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王乐安 《神州》2012,(15):359-360
为了实现国家、社会、家庭对下一代的期望,培养更多优秀人才,让孩子更多更好地掌握科学文化知识,应该让孩子快乐地学习,在学习中感到快乐。本文从五个方面具体阐述了如何让孩子在学习中感受快乐,从四个方面阐述了如何让孩子快乐自主地学习。  相似文献   

开栏语:生活中的许多快乐,都是互相分享得来的。从本期开始,我们将教你如何分享快乐、分享成功、分享经验。记住,分享是一种态度,一份快乐两个人分享,就变成了两份快乐。  相似文献   

邓恒 《沧桑》2010,(5):161-162
柏拉图集他所处时代的希腊哲学之大成,对于知识的确定性和"善"的理念充满信心,反对混淆现象和实在、快乐和善,对智者学派的怀疑主义和虚无主义予以有力的驳斥。而辩证法是柏拉图最有力的哲学工具,甚至可以说在柏拉图那里哲学就是辩证法。柏拉图的辩证法具有本源性,它那里没有主体、客体之分,和我们中国人熟悉的"对立统一"等由黑格尔等人逐渐形成的现代意义上的辩证法概念不同,但是在柏拉图的辩证法中隐匿着很多现代哲学方法的因素。《理想国》是对辩证法阐述最充分的文本,本文主要依据该文本试分析柏拉图辩证法的一些应用和特点。  相似文献   

常振强 《神州》2012,(15):322-323
在众多新的体育教育学思想中,产生较多争议的就是“快乐体育”的教学思想。如何更好地在体育教学中实施“快乐体育”课堂教学,提高体育教学效果呢?于是对快乐体育教育教学思想的研究已是当前体育教学发展的一种客观必然需求。本文试图从认识论的角度对愉快教育中的“快乐体育”作了概要的总结,并提出了个人的几点看法。  相似文献   

正一位妈妈说:"我的孩子不听话,叫我很生气!"她把快乐的钥匙放在孩子手中。一位职员说:"上司不赏识我,所以我情绪低落。"他把快乐的钥匙塞在老板手里。而我认为,生活中不是缺少快乐,而是缺少感受快乐的心灵。那么,从哪里能够感受快乐呢?从书中感受快乐。在夏日微曛的午后,或是秋日小雨的黄昏,捧一本书,与布恩迪亚家族一起到马孔多旅游,去感受他们的喜怒哀乐、悲欢离合,去体味深  相似文献   

从人类文化的高度,在东西方文化比较的基础上,揭示从易经到老庄哲学的文化走势,即泛类比——同类比——结构类比的思维发展模式。指出其综合思维的本质特征,阐明老庄哲学的文化价值,即老庄哲学规约了人类文明的走势;老庄哲学的思维方式的可取性;老庄哲学的人文价值。  相似文献   

哲学是什么?哲学能做什么?哲学应该最什么样的?对于这样的问题,传统哲学所给予的明确回答已成为哲学的基本内容,即哲学是关于最高、最普遍的认识,是通过人的理性对世界最一般本质的理解和把握,是关于世界的终极真理和人生的根本意义的追寻和探求。但是,本世纪初,这种哲学却遭到了来自哲学内部的各种怀疑和批判,且随着时间的推移,后现代哲学后来居上,从不同角度和不同方式展开了对传统哲学的瓦解。后现代哲学的兴起和发展,以及它对传统哲学的批驳与反叛,从一侧面反映了西方哲学的发展已进入一个巨大而痛苦的转折期。传统哲学所…  相似文献   

张祥浩教授的新著《马克思主义哲学在中国的传播、发展和走向》以1919年的"五四"新文化运动为起点,系统梳理了近九十年来马克思主义哲学在中国传播和发展的历史轨迹,从中揭示了马克思主义哲学与中国哲学之间的内在张力,并以此为依据,指出马克思主义哲学向中国传统哲学的趋同问题。从而为我们从理论的维度把握马克思主义哲学中国化的历史脉搏开辟了崭新的视界。  相似文献   

徐兰田 《神州》2012,(35):212-213
本文阐述了快乐工作法的基本内涵、研究意义、价值,并从工作方法角度、自我价值实现和对员工激励等三个角度对"快乐工作"的价值进行了理论依据和具体操作方法的分析。  相似文献   

李康 《沧桑》2010,(6):161-162
康德的哲学革命从认识的对象、人的认识能力和认识来源三个方面推翻了莱布尼茨—伏尔夫"形而上学"体系,康德的哲学革命竭力想要对古希腊以来的从本体论到认识论中的哲学疾病加以质疑、批判,但是康德最终走上了一条调和唯理论和经验论的道路。  相似文献   

Kant's ideas about, questions, and challenges to the Western tradition of philosophy reverberate into the third century of the reception of his texts. The writings of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, the twentieth-century French existential and hermeneutic phenomenologist, are interlaced with engagements with Kant's ideas. Often these incidents are marked by Merleau-Ponty's critique, yet there is a noticeable recurrence of his efforts to contend with Kant's philosophy. In Merleau-Ponty's course notes, Nature (2002), he wrestles with Kant's version of nature in the Critique of Judgment (1790), specifically citing “the happy accident” between sensibility and the understanding. This opens upon realms of metaphysical thought that remain deeply contentious within Kantian scholarship. An interrogation of this “happy accident” leads to insights about Merleau-Ponty's conceptualization of an existentialized metaphysics the implications of which shed light on theology and the judgment of God.  相似文献   

孙洋 《攀登》2008,27(2):70-73
康德哲学在西方哲学史上起着“承前启后”的作用。康德在近代哲学史上恰似一个处于贮水池地位的人:以前的哲学皆流向康德,以后的哲学又是从康德这里流出。作为德国古典哲学的开创者,康德哲学的地位和意义是显而易见的。马克思主义哲学中关于“人的主观能动性的原理”和“实践观点”就直接受到了康德哲学的启示,康德哲学在西方哲学史和德国古典哲学中的地位非常重要,其对马克思主义哲学的影响意义更应给予重视。  相似文献   

研究任何哲学思想都要考察其文化渊源。本文用实证的方法驳斥了稻盛和夫经营哲学深受中国传统文化影响的观点。中国文化对稻盛和夫的影响是有限的,而稻盛哲学是来源于多方面的,是这位大企业家对各国文化博采众长的产物。  相似文献   

中国民间绘画的现代趋向所体现出的艺术魅力、品质价值与西方现代绘画是相似的,其美感意识主要源自作者的美感体验和对美好生活的认识。  相似文献   

In this essay I examine and discuss the concept “system of philosophy” as a methodological tool in the history of philosophy; I do so in two moves. First I analyze the historical origin of the concept in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Thereafter I undertake a discussion of its methodological weaknesses–a discussion that is not only relevant to the writing of history of philosophy in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, but also to the writing of history of philosophy in our times, where the concept remains an important methodological tool. My first move is to analyze Jacob Brucker's employment of the concept in his influential history of philosophy, Historia critica philosophiae, dating from 1742–1744. To Brucker, a “system of philosophy” is characterized by the following four features: (a) it is autonomous in regard to other, non‐philosophical disciplines; (b) all doctrines stated within the various branches of philosophy can be deduced from one principle; (c) as an autonomous system it comprises all branches of philosophy; (d) the doctrines stated within these various branches of philosophy are internally coherent. Brucker employed the concept on the entire history of philosophy, and he gave it a defining role in regard to two other methodological concepts, namely “eclecticism” and “syncretism,” which he regarded as more or less successful forms of systematic philosophy. My second move is to point out the weakness of the concept of “system of philosophy” as a methodological tool in the history of philosophy. I argue that the interdisciplinary nature of much premodern philosophy makes Brucker's methodological concept “system of philosophy” inadequate, and that we may be better off leaving it behind in our future exploration of premodern philosophy.  相似文献   

从人生哲学、政治哲学、教育哲学三大方面探讨旅游哲学。旅游哲学之内涵见诸情性观、价值观、生死观、苦乐观、天人观、人际观、政治观、修身观、静思观、义利观等。  相似文献   

This article looks at Horace's two Books of Satires, Books I-III of the Odes and the First Book of Epistles in the perspective of the following thesis. One of the most important themes of Horace's poetry is happiness, and measure and moderation are the means to bring about and secure a happy life. In the various poetry books this ethics of measure and moderation undergoes certain variations. The message of the Satires is that you are happy if you are content on the basis of moderation. The Odes of the first edition convey the idea that we are happy if we live in peace and friendliness, founded on the principle of moderation. The First Book of Letters is focussed on the central notion that I am happy if I am free and independent, and again, the precondition for that is moderation. The point of the article is thus, first, that it underscores an aspect of the unity of Horace's poetry: the search for happiness, and, second, that it offers an account of the diversifications of that unifying theme in the different genres of poetry and different phases of the poet's life.  相似文献   

稻盛和夫1997年退出经营第一线后,愈发活跃于国内外的财界、学界乃至政界,不断地著书立说,登台演讲。主题大都是谈自己的经营之道。有人说稻盛的哲学思想深受中国传统文化影响,也有人说,稻盛的哲学博采众长,是吸收多种文化的产物。这些说法哪种更贴近现实,抑或都存在片面性?本文将通过对稻盛和夫的著述、演讲以及个人访谈中所引用的中国古典、哲学以及宗教等内容的比较,分析中国古典在稻盛经营哲学中所处的地位以及发挥的作用。  相似文献   

钟放 《日本学论坛》2003,53(2):55-59
利他经营的思想是稻盛和夫经营哲学的核心,这一思想使稻盛哲学带上了浓厚的伦理色彩。本文将从伦理学角度分析利他经营的思想,并通过与西方主要伦理学流派和日本传统伦理观的对比,进一步揭示稻盛和夫经营哲学的独特之处。  相似文献   

This paper sets out an agenda for the study of the history of analytic and post-analytic political philosophy. It builds on a growing literature on the history of analytic philosophy to make three main suggestions. First, analytic philosophy arose as part of a wider shift from the developmental historicism of the nineteenth century to more modernist modes of knowledge. Second, analytic philosophy included a wide range of approaches to moral and political issues, many of which reflected distinctive concepts of analysis, logic, and science. Third, analytic philosophy only became widespread when the work of Quine and Wittgenstein moved it in a more post-analytic direction. Crucially, the move toward post-analytic philosophy inspired people to rediscover and reinvent other traditions, including liberal humanism, democratic republicanism, virtue ethics, and historicism. The resulting history provides a fluid and diverse understanding of arguably the most powerful philosophical movement of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

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