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英国由四个构成国组成,每个构成国都有各自的法律和机构。这四个构成国为保护其文化遗产制定了国家级的保护导则。尽管这些总体文件没有明确规定预防性保护准则,但对预防性保护措施中必不可少的规划和管理行动进行了广泛讨论。考古遗址的预防性保护包括一系列广泛的措施,旨在减缓遗址恶化。其所有行动和战略均由遗产保护框架来定义,该框架管理着受保护类遗址的实践,对英国的法律条文进行探讨有助于考古遗址的预防性保护行动的开展。价值评估、风险管理、测绘记录、了解保存环境和监测变化、使用遮盖物和保护棚、应急预案和现场管理等,是考古遗址预防性保护的主要措施。英国当代的遗产保护实践表明,人们清楚认识到遗产对其所服务社区的益处,因此将考古遗址的预防性保护置于公共利益范围之内至关重要。将预防性保护措施纳入协作式的多学科方法为延长考古遗址的使用寿命及其价值(提升)奠定了基础。  相似文献   

大遗址保护与考古遗址公园建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设考古遗址公园,是新时期大遗址保护新模式,是建设和谐社会和中华民族共同精神家园的重要举措。建设考古遗址公园的根本目的是保护遗址、服务考古。考古遗址公园建设必须科学规划,严肃论证,循序渐进,稳妥扎实。考古学家应积极支持考古遗址公园建设。文物管理部门应对考古遗址公园建设热情支持,善加引导,健全规章,严格管理。  相似文献   

考古与遗址公园——国家考古遗址公园建设中的两个定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家考古遗址公园是近年来我国大遗址保护的一种创新模武.在建设过程中,我们既要正确理解国家考古遗址公园的定位,处理好"考古遗址"与"公园"之间的关系,确保考古遗址公园的特质属性和发展走向,也要全面准确把握国家考古遗址公园中考古工作的定位.这种正确的定位有利于考古遗址的科学保护、深入研究及有效展示,同时也有助于推动中国现代...  相似文献   

考古遗址公园建设是中国特色的文化遗产保护模式,是大遗址保护实践和国内外文化遗产保护理论结合的有益探索,也是目前最具现实意义和操作性的一种大型遗址保护途径。大明宫遗址公园是我国首批国家考古遗址公园之一,其建设以科学规划为基础,以考古发掘资料为支撑,对大明宫范围内的多处遗址进行了较科学、完整的保护展示,并因地制宜制定了绿化方案。目前大明宫遗址的保护已逐步走向成熟,其组织规划及运营管理等方面的经验为考古遗址公园建设提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

国家考古遗址公园的提出及相关法规文件的颁布是实践大遗址保护的新形式,为城市建设和大遗址保护找到了一个结合点,为城市的文化建设找到了新内容。国家考古遗址公园的建设,要有长期性、探索性的战略思路,要以保护为前提,以持续的、与时俱进的考古工作及不断进步的文物保护技术为支撑,并制订一定阶段的遗址保护规划和建设蓝图。要准确定性、定位国家考古遗址公园,并筹建遗址博物馆,立足文物的文化建设,探寻考古学文化的文化特质和考古学文化的文化演进规律。  相似文献   

周萍 《文博》2011,(6):64-67
鉴于秦咸阳城遗址深厚的历史积淀和特殊的区位条件,本文建议在考古研究和现场监测的基础上,通过搬迁、限制耕作扰土深度、遗址断面培土防固等措施对遗址进行保护,并开展多手段,多方式的展示,从而使秦咸阳城遗址建成国家考古遗址公园,并依托公园,创建咸阳博物院和各具特色的相关文化产业聚集区,构建文化产业体系。  相似文献   

<正>国家考古遗址公园是"以重要考古遗址及其背景环境为主体,具有科研、教育、游憩等功能,在考古遗址保护和展示方面具有全国性示范意义的特定公共空间"。如果说遗址保护是最高目标,遗址内涵和价值的阐释和展示则是遗址公园建设的重要内容,也是实现保护的重要手段。2014年,国家文物局开展了第一批12家国家考古遗址公园评估工作,在全面调查的基础上形成了《国家考古遗址公园评估总报告(2011—2013年度)》。《报告》认为现有的考古遗址公园在遗址展示方面"总体而言......做了大力探索和有益尝试......为游客提供尽可能多元的历史信息??但距离全面、深入、生  相似文献   

从“十一五”到“十二五”开局,中国的大遗址保护以星火燎原之势,初步形成以150处大遗址为支撑的全国性格局。过去三年,从2008年的西安到2009年的良渚、洛阳,再到2011年的荆州,历届大遗址论坛的主题形成了中国大遗址保护管理理念清晰的轨迹:从尝试性的大遗址示范园区到探索大遗址保护新模式、提出考古遗址公园概念、《国家考古遗址公园管理办法》出台、公布首批国家考古遗址公园……随着大明宫、秦始皇陵等国家考古遗址公园陆续开园,荆州论坛重提“政府主导”、“科学保护”,不无深意。国家文物局局长单霁翔说,大遗址保护必须坚持科学保护的理念不动摇,坚持全民共建的思路不动摇。  相似文献   

陈晓敏 《东方收藏》2023,(12):113-115
考古遗址博物馆对于文化遗址的研究、展示和保护具有非常重要的意义,而策展人在其中发挥了巨大的作用。文章在介绍考古遗址博物馆的基础上,着重对考古遗址博物馆策展人的文化素养进行探讨,希望能够为促进考古遗址博物馆的发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

考古遗址作为一种场所,通过对于场地的挖掘、保护、展示等各干预手段,改变并形成其场所特性,是受其时空活动影响而产生的一种营造环境。同样作为不可移动文物,建筑遗产和考古遗址最大的区别在于后者因为损失了大部分的建筑形体而失去了建筑的使用功能,只能成为具有纪念性意义的文化物体。考古遗址所承载的历史、艺术和数据价值是其被研究和保存下来的主要原因。针对这样一种碎片式的建筑残缺遗存,考古遗址的保护就不能单纯从对物质本体的老化和续存条件的研究来考虑,如何提升考古遗址视觉上的可读性和结构重组的需要也是保护设计的重要影响因素。任何保护手法的选择和干预程度都是对于遗址视觉形体呈现的一种设计决定,基于此,在尽可能保障考古信息和历史物质资料保存的前提下,考古遗址的展示和风貌价值在很大程度上取决于主持干预者的审美取向。自18世纪以来,欧洲考古学对于遗址阐释的体现与其对于以石构件为主的建筑废墟的审美趣味有着很深的关联,而东亚文化的废墟呈现形式大多则是由以因佚失而无形的木构件和仍遗存有形的土遗址所组成。本文试图在对于异同文化的废墟审美认同基础之上,对遗址保护的设计与视觉叙述性之间的关联进行论述。  相似文献   

武威磨咀子出土木器腐蚀病害与机理分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
武威磨咀子是甘肃古代糟朽木器的重要发现地之一,鉴于北方干燥地区出土的潮湿而糟朽(缺饱和水状态)漆木器与南方潮湿地区出土的浸饱水漆木器之间的差异,致使其保护材料与技术方法不同。本工作通过对武威磨咀子出土木器腐蚀病害与机理分析,着重从病害类型、影响藏品保存因素、材质物理化学组成、材质结构缺陷性及藏品的陈列和保存环境方面进行了全面、综合的科学分析。分析结果表明:武威磨咀子出土糟朽木器腐蚀病害发生是内外因素长期影响和作用的结果,得出保持保存环境的稳定性和控制木质材质中含水量是解决保护问题的关键,可为“十一五”期间甘肃馆藏木器文物实施全面保护修复提供详实的信息和技术支持。  相似文献   

Metallurgical study of seven cast iron artifacts recovered from sites of the former Xiongnu (BC 3rd to AD 1st), Turk (AD 6th to 8th), Khitan (AD 10th to 12th), and Mongolian empires (AD 12th to 15th) shows that the earlier Xiongnu and Turk artifacts were made of cast iron alloys of near eutectic composition. The later Khitan and Mongol objects had greatly reduced carbon content in the range of ultrahigh carbon steel rather than cast iron, and contained more than 0.5 mass % silicon as an alloying element. Inclusions high in sulfur, phosphorus or silicon are also present. These differences suggest that Mongolia experienced a technical transition a few centuries before the establishment of the Mongolian empire, which is in agreement with some written accounts. The microstructures of the cast iron artifacts are compared with the related archaeological and documentary evidence. The results suggest that the use of fossil coal in smelting and the state policy of controlling iron production were the major factors responsible for the transition.  相似文献   

This study discusses the existence of a variability recorded in lateralization indexes of proximal microburins, a by-product of the individual manufacture of microliths, in a sample of Sauveterrian sites from the Italian Eastern Alps. At first glance, such variability may appear to support the existence of customary handling, pertaining perhaps to an ensemble of normalized technical procedures accomplished by the members of the human group regardless of site type, context and economic activities. However, plotting the patterns in lateralization index against the regional Sauveterrian chrono-cultural sequence reveals a diverse correlation emerges and indicates how the early settlement phase involved greater functional differentiation among sites used by selected human groups compared with the successive phases, when this pattern vanishes. This trend may correspond to the decrease in lateralization observed on skeletal markers from the Upper Paleolithic to the Mesolithic, linked to the change in technological models and techniques employed in food gathering. The implications of this research at different levels are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes an algorithm for spatial search, which is used in an expert system for site selection. The algorithm, named ProfMat, is able to find the best site in the area of interest even when the number of possible sites is large and many decision criteria are involved. Compared to commonly used search procedures, ProfMat improves the efficiency of spatial search in two ways. First, the best site is identified through an iterative rather than a linear process of selection and evaluation of optional sites. Second, an area is searched by narrowing down the focus to increasingly smaller areas and, thus, sites are evaluated as much as possible groupwise. The ProfMat procedure is illustrated by analyzing the problem of retail site selection. A comparison with alternative search procedures shows that ProfMat considerably reduces the evaluation costs needed to find the best site. The implementation of the algorithm in an expert system shows how ProfMat can be used in combination with specialist's knowledge to solve site-selection problems. The efficiency of the procedure allows considering large sets of optional sites, so that it may improve the quality of the outcome.  相似文献   

It has been widely claimed that the Palestinian National Authority has failed to provide adequate access to the law for many Palestinians. Whilst impediments to legal access are often treated as a technical questions of procedure, or as an issue of the cultural appropriateness of legal regimes, this article takes a third approach, which stresses political and historical factors. In order to understand obstacles to legal access it is necessary to discover the ways in which legal practices are understood, used and abandoned in particular contexts. Through an examination of labour disputes, the article argues that in the context of the West Bank, legal claims have no absolute moral value, but are attractive for the substantive claims that can be made through them, opening up legal avenues for political manipulation. In this context, legal entitlements are distributed according to political resources, rather than legal procedures. The article concludes by arguing that promotion of effective access to legal processes in the West Bank should not be seen as a short‐cut to a stable political regime, since accountable legal processes require a centralized, strong and stable coercive support, based in a measure of organizational cohesion and territorial sovereignty.  相似文献   

Despite a growing recognition that intangible heritage forms an important part of the significance of heritage sites, and that intangible values are intertwined with material resources and spaces, many procedures for the identification and management of heritage sites remain unchanged and fail to integrate these two sets of values. The conservation of heritage sites continues to be dominated by a process that first identifies a material site and then identifies the associated values that comprise its significance. This paper suggests that rather than identifying the physical expression of heritage as the initial point of heritage assessment, the stories (or intangible values) of a region or national history can form the primary mechanism for identifying physical heritage sites. Using the example of Australian government policies of Aboriginal segregation and assimilation, we suggest how national stories – or intangible values – might be used to identify representative sites.  相似文献   

中国大遗址保护规划与技术创新简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大遗址保护规划是中国文化遗产保护领域新兴科技门类的一个主要类型,在大遗址保护整体工作中属于关键性环节。目前中国大遗址保护仍面临严峻挑战,需要不断地探讨多学科的技术集成创新。中国建筑设计研究院建筑历史研究所近10年在大遗址保护规划体系框架和关键技术方面进行了一系列创新性探索,创立了大遗址保护总体规划编制结构并建立了大遗址现状评估体系,其创建的鸿山模式符合中国资源紧缺背景下的大遗址保护事业。《十一·五国家重要大遗址保护规划纲要》对我国文化遗产保护产生了显著的推进作用,可使我国重大文化资源获得有效保护,为21世纪我国的文化遗产保护作出突出贡献。  相似文献   


Weak soils like unconsolidated clay and peat may deform and compress considerably by loading, for example, by sand bodies for roads and railways. Archaeological sites within such easily compressible soil layers may therefore be heavily affected by different kinds of construction works. The vulnerability of archaeological sites to compression is largely dependent on soil properties like lithology, grain-size, and previous loading history. This may therefore differ considerably. Predicting the compression sensitivity is of great value for planners, since they can estimate in which areas in situ protection of archaeological sites may be feasible and where it would require (costly) technical measures or plan adaptations.

As part of the Cultural Heritage Agency’s research programme on construction and archaeology, we prepared predictive maps of the compression sensitivity of the subsurface sediments in the Netherlands for 1 m depth intervals from 0 to 20 m depth.

The maps were constructed using a full 3-D model of the subsurface of the Netherlands.

In combination with the Indicative Map of Archaeological Values (IKAW) that is already available, these maps can be used to better estimate the technical measures needed and costs involved for in situ protection of archaeological sites in the planning phase of construction projects.  相似文献   

大量现场地质调查结果表明:大型平原土体遗址原地原样保护的主要环境地质病害是地下水形成的渗水对遗址及其文物造成的腐蚀和破坏,因而治水工程是这类遗址保护中最主要的岩土工程。结合该类遗址原地原样保护原则要求:①遗址围岩和文物的含水率要低于40%;②遗址区地下水位要长期保持在遗址底板高程减去土层毛细水上升的水平面上;③为遗址长期保护服务的地质工程要能长期保持稳定正常运行;④地质工程要与文物景观相容。提出了治水工程的基本技术思路;①查明遗址区水文、工程地质条件;②建立遗址区水文地质模型;③遗址区工程地质、环境地质问题评价;④遗址区治水工程方案论证;⑤工程优化设计;⑥工程施工。其中,治水工作的关键是查明遗址区水文地质条件和地下水渗流场的变化规律,而地下水数值模拟技术能够模拟计算地下水随时间的动态变化。本工作以抗州萧山独木舟遗址为例,分析了该遗址区的水文地质条件,采用地下水数值模拟技术模拟计算遗址区原始地下水位分布;根据遗址区工程地质条件和原始地下水位模拟结果,提出了暗沟疏干排水方案,并模拟预测疏干排水工程实施后地下水位随时间变化规律,模拟结果合理,能够用于指导治水工程设计施工。  相似文献   

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