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崔丽霞 《神州》2011,(9):98-98
在日语中,有一类自动词,不需要使用“れる·ろれる”的形式,也可以表示被动的意义。这类自动词因为其本身的含义,或构成句子的含义,与日语被动句在意义上有着相通的地方。引用汉语中无标被动句的说法,把由这类非被动语态却又被动意义的句子称为日语中的无标被动句。并且以有对自动词作为研究对象,对无标被动句与相对应的被动句进行对比研究。  相似文献   

古代汉语最早出现的被动句是“于”字式。而被动句“于”字式究竟起于何时,怎样起源,一直是语法史上的一个饶有兴趣的问题。王力先生认为:“在远古汉语里,在结构形式上没有被动和主动的区别,直到甲骨金文里也还是这种情况。”①持这种观点的还有陈梦家先生②。但是,也有一些学者如于省吾、郭沫若等认为金文中即有被动句‘’于”字式③。1980年杨五铭先生则据于。郭等学者的看法,较为系统的阐发了这一观点④。后来唐任明,周锡校两位先生进一步认为“西周时期被动式不仅见诸金文,而且典籍也不乏其例。”⑤看来,这里最为关键的问题是…  相似文献   

兰阔 《神州》2013,(15):155-155
汉语的句式可以从多反面进行分类,句型也可以根据需要分为数十类甚至上百类。"被"字句是汉语中非常有特点的句式。这里要说的"被"字句不同于一般观念上的被动句。被动句主要是从语义角度分析出来的,句中有无"被"字并不重要,而"被"字句是根据外部形态来确定的句式,即句中有"被"字(介词或助词),表示被动意义的句子。换个角度讲,"被"字句也属于被动句的一种。  相似文献   

<正>西汉以来,"西域"是作为一个地理概念而使用的,有广义和狭义之分。广义的西域指玉门关和阳关以西的今新疆地区以至于更远的中亚地区。狭义的西域则指玉门关、阳关以西,天山南北,葱岭和巴尔喀什湖以东以南,昆仑山以北的广大地区。本文所讨论的西域,即为狭义之西域。自张骞"凿空"西域之后,西汉王朝积极经略  相似文献   

“文化”是一个较为复杂宽泛的概念 ,有广义和狭义之分。《中国大百科全书》社会学卷说 :“广义的文化指人类创造的一切物质产品和精神产品的总和。狭义的文化专指语言、文学、艺术及一切意识形态在内的精神产品。”过去 ,广义的文化被更多地使用 ,而 2 0世纪以来 ,各种媒体所说的文化通常是指狭义的文化 ,即人类的精神现象和精神产品。本文所说的“文化”也指狭义的文化。笔者认为 ,志书作为全面记述一地政治、经济、文化的资料性著述 ,是地情的文化载体 ,应努力提升它的文化品位。也就是在志书中应加大笔墨记述一地的文化现象 ,而又不仅仅…  相似文献   

<正>股权,亦称股东权,有狭义和广义两种解释,狭义的股权是指股东基于其在公司或企业中所持有的股份或出资而享有的权利。广义的股权,则是股东权利和义务的总称。而继承在广义上是指对死者生前权利义务的继受,在狭义上是指单纯对死者生前财产权利的继受。目前我国还没有专门的关  相似文献   

正三农概念和三农问题有广义、狭义之分:广义是农业、农村、农民和其中存在问题的简称;狭义有四个涵义,一是把三者相互区别,指出三者在一定条件下存在矛盾,需单独看待和处理,使之由单一向度转变为"三个维度";二是把三者相互联系,把原先的三个分列概念转变为一个整体性概念;三  相似文献   

在英汉翻译中处理英语被动句时,必须根据汉语的语言特征、中华民族的思维习惯,尽最大可能译出原文的被动含义,避免译出英文式的中文或中文式的英文。本文就英语的语言特征以及被动结构的具体特点,总结出几种英译汉的翻译方法,并利用各种实例进行对比分析,深入探析两种语言的对比特点、两种语言中被动语态的异同以及英语被动语态的应用特点,以便帮助我们准确把握被动结构的句子,把文章翻译的忠实、通顺和美。  相似文献   

薛守军 《神州》2011,(12):86-91
什么是行款行款即书籍的版面款式与行格字数,它有广义和狭义之分:广义的行款指文字的书写顺序和排列形式。狭义的行款是指古籍书叶版面的行数和字数,包括边  相似文献   

唐代金银器的社会意义及其艺术特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭前学 《文博》2004,(1):2-11
金银器是指以金银为原料加工制成的器物。它有广义和狭义之分。广义的金银器泛指用金银制成的一切物品;狭义的金银器是指用金银制作的器皿和饰物。人们通常所说的金银器,多是狭义的金银器。虽然中国古代金银器的出现在时间上晚于玉石器、陶器、铜器并长期受制于上述艺  相似文献   

This article establishes a unified randomization significance testing framework upon which various local measures of spatial association are commonly predicated. The generalized randomization approach presented is composed of two testing procedures, the extended Mantel test and the generalized vector randomization test. These two procedures employ different randomization assumptions, namely total and conditional randomization, according to the way in which they incorporate local measures. By properly specifying necessary matrices and vectors for a particular local measure of spatial association under a particular randomization assumption, the generalized randomization approach as a whole yields a reliable set of equations for expected values and variances, which then is confirmed by a Monte Carlo simulation utilizing random permutations.  相似文献   

The author looks at Vergil’s treatment of fors and forte and finds that forte sua at A. 1. 377 is not only exceptional, but most probably a corruption not least due to forte being used in the previous sentence. He conjectures instead sorte sua “due to its (namely the storm’s) own (special and arbitrary) law”.  相似文献   

董平 《人文地理》2011,26(6):51-54
长江三角洲沙上地区是指由长江泥沙堆积形成的地区,即狭义的自然地理意义上的长江三角洲地区。这一地区具有非常鲜明的文化景观特点,突出表现为典型的一字形村落空间布局特征。其特点有三:一为前后平阔,空间感好,使人心胸宽阔;二为家在坝上,门前垫土成场,俗称"场坎",高敞干燥,有利卫生;三为家家朝南成埭,有利接收阳光,户户屋前种植桃李,屋后栽种翠竹,宅基前后均有河流,取水方便,四周围以绿篱,自成格局,形成江南另一种小桥流水的沙上文化景观。语言和饮食等构成文化景观的软物质内容也非常有特色。  相似文献   

傅慧 《旅游科学》2007,21(2):39-45
随着旅游企业竞争日趋激烈,学习能力成为旅游企业获取持续竞争优势的关键所在.本文在文献研究基础上,通过问卷调查,对旅游企业学习能力体系进行了实证研究.研究表明: 旅游企业学习能力体系涵盖内部学习与外部学习两个层面,内部学习能力由学习承诺、共享愿景、管理人员的开放心智、组织内部知识共享4个成分构成;外部学习能力由被动学习、客户学习、供应商学习、竞争对手学习4个成分构成.  相似文献   

Fiona Nash 《对极》2013,45(1):101-120
Abstract: This article demonstrates that Gramsci's concept of passive revolution can be utilised to help unearth some of the contradictions of participatory development within neoliberal governance systems in the global South. I argue that some approaches to “participation” within neoliberal governance systems can, in part, be understood as moments within a protracted process of passive revolution. The argument is traced through eThekwini municipality's Community Participation Programme and the related extension of Free Basic Water (FBW). This article contributes to existing scholarship by demonstrating how a Gramscian analysis is indispensable to understanding the way in which state–civil society relations are conceived in participatory development strategies and the implications this might have for radical social change. I argue that a Gramscian approach compels us to reconsider current understandings of state–civil society relations so that we might overcome the impasse of passive revolution and move towards a more progressive form of politics.  相似文献   

In civil engineering, structural integrity and safety are of utmost importance as the consequences of failure are devastating. Maintaining the structural integrity becomes particularly important when the structures are subjected to severe earthquakes and strong wind-loading. Various passive and active control means have been considered to avoid catastrophic failure due to seismic or wind excitations. In this paper, a new class of hybrid actuators is presented which consists of a piezoelectric stack actuator combined with a viscoelastic damper to form a passive/active brace system (PAB). The actuator is used for mitigating structural dynamic responses of a three-storey structure subjected to simulated earthquakes loading. The proposed hybrid actuator is selected because it combines the attractive attributes of active and passive systems as well as because it has high stiffness-weight ratio, high frequency bandwidth, and low power consumption. The theoretical and experimental performance characteristics of the three-storey structure with the hybrid PAB actuator are presented. Comparisons are also included when the structure is controlled with conventional viscoeiastic dampers or conventional active control braces that operate without any viscoelastic damping. These comparisons emphasize the effectiveness of the hybrid actuator in damping out simulated seismic vibrations.  相似文献   

本文着重探讨的就是从"跟……一样"句式的两个主要语法功能探讨其本身以及如何应对对外汉语教学.  相似文献   

关于语义学和语用学关系的争论由来已久,但进入后格赖斯语用学阶段,由于格赖斯关于“所言”和“所含”的区分存在着缺陷,使这场争论的焦点已转向语义和语用的界面问题。语义最简论认为,句子表达独立于语境的最简命题,同时承认所言中含有语境敏感成分;语境论则认为,句子的话语意义包括显性意义和隐性意义都属于推论意义即含义,必须通过语用过程在语境中加以确定。界面研究的兴起,对于我们认识语言的意义和语言的使用与认知的关系开辟了新的视阈。  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that globalization based on technical advances in information technology is creating a dualistic situation in the world economy, whereby the benefits tend to accrue to a narrow group of relatively affluent countries, while the majority lag behind. The purpose of this article is to suggest a framework within which to assess an alternative, pro‐poor form of technical integration into the global economy — in other words, a form of globalization that benefits the poor as well as the rich. The article focuses particularly on the role that can be played by NGOs, aid donors and national governments in this endeavour.  相似文献   

This article investigates the nature of lexical information in the lexical entries of Persian transitive verbs. In the first experiment transitive verbs were categorized into five groups. What differentiates them is the number of argumental structural and subcategorization frame options of each verb. The question is: which one is more fundamental in sentence processing? In the second test the question is whether the number of argument(s) and complement(s) in each option determines processing time. Twenty normal native speakers of Farsi participated in these tests, divided into two groups. Cross-modal lexical decision method was used here. Using the DMDX software program the tests were performed and using t-tests the data were analyzed. The results of the first test show that both the argumental structure and subcategorization frame possibilities of the verb can affect sentence processing time. Also the important role of the number of the complement(s) needed for a specific verb has been indicated by the second test results. Overall results show that the verb type of a sentence and sentence syntactic complexity determine the processing time. This has some implications for teaching Farsi to foreign language learners for whom knowing more verbs leads to making more grammatical sentences.  相似文献   

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