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On hearing that all villagers aged over 60 were entitled to free medical service,Lodro came to my house and asked me to find his ID.He said he had already reached 63 years old.He explained that he was going to send  相似文献   

颁布于中国全面改革开放起步时期的1980年《婚姻法》,反映了国家在婚姻家庭领域的法制重建以及社会转型带来的家庭婚姻制度的变化。在社会上引起较大反响的主要有三个方面:第一,明确了夫妻财产制,人们的个人财产权利意识增强;第二,实行计划生育政策,但由于重男轻女思想的影响,使性别选择问题更突出地表现出来;第三,明确把感情破裂作为离婚的条件,但“感情破裂”的衡量标准很难掌握,司法部门在处理离婚案件时仍有很大困难。总之,1980年《婚姻法》是一部承前启后的法律,它既是对1950年《婚姻法》的继承与发展,又通过20年的司法实践,为2001年《婚姻法》的修正案的制定作了法律上的铺垫。  相似文献   

浔阳翟氏是北朝时期才移居敦煌的.作为敦煌当地的新门,翟氏家族经历了兴起和发展阶段,而促进翟氏族势长足发展的一个重要因素就是翟氏与敦煌士族间的相互通婚.至归义军时期,翟氏通过与张氏、曹氏、慕容氏、阴氏、马氏等豪宗大姓的联姻,最终确立了世家大族之地位.  相似文献   

大萧条时期经济长期处于困境,对美国妇女的婚姻与家庭产生了深刻影响,此时性观念趋于保守,结婚率、离婚率与生育率都呈现下降趋势;家庭经济状况普遍恶化,家庭主妇承担起更多的经济责任,在家庭中的经济作用和精神力量相对增大,在家庭中的角色扩大,地位相应提高,但此时男女两性的性别定位并没有得到根本改变。  相似文献   

向工业社会转型中的德国婚姻与家庭形态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
邢来顺 《世界历史》2002,2(1):99-104
根据历史唯物主义原理,经济发展是人类社会发展变化的内在物质依据。经济结构的发展变化必然引起社会结构的相应变化。家庭既是构成社会的细胞,也是经济生活的最基本单位。在人类社会不同发展阶段,家庭的构成形态及其表现特征也会有所不同。婚姻则是家庭的基础。  相似文献   

文章着重就开展社会变革与当代农村婚姻家庭变动研究的意义 ,迄今这方面研究的状态、不足 ,分析视角等作了初步考察。指出 1 940~ 1 990年是中国农村社会变革最剧烈的时期 ,农民的婚姻家庭行为所受触动之大是史无前例的。目前完整经历过社会变革影响的人口群体和调查对象日渐萎缩和减少 ,因而非常有必要加大对这一研究的投入。  相似文献   

王艳 《民俗研究》2005,(1):154-162
婚姻是构成家族、产生亲族的基础,是社会生活中至关重要的内容,研究不同时代、不同社会的婚俗,对了解和认识历史和社会有着重要作用。尤其是宋代处于封建社会的转型期,社会生活的方方面面均呈现出与以往朝代不同的特点,并对后世产生深远的影响。20世纪90年代以来宋代社会生活史的研究相当活跃,作为社会生活史的重要问题,婚俗研究成果较为丰硕,论著不少。  相似文献   

Nineteenth century Cape Town – Mother City of a ‘Christian’ colony within the British Empire – became the home of an expanding Muslim community which, at its peak, numbered a third of the town's population. Islam had arrived at the Cape by a variety of means. Most of those who were attracted by that faith were slaves or, post-emancipation (1834) and apprenticeship (till 1838), the descendants of slaves. The slaves' exclusion from legal marriage until shortly before abolition had profound consequences for family life – notably, respecting out-of-wedlock births – which the state and the Christian churches attempted to address. In that environment the Muslim family, though on religious terms a thing apart, was often perceived as a model of stability; less acceptable were Christian-Muslim interactions when they entailed the formers' apostasy. This article investigates Cape Town's post-emancipation underclass through the lens of Christian-Muslim unions. It focuses on family life and the status of children born of marriages which, though binding on the parties thereto, did not legitimise their offspring. Equally it traces steps whereby an urban populace, which had been deracinated by slavery, forged new identities. In that development, the manner in which Muslims and Christians mingled, yet remained discrete, played an important part.  相似文献   

ASAA Matters     

Skill Matters     
Skill is a challenging topic for archeologists because it requires balancing the biases of cultural relativity with the commonsense understanding that some humans are more able than others. Using the content and results model of technology, this paper identifies skill as a variable of technological knowledge with recognizable material results. Late Paleolithic Japanese blade and microblade assemblages suggest that skill differentials exist on the cognitive, operational, and motor levels. These examples, together with ethnoarcheological consideration of modern potters suggest material reflections of technical skill. These include regularity in performance and product, skilled tools, and obvious signs of practice.  相似文献   

论文在现有研究的基础上,运用档案、民国报刊、口述历史访谈、留守妻子传记及其他相关资料和研究成果,以20世纪30-50年代福建泉州华侨婚姻为例,分析了华侨家庭留守妇女婚姻的缔结、维持、离婚、重婚以及婚外情等婚姻状况,探讨了国际移民对留守妇女婚姻生活的影响和华侨婚姻中的两性关系。本文认为,受到国际移民和侨乡发展的影响和冲击,华侨婚姻呈现出多元性,婚姻状况因华侨夫妇的不同境况而异。华侨婚姻是中国传统父权制婚姻在国际移民过程中的变异体,保留了父权制婚姻的一些特征,同时国际移民重新分配华侨夫妇的社会经济家庭责任,留守妇女往往要承担传统意义上属于丈夫的社会经济和家庭责任,她们的婚姻生活品质和生活也发生了变化。婚姻家庭的维持依赖各种复杂的内外因素,包括妻子的智慧、能力、坚忍和牺牲。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期陕甘宁边区的婚姻家庭变革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
抗日战争时期,陕甘宁边区改革婚姻家庭制度,在这一变革的过程中,出现了法律与习俗、两性关系、新旧婚姻观念之间的冲突,表明了社会变革的复杂性和长期性。边区政府为解决这些矛盾和冲突采取了一系列措施,收到了较好的效果。这一时期婚姻家庭变革的实践促进了边区的建设和持久抗战,并为新中国建立以后继续实行婚姻家庭制度的改革积累了丰富的经验。  相似文献   

从赘婿地位看入赘婚的家庭关系--以清代为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在中国传统社会中一向有“夫为妻纲”的说法 ,这是指丈夫在家庭中具有主导、决定性的作用。入赘婚相对于正常婚姻是一种异变。本文利用清代档案文书及其他资料 ,对上述问题一一进行考察 ,以期对赘婚制家庭关系有较全面的了解。  相似文献   

While some geographical surveys on marriage behaviour concern general marriage patterns and family systems, there are other discussions on regional variations in marriage within specific countries. This article belongs to the latter tradition, charting the regional differences in ages at marriage in Sweden from 1870 to 1900, and exploring potential determinants of the regional variation. The study builds on Sundbärg's division of Sweden into three main demographic regions, the subsequent Swedish research, and the historical-demographic studies on the determinants of marriage. The results do not fit perfectly into Sundbärg's geography but find a basic divide between the west and east/north of Sweden, mean ages at first marriage being one to one-and-a-half years higher in the west. Social norms and socioeconomic structure seem to have influenced the timing of marriage. At county level, family farming and crowding/competition over land and tenure were typically associated with later marriages, while commercial agriculture and a more diverse economy were correlated with a lower average marriage age. Also, in counties where real wages were higher, marriages usually took place earlier. Finally, results indicate that counties characterized by more secular and tolerant values were on average associated with earlier marriages.  相似文献   

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