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叶承耀先生是知名的明式家具收藏家。1991年,香港中文大学曹为其举办过个人藏品展览,并出版图录“Dreams of Chu TanChamber and the Romance with Huanghuali wood.The Dr.S.Y.Yip Collection of Classiic Chinese Furniture”。最近,叶先生的第二本图录“Chan Chair rand Qin Bench,The Dr.S.Y.Yip Collection of Classic Chinese FurnitureⅡ”(《禅椅琴凳——攻玉山房藏明式黄花梨家具Ⅱ》1998年香港中文大学艺术馆出版)又问世了。书中收录叶先生近年来新收藏的66件明式紫檀和黄花梨家具。与以往不同的是,此图录还收录了五篇文章。它们分别是:叶承耀先生的“Of wood,Furniture and Man:Aesthetics of Ming Furniture”和“Furniture on the Ground and off the Ground:A Modified Classification of Ming Hardwood Furniture”;田家青的“A Brief  相似文献   

谷建祥 《东南文化》2000,(2):102-103
The unity of man, bird and beast is a piece of jade in the early period of Liangzhu culture, the craftsmanship of which is fairly perfect. The shape has profound eannntations, that is, the unity of man, bird and beast stands for the jinn worship of heaven, earth and ancestors. Its appearance marks the end nf the preliminary religion and the coming of the systematic human religion.  相似文献   

The double-body pottery pot was unearthed in 1977 at the Karub ruins in Chamdo,Tibet,and has a history of more than 4,000 years.The shape of the vessel is made of two identical bag-shaped gallipots connected together,so it is named"double-body pot".According to the fibet Museum,the pot mouse has a diameter of 11.3cm,a bottom diameter of 8.4cm and a height of 19cm.Its texture is yellow pottery with sand.The mouth is horn shaped,straight neckt abdomen is con nected bag shaped double body,cervical shoulder has a pair of holes for tying rope.The surface of the pot is exquisitely decorated;with the use of carved lines and Cinnabar black painting decoration.The ware is full and beautiful in shape,ingenious in conception and skilled in craftsmanship,which represents the highest level of pottery production of Karub culture at that time and is known as the representative work of neolithic pottery in Tibet.  相似文献   

咸阳西魏谢婆仁墓清理简报   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The tomb of Xie Poren is licated in the yard of the Post and Telegram School of Shaanxi Province in Xianyang City. This is an earthy catacomb tomb with single-chamber and a long sloping passage. The chamber door is sealed up with mud bricks. There is only one human skeleton in the middle of the chamber. Although being stolen seriously, the brick epitaph and “Wu Zhu“ Coin of Datong period are well-preserved. The excavation supplies new and important information to the reasearch of the Western Wei tombs.  相似文献   

The West Yellow Temple is currently the location of the Senior Tibetan Buddhist College of China in Beijing, situated at the outer area of Andingmen and Deshengmen. This temple is an over 350 years old and covered with glazed tiles onthe roof, surrounded by a red wall and beautified by giant cypresses in the courtyard. Inside it looks solemn but spectacular. The splendid and exquisite architecture of the buildings is a perfect integration of the styles of Han, ethnic Tibetan and India and is referred to as a treasure of Tibetan Buddhist style architecture.  相似文献   

陕西丹凤县巩家湾遗址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Gongjiawan site.about 1200m^2, locates at Chafang township of Danfeng county. According to the stratigraphical deposits and the characteristics of the cuhural relics,Gongjiawan site can be mainly divided into three phases. The first phase is Yangshao Culture. The second is early period of Longshan Culture,which is discovered in the uper reaches of Danjing River for the first time,the discovery fills an important gap in developing alignment of archaeological cultures in this region. The third belongs to the middle--late era of the Western Zhou,which is different from that of the corresponding period of Guanzhong district, while is closed to that of Chu culture of the corresponding period of Hubei Province. The discovery is important for us to explore the distribution of Chu culture and cultural relation between Western Zhou and Chu ,at that lime.  相似文献   

鲁珊珊 《东南文化》2003,(12):42-47
Ghostuwriting is a most complicate and difficult problem in the respect of Chinese calligraphy and painting authcntication because the ghostwriting is the requirement of the painter himself and usually approved by him. The painter will cooperate with the ghostwriter and try to be invulnerable. The author introduces such kind of phenomenou in the Chinese calligraphy and painting history in quite a detail. which is believed to he a great help to the authentieators or collectora.  相似文献   

The Lhasa River originates from Nyangqentanglha Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.It is 551 km long and is one of the five major tributaries of the Yarlung Zangbo.For many years,the average diametric flow volume has been 6 billon cubic meters,which is about one-eighth of that of the second largest river in China,the Yelow River.The drainage area is nearly 30,000 square km.The Lhasa River is the Mother River of the Tibetans,which witnessed the changes of ancient Tibetan culture.The drainage area of the Lhasa River serves as the center of politics,economy,culture,transportation and religion in the whole Tibet, as well as the significant part of three-river area(the Yarlung Zangbo River,the Lhasa River and the Nyang Qu River)that Tibetan government attaches importance to the development there.  相似文献   

The Lhasa River originates from Nyangqentanglha Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is 551 km long and is one of the five major tributaries of the Yarlung Zangbo. For many years, the average diametric flow volume has been 6 billion cubic meters, which is about one-eighth of that of the second largest river in China, the Yellow River. The drainage area is nearly 30,000 square km. The Lhasa River is the Mother River of the Tibetans, which witnessed the changes of ancient Tibetan culture. The drainage area of the Lhasa River serves as the center of politics, economy, culture, transportation and religion in the whole Tibet,as well as the significant part of three-river area (the Yarlung Zangbo River, the Lhasa River and the Nyang Qu River) that Tibetan government attaches importance to the development there.  相似文献   

The discovery of the Niuheliang site aroused a lively discussion on the origin of Chinese civilization. The “Temple of Goodess“ and stone barrows with jades on the site involve two periods, i.e.the Neolithic Hongshan Culture and the Lower Xiajiadian Culture of the Bronze Age. This is especially evident judging from the bronzes and smelting vestiges revealed there. Therefore, this is especially evident judging from the bronzes and smelting vestiges revealed there. Therefore, the hypothesis of “dawn of civilization“ or “primitive civiliation“ and the like should not be used to summarize the social nature of the Hongshan Culture.  相似文献   

宋兆麟 《东南文化》2001,(10):65-71
Lacquer ware is the invention of China and still be used and produced in civilian life. That made from area of Mountain Liang is most characterized with ancientness and simplicity. The author has thrice been there to investigate the social history and art of lacquer. This passage introduces the procedure of making lacquer wares in detail, which is believed to be of great value to the research of the social culture.  相似文献   

Lhunzhub County is located inthe middle of Tibet along theupper reaches of the LhasaRiver. It is also called Peng-bo after the Pengbo River.Gandain Qugo Town, the county govern-ment headquarters, is 65 km from Lhasa.The county covers an area of 4,517square km, with 12,000 hectares of culti-vatable land, and a total population is52,000. The northern part belongs to thehigh and cold zone with the average ele-vation of some 4,160 meters. The south-ern part belongs to the drainage area ofthe …  相似文献   

丁正元 《东南文化》2000,(4):111-111
Jijin inks is a famous product in Hui ink family of Qing Dynasty. The imperial ink stick with farming and weaving design is the gem of Jijin inks for its perfect unity of poem, calligraphy and painting. The ink is skillfully made by the famous handicraftsman and selective in materials.  相似文献   

Calendaring in Tibet The book was authored by Huang Mingxin, whograduated from the Department of History ofTsinghua Uinversity in 1938 and studied Buddhismin the Labrang Monastery in the 1940s for eightyears. He is an expert in calenderingwhich is an important part of theTibetan culture. The forefathers ofthe Tibetans created calendaring inproduction and life. When com-pared with other ethnic groupsin the big family of the Chi-nese nation, Tibetan calen-daring is advanced. But what is its difference withthe lunar and Gregorian calenders invogue in inland China? How is theTibetan calendar created? And more. The large  相似文献   

The porcelain in cloisoon enamel is a precious kind produced in the three reigns of Kangxi, Yongzhen, and Qianlong of Qing Dynasty. Its technological process is very complicated. The production and development of it plays an important role in the Chinese porcelain history, which enriches the decoration ways and categories of over-glaze porcelain family.  相似文献   

The upper reaches of the Three Rivers of western Sichuan~1 is one of the areas which boast ancient Tibetan and Qiang pillboxes. Danba county~2 was and is well known for the architectural culture of ancient pillboxes. The county was hence famed as "the country of a thousand pillboxes." According to the documents I have in hand and the fieldwork I made in the area, the pillboxes of Danba county are the most numerous, widest in distribution, most complete in function and type, and the clearest and longest in historical development among all counties. Danba is the most suitable place for studying ancient pillboxes and also for solving the mystery of the architectural culture of ancient pillboxes in the area of the Three Rivers.  相似文献   

New Books     
<正>Records about Yerpa The author is Jigme Phungyel.The book is a long documentary writing,which is comprised of a total of 30 pieces collected during the author's time providing services in Yerpa Village of Pashod County,Chamdo.His sharp and sensitive eyes and dedicated brushwork captures the essence of the local people and the events that took place during his time with them.Not only  相似文献   

New Books     
<正>The Qinghai-Tibet Railway in China This is a book about the Qinghai-Tibet Railway along with its applied technologies.The book,written by Zhou Aiming,is divided into four chapters.The author provides readers a picture of what kinds of difficulties were faced during the construction of the railway and how constructors and managers solved such issues.The book also introduces technological characteristics and  相似文献   

Chongdro is a farmer in Kangsa Village of Norgyan Town of Panam County of TAR. She is a typical Tibetan woman living in a rural area and that is apparent not only from her face and general appearance,but also from her modest behavior and hospitality.Her house is still very much the traditional home of a rural Tibetan family living with their animals i.e.the first floor is for the animals and the second floor for the humans.The surrounding wall of the courtyard is plastered and almost covered with cattle ...  相似文献   

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