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This paper examines social upgrading in the inner neighbourhoods of six major Canadian cities between 1971 and 1981. The extent of social status change is assessed, and hypotheses are considered to account for neighbourhoods likely to experience social upgrading. Maps of status change are discussed and suggest further general principles. These are assessed in a correlation analysis where the dependent variable is an index of social status change for each inner city tract. Most of the independent variables show significant associations; the most consistent correlation is with proximity to an existing elite area. Implications of these findings for models of neighbourhood transition are considered.
Cet article examine le phénomène du renouveau social à I'intérieur des secteurs d'habitation de six grandes villes canadiennes entre 1971 et 1981. Le changement de statut social fait I'objet d'une évaluation dans son étendue, et des hypothèses sont formulées pour rendre compte des quartiers qui ont de grandes chances de connaître un phénomène de renouveau social. La carto-graphie des changements de statut social permet de dé-gagerde nouveaux éléments d'explication. La vérification des hypothèses est faite au moyen d'une analyse corrélative où la variable dépendante est un in-dice du changement de statut social survenu en chaque division des secteurs couverts. La plupart des variables indépendantes montrent des associations significatives; la corrélation la plus marquée a rapport à la proximité d'un secteur où réside l'élite. La signification de ces ré-sultats pour la formulation de modéles de quartiers en transition retient notre attention.  相似文献   

The relative importance and the spheres of influence of the urban centres within some specified region, such as a country, are intriguing topics of investigation. Webber (1964) indicated that the ordering of centres within a country is not possible, since “the spatial extent of each [urban] realm is ambiguous, shifting instantaneously as participants in the realm's many interest-communities make new contacts, trade with different friends, or read different publications.’ We suspect, however, that there is considerable order in the communication links among the larger centres within a country. For example, Canada's leaders in business, governments, and the arts tend to move through a hierarchy of centres to end up in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, or some other large city, depending upon the particular field in which they work. All urban centres are linked to Ottawa, which is at the apex of political power, and to large urban centres, such as Toronto and Montreal, which predominate in the economic realm. The major purpose of this paper is to derive a nodal structure for seventeen major Canadian cities, based on newspaper datelines. By utilizing these particular information flows, the analyses also shed light on possible differences between the anglophone and francophone communications networks.  相似文献   

This article employs the concept of physical rigour to map and measure recreational routes and zones available to the public. The thirteen study areas represent settled rural districts in three major ecumene regions, plus national parks at the fringes of the ecumene. Following a qualitative appraisal of mapped patterns of access, statistical measures of access availability are computed for five levels of rigour, grading from passive through to arduous. There are clear regional variations in the amount of access available at each level, and in the weighted index of overall access availability. Data analysis suggests that intensity of land use is the major determinant of such variations. Other factors include amplitude of relief, the type of natural vegetation, and the form of land survey.  相似文献   

中、日城市内部空间结构比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柴彦威 《人文地理》1999,14(1):6-10
本文从城市土地利用和生活空间结构两个方面,对中、日城市内部空间结构进行了对比,并从职住关系的视角解释了其形成机制。  相似文献   

The use of personal income sources instead of labour force as an indicator of urban economic base differences offers another perspective on the character of cities. This analysis discovered that cities were becoming less dependent on income from employment, thereby downgrading the effectiveness of labour force as an economic base indicator, and more dependent on income from investments and pensions. Significant variations in income sources were revealed both by region and by size of city. In general, the smaller the city, the higher the proportion of income from pension-government sources, and the larger the city, the higher the proportion from investments.
L'utilisation des sources de revenu personnel au lieu de celles de la main-d'oeuvre comme indicateur des differences de base économique urbaine offre une autre perspective sur le caractere des villes. I1 a étéétabli que les villes deviennent de moins en moins dependantes des revenus provenant des emplois, déclassant ainsi I'efficacité de la main-d'oeuvre en tant qu'indicateur de base econornique, et de plus en plus dbpendantes des revenus provenant d'investissements et de pensions. Des variations significatives ont été mises en évidence dans les sources de revenu par rapport à la région et à la taille d'une ville. En règle générale, plus la ville est petite plus la proportion du revenu provenant des pensions du gouvernement est élevée, et plus la ville estgrandeplus la proportion du revenu provenant d'investissements est élevée.  相似文献   

林岚  张雪  刘群  郑颖玲  郭子林 《人文地理》2022,37(1):116-125
建成环境与身体活动的关系备受地理学者关注。休闲体育活动是一种融合体育运动和游憩的休闲性身体活动。大型体育场馆作为城市重要的休闲体育建成环境,关注其对居民休闲体育行为影响研究尚不足。基于三个城市大型体育场馆的居民休闲体育行为调查,本文探讨大型体育场馆对居民休闲体育行为时空规律及其影响因素。研究发现:①距离场馆越远,休闲体育者到访越少;因交通网覆盖度及交通可达性提升,局部呈现多中心集聚衰减特征。②10 km以内距离集中90%以上休闲体育者,30 min以内时间最可接受。③家庭结构、场馆活动频率和满意度对到访时空规律影响不显著;年龄、月收入和文化程度等对3 km以内影响较大;随距离增加,休闲体育偏好和机动化出行方式等影响显著。  相似文献   

世界遗产地的旅游发展给遗产地带来的影响日益受到众多学者的关注.利用实证调查与相关统计分析,比较分析平遥古城和丽江古城两地居民对旅游发展的感知与态度.研究发现处于不同旅游发展阶段的世界遗产地居民对旅游的感知与态度存在显著差异,居民对旅游正面影响的感知与旅游的发展水平成正相关,反之,负面影响感知与旅游的发展水平成负相关;研究结果从居民角度还反映出当今旅游地旅游收益分配机制存在的不公现象.  相似文献   

新疆草原文化区域系统研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
阚耀平 《人文地理》1999,14(1):64-68
新疆草原文化是古代新疆草原游牧民族创造的一种游牧文化,其活动区域主要分布在天山及其以北的地区。本文试图从新疆草原文化形成的过程入手,探讨新疆草原文化系统的内涵、基本特征、草原文化的形成与地理环境的关系。  相似文献   

The location and type of Japanese property investments in Canada are examined as a case study of the increasing globalization of property markets and the remarkable rise of Japanese international investors in the late 1980s. Unpublished official statistics and company interviews indicate investment patterns had uneven implications for Canada's cities and regions. Even though Toronto is often seen as Canada's world city, Japanese investors as a whole overlooked the commercial potential of its property markets. The majority of their real estate investments took advantage of Japanese tourism growth in Pacific Canada and were associated with hotels and golf courses in Vancouver and its surrounding region. The author stresses the importance of Japanese perceptions, as well as local opportunities and constraints, in shaping the geography of Japanese real estate investment in Canada. L'emplacement et le type des investissements japonais au Canada sont examinés comme étude de cas sur la globalisation croissante des marchés de biens et la mon-tée remarquable des actionnaires internationaux japonais à la fin des années 80. Les statistiques officielles non-publiées montrent des implications inégales dans les villes et les régions du Canada. Bien que Toronto soit considéré souvent comme la ville mondiale du Canada, les actionnaires japonais dans ?ensemble ont négligé son potentiel commercial. La majorité des investissements sur les biens immobiliers ont pris avantage de la croissance du tourisme japonais au Canada Pacifique, et fut liee aux hotels et terrains de golf à Vancouver et dans les environs de la ville. ?auteur souligne ?importance des perceptions japonaises, aussi bien que les occasions et contraintes locales, en façonnant la géographie de leur investissement de biens au Canada. Mots-clés: investissement de biens au Canada; actionnaires japonais; investissements immobiliers  相似文献   

穆晓燕  王扬 《人文地理》2013,28(5):24-30
本研究在两千余份问卷调查的基础上,对北京天通苑、回龙观、望京等三个近二十年发展起来的巨型社区进行了社区居民的构成特征、变化特征以及不同收入居民的迁移意愿及居民满意度的分析,描述了社区的演替趋势和重构过程。研究结果表明我国的新型社区在政策、市场的双重影响下,建设初期便具有一定的同质性,收入、职业的因素是造成初步同质的重要原因;在社区的演化发展的过程中,同质聚居和异质隔离现象进一步加剧,不同社区处于上升、下降及趋于稳定的同质化的三个阶段;适度的同质性有利于人际交往和邻里和谐,但过度同质容易造成社会资源占有的不平等。本文认为城市规划应在尊重这一规律的前提下,采用大混居、小聚居等方式实现空间资源的合理配置。  相似文献   

This paper explores national identity in Sleswig by examining three cultural communities. It describes the changing public appearance of these communities at different points in time, but it also reveals diverse layers of affiliation within them. By focusing on the prewar Danish community in Prussian North Sleswig, the interwar German community in Denmark, and the postwar Danish community in Germany, the essay examines the national dichotomy in diverse temporal and societal settings. The multifaceted appearance of these identities makes their analysis both challenging and intriguing.  相似文献   

"后社会主义城市"社会空间分异研究述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社会空间的分化与极化是当代城市空间结构的主要特征。经济转型伴随了社会分异程度的增加,带来新的社会空间结构。对于中国城市社会空间转型的研究正处于方兴未艾之际,但对于处于东欧和前苏联的所谓“后社会主义城市”(Post-socialistCities)的研究尚缺乏比较与借鉴。本文通过对“后社会主义城市”社会空间分异研究的综述,探讨了这一类城市在新的政治经济背景下新的社会极化对城市社会空间的影响,市场的出现和福利体系的重构造成了普遍的社会空间分异程度的增加,这类转型城市的社会空间表现出多元多样的空间分异格局。  相似文献   

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