas, ed. Devising Liberty: Preserving and Creating Freedom in the New American Republic Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 383 pages, $45.00. ISBN 0-8047-2536-5 Publication Date: October 1995

Campbell, Colin and Bert A. Rockman, eds. The Clinton Presidency: First Appraisals Chatham, NJ: Chatham House 408 pp., $30.00 cloth, $22.95 paper ISBN 1-56643-013-5 cloth ISBN 1-56643-014-3 paper Publication Date: 1995

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Tarr, G. Alan, ed. Constitutional Politics in the States: Contemporary Controversies and Historical Patterns Westport, CT: Greenwood 223 pp., $59.95, ISBN 0-313-28523-3 Publication Date: April 1996

Pinello, Daniel R. The Impact of Judicial-Selection Method on State Supreme Court Policy: Innovation, Reaction, and Atrophy Westport, CT: Greenwood 248 pp., $59.95. ISBN 0-313-29243-4 Publication Date: October 1995

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Schwartz, Bernard The Unpublished Opinions of the Rehnquist Court New York: Oxford University Press 492 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-19-509332-1 Publication Date: 1996

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Kramnick, Isaac and R. Laurence Moore The Godless Constitution: The Case against Religious Correctness New York: W.W. Norton 191 pp., $22.00, ISBN 0-393-03961-7 Publication Date: January 1996

Rozell, Mark J. and Clyde Wilcox Second Coming: The New Christian Right in Virginia Politics Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 285 pp., $32.95, ISBN 0-8018-5297-8 Publication Date: April 1996

Gove, Samuel K. and James D. Nowlan Illinois Politics and Government: The Expanding Metropolitan Frontier Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 290 pp. $45.00 cloth. $20.00 paper ISBN 0-8032-2120-7 cloth ISBN 0-8032-7014-3 paper Publication Date: June 1996

Finegold, Kenneth Experts and Politicians: Reform Challenges to Machine Politics in New York, Cleveland, and Chicago Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 264 pp., $39.50. ISBN 0-691-03734-5 Publication Date: March 1995

Shafer, Byron E. and William J. M. Claggett The Two Majorities: The Issue Context of Modern American Politics Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 227 pp., $45.00 cloth, $14.95 paper ISBN 0-8018-5018-5 cloth ISBN 0-8018-5019-3 paper Publication date: August 1995

Ansolabehere, Stephen and Shanto Iyengar Going Negative: How Political Advertisements Shrink and Polarize the Electorate New York: Free Press 243 pp., $24.00, ISBN 0-684-82284-9 Publication Date: January 1996

Stein, Robert M. and Kenneth N. Bickers Perpetuating the Pork Barrel: Policy Subsystems and American Democracy New York: Cambridge University Press 232 pp., $49.95. ISBN 0-521-48298-4 Publication Date: December 1995

Mucciaroni, Gary Reversals of Fortune: Public Policy and Private Interests Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 225 pp., $34.95 cloth. $14.95 paper ISBN 0-8157-5876-6 cloth ISBN 0-8157-5875-8 paper Publication Date: January 1995

Ottosen, Gary K. and Douglas N. Thompson Reducing Unemployment: A Case for Government Deregulation Westport, CT: Praeger 171 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-275-95360-2 Publication Date: January 1996

Handler, Joel F. Down from Bureaucracy: The Ambiguity of Privatization and Empowerment Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 269 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-691-04461-9 Publication Date: May 1996

Yandle, Bruce, ed. Land Rights: The 1990s' Property Rights Rebellion Lanham, MD: Rowman &; Littlefield 333 pp., $57.50 cloth, $22.95 paper ISBN 0-8476-8028-2 cloth ISBN 0-8476-8029-0 paper Publication Date: June 1995

Jacobsohn, Gary Jeffrey and Susan Dunn, eds. Diversity and Citizenship: Rediscovering American Nationhood Lanham, MD: Rowman &; Littlefield 156 pp., $49.50 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-8476-8091-6 cloth ISBN 0-8476-8092-4 paper Publication Date: February 1996

Bennett, Vivienne The Politics of Water: Urban Protest, Gender, and Power in Monterrey, Mexico Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press 232 pp., ISBN 0-8229-3908-8 Publication Date: December 1995

Morris, Stephen D. Political Reformism in Mexico: An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner 261 pp., $49.95 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 1-55587-572-6 cloth ISBN 1-55587-594-7 paper Publication Date: October 1995

Roy, Olivier Afghanistan: From Holy War to Civil War Princeton, NJ: The Darwin Press 141 pp., $24.95, ISBN-0-87850-076-6 Publication Date: December 1995

Waltz, Susan E. Human Rights and Reform: Changing the Face of North African Politics Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 281 pp., $45.00 cloth, $16.00 paper ISBN 0-520-20003-9 cloth ISBN 0-520-20254-6 paper Publication Date: October 1995

Cordesman, Anthony H. and Abraham R. Wagner The Lessons of Modern War, Vol. 4: The Gulf War Boulder, CO: Westview 1022 pp., $98.00 cloth. $23.95 paper ISBN 0-8133-8601-2 cloth ISBN 0-8133-8602-0 paper Publication Date: April 1996

Righter, Rosemary Utopia Lost: The United Nations and World Order New York: Twentieth Century Fund 420 pp. $29.95, ISBN 0-87078-358-0 Publication Date: December 1995

Winslow, Anne, ed. Women, Politics, and the United Nations Westport, CT: Greenwood 213 pp., $59.95, ISBN 0-313-29522-0 Publication Date: 1995

Weiss, Thomas G. and Leon Gordenker, eds. NGOs, the UN, and Global Governance Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner 250 pp., $45.00 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 1-55587-613-7 cloth ISBN 1-55587-626-9 paper Publication Date: January 1996

Kolodziej, Edward A. and Roger E. Kanet, eds. Coping with Conflict after the Cold War Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 407 pp., $49.95. ISBN 0-8018-5106-8 Publication Date: April 1996

Sanderson, Stephen K., ed. Civilizations and World Systems: Studying World-Historical Change Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press 324 pp., $46.00 cloth, $24.95 paper ISBN 0-7619-91042 cloth ISBN 0-7619-91050 paper Publication Date: October 1995

Held, David Democracy and the Global Order: From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 324 pp., $49.50 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 0-8047-2686-8 cloth ISBN 0-8047-2687-6 cloth Publication Date: March 1996

Schneider, Barry R. and Lawrence E. Grinter Battlefield of the Future: Twenty-First Century Warfare Issues Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air War College 279 pp., CIP 95-36229 paper Publication Date: 1995

Roepke, Wilhelm The Moral Foundations of Civil Society New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 235 pp., $21.95 paper ISBN 1-56000-852-0 paper Publication Date: 1995

Hekman, Susan J. Moral Voices, Moral Selves: Carol Gilligan and Feminist Moral Theory University Park, PA: Penn State Press 188 pp., $40.00 cloth. $16.95 paper ISBN 0-271-01483-0 cloth ISBN 0-271-01484-9 paper Publication Date: July 1995

Anderson, Walter Truett, ed. The Truth About the Truth: De-confusing and Re-constructing the Postmodern World New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons 260 pp., $13.95 paper ISBN 0-87477-801-8 paper Publication Date: September 1995

Carver, Terrell and Paul Thomas, eds. Rational Choice Marxism University Park, PA: Penn State Press 338 pp., $45.00 cloth $16.95 paper ISBN 0-271-01463-6 cloth ISBN 0-271-01464-4 paper Publication Date: October 1995

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Simon, Thomas W. Democracy and Social Injustice: Law, Politics, and Philosophy Lanham, MD: Rowman &; Littlefield 341 pp., $69.50 cloth, $24.95 paper ISBN 0-8476-7937-3 cloth ISBN 0-8476-7938-1 paper Publication Date: 1995

Miller, William L., ed. Alternatives to Freedom: Arguments and Opinions New York: Longman 230 pp., ISBN 0-582-25130-3 Publication Date: December 1995

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Wise, M. Norton, ed. The Values of Precision Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 372 pp., $49.50, ISBN 0-691-03759-0 Publication Date: April 1995

Ball, Terence Reappraising Political Theory: Revisionist Studies in the History of Political Thought New York: Oxford University Press 310 pp., ISBN 0-19-827995-7 paper Publication Date: 1995

Levine, David R Wealth and Freedom: An Introduction to Political Economy New York: Cambridge University Press 191 pp., $49.95 cloth, $15.95 paper ISBN 0-521-44314-8 cloth ISBN 0-521-44791-7 paper Publication Date: August 1995

Grasso, Kenneth L., Gerard V. Bradley, and Robert P. Hunt, eds. Catholicism, Liberalism, and Communitarianism: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition and the Moral Foundations of Democracy Lanham, MD: Rowman &; Littlefield 271 pp., $64.50 cloth, $26.95 paper ISBN 0-8476-7995-0 cloth ISBN 0-8476-7994-2 paper Publication Date: September 1995

Ryan, Alan John Dewey and the High Tide of American Liberalism New York: Norton 414 pp., $30.00. ISBN 0-393-03773-8 Publication Date: July 1995

Meier, Heinrich; trans. J. Harvey Lomax Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss: The Hidden Dialogue Chicago: University of Chicago Press 136 pp. $19.95, ISBN 0-226-51889-2 Publication Date: November 1995

McAllister, Ted V. Revolt against Modernity: Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin, and the Search for a Postliberal Order Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 323 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-7006-0740-4 Publication Date: January 1996

Sorenson, Leonard R. Madison on the “General Welfare” of America: His Consistent Constitutional Vision Lanham, MD: Rowman &; Littlefield 198 pp., $58.50 cloth, $22.95 paper ISBN 0-8476-8065-7 cloth ISBN 0-8476-8064-9 paper Publication Date: August 1995

Katz, Ellis and G. Alan Tarr, eds. Federalism and Rights Lanham, MD: Rowman &; Littlefield 208 pp., $57.50 cloth, $29.95 paper ISBN 0-8476-8089-4 cloth ISBN 0-8476-8090-8 paper Publication Date: February 1996

Duerst-Lahti, Georgia and Rita Mae Kelly, eds. Gender Power, Leadership, and Governance Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press 305 pp., $47.50 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-472-09610 cloth ISBN 0-472-06610 paper Publication Date: February 1996

Wintz, Cary D., ed. African American Political Thought, 1890-1930: Washington, Du Bois, Garvey, and Randolph Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 344 pp., $59.95 cloth, $22.95 paper ISBN 1-56324-178-1 cloth ISBN 1-56324-179-X paper Publication Date: February 1996

Cossolotto, Matthew The Almanac of European Politics 1995 Washington, DC: CQ Press 321 pp., $49.95 cloth, $29.95 paper ISBN 0-87187-914-X cloth ISBN 0-87187-913-1 paper Publication Date: June 1995

Parrish, Thomas The Cold War Encyclopedia New York: Henry Holt 490 pp., $60.00, ISBN 0-8050-2778-5 Publication Date: January 1996

Comfort, Nicholas, ed. Brewer's Politics: A Phrase and Fable Dictionary. Revised ed. London: Cassell 693 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-304-34659-4 Publication Date: April 1996

Merry, Robert W. Taking on the World: Joseph and Stewart Alsop, Guardians of the American Century New York: Viking 644 pp., $34.95. ISBN 0-670-83868-3 Publication Date: February 1996  相似文献   


Wilson, James Q. The Moral Sense New York: Free Press 313 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-02-935405-6 Publication Date: 1993

Dionne, E. J., Jr. Why Americans Hate Politics New York: Simon &; Schuster 430 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-671-68255-5 Publication Date: May 1991

Nelson, Michael, ed. The Elections of 1992 Washington, DC: CQ Press 192 pp., $15.95 paper, ISBN 0-87187-657-4 Publication Date: March 1993

Aaron, Henry J. and Charles L. Schultze, eds. Setting Domestic Priorities: What Can Government Do? Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 318 pp., $32.95, ISBN 0-8157-0054-7 Publication Date: September 1992

Norrander, Barbara Super Tuesday: Regional Politics and Presidential Primaries Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky 239 pp., $29.00, ISBN 0-8131-1773-9 Publication Date: March 1992

Fried, Charles Order and Law: Arguing the Reagan Revolution: A Firsthand Account New York: Simon &; Schuster 256 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0-671-72575-0 Publication Date: April 1991

Hrebenar, Ronald J. and Clive S. Thomas, eds. Interest Group Politics in the Northeastern States University Park, PA: Penn State Press 404 pp., $55.00 cloth, $18.95 paper, ISBN 0-271-00900-4 cloth, ISBN 0-271-00901-2 paper Publication Date: September 1993

Snowball, David Continuity and Change in the Rhetoric of the Moral Majority New York: Praeger 200 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-275-93689-9 Publication Date: March 1991

Sadofsky, David The Question of Privacy in Public Policy: An Analysis of the Reagan-Bush Era Westport, CT: Praeger 198 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-275-94300-3 Publication Date: July 1993

Gentry, Curt J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets New York: Norton 846 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-393-02404-0 Publication Date: September 1991

Stettner, Edward A. Shaping Modern Liberalism: Herbert Croly and Progressive Thought Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 225 pp., $29.92, ISBN 0-7006-0580-0 Publication Date: April 1993

Kerr, Clark The Great Transformation in Higher Education 1960-1980 Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 383 pp., ISBN 0-7914-0511-7 Publication Date: 1991

Fuchs, Ester R. Mayors and Money: Fiscal Policy in New York and Chicago Chicago: University of Chicago Press 361 pp., $15.95 paper, ISBN 0-226-26791-1 Publication Date: June 1992

Raskin, Marcus G. Essays of a Citizen: From National Security State to Democracy Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 330 pp., $27.50, ISBN 0-87332-764-0 Publication Date: September 1991

Vernon, Raymond, Debora L. Spar, and Glenn Tobin Iron Triangles and Revolving Doors: Cases in U.S. Foreign Economic Policymaking Westport, CT: Praeger 184 pp., $17.95, ISBN 0-275-93926-X Publication Date: September 1991

Pastor, Robert A. Whirlpool: U.S. Foreign Policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 338 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-691-08651-6 Publication Date: 1992

Desch, Michael C. When the Third World Matters: Latin America and United States Grand Strategy Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 218 pp., $38.50, ISBN 0-8018-4552-1 Publication Date: September 1993

Stoetzer, O. Carlos The Organization of American States, Second Ed. New York: Praeger 443 pp., $65.00, ISBN 0-275-93633-3 Publication Date: May 1993

McAdams, A. James Germany Divided: From the Wall to Reunification Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 250 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-691-07892-0 Publication Date: 1993

Ruderman, David B., ed. Essential Papers on Jewish Culture in Renaissance and Baroque Italy New York: New York University Press 512 pp., $60.00 cloth, $25.00 paper, ISBN 0-8147-7419-9 cloth. ISBN 0-8147-7420-2 paper Publication Date: April 1992

Sprinzak, Ehud and Larry Diamond, eds. Israeli Democracy under Stress Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner 385 pp., $45.00 cloth, $16.95 paper, ISBN 1-55587-378-2 cloth, ISBN 1-55587-380-4 paper Publication Date: June 1993

Hsiung, James C, ed. Asia Pacific in the New World Politics Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner 273 pp., $42.00 cloth, $18.95 paper, ISBN 1-55587-323-5 cloth, ISBN 1-55587-355-3 paper Publication Date: 1993

McCord, William The Dawn of the Pacific Century: Implications for Three Worlds of Development New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 222 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-88738-367-X Publication Date: April 1991

Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore Southeast Asian Affairs 1990 Boulder, CO: Westview 395 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-8133-1231-0 Publication Date: February 1991

Wight, Gabriele and Brian Porter, eds. International Theory: The Three Traditions New York: Holmes and Meier 286 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-8419-1325-0 Publication Date: January 1992

Laurance, Edward J. The International Arms Trade New York: Lexington Books 245 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-669-19928-1 Publication Date: 1992

Siverson, Randolph M. and Harvey Starr The Diffusion of War: A Study of Opportunity and Willingness Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press 160 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-472-10247-8 Publication Date: August 1991

Kennedy, Paul, ed. Grand Strategies in War and Peace New Haven, CT: Yale University Press 228 pp., $25.00, ISBN 0-300-04944-7 Publication Date: June 1991

Hackett, Clifford Cautious Revolution: The European Community Arrives New York: Praeger 240 pp., $42.95, ISBN 0-275-93605-8 Publication Date: 1990

Bertsch, Gary and Steven Elliott-Gower The Impact of Governments on East-West Economic Relations New York: New York University Press 407 pp., $75.00, ISBN 0-8147-1159-6 Publication Date: May 1991

Barry, Brian Liberty and Justice: Essays in Political Theory 2 New York: Oxford University Press 297 pp., ISBN 0-19-827299-5 Publication Date: 1991  相似文献   


Loomis, Burdett A. Time, Politics, and Policies: A Legislative Year Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 199 pp., $29.95 cloth, $12.95 paper, ISBN 0-7006-0621-1 cloth, ISBN 0-7006-0622-X paper Publication Date: January 1994

Eastland, Terry Energy in the Executive: The Case for the Strong Presidency New York: Free Press 392 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-02-908681-7 Publication Date: 1992

Cox, Gary W. and Samuel Kernell The Politics of Divided Government Boulder, CO: Westview 270 pp., $55.00, ISBN 0-8133-1145-4 Publication Date: December 1991

Maltese, John Anthony Spin Control: The White House Office of Communications and the Management of Presidential News Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press 297 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-8078-2034-2 Publication Date: May 1992

Teixeira, Ruy A. The Disappearing American Voter Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 242 pp., $31.95 cloth, $12.95 paper, ISBN 0-8157-8302-7 cloth, ISBN 0-8175-8303-5 paper Publication Date: November 1992

Levy, Leonard W. and Louis Fisher, eds. Encyclopedia of the American Presidency, 4 vols. New York: Simon &; Schuster 1827 pp., $355.00, ISBN 0-13-275983-7 Publication Date: 1994

Onuf, Peter S., ed Jeffersonian Legacies Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia 478 pp., $39.50 cloth, $18.95 paper, ISBN 0-8139-1462-0 cloth, ISBN 0-8139-1463-9 paper Publication Date: April 1993

Diggins, John Patrick The Rise and Fall of the American Left New York: Norton 432 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-393-03075 Publication Date: March 1992

Strum, Philippa Brandeis: Beyond Progressivism Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 228 pp., $25.00, ISBN 0-7006-0603-3 Publication Date: September 1993

Kettl, Donald F. Sharing Power: Public Governance and Private Markets Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 219 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-8157-4906-6 Publication Date: May 1993

Muller, Thomas Immigrants and the American City New York: New York University Press 372 pp., $30.00, ISBN 0-8147-5479-1 Publication Date: March 1993

Hays, R. Allen, ed. Ownership, Control, and the Future of Housing Policy Westport, CT: Greenwood 257 pp., $59.95, ISBN 0-313-28846-1 Publication Dale: May 1993

Dietz, Gottfried American Democracy: Aspects of Practical Liberalism Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 290 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-8018-4507-6 Publication Date: April 1993

Cortner, Richard C. The Iron Horse and the Constitution: The Railroads and the Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment West port, CT: Greenwood 231 pp., $55.00, ISBN 0-313-28578-0 Publication Date: April 1993

Axelrod, Donald Shadow Government: The Hidden World of Public Authorities—and How They Control over $1 Trillion of Your Money New York: Wiley 344 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-471-52767-X Publication Date: June 1992

Borsody, Stephen The New Central Europe: Triumphs and Tragedies New York: Columbia University Press 321 pp., $53.00, ISBN 0-88033-263-8 Publication Date: November 1993

Hoyt, Edwin P. The Last Kamikaze: The Story of Admiral Matome Ugaki Westport, CT: Greenwood 235 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-275-94067-5 Publication Date: 1993

Goldstein, Judith and Robert O. Keohane, eds. Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions, and Political Change Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 308 pp., $37.50 cloth, $14.95 paper, ISBN 0-8014-2931-5 cloth, ISBN 0-8014-8152-X paper Publication Date: December 1993

Singer, Max and Aaron Wildavsky The Real World Order: Zones of Peace, Zones of Turmoil Chatham, NJ: Chatham House 212 pp., $25.00 cloth, $16.95 paper, ISBN 0-934540-98-5 cloth, ISBN 0-934540-99-3 paper Publication Date: September 1992

Weaver, R. Kent and Bert A. Rockman, eds. Do Institutions Matter? Government Capabilities in the United States and Abroad Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 498 pp., $36.95 cloth, $16.95 paper, ISBN 0-8157-9256-5 cloth, ISBN 0-8157-9255-7 paper Publication Date: April 1993

Glossop, Ronald J. World Federation? A Critical Analysis of Federal World Government Jefferson, NC: McFarland &; Company 262 pp., $28.00, ISBN 0-89950-854-5 Publication Date: August 1993

Rioux, Jean-Francois, ed. Limiting the Proliferation of Weapons: The Role of Supply-Side Strategies Ottawa: Carleton University Press 195 pp., $34.95 cloth, $21.95 paper, ISBN 0-88629-192-5 cloth, ISBN 0-88629-193-3 paper Publication Date: November 1992

Seung, T. K. Intuition and Construction: The Foundations of Normative Theory New Haven, CT: Yale University Press 227 pp., $27.50, ISBN 0-300-05740-7 Publication Date: February 1993

Masters, Roger D. Beyond Relativism: Science and Human Values Hanover, NH: University Press of New England 248 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-87451-634-X Publication Date: October 1993

Shiner, Roger Norm and Nature: The Movements of Legal Thought Oxford, UK: Clarendon 348 pp., ISBN 0-19-825719-8 Publication Date: 1992

Neumann, Harry Liberalism Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press 359 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-89089-455-8 Publication Date: July 1991

Davies, Paul The Mind of God: The Scientific Basis for a Rational World New York: Simon &; Schuster 288 pp., $21.50, ISBN 0671-687-875 Publication Date: February 1992

Heller, Agnes and Ferenc Fehér The Grandeur and Twilight of Radical Universalism New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 579 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-88738-378-5 Publication Date: May 1991

McGlynn, Frank and Arthur Tuden, eds. Anthropological Approaches to Political Behavior: Contributions from “Ethnology” Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press 359 pp., $16.95, ISBN 0-8229-6094-X Publication Date: September 1991

Hamilton, Richard F. The Bourgeois Epoch: Marx and Engels on Britain, France, and Germany Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press 293 pp., $37.50, ISBN 0-8078-1976-X Publication Date: October 1991

Taylor, Bob Pepperman Our Limits Transgressed: Environmental Political Thought in America Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 184 pp., $25.00, ISBN 0-7006-0542-8 Publication Date: September 1992

Ellis, Carolyn and Michael G. Flaherty, eds. Investigating Subjectivity: Research on Lived Experience Newbury Park, CA: Sage 259 pp., ISBN 0-8039-4497-7 Publication Date: 1992

Feenberg, Andrew Critical Theory of Technology New York: Oxford University Press 235 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-19-506855-6 Publication Date: October 1991

Honneth, Axel; trans. Kenneth Baynes The Critique of Power: Reflective Stages in a Critical Social Theory Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 340 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-262-08202-0 Publication Date: August 1991

Wilson, Clyde N., ed. The Essential Calhoun: Selections from Writings, Speeches, and Letters New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 460 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-88738-442-0 Publication Date: March 1992

Utter, Glenn H. and Charles Lockhart, eds. American Political Scientists: A Dictionary Westport, CT: Greenwood 374 pp., $85.00, ISBN 0-313-27849-0 Publication Date: July 1993

Najemy, John M. Between Friends: Discourses of Power and Desire in the Machiavelli-Vettori Letters of 1513-1515 Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 358 pp., $39.50, ISBN 0-691-03262-9 Publication Date: January 1994  相似文献   


Scalia, Antonin; ed. Amy Gutmann. A Matter of Interpretation: Federal Courts and the Law. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 159 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0-691-02630-0 Publication Date: 1997

UNITED STATES. Politics and Public Policy, White, John Kenneth. Still Seeing Red: How the Cold War Shapes the New American Politics. Boulder, CO: Westview. 386 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-8133-1888-2 Publication Date: September 1997

Singh, Robert. The Farrakhan Phenomenon: Race, Reaction, and the Paranoid Style in American Politics. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. 340 pp., $60.00 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-87840-657-3 cloth ISBN 0-87840-658-1 paper Publication Date: September 1997

Fried, Amy. Muffled Echoes: Oliver North and the Politics of Public Opinion. New York: Columbia University Press. 308 pp., $49.50 cloth, $19.50 paper ISBN 0-231-10820-6 cloth ISBN 0-231-10821-4 paper Publication Date: September 1997

Stone, Alan. How America Got On-Line: Politics, Markets, and the Revolution in Telecommunications. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe. 241 pp., $62.95, $23.95 paper ISBN 1-56324-576-0 cloth ISBN 1-56324-577-9 paper Publication Date: July 1997

Worsham, Jeffrey. Other People's Money: Policy Change, Congress, and Bank Regulation. Boulder, CO: Westview. 164 pp., $55.00 cloth, $21.50 paper ISBN 0-8133-9953-X cloth ISBN 0-8133-9952-1 paper Publication Date: September 1997

Rubin, Barry R. A Citizen's Guide to Politics in America: How the System Works and How to Work the System. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe. 288 pp., $34.95 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-7656-0028-5 cloth ISBN 0-7656-0029-3 paper Publication Date: March 1997

Gordon, Ann D., and Bettye Collier-Thomas, eds. African American Women and the Vote, 1837–1965. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press. 217 pp., $45.00 cloth, $15.95 paper ISBN 1-55849-058-2 cloth ISBN 1-55849-059-0 paper Publication Date: 1997

Lublin, David. The Paradox of Representation: Racial Gerrymandering and Minority Interests in Congress. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 174 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-691-02669-6 Publication Date: July 1997

Evans, Gary R. Red Ink: The Budget, Deficit, and Debt of the U.S. Government. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 297 pp., ISBN 0-12-244079-X cloth ISBN 0-12-244080-3 paper Publication Date: 1997

Croucher, Sheila L. Imagining Miami: Ethnic Politics in a Postmodern World. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia. 235 pp., $45.00 cloth, $15.00 paper ISBN 0-8139-1704-2 cloth ISBN 0-8139-1705-0 paper Publication Date: April 1997

Bridges, Amy. Morning Glories: Municipal Reform in the Southwest. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 244 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-691-02780-3 Publication Date: June 1997

Katzmann, Robert A. Courts and Congress. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution. 163 pp., $38.95 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 0-8157-4866-3 cloth ISBN 0-8157-4865-5 paper Publication Date: April 1997

Johnson, Herbert A. The Chief Justiceship of John Marshall, 1801-1835. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press. 317 pp., $39.95, ISBN 1-57003-121-5 Publication Date: March 1997

Sarnoff, Susan Kiss. Paying for Crime: The Policies and Possibilities of Crime Victim Reimbursement. Westport, CT: Praeger. 115 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-275-95709-8 Publication Date: 1996

Goldwin, Robert A. From Parchment to Power: How James Madison Used the Bill of Rights to Save the Constitution. Washington, DC: AEI Press. 213 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-8447-4012-8 Publication Date: May 1997

O'Cleireacain, Carol. The Orphaned Capital: Adopting the Right Revenues for the District of Columbia. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution. 214 pp., $16.95 paper ISBN 0-8157-6425-1 paper Publication Date: April 1997

UNITED STATES. Foreign Policy and National Security, McDougall, Walter A. Promised Land, Crusader State: The American Encounter with the World Since 1776. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 286 pp., $26.00, ISBN 0-395-83085-0 Publication Date: April 1997

Audley, John J. Green Politics and Global Trade: NAFTA and the Future of Environmental Politics. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. 212 pp., $55.00 cloth, $21.95 paper ISBN 0-87840-650-6 cloth ISBN 0-87840-651-4 paper Publication Date: October 1997

Hanhimäki, Jussi M. Containing Coexistence: America, Russia, and the “Finnish Solution,” 1945-1956. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press. 279 pp., $39.00, ISBN 0-87338-558-6 Publication Date: May 1997

CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, Gibson, Edward L. Class and Conservative Parties: Argentina in Comparative Perspective. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 274 pp., $48.50, ISBN 0-8018-5172-6 Publication Date: June 1996

Griffith, Ivelaw Lloyd. Drugs and Security in the Caribbean: Sovereignty under Siege. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press. 295 pp., $35.00 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 0-271-01718-X cloth ISBN 0-271-01719-8 paper Publication Date: September 1997

Solingen, Etel. Industrial Policy, Technology, and International Bargaining: Designing Nuclear Industries in Argentina and Brazil. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 311 pp., $47.50, ISBN 0-8047-2601-9 Publication Date: 1996

Mainwaring, Scott, and Arturo Valenzuela, eds. Politics, Society, and Democracy: Latin America. Boulder, CO: Westview. 266 pp., $65.00, ISBN 0-8133-8548-2 Publication Date: Spring 1998

Haber, Stephen, ed. How Latin America Fell Behind: Essays on the Economic Histories of Brazil and Mexico, 1800-1914. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 315 pp., $55.00 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-8047-2737-6 cloth ISBN 0-8047-2738-4 paper Publication Date: February 1997

EUROPE AND COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES, Piening, Christopher. Global Europe: The European Union in World Affairs. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. 252 pp., $49.95 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 1-55587-694-3 cloth ISBN 1-55587-700-1 paper Publication Date: May 1997

Dörfer, Ingemar. The Nordic Nations in the New Western Security Regime. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press. 103 pp., $32.50 cloth, $15.95 paper ISBN 0-943875-83-8 cloth ISBN 0-943875-82-X paper Publication Date: July 1997

Kurthen, Hermann, Werner Bergmann, and Rainer Erbs, eds. Antisemitism and Xenophobia in Germany after Unification. New York: Oxford University Press. 318 pp., $65.00 cloth, $29.95 paper ISBN 0-19-510485-4 cloth ISBN 0-19-511010-2 paper Publication Date: May 1997

MacQueen, Norrie. The Decolonization of Portuguese Africa: Metropolitan Revolution and the Dissolution of Empire. Essex, UK: Longman. 266 pp., ISBN 0-583-25994-0 cloth ISBN 0-582-25993-2 paper Publication Date: 1997

Dawisha, Karen, ed. The International Dimension of Post-Communist Transitions in Russia and the New States of Eurasia. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe. 462 pp., $72.95 cloth, $29.95 paper ISBN 1-56324-370-9 cloth ISBN 1-56324-371-7 paper Publication Date: April 1997

Staar, Richard F. The New Military in Russia: Ten Myths that Shape the Image. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press. 240 pp., $41.95 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 1-55750-798-8 cloth ISBN 1-55750-740-6 paper Publication Date: 1996

AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST, Bratton, Michael, and Nicolas van de Walle. Democratic Experiments in Africa: Regime Transitions in Comparative Perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press. 307 pp., $59.95 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-521-55429-2 cloth IBSN 0-521-55612-0 paper Publication Date: 1997

Deng, Francis M., et al. Sovereignty as Responsibility: Conflict Management in Africa. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. 265 pp., ISBN 0-8157-1828-4 cloth ISBN 0-8157-1827-6 paper Publication Date: 1996

Diamond, Larry, Anthony Kirk-Greene, and Oyeleye Oyediran, eds. Transition without End: Nigerian Politics and Civil Society under Babangida. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. 515 pp., $55.00, ISBN 1-55587-591-2 Publication Date: August 1997

Garfinkle, Adam. Politics and Society in Modern Israel: Myths and Realities. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe. 322 pp., $62.95 cloth, $24.95 paper ISBN 0-7656-0005-6 cloth ISBN 0-7656-0006-4 paper Publication Date: February 1997

ASIA AND THE PACIFIC, Zheng, Sniping. Party vs. State in Post-1949 China: The Institutional Dilemma. New York: Cambridge University Press. 294 pp., $59.95 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-521-58205-9 cloth ISBN 0-521-58819-7 paper Publication Date: August 1997

Garver, John W. Face Off: China, the United States, and Taiwan's Democratization. Seattle: University of Washington Press. 193 pp., $18.95 paper ISBN 0-295-97617-9 paper Publication Date: August 1997

Godement, François; trans. Elisabeth J. Parcell. The New Asian Renaissance: From Colonialism to the Post-Cold War. New York: Routledge. 313 pp., $79.95 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-415-11856-5 cloth ISBN 0-415-11857-3 paper Publication Date: October 1997

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, LAW, AND ORGANIZATION, Clague, Christopher, ed. Institutions and Economic Development: Growth and Governance in Less-Developed and Post-Socialist Countries. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 390 pp., $48.50 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-8018-5492-X cloth ISBN 0-8018-5493-8 paper Publication Date: June 1997

Ojo, Bamidele A. Human Rights and the New World Order: Universality, Acceptability, and Human Diversity. Commack, NY: Nova Science. 237 pp., $59.00, ISBN 1-56072-438-2 Publication Date: 1997

Sisk, Timothy D. Power Sharing and International Mediation in Ethnic Conflicts. Washington, DC: U.S. Institute of Peace Press. 143 pp., $7.95 paper ISBN 1-878379-56-9 paper Publication Date: 1996

Zartman, I. William, and J. Lewis Rasmussen, eds. Peacemaking in International Conflict: Methods and Techniques. Washington. DC: U.S. Institute of Peace Press. 412 pp., $35.00 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 1-878379-61-5 cloth ISBN 1-878379-60-7 paper Publication Date: 1997

Hoogvelt, Ankie. Globalization and the Postcolonial World: The New Political Economy of Development. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 291 pp., $45.00 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-8018-5644-2 cloth ISBN 0-8018-5645-0 paper Publication Date: August 1997

Crocker, Chester A., and Fen Osler Hampson, eds., with Pamela Aall. Managing Global Chaos: Sources of and Responses to International Conflict. Washington, DC: U.S. Institute of Peace Press. 642 pp., ISBN 1-878379-59-3 cloth ISBN 1-878379-58-5 paper Publication Date: 1996

COMPARATIVE POLITICS, Farazmand, Ali, ed. Public Enterprise Management: International Case Studies. Westport, CT: Greenwood. 303 pp., $69.00, ISBN 0-313-28025-8 Publication Date: October 1996

Tatalovich, Raymond. The Politics of Abortion in the United States and Canada: A Comparative Study. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharp. 265 pp., $55.00 cloth, $21.95 paper ISBN 1-56324-417-9 cloth ISBN 1-56324-418-7 paper Publication Date: November 1996

THEORY AND METHODOLOGY, Manin, Bernard. The Principles of Representative Government. New York: Cambridge University Press. 243 pp., $54.95 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 0-521-45258-9 cloth ISBN 0-521-45891-9 paper Publication Date: April 1997

Schneider, Anne Larason, and Helen Ingram. Policy Design for Democracy. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. 242 pp., $35.00 cloth, $15.95 paper ISBN 0-7006-0843-5 cloth ISBN 0-7006-0844-3 paper Publication Date: September 1997

Newman, Saul. Ethnoregional Conflict in Democracies: Mostly Ballots, Rarely Bullets. Westport, CT: Greenwood. 279 pp., $59.95, ISBN 0-313-30039-9 Publication Date: 1996

Haas, Ernst B. Nationalism, Liberalism, and Progress: The Rise and Decline of Nationalism. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. 362 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-8014-3108-5 Publication Date: June 1997

Weimer, David L., ed. The Political Economy of Property Rights: Institutional Change and Credibility in the Reform of Centrally Planned Economies. New York: Cambridge University Press. 363 pp., $64.95, ISBN 0-521-58101-X Publication Date: July 1997

Grubb, Alan. The Politics of Pessimism: Albert de Broglie and Conservative Politics in the Early Third Republic. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press. 427 pp., $55.00, ISBN 0-87413-575-3 Publication Date: August 1996

Reinhardt, Mark. The Art of Being Free: Taking Liberties with Tocqueville, Marx, and Arendt. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. 234 pp., $39.95 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 0-8014-3137-9 cloth ISBN 0-8014-8424-3 paper Publication Date: May 1997

Löwith, Karl; trans. J. Harvey Lomax. Nietzsche's Philosophy of the Eternal Recurrence of the Same. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 276 pp., $40.00, ISBN 0-520-06519-0 Publication Date: August 1997

Poster, Mark. Cultural History and Post modernity: Disciplinary Readings and Challenges. New York: Columbia University Press. 172 pp;, $47.50 cloth, $16.50 paper ISBN 0-231-10882-6 cloth ISBN 0-231-10883-4 paper Publication Date: September 1997

Clor, Harry M. Public Morality and Liberal Society: Essays on Decency, Law, and Pornography. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. 235 pp., $32.95 cloth, $16.00 paper ISBN 0-268-03813-9 cloth ISBN 0-268-03823-6 paper Publication Date: 1996

West, Thomas G. Vindicating the Founders: Race, Class, and Justice in the Origins of America. Lanham, MD: Rowman &; Littlefield. 200 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-8476-8516-0 Publication Date: 1997

Friedman, Lawrence M., and George Fisher, eds. The Crime Conundrum: Essays on Criminal Justice. Boulder, CO: Westview. 210 pp., $55.00, ISBN 0-8133-9021-4 Publication Date: November 1997

Brinkley, Alan, Nelson W. Polsby, and Kathleen M. Sullivan. New Federalist Papers: Essays in Defense of the Constitution. New York: W. W. Norton. 179 pp., $23.00 cloth, $13.95 paper ISBN 0-393-04619-2 cloth ISBN 0-393-31737-4 paper Publication Date: 1997

Griffin, Stephen M., and Robert C. L. Moffat, eds. Radical Critiques of the Law. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. 340 pp., $45.00 cloth, $25.00 paper ISBN 0-7006-0845-1 cloth ISBN 0-7006-0846-X paper Publication Date: August 1997

GENERAL, Flink, Stanley E. Sentinel under Siege: The Triumphs and Troubles of America's Free Press. Boulder, CO: Westview. 325 pp., $28.00, ISBN 0-8133-3344-X Publication Date: October 1997

Drukman, Mason. Wayne Morse: A Political Biography. Portland, OR: Oregon Historical Society. 545 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-87595-263-1 Publication Date: June 1997  相似文献   


Baker, Paula, ed. Money and Politics University Park: Penn State University Press 120 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0-271-02246-9 Publication Date: October 2002

Swers, Michele L. The Difference Women Make: The Policy Impact of Women in Congress Chicago: University of Chicago Press 200 pp., $45.00 cloth, $16.00 paper ISBN 0-226-78647-1 cloth ISBN 0-226-78649-8 paper Publication Date: October 2002

Brady, David W., and Mathew D. McCubbins, eds. Party, Process, and Political Change in Congress: New Perspectives on the History of Congress Stanford: Stanford University Press 549 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-8047-4571-4 Publication Date: September 2002

Segal, Jeffrey A., and Harold J. Spaeth The Supreme Court and the Attitudinal Model Revisited New York: Cambridge University Press 459 pp., $70.00 cloth, $25.00 paper ISBN 0-521-78351-8 cloth ISBN 0-521-78971-0 paper Publication Date: September 2002

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Tusmith, Bonnie, and Maureen T. Reddy, eds. Race in the College Classroom: Pedagogy and Politics New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press 336 pp., $60.00 cloth, $22.00 paper ISBN 0-8135-3108-X cloth ISBN 0-8135-3109-8 paper Publication Date: August 2002

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Weizer, Paul I. Sexual Harassment: Cases, Case Studies, and Commentary, Vol. 12 New York: Peter Lang Publishing 352 pp., $27.95, ISBN 0-8204-5261-0 Publication Date: June 2002

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Hamburger, Philip Separation of Church and State Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 514 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-674-00734-4 Publication Date: May 2002

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Cohen, Warren I. The Asian American Century Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 150 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-674-00765-4 Publication Date: March 2002

Lawson, Chappell H. Building the Fourth Estate: Democratization and the Rise of a Free Press in Mexico Berkeley: University of California Press 287 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0-520-23171-6 Publication Date: August 2002

Camp, Roderic Ai Mexico's Mandarins: Crafting a Power Elite for the Twenty-First Century Berkeley: University of California Press 319 pp., $54.95 cloth, $21.95 paper ISBN 0-520-23343-3 cloth ISBN 0-520-23344-1 paper Publication Date: August 2002

Ivanov, Igor S. The New Russian Diplomacy: Ten Years of Moscow's Foreign Policy Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press 203 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-8157-4498-6 Publication Date: July 2002

Volkov, Vadim Violent Entrepreneurs: The Use of Force in the Making of Russian Capitalism Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press 224 pp., $17.95, ISBN 0-801-48778-1 Publication Date: September 2002

Whiteside, Kerry H. Divided Natures: French Contributions to Political Ecology Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press 333 pp., $24.95 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 0-262-73147-9 cloth ISBN 0-262-73247-9 paper Publication Date: January 2002

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Hahn, Jeffrey W., ed. Regional Russia in Transition: Studies from Yaroslavl' Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press 258 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-8018-6741-X Publication Date: June 2001

Terry, Fiona Condemned to Repeat? The Paradox of Humanitarian Action Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press 282 pp., $19.55, ISBN 0-8014-8796-X Publication Date: August 2002

Mandelbaum, Michael The Ideas That Conquered the World: Peace, Democracy, and Free Markets in the Twenty-First Century New York: Public Affairs 483 pp., $30.00, ISBN 1-58648-134-7 Publication Date: August 2002

Byman, Daniel L. Keeping the Peace: Lasting Solutions to Ethnic Conflicts Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press 280 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-8018-6804-1 Publication Date: March 2002

Wattenberg, Martin P. Where Have All the Voters Gone? Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 200 pp., $39.95 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-674-00937-1 cloth ISBN 0-674-00938-X paper Publication Date: November 2002

Jung, Hwa Yol, ed. Comparative Political Culture in the Age of Globalization: An Introductory Anthology Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books 464 pp., $80.00 cloth, $26.95 paper ISBN 0-7391-0317-2 cloth ISBN 0-7391-0318-0 paper Publication Date: February 2002

Beissinger, Mark R., and Crawford Young, eds. Beyond State Crisis? Postcolonial Africa and Post-Soviet Eurasia in Comparative Perspective Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press 514 pp., $60.00 cloth, $24.95 paper ISBN 1-930365-07-1 cloth ISBN 1-930365-08-X paper Publication Date: May 2002

Ding, Yjiang Chinese Democracy after Tiananmen New York: Columbia University Press 173 pp., $75.00 cloth, $20.00 paper ISBN 0-774-80838-1 ISBN 0-231-12565-8 Publication Date: March 2002

Boonin, David A Defense of Abortion New York: Cambridge University Press 350 pp., $65.00 cloth, $23.00 paper ISBN 0-521-81701-3 cloth ISBN 0-521-52035-5 paper Publication Date: November 2002

Tuckness, Alex Locke and the Legislative Point of View: Toleration, Contested Principles, and the Law Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 206 pp., $49.50 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-691-09503-5 cloth ISBN 0-691-09504-3 paper Publication Date: October 2002

Edwards, Alistair, and Jules Townshend, eds. Interpreting Modern Political Philosophy: From Machiavelli to Marx New York: Palgrave Macmillan 241 pp., $74.95 cloth, $24.95 paper ISBN 0-333-77241-5 cloth ISBN 0-333-77242-3 paper Publication Date: September 2002

Uslaner, Eric M. The Moral Foundations of Trust New York: Cambridge University Press 298 pp., $65.00 cloth, $23.00 paper ISBN 0-521-81213-5 cloth ISBN 0-521-01103-5 paper Publication Date: July 2002

Zuckert, Michael P. Launching Liberalism: On Lockean Political Philosophy Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 392 pp., $40.00 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-7006-1173-8 cloth ISBN 0-7007-1174-6 paper Publication Date: June 2002

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Freeberg, Ellen M. Regarding Equality: Rethinking Contemporary Theories of Citizenship, Freedom, and the Limits of Moral Pluralism Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books 145 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-7391-0155-2 Publication Date: March 2002

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