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张春来是唐山曙光实业集团有限公司董事长,该公司起步于1984年,时年产仅5000吨水泥。经过19年的艰苦创业,逐步发展成为可年产水泥300万吨,拥有四个水泥厂和8个水泥联营公司的大型企业集团。 企业在壮大,曙光的光彩事业也随之拓展、延伸、创新。据统计,张春来先后投入光彩事业10107万元,其中:参与社会公益事业25项,投入1559万元;兴办光彩事业项目6项,投资8548万元;安排下岗职工再就业1000余人。  相似文献   

港口板块:神华集团现拥有黄骅港和神华天津煤炭码头两个自有出海口,主要满足自有煤炭的下水需要,兼顾部分散杂货业务和矿石回运业务。黄骅港现有专业化煤炭泊位8个,煤炭年通过能力1亿吨,煤炭堆存容量:正常生产220万吨,设计容量420万吨。神华天津煤炭码头现有专业化煤炭泊位3个,煤炭年通过能力4500万吨,煤炭堆存容量:正常生产80万吨,设计容量144万吨。  相似文献   

理清思路加快发展登封电厂集团有限公司董事长总经理程国贤1997年上半年,登电集团公司主要产品产量效益都有较大幅度增长,其中:发电3.07亿千瓦时,比去年同期增长88%;原煤14.9万吨,增长18.7%;水泥9万吨,增长42%;铝锭7400吨,增长21...  相似文献   

正"大跃进"时期,有一张名为"1958年工农业生产的几项宏伟指标"的宣传画广为流传。画面以钢花四溅为背景,一个黄色大箭头直指冲天,将1949年16万吨的钢产量,跃过1952年的135万吨、1957年的535万吨两个台阶,直抵1958年的1070万吨。中央提出1958年全国钢产量指标1070万吨,这是当时人们耳熟能详的一个数字,是党中央为全国制定的1958年钢产量指  相似文献   

邢台矿业集团金牛钾碱分公司,是一家年生产2.8万吨(折100%计)氢氧化钾的氯碱企业,主要产品有48%的液体氢氧化钾,90-92%的片氢化钾,商品液氯和纯盐酸。该公司于2003年11月正式生产,经过一年多的生产运行和技术改造,已完全掌握了该项生产工艺技术,生产能力和产品质量都已达到或超过设计标准,产品不仅畅销国内,还远销欧盟、东南亚,打入了国际市场。金牛钾碱公司计划在五年内由现在的生产能力2.8万吨/年提高到11.2万吨/年,净增生产力8.4万吨/年。届时,将成为国内甚至世界最大的氢氧化钾生产企业。金牛钾碱分公司的前景展望…  相似文献   

该公司是一家民营企业,是集祖代、父母代蛋种鸡饲养、苗鸡孵化、饲料生产、技术服务于一体的省级农业产业化龙头企业。公司占地500余亩,固定资产3000万元,员工152人,其中专业人才60人,有4个生产基地,年饲养2万套进口祖代种鸡、20万套父母代种鸡以及年孵化量2000万羽的孵化场和配套年产6万吨的饲料场各一座。公司于1995年在徐州大汀畜禽有限公司的基础上组建,确立“依  相似文献   

宗关水厂是武汉市自来水建厂生产之始,于1906年开始施工,1909年竣工供水。到武汉解放前夕,日生产能力达9,3万吨,日供水量5万吨,是武汉市人民不可缺少的重要生活资源之一。  相似文献   

石嘉 《江淮文史》2006,(4):4-13
4月的江南,草长莺飞,处处生机盎然。皖江之畔,安徽省861行动计划重点项目繁昌海螺年产1280万吨水泥熟料生产工地上,机器轰鸣,车辆穿梭,一派热火朝天的建设景象,一座现代化的水泥企业又将拔地而起,为中国水泥巨人那传奇般的神话再添浓墨重彩的一笔。跃出山门天地宽放眼长三角,秦山核电站,浦东的东方明珠、金茂大厦,上海磁悬浮列车工程等,这些耳熟能详的标志性建筑,都镌刻着一个响亮的名字:海螺水泥。在这辉煌的背后,谁能想到,成立于1996年的海螺集团,是从皖南宁国山沟里走出来的。它的前身是宁国水泥厂,只因当地有一座石灰石矿山海螺山,海螺…  相似文献   

图片说明:1)创建百年油田是大庆发展的基础。油田公司继续坚持“高水平、高效益、可持续发展”的开发方针,“十一五”期间,保持年产4200万吨以上的油气当量。2006年上半年油气开发态势良好,生产原油222.63万吨,完成年计划的51.66%;生产天然气13.16亿立方米,完成年计划的50.6%。  相似文献   

<正>江苏自古以来是天下粮仓,鱼米之乡,是全国粮食生产大省、流通大省、产业大省。2013年全省粮食总产量达3423.0万吨,比上年增产50.5万吨,实现建国以来十连增。认真贯彻落实国家粮食收购政策,先后三次启动最低收购价执行预案,全省收购粮食2125万吨,销售2250万吨,购销总量位居全国第二,促进农民增收35亿元。总投资14.9亿元的全省粮库维修改造工程全面启动。着力推进粮食信息化,建成29家数字粮库。  相似文献   

An economic-geographic model of two technologically related industry groups in the Donets Basin (coal-energy-chemicals and iron-steel) reveals bottlenecks that reduce the cost-effectiveness of industrial performance. They include cross hauls of coal, amounting to about 5 million tons a year within the Donets Basin; in-shipments of up to 3 million tons of coal from outside the Donbas, and the waste of 3 billion m3 of blast-furnace gas. Remedies that would insure more rational utilization of fuel and energy resources are proposed.  相似文献   

Strontium isotopic analysis has been proposed as a suitable method to determine the primary production location of ancient plant ash glasses. The technique is based upon the assumption that Sr enters this glass type with the plant ash used as a flux material, and that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the resulting glass reflects the geological provenance of that flux. In such case, the bulk Sr isotopic composition of the bedrock should be inherited unchanged in the plants growing on that bedrock. Different types of plant ash glasses have been shown to have widely differing 87Sr/86Sr compositions. In this study, the 87Sr/86Sr composition of several plant species growing on different bedrock types is measured, and compared to the bulk Sr isotopic composition and petrology of that bedrock. The paper shows that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of these plants is a function not only, or even mostly, of the local geology, but also of the Sr isotopic composition of the total water consumed by that plant. This is highly likely to be both plant species dependent and dependent on the small-scale hydrology of the area immediately surrounding the plant. In this way, no definite relation between the isotopic composition of a geological outcrop and the plants growing on this bedrock can be inferred. Hence, the isotopic composition of a plant ash made from such plants is uncertain and moreover species dependent. Though groups of plant ash glasses can certainly be compared in time and space using Sr isotopes, it may prove difficult to ascertain a plant ash glass type to a specific geographical-geological region.  相似文献   

Analyses of a 20–30 cm thick, completely combusted ash at the 25 × 70 m Tschudi burn at Chan Chan, northern Perú, contain 52–55 wt% SiO2, 180–210 ppm zirconium and are consistent with coal ash. Soil geochemistry across the burn showed elevated calcium and phosphorus content, possible evidence for reported human cremation. A calcined, 5 g, 4.5 cm skull fragment recovered from the burn was confirmed as human by protein radioimmunoassay (pRIA). X‐ray diffraction showed that the bone had been heated to 520°C. The burn took place c. ad 1312–1438 based on interpretation of a 14C date on carbonized plant tinder.  相似文献   

吴汉全 《安徽史学》2007,1(6):114-125
高一涵研究近年来已取得重要成果,发表的论文对高一涵的启蒙思想、五四时期的政治思想、自由主义理念、人权思想、与五四运动的关系、与李大钊的关系等作了有价值的探讨.今后一个时期,高一涵研究应着重在高一涵政治思想研究、生平和活动研究、在五四时期的历史地位的研究、政治学思想研究、与五四时期历史人物关系的研究、与五四时期期刊关系的研究等六个具体领域下工夫.深化高一涵研究,使高一涵研究成为一个比较成熟的研究领域,必须注重学术研究资料的积累和搜集、研究观念的提升、研究视野的扩大、研究方法的更新、研究队伍的建设等,这是高一涵研究今后的努力方向.  相似文献   

Urvi Khaitan 《War & society》2020,39(3):171-188
In British India in 1943, a rapidly escalating Allied coal crisis resulted in the lifting of a six-year-old ban on women’s employment underground. Over 70,000 low-caste and adivasi (indigenous) women, battling the war-induced Bengal Famine, sustained production levels and prevented the monthly loss of 385,000 tons of coal between August 1943 and February 1946. Their employment sparked unprecedented outrage among the public, in the press, and in parliaments, generating a transnational discourse on Indian women workers for the very first time. Meanwhile the desperate colonial government disciplined miners through the threat of starvation, information that has so far remained concealed.  相似文献   

The chemical analysis of excavated glass fragments from dated archaeological contexts in Raqqa, Syria, has provided a detailed picture of the chemical compositions of artefacts deriving from eighth to ninth and 11th century glassmaking and glassworking activities. Evidence for primary glass production has been found at three excavated sites, of eighth to ninth, 11th and 12th century dates; the first two are discussed here. The 2 km long industrial complex at al‐Raqqa was associated with an urban landscape consisting of two Islamic cities (al‐Raqqa and al‐Rafika) and a series of palace complexes. The glass fused and worked there was presumably for local as well as for regional consumption. Al‐Raqqa currently appears to have produced the earliest well‐dated production on record in the Middle East of an Islamic high‐magnesia glass based on an alkaline plant ash flux and quartz. An eighth to ninth century late ‘Roman’/Byzantine soda–lime recipe of natron and sand begins to be replaced in the eighth to ninth century by a plant ash – quartz Islamic soda–lime composition. By the 11th century, this process was nearly complete. The early Islamic natron glass compositional group from al‐Raqqa shows very little spread in values, indicating a repeatedly well‐controlled process with the use of chemically homogeneous raw materials. A compositionally more diffuse range of eighth to ninth century plant ash glass compositions have been identified. One is not only distinct from established groups of plant ash and natron glasses, but is believed to be the result of experimentation with new raw material combinations. Compositional analysis of primary production waste including furnace glass (raw glass adhering to furnace brick) shows that contemporary glasses of three distinct plant ash types based on various combinations of plant ash, quartz and sand were being made in al‐Raqqa during the late eighth to ninth centuries. This is a uniquely wide compositional range from an ancient glass production site, offering new insights into the complexity of Islamic glass technology at a time of change and innovation.  相似文献   

由于《明史》只记载了正德十三年(1518年)四月改四川叙州府高县为高州,而漏载十二月又废州为县,给人以高州一直存在的假像。《清史稿》复加以穿凿补充,谭其骧《中国历史地图集》又加以附和,以致1998年《高县志》、1998年《筠连县志》和1995年《珙县志》建置沿革皆载高州存在至明末清初,造成失误。今对高州始末加以考述,以正其误。  相似文献   

2009年,吉林省文物考古研究所抢救发掘了孙长青遗址,获得了一批较为丰富的遗迹遗物资料,其中有灰坑、灰沟等遗迹现象,出土了陶器、瓷器、铁镞、铜钱及动植物遗存等。该遗址是白城市洮北区一处较为重要的金代聚落址。  相似文献   

The present paper reports results from a systematic study of oxygen isotopic compositions for glass samples from various archaeological sites (i.e., Iulia Felix, Grado, Vicenza, Pozzuoli and Modena in Italy, and Derrière Sairoche in Switzerland) and dated from the Roman period to the 18th century AD, as well as of some raw materials that may have been used for their production. The analysed samples differ essentially in the type of flux, using Roman and high Medieval glass natron and late Medieval and modern glass plant ash, soda and potash, respectively. The aim of this study was to amplify the database of oxygen isotope data for various archaeological glasses and to identify isotopic trends indicating different raw materials, production technology, and/or provenance. Results indicate that natron glass samples of various provenance and age have consistently higher δ18O values than plant ash ones (about 15.5‰ vs 13.0‰), probably due to the different flux, highly 18O-enriched in the case of natron. Isotopic data on Belus and Campanian sands, the types mentioned by Pliny for glass production, show that they have similar isotopic composition. Taking into account the oxygen isotopic composition of Roman glass, the “positive natron effect”, and the negligible influence of small amounts of manganese and antimony containing decolourisers, the suitability of both sources for glass production is verified, supporting the hypothesis of multiple sand sources. Notwithstanding this, the isotopic similarity between Belus and Campanian sands prevents us from identifying the starting material from the δ18O of the final product. In the case of plant ash used as flux, it is not possible to distinguish between soda and potash plant ash, because the addition of ash did not contribute isotopically heavy oxygen and the silica source is presumed to be comparable in the analysed samples. The isotopic data of the present study are also compared with those already published in the literature, and possible interpretations on their analogies and differences are discussed.  相似文献   

《每周评论》时期高一涵政治思想研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<每周评论>对推动五四时期舆论界的进步起了极为重要的作用.作为新文化运动重要领导人物的高一涵,在<每周评论>上发表了许多文章,其政治思想表现为反对日本帝国主义的侵略,抨击军阀的黑暗统治,追求理想的民主政治,导引着进步舆论的前进.研究<每周评论>时期高一涵的政治思想,对于深化五四时期思想的研究,恢复高一涵的历史地位,有着重大的学术意义.  相似文献   

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