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This paper explores the relationship between rock music, collective memory and local identity, by focusing on events connected to Liverpool's status as European Capital of Culture 2008. The first part of the paper describes these events and how memories of local rock music were attached to heritage and local identity and mobilised to validate Liverpool as a capital of culture, whilst in turn the city's Capital of Culture status served to validate particular ways of remembering the local musical past. The second part of the paper considers the broader significance of these events by relating them to three pan-European trends in cultural policy: the development of the cultural and heritage industries; the protection and promotion of local culture and identity; and the fostering of cultural diversity and integration. It highlights the general significance of the popular music past for cultural policy in Europe, but also the politics of popular music memory and how it involves a complex and dynamic process of negotiation that relates to cultural policy in particular ways. The paper concludes by arguing that popular music offers a specific and productive focus for research on cultural policy, heritage and local identity in Europe.  相似文献   

High tourism growth in single-asset tourism cities is often associated with a standardization of supply of products and services by tourism entrepreneurs. However, and in contrast to this common-sense view, tourism growth in specific urban tourism milieus in the ‘sun-sea-sand’ tourism city of Antalya has stimulated tourism entrepreneurs to differentiate their products. Contrary to most economic-geography literature on spatial clusters, evolutionary economic geographers argue that inter-industry relations of (un)related variety are crucial in inter-firm differentiation. The aim of the paper is to define the factors that influence tourism-firm differentiation in the single-asset tourism city of Antalya. The empirical research is theoretically informed by evolutionary economic-geography literature, and pays much attention to the role different urban sub-milieus play in tourism-firm differentiation. It is the first research on the relation between (un)related variety and tourism-firm differentiation in tourism studies. The empirical research is based on primary data collected by a firm-level survey (hotels, restaurants, jewellery- and retail-trade firms) in the city of Antalya. The factors that influence tourism-firm differentiation are explored by using quantitative methods of analysis (an econometric logit-regression model and a correspondence analysis). The main result of the empirical research is that investments in firms in related sectors, in our case jewellery companies and hotels, are positively and significantly related to tourism-firm differentiation. In addition, the location tourism firms in areas visited by a mix of consumers (tourists and locals) also is positively and significantly related to inter-firm differentiation whereas urban milieus visited by locals only have a negative effect.  相似文献   


Ethnic neighborhood tourism (ENT) has the potential to not only alter the identity of the ethnic landscape but to also influence the distribution of power and economic benefits from tourism between ethnic groups. Such unequal distribution may foster divergent attitudes toward tourism between minority residents whose culture is at the center of ENT and those of the majority population whose cultural heritage is being overshadowed. With this in mind, this study compared the relationship between Japanese and Brazilian residents’ perceived empowerment from tourism and their attitudes toward tourism development in the ENT destination of Oizumi, Japan. Results revealed that even though the Brazilians perceived themselves to be more psychologically and socially empowered from ENT, the perceptions of empowerment among the Japanese were slightly better predictors of support for tourism and Japanese residents’ perceptions of tourism's contributions within the community. The findings suggest the importance of sociocultural determinants of resident attitudes especially among those who do not perceive economic benefits from tourism. The study also indicates the appropriateness of combining social exchange theory with more holistic theories to capture the complexities influencing resident attitudes toward tourism.  相似文献   

Major cultural events are increasingly seen by local stakeholders as important opportunities to stimulate urban regeneration, city branding and economic development. The European Capital of Culture programme is a prominent example. Since 1985 over thirty cities have hosted the title and today it remains a highly sought-after prize. This paper analyses competing interpretations of the success of Liverpool's hosting of the European Capital of Culture in 2008. It unpacks contrasting views of Liverpool08, from the official triumphant message of urban regeneration and economic renaissance to more critical analyses that problematise important elements of the event and its social and spatial impacts. In so doing, it challenges the hyperbole of culture-led transformation to reveal different geographies of culture, different cultural experiences and different socio-economic realities; it also offers an additional cultural reading of Liverpool in 2008. Through the example of Liverpool this paper shows how local culture is politicised, manipulated and sanitised in order to stimulate urban regeneration and construct a spatial re-branding of the city.  相似文献   

区域旅游差异研究是国外旅游研究的重点领域之一。为充分了解其研究成果与动态,本文通过检索国际权威旅游学术期刊《Annals of Tourism Research》和《Tourism Management》1979-2012年期间的相关文献,发现国外区域旅游差异的研究历程呈明显的阶段性,从区域旅游资源差异、市场差异、竞争力差异、文化差异、利益相关者行为差异等五个方面进行论述,在总结其研究体系的基础上做出评价。认为国外区域旅游差异研究体系完善,尤其擅长在案例研究中运用人类学、社会学及心理学研究方法展开微观层面及软指标的调查探析,但理论研究相对较少,缺乏对欠发达国家及地区相关问题的关注,国内研究则应根据我国具体国情与地域特点,借鉴国外研究经验,并规避其不足。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper draws on micro‐level data to fully inform the debate on decentralization and regional development. Using labor‐income trajectories of emigrants from Mexico City, the paper analyzes how the labor market in a regional city, Leon, evolves. Results from the econometric model suggest that migrants’ labor‐income trajectories differ between the large agglomeration and the regional city in an early stage of the evolution of the labor market, but converge in a later stage. Specifically, the slope of the earning function for recent migrants is steeper and statistically different from the slope for early migrants. The findings presented in this paper enrich the existing theory by providing microfoundations to a typically macroeconomic area of research and enable policy makers to better understand the processes underpinning the evolution of regional labor markets.  相似文献   

城市旅游与城市发展的动态模式探讨   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
旅游发展与城市发展密不可分,城市发展与旅游发展是处于动态的发展之中,既相互促进、又相互制约,因此在不同的地域和城市发展阶段,城市发展和城市旅游发展的行为表现出非线性特征和多种模式。本研究总结了和研究了旅游城市化、都市城市旅游、环城游憩带、旅游与城市转型、旅游城镇的衰落等城市旅游与城市发展的动态模式,并建立城市旅游与发展的一般反馈模型,找出导致城市发展和城市旅游发展非线性特征的内部结构。研究表明驱动城市旅游增长的正反馈结构力量不够大,而旅游和城市增长引发的负反馈机制在短期内就会蓄积力量,限制城市旅游的进一步增长。城市旅游政策只有预见并避免这些限制性结构,同时加强正反馈才能达到长期有效的目标。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国共产党的文化理论与政策经历了从“一体化”的文化建设理论与方针到建设“高扬主旋律”的多样化的文化观念与政策的演进;党在知识分子问题上的认识和政策也发生了很大转变,不但认识到知识分子是工人阶级的一部分,是先进生产力的开拓者,而且把市场经济、知识经济、信息时代与知识分子政策密切联系在一起;与此同时,建立在一元化基础上的一体化的文化形态开始解构,并形成了主导文化、大众文化和精英文化三足鼎立的当代中国文化的基本格局。  相似文献   

The paper attempts to address recent debates surrounding the supposed emergence of a ‘Europe of the Regions'—from the perspective of a city situated at the core of a lagging region’ on the European periphery, Liverpool. After briefly exploring whether the social and economic regeneration of Liverpool makes sense in this European context, the paper attempts to explain why the city's political participation in Europe has hitherto been relatively limited, drawing upon a combination of economic, social, political and cultural factors. Some of the constraints and choices that the city is facing in its attempts at urban regeneration are used to throw light on broader issues surrounding local and regional development in the European context and political and policy lessons are suggested.  相似文献   

In the contemporary so-called ‘competition state era’, many rural and peripheral regions are in decline. Tourism is increasingly viewed as being able to alleviate and rejuvenate regions that are facing economic difficulties. The European Union has launched several programmes with the goal of stimulating growth and employment in peripheral areas. These programmes are often used to support tourism development projects. In this paper, a longitudinal analysis of spatial changes in Swedish tourism is conducted. The analysis is based on statistics regarding overnight stays in Swedish commercial accommodation facilities. The aim is to investigate if tourism and tourism policy contribute to the reduction in disparities between regions. Although there are exceptions, the main findings indicate that the potential for creating sustainable rural tourism growth through tourism policy seems to be much less than the popular discourse suggests.  相似文献   

本文针对中国旅游发展在供给侧、需求侧以及两者交互下市场方面出现的问题及其折射出学术研究的人本性学理的缺陷,从新公共管理学学理出发,依据社会科学人本观“正负反馈机制”的方法论,结合人文地理学的空间结构价值理念,首次系统探讨旅游发展动力层次与层次替代范式及其层次动力间的交互机制。在此基础上又提出人本价值下旅游驱动力范式的相互交互反馈机制。包括:旅游需求侧的社会驱动力机制与流动交互转向规律、旅游管理侧的供给驱动机制与交互错位供给的失效规律、旅游消费文化市场与管理供给、社会需求交互的引领阻尼规律,以及旅游供给、需求与市场动力交互的反馈机制与范式。在上理念下论证了旅游发展是多元范式下的范式交替转移规律,并提出区域旅游管理的社会价值与空间体系耦合的旅游经营理念以及在此基础上的区域旅游公正机制管理、控制与规划路径。  相似文献   

卞显红  沙润 《人文地理》2008,23(6):106-112
长江三角洲城市旅游企业空间布局状况对城市旅游增长极与城市旅游核心-边缘空间结构的形成具有重要影响。长江三角洲城市旅游空间一体化发展及城市旅游核心区与边缘区的协同发展目标的实现,旅游企业空间区位选择费用最小化行为是一种重要的实现推动力。旅游企业在城市旅游核心区或边缘区的布局是旅游企业在固定成本与旅游接待人次两种因素之间博弈的过程。旅游企业选择在城市旅游空间集聚区还是在非集聚区布局取决于在集聚区获得集聚经济的程度、集聚区产生的集聚不经济程度及非集聚区土地等成本的差异等。  相似文献   

旅游经济转型升级进程中的市场主体论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着旅游市场基础稳步向国民大众的日常消费回调以及资本、技术和人才对传统业态的改造,我国旅游经济正在进入全面深化改革、创新发展驱动和打造旅游经济升级版的关键时期。发现和培育新型市场主体,推动传统业态特别是国有旅游企业的现代化变革,从而确立企业在旅游经济运行中的市场主体地位,是政策设计的战略选项,也是构建当代旅游发展理论的学术支撑点。  相似文献   

徐雅雯  甘巧林 《人文地理》2016,31(5):99-105
以安徽西递古村的旅游非正式部门为研究对象,运用扎根理论研究方法,通过聚焦编码、轴心编码、理论编码三步骤,分析案例地旅游非正式部门的成长路径。研究发现:1旅游非正式部门发展在符合生命周期基本理论基础上,具有新特色。随着阶段推进,主导影响因素由单一向多元转变,外部影响因素的作用力愈渐加强。2精英带动在旅游非正式部门发展起步阶段起主导作用并以粗放开发为特色;利益驱动下旅游非正式部门过度扩张使得同质竞争激烈化,经营边际收益减少;家庭结构与社区影响造成经营固化与惯性,社会政策带来经营萎缩,经营者试图通过寻租及名望身份赋加的形式改变困境,增强对经济之外的其他诉求(如名望、人际),促进了旅游非正式部门对自我身份重新审视与再定位。3社区力量在市场饱和后以隐性道德伦理手段维持既有市场结构平衡状态,成为市场竞争调控手段新补充。  相似文献   

多元文化对上海都市旅游发展的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
都市已经成为旅游活动的中心,都市化则是都市旅游的灵魂。上海都市化具有多元的特征,研究多元化对上海都市旅游发展的影响,必将在提升上海都市旅游的水准和品味方面起到重要作用。本首先讨论了上海都市化的多元特征,其次阐述了化和旅游业之间的关系,然后分析了多元化对于上海都市旅游发展的影响,最后提出结论和相关建议。  相似文献   

Immigrant‐related policy indexes have become popular in both U.S. and European contexts, yet these projects boast distinct and divergent trajectories. European indices are characterized by rigorous conceptualization, specificity in elements of policy design (e.g., settings like fees or appeal process), and a variety of measurement strategies. By contrast, U.S. state‐level policy indices exhibit a lack of differentiation between immigration and integration policy and excessive generality in measurement and representation of policy instruments and settings, exacerbated in presenting a policy index as an aggregate count. This paper argues U.S. policy indexing can benefit from the European indexing experience. Following an overview of the state of each field, assessing concept differentiation, specification, and measurement in each, the paper illustrates how even the well‐conceived and specified European integration policy indices run into problems at the analysis stage. It presents a replication‐replacement study to illustrate divergent performance of highly correlated and conceptually agreeing indices, as well as methodological issues inherent to indices of low‐N, including using a policy index as a dependent variable and index selection absent a priori theorization. It concludes with suggestions for improving American immigration policy indices, as well as general observations on working with statistical power‐challenged indices and data limitations.  相似文献   

As elsewhere in affluent, western nations, Australia's tropical savanna zone is experiencing a complex transition towards multifunctional occupance in which emerging consumption, protection and Indigenous values are contesting the former dominance of production values, tied to extensive pastoral occupance and agricultural development projects. This transition is contributing to increased complexity and diversity within and between regions. Divergent regional functional trajectories, evident over the three decades from 1976 to 2006, can be identified and depicted within the triangular relativities between production, consumption and protection values. Core pastoral regions have experienced discernible, if variable, functional trajectories while retaining a modified productivist orientation. In marginal, ‘frontier’ regions limited scope for capital accumulation has created an expansive space for both market and non-market interests and ideologies to propel functional transitions towards more complex, contested occupance modes. Lack of success in pursuit of productivist goals enhances capability in satisfying emerging national aspirations in recognising Indigenous land rights, in preserving unique biota and valued semi-natural landscapes, in fostering sustainable resource use and in promoting distinctive styles of tourism and recreation. The Darwin region has experienced a transition towards urban amenity occupance shaped by consumption and protection values. Tenure changes recognising Aboriginal ownership in the Arnhem region have facilitated regionwide self-managed Indigenous occupance. Divergent regional functional trajectories are starkly revealed in a comparison of driving forces, decision processes and functional trajectories between the Barkly Tableland and the adjoining Gulf Country.  相似文献   

旅游规划的文化生态理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了克服物质性旅游规划的弊端,规划中越来越多的考虑了"历史传统、伦理道德、价值观、社会公正"等文化因素,这些零散的"旅游与文化"融合研究还没有形成系统的旅游规划理论。本文根据新文化地理学的文化生态思想和工具理性与价值理性相统一的原理,以人类精神文化需要和旅游规划实践为现实需求,结合旅游规划的主要内容,应用系统分析的方法,将文化生态系统与旅游规划系统进行耦合,实现旅游规划中"工具要素之形"与"文化生态要素之神"的统一,构建旅游规划的文化生态理论。  相似文献   

本文以中国成熟旅游目的地周庄为典型案例,以生活质量理论为视角,探讨成熟旅游目的地旅游业发展对目的地居民生活质量影响的感知,为旅游部门制定依靠旅游业促进居民生活质量水平提高的公共政策提出依据.  相似文献   

马晓龙  李维维 《人文地理》2016,31(1):124-129
研究城市旅游综合体概念的基本理论问题是搭建该领域理论平台的基础。按照实证-规范-实证的逻辑思路,通过文献分析和过程还原对城市旅游综合体概念的形成和理论来源进行了研究。结果显示,城市旅游综合体研究尽管涵盖了地理空间、产业组织、服务经济和要素整合四个视角,但"空间"和"产业"两个属性才是其概念建构的基础,快速城市化背景下以追求资源集约化利用水平为目标的"经营城市"理念则是城市旅游综合体形成的理论源泉。文章认为,城市旅游综合体是一种特殊的旅游地域系统形态,从人地相互作用的角度对其进行理解是将后续研究引向深入的必然。  相似文献   

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