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已经是半个多世纪以前的事了,这些年来,却愈来愈强烈地回荡在心头。说来也简单,因为没有这件事,我的生命早已画上了句号。而铭刻在心中的这件事,像火一样地燃烧着,鞭策和激励着我经历了坎坷的征途,多少次出死入生,学习、拼搏……每当  相似文献   

刘巧君 《神州》2013,(7):154-154
自主学习,顾名思义就是学生依靠自己的努力,自觉、主动、积极地获取知识。英语自主学习能力则是学生在学习活动中表现出来的一种综合能力。具有这种能力的学生有强烈的求知欲,善于运用科学的学习方法,合理安排自己的学习活动。善于积极思考,敢于质疑问难,在学习过程中表现出强烈的探索和进取的精神。  相似文献   

赵爱华 《神州》2011,(1X):78-78
兴趣是人的认识需要的情感表现。它是使人乐于积极持久的去接触某一种新事物的一种意识倾向,它是激发学习动机的最现实、最活跃的因素,它是推动学习动机的最佳动力,学生有了强烈的学习兴趣,便会对学习产生强烈的需要,积极主动地投入到学习中,语文学习兴趣指的是学生对语文学习本身的爱好,从而表现出一种自觉和主动。本文就如何在小学语文教学中培养学生的学习兴趣谈谈自己的认识。  相似文献   

王美砖 《神州》2012,(22):72-72
自学就是学生依靠自己的努力,自觉、主动、积极地获取知识。自学能力则是学生在学习活动中表现出来的一种综合能力。具有这种能力的学生有强烈的求知欲,善于运用科学的学习方法,合理安排自己的学习活动,善于积极思考,敢于质疑问难,在学习过程中表现出强烈的探索和进取的精神。培养学生的语文自学能力是素质教育的要求,培养自学能力不仅有利于学生今后的学习,而且能优化课堂教学,提高教育教学质量。下面就此谈谈个人的几点看法。  相似文献   

林文新 《神州》2012,(10):158-158
处于中学生这个年龄段的学生都有强烈的好奇心、创造欲和表现欲,兴趣是学习动力最重要的源泉,充分利用中学生的好胜心和表现欲,创造各种机会激发他们的学习兴趣和积极性。学生学习有兴趣,就能积极思考,进入智力振奋状态,有助于学生获得良好的学习效果。  相似文献   

陈宜亚 《神州》2013,(24):175-175
在初中生物教学过程中,要重视学生的学习兴趣的培养,重视教学的各个环节,激发他们的学习兴趣和强烈的求知欲,因此学生的综合素质也就会不断地的提高。  相似文献   

王文堂 《神州》2012,(7):34-34
新一轮课程改革把调整课程内容,优化学习方式,变革评价机制作为重点,整体推进教育教学改革。但一个不争的事实却是,在许多地方,学生学习语文的兴趣却在下降,语文教学的作用和地位也在下降。这就形成了新一轮课程改革特别是语文教学改革与当前许多地区语文教学现状的强烈反差。当代智力心理学认为,兴趣是一种特殊的学习动机,它在学习中是最活跃的因素,学习动机带有强烈的情感作用。语文教学只有根据学生的心理状况,充分调动学生的情感因素,才能促进他们的学习。  相似文献   

1950年,我到共青团武汉市委工作,至1962年调离。13年中主要做青年统战和青年外宾接待工作。几乎每年都要接待来武汉参观学习的有关省、区的少数民族青年学习参观团。亲身感受到这些少数民族青年认真学习,追求进步,要求祖国统一和民族团结的强烈愿望,通过参观学习感到“满载而归”的愉悦心情。  相似文献   

石文秀 《神州》2012,(12):55-56
只有学生把学习看成是一种需要、一种享受,才会产生巨大的内驱力,激发起强烈的求知欲,从而积极主动地学习、探索。  相似文献   

杨铁刚 《神州》2014,(11):185-185
学习兴趣是学生学习的驱动力,学生如果有了强烈的学习兴趣,才会主动积极地去学习。如何调动学生学习积极性,具体从以下几个方面入手:一是创造课堂气氛;二是注重教学语言;三是充分调动学生思维;四是用生活问题引起学生学习的兴趣。  相似文献   

刘东 《神州》2011,(3X):124-124,129
小学思想活跃,求职欲望旺盛,对事物有着强烈的好奇心,这就是问题意识的萌芽种子。这粒种子的能不能萌芽,取决于它是否有一个适宜的环境和氛围。激发学生的问题意识,是教师在课堂教学中通过各种有效的教学手段和方法,指导学生通过观察,主动发现问题和提出问题,并努力分析和解决问题,让学生敢问、会问和爱问,提高学生认识事物和创新实践的技能,从而无形中提高了教师自身的教学技能与水平。  相似文献   

顾晓君 《神州》2011,(3X):87-87
在语文教学中要注重情感体验,以唤起学生的主体意识,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,更好地落实新课标的要求。可以说,注重情感体验,语文教学就成功了一半,情感教育应是语文教学的生命。  相似文献   

This article uses memory and specifically my memories to build up a sense of how Australians perceived India in the second half of the 20th century. I focus first on the late 1950s to consider Australian perceptions of India as seen through my eyes as a university student. I then present my observations as a student studying in India in the first half of the 1960s to track the limited awareness of Australia in India. The final section, based mainly on newspaper clippings of the late 1980s, assesses how India featured in Australian perceptions some two decades on and in the very different world of the day – one that was much more knowledgeable but not necessarily significantly more involved.  相似文献   

At the heart of arguments for affirmative action in university admissions are various claims about ethnic diversity. One assertion is that a diverse student body improves the quality of the educational experience: all students learn more. Further, a diverse educational experience better prepares students for the pluralistic society in which they will live. Previous studies examining these issues have been based on informal and survey methods. To better assess the impact of diversity we utilize a data set that allows us to measure student performance at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) as a function of the diversity of a student's high school. Do students from diverse high schools do better in the ethnically diverse environment at UIC? After controlling for other factors that affect GPA, such as ACT, high school rank, and high school quality, we find significant diversity impacts. Depending on the diversity measure, a student from a very diverse high school has an expected first semester GPA that is a one‐fourth to one‐half point higher than a student from a nondiverse high school. The diversity impacts tend to be greater for students in the lower tail of the GPA distribution. There are also large gender differences with females helped most by diversity. Although the results represent outcomes at only one university, they nevertheless serve as a starting point for quantitatively assessing the impact of a diverse learning environment.  相似文献   

Due to increasing demands regarding student learning outcomes and accreditation, a capstone portfolio was added to assess critical thinking and communication skills of geography majors at a large public university in the USA. The portfolio guidelines were designed to be adaptable to a flexible curriculum where about half of the requirements within the major are structured. This paper discusses the portfolio requirements and assessment rubrics developed following multiple portfolio iterations, gives guidance to instructors, and synthesizes potential benefits for students, departments and employers.  相似文献   

The intellectual relationship between Carl Schmitt and Max Weber has been a point of controversy for at least half a century. At the 1964 convention of the German Sociological Association, in honor of Weber's centenary, Schmitt was famously referred to as Weber's “legitimate student.” This article uses the chapter Schmitt specifically wrote for an edited volume in Weber's memory, published in 1923, as the starting point for juxtaposing the two scholars, and then expands the analysis to encompass a range of sources and commentaries. The comparison focuses on the approach of each of the two scholars to methodology and didactics, theory and conceptual use, as well as to the society/social science nexus. The article concludes by arguing that Schmitt performed a double rhetorical move: while styling himself as Weber's student, he then drew on that authority to assault Weber's liberalism and concept of scientific integrity.  相似文献   

何现法 《神州》2011,(3X):89-89,92
在初中语文教学中,对中学生进行感恩教育主要通过联系实际,以学生由内而外的“内省”为突破口,将感恩思想中内省的自我发展要求,在学生内心中激发出来,变“要我学好”到“我要我学好”,找回学生内心人性的东西,真正促进学生的主体性发展。  相似文献   

康厚春 《神州》2011,(3X):84-84
实施语文新课程教学,首先要注重培养良好的语文学习习惯。语文能力的发展是跟良好的习惯的养成紧密联系的,学生一旦养盛了良好的习惯,就变被动为主动,变依赖为独立,进入自主学习境界。教师要关注学生的自主探究和合作探究,促使他们自己去获得知识,发展能力,让学生在探究性学习中学有所思,思有所疑,疑有所问。  相似文献   

This article explores the methods and outcomes of “The Archaeology of College Hill” (AoCH), a hands-on fieldwork course at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. The first half of this paper recounts the results of a three-year research program (2012–2014) on the Quiet Green of the university’s campus. This work identified a material assemblage associated with the school’s first official President’s House and uncovered evidence for over two centuries of student life. The second half of this article addresses our pedagogical methods, including elements of replicable course design and feedback from a qualitative survey on students’ impressions of the class. By situating this project within wider dialogues on the role of fieldwork in undergraduate teaching, we demonstrate the ways in which practical, on-campus projects like AoCH can reach a more diverse body of students, increase enrollments in other archaeology courses, and develop a more engaged, de-centered pedagogy.  相似文献   

邢昭 《神州》2011,(3X):91-92
新课程要求改变传统的教学方法,把课堂还给学生,让学生有更为广阔的学习空间和更多探究的时间。对此我们务必注重以下几个方面的改革:改传统知识传授为探究能力培养,改传统教师中心为学生主体,改单纯智能培养为德智体美劳全面发展;改平均教育为因材施教等。以期在新一轮课程改革的浪潮中探索一条更高效实用的语文教学之路。  相似文献   

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