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《War & society》2013,32(3):209-229

This paper examines the experience in the First World War of Uppingham School, then a middle-ranking public school, and its old boys, in comparison to prevailing scholarly orthodoxy. This holds that a public school education inspired attitudes of leadership and sacrifice and also provided elementary military knowledge, which made public schoolboys an important source of British Army junior officers in the war. Drawing on primary sources including the school’s own records the author concludes that there is little in the attitudes and experience of the old boys to support this orthodoxy and that a more nuanced approach is required.  相似文献   

美国公立学校种族隔离制度是在内战结束以及公立学校开始普及的社会背景下形成的,为了废除这种制度,非洲裔美国人进行了长期不懈的努力,其斗争的鲜明特征是组织性和法律性。废除学校种族隔离的过程集中体现了法律的神圣性以及司法部门的独立性,同时联邦政府也进行了有效的干预和控制。  相似文献   

Advocates of market-based education reform hypothesize that competition will cause traditional public schools to increase outreach efforts as they seek to market themselves. Advocates hope such efforts will result in more information on school activities and performance and thereby enhance accountability. We examine the effect of charter school competition on outreach efforts by a sample of 98 Arizona district schools, finding that charter competition is associated with a short-term increase in outreach. Organizational structure influenced school response, with more decentralized district schools responding more readily to charter competition. Competition modestly increased information regarding schooling in the short run, although long-term implications are less clear.  相似文献   

王平 《安徽史学》2011,(4):103-107
本文通过对新发现的《皖江公学试办章程》的分析与考察,认为:皖江公学创办和停办时间大约在1903年5月初至1904年4月中旬之间;清末提倡实学之风、日本近代私立高校之成功、近代安徽高等教育不发达、民间缺少"私学"等因素皆对该校的创办有影响;皖江公学是近代安徽第一所私立高等学堂,为大学预科,是"壬寅学制"的产物。  相似文献   

In this paper I investigate the role of private schools in the housing market and in the supply and demand for public schooling. I estimate public school-quality supply simultaneously with demand, which provides greater confidence in calculated demand elasticities than in single-equation studies. The price of public schools, private schools, and taxes all appear in the demand estimation and have elasticities of @ndash;0.19, 0.11, and –0.49, respectively. Public school–quality supply is responsive to private-school competition but not to competition from other public schools. The percentage of school-aged children attending private schools depresses house values holding public-schooling outcomes constant.  相似文献   

This article uses empirical data to discuss the links between ethnicity, inequality and governance in a framework that divides countries according to their levels of ethnic polarization. It makes three main arguments. First, types of diversity, not the existence of diversity per se, explain potentials for conflict or cohesion in multiethnic societies. Ethnic cleavages are configured differently in different social structures and are less conflictual in some countries than in others. Second, relative balance has been achieved in the public sectors of countries that are highly fragmented or those with ethnicity‐sensitive policies, but not in those with ethnicity‐blind policies. Third, the article is critical of institutional approaches to conflict management that underplay background conditions in shaping choices. Consociational arrangements may not be relevant in unipolar ethnic settings or fragmented multiethnic societies, where governments may be ethnically inclusive under democratic conditions. They seem unavoidable in ethnic settings with two or three main groups or in settings with strong ethnic/regional clusters.  相似文献   

In recent years, high school students have been subjected to greater levels of drug searching and surveillance on school grounds. The effect of such searching is potentially wide-ranging, because public schools "play an important role in socializing students according to the norms and mores of society" ( Vergari, 2000 ). Using the "morality politics" framework, this study reports and analyzes the presence of random, suspicionless drug searches in the Nebraska public schools. Whereas most studies of morality policy have focused on the state as the unit of analysis, we consider the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of principals in regards to drug policies in schools. Our findings, based on a survey of 181 high school principals, reflect several features of morality policy. There has been a significant rise in the number of random drug searches, despite the principals' observation that these measures neither lessen drug use nor catch perpetrators. The most important predictors of drug policy are pressure from local sources, perception of the problem within the community (but not the schools), and the racial composition of schools. Principals articulate limited concern for student rights, and students largely accept searches without resistance. In the discussion, we consider these findings in light of recent court rulings and introduce the potential ramifications of waging the drug war in our nation's classrooms and hallways.  相似文献   

冯峰 《安徽史学》2012,(5):84-88
姚鼐代表的桐城派与戴震代表的徽州朴学,常被视为水火不相容,章太炎称之为文士与经儒之争。但乾嘉时代同属安徽的两个学术重镇之间颇有渊源,两地学者相互影响,保持着密切的关系。方苞与江永有学术上的交往,两人学术志趣极为相近;刘大櫆则融入并深化了徽州青年才俊中盛行的"古文"学风。  相似文献   

Using the theoretical framework formulated by Baumgartner and Jones in a most similar systems study of Danish civil defense and Danish national home guard policy from 1949 to 2003, this article shows how particular subsystem characteristics affect the magnitude and frequency of policy punctuations. Despite very similar starting points, the two subsystems have experienced radically different policy evolutions since they were created back in 1948 and 1949. The explanation, it is argued, is to be found in a combination of Baumgartner and Jones’ model of issue definitions and conflict expansion on the one hand, and some particular institutional differences in the foundation of the two subsystems on the other. Hence, the aim of the article is to demonstrate that in a long‐term perspective, certain institutional choices not only enhance stability but also increase the likelihood of future conflict expansions and policy punctuations, given the dynamic model of the policymaking process provided by Baumgartner and Jones.  相似文献   

Agents of Change: The Role of Public Managers in Public Policy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Our article outlines a number of ways that theories of public management can contribute to the work of public policy scholars. We first outline some of the ways in which public managers have been incorporated into previous work on public policy, and the limitations faced by previous treatments. We then discuss the role that public management plays in the policy process, with a specific focus on managerial quality, networking, and performance evaluation.  相似文献   

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