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陈晨  程林 《人文地理》2020,35(6):50-56,84
基于GIS技术,分析从夏到明清,关中平原历史地名空间格局和命名方式的演变规律。从景观表征和布尔迪厄符号权利视角,借鉴批判地名学研究理论,揭示关中平原历史地名空间格局和命名方式演变过程中的文化政治格局。研究发现:①作为关中平原历史地名空间置换的高密度区域,以西安—咸阳为核心的政治中心区,以及以潼关、陈仓(今宝鸡)为核心的军事中心区构成了政治权利空间斗争的中心;而零星分布于外围的自然景观类地名集中区则体现出其作为政治权利空间斗争边缘区的历史稳定性。②统治阶层和群众围绕宫殿陵寝、官宦氏族、人物姓氏、意愿祈福及祭祀庙宇类地名展开命名博弈,各阶层均希望借助地名这一社会文化符号表达“自我”价值和愿望。③关中平原历史地名具有鲜明的时代特征,地名的命名与变更整体上呈现出去阶层意识形态、关注民生文化的特征。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes texts for children ages 4–8 focused on adoption to understand how naming practices are presented. Findings show how books use naming (a) to connect children to their birth culture by keeping a given name or choosing one with special meaning associated with the child's nation, race, or ethnicity of origin, and (b) for assimilation by giving normalized names associated within parental culture. Naming is based on white middle class norms, which may be problematic since these norms likely fit with the parents and teachers who are purchasing books, but not with the adoptees that are being read to.  相似文献   

广东地名语言文化空间结构及景观特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为语言符号,地名是人类群体活动、经济开发和区域文化进程中的集中体现。广东地名层从语种上明显可以分为三个层次:古越语地名层、地方方言地名层和全国通用语地名层。从时间上看,唐代以前,广东地名基本上属古越语时期,宋至明和清前期为南方方言地名时期,清末以来为北方书面语地名时期;从空间上看,广东地方方言地名层大抵在宋代已基本形成,清代最终形成粤方言、客家方言和福佬语地名文化景观三分广东的空间分布格局,粤方言地名层主要集中于珠三角及邻近地名,客家方言地名层位于北江和东江间的广大山区、丘陵地带,粤东韩江地区则多是福佬地名文化层;从形成原因分析,广东地名层主要归究于历史时期移民、区域人内口繁衍和土地大规模开发,加之人地矛盾日渐突出又为族群地名文化扩散提供了条件,而社会制度的发展和健全,最终成为广东地名层语言文化景观形成的重要机制  相似文献   

This article examines the roles of spin, the media, and race (and ethnicity) in influencing voter behavior in the 2008 US presidential election. It invokes the concept of cognitive dissonance to explain how political strategists effectively propagandize – i.e., “reinvent their candidates” and “reinvent their opponents' actual record” – in order to successfully garner votes for their candidates. In particular, it considers spin and how spin and the media are used to shape public opinion by causing voters to distrust the veracity, credentials, and records of opposing candidates and to set the policy agenda. It also discusses how race, ethnicity, gender, and policy issues were used in the 2008 US presidential election campaign, and describes the impact of “spinning” on voter behavior and the election outcome. Equally important, it discusses the implications of the Obama victory for Canadian governance in two pivotal areas: domestic race relations and direct parliamentary representation of minorities. The article closes with a brief discussion of the symbolism attributed to Barack Obama's electoral victory by both American and Canadian voters.  相似文献   

A Moscow University place-name linguist traces the origins ot Russian place names in Alaska through the three periods of Russian settlement–the early mercantile activities, colonization of the southern areas, and penetration of the interior–and the extent to which aboriginal names were combined with Russian names. The various types of Russian settlements and the terms used to designate them are discussed, and the evolution of Russian names into the American period is traced. Alaska is found to be a unique case of Russian-American language contact.  相似文献   

A Soviet place-name specialist analyzes the structure of Vietnamese place names on the basis of his attendance at a place-name seminar in Hanoi and a field trip through North Vietnam in 1963–64. Similarities with Chinese place names are found, particularly in the names of administrative divisions and towns. A wide range of generic terms, some of limited local use in mountain and river names, is discussed. The possible derivation of well-known place names such as Hanoi, Saigon, Mekong, etc., is analyzed.  相似文献   

李鹏  封丹 《人文地理》2015,30(2):58-64
最近三十年出现的地名研究的批判性转向,使地方命名的政治过程成为地名研究的核心议题。在此背景下通过从化温泉这一著名旅游地的地名变更过程的研究,对我国地名变迁的政治进行探讨。研究发现,一个地方的命名是一场复杂的政治经济角力过程。"从化温泉"这一地名在历史的演变中拥有了令人瞩目的"符号资本"价值,成为中国政治体制中不同尺度行动者积极争取的对象。处于上层尺度的行动者通过政治事件与营销不断累积"从化温泉"的政治符号意义,使其成为国家尺度的地方范畴。而处于下层的地方政府则通过地名转移使用赋予"从化温泉"以新的地方意义。在这场围绕地名的争夺中,地方社区与地名的历史联系被边缘化甚至消除。  相似文献   

This paper examines interconnected processes of economic restructuring and representations of poor subjects that rely on imaginaries of race, ethnicity, class and rural space. We argue that poverty and privilege are mutually produced and so we focus on the representational practices of White leaders in persistently poor counties across the American Northwest. We draw from case study research to understand region-wide material and discursive processes that are contributing to economic distress and social marginalization. We interrogate the range of representational practices that White leaders employ to explain, deny and/or racialize poverty in their communities. We also draw attention to how poverty emerges from the intersection of political, economic and cultural processes operating across a range of scales and sites. We further analyze how representations of the poor and poverty rest on a host of imaginary landscapes about who belongs, who is an outsider and who has a right to a place and its services. We argue that these representations serve to invigorate neoliberal policies and silence a more critical debate about poverty in the USA.  相似文献   

This article investigates place marketing and strategic planning processes in the case of Malta Island as a competitive tourist destination. The article focuses on the main ingredients that compose the marketing and strategic planning performance and presents the repositioning process of Malta's image in the international tourism market. The article concludes that place marketing is a strategic process with particular phases of development that leads to the creation of a competitive and attractive destination. Finally, the article supports that strategic planning and place marketing could not operate by themselves, but they need to be built on partnerships among local actors and decision-makers.  相似文献   

Kari Forbes-Boyte 《对极》1999,31(3):304-323
Historically, American Indian religions have been repressed in the United States out of the conviction that traditional indigenous beliefs would hinder the Indian's "progress toward civilization." While the First Amendment protects the freedom of religion, it has not done so for American Indian religions. In 1978, Congress passed the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA), which was designed to protect and preserve for American Indians their inherent right to believe, express and exercise their traditional religions. This paper will analyze the effectiveness of AIRFA through an examination of one court case, Fools Crow v. Gullett, which involved a Cheyenne and Lakota sacred place, Bear Butte. It will conclude that AIRFA cannot prevent the desecration of a sacred place. It will also extend some arguments of legal scholar Ellen Sewell to the Fools Crow case, arguing that the courts misunderstand the unique nature of American Indian religions and disregard the trust relationship between American Indians and the federal government. It will conclude with further observations about liberalism, justice and property rights in the judicial system.  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2006,25(6):680-706
Maps are powerful geopolitical tools, which are widely used to represent conflicts over territory, boundaries, citizens, and resources. But maps do more than represent. They are also discursive tools, which reflect, express, and help create geographic knowledge, political agendas, and social stereotypes. Through a longitudinal study of American journalistic cartography of Kurdistan – an ambiguously defined region that has often been in the midst of geopolitical conflict – this paper argues that maps reflect and recreate dominant geopolitical discourses, which are often intricately linked to orientalist discourses. A critical analysis of the design elements of place names, map text, border demarcation, and symbology revealed that these representations not only reflected the political and social narratives of the time and space in which they were created, but also constructed and communicated subtle and blatant positions towards the Kurds and Kurdistan. More specifically, these maps frequently marginalized the Kurds by questioning their geopolitical territorial claims, and also portrayed them in typical orientalist discourse as violent rebels or backward victims depending on the U.S. agenda in the region at the time. This paper will show how these interrelated discourses worked together in the cartographic image to portray the Kurds in a manner that generally supported and legitimated the dominant U.S. geopolitical position of a particular event.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(5):536-567

The Bible has played a prominent role in US political discourse, shaping ideas of race, ethnicity and identity. Its influence on the political landscape today is most evident within conservative politics—among evangelical Christians and the Tea Party Movement. At least in perception, its influence has been divisive. What role do biblical scholars and academic theologians have to play in contemporary social and political discourse, particularly with respect to race? This article approaches the question first by way of the concept of the political as espoused by Carl Schmitt and the category "race," both as applied to antiquity and to the modern period; second, through a reading of Genesis 20; and third, through attention to contemporary discussions of race among contextual and liberation theologians, focusing on the problem of essentialism in the constitution of identity. The article concludes by drawing together these elements to offer thoughts on a future course of American identity in the context of post-race desires and fears.  相似文献   

谢朝武  李玉红 《人文地理》2010,25(3):134-138
综述了旅游形象口号设计的研究进展,并以我国第一批54个优秀旅游城市为例,对旅游城市形象口号的发展现状进行了评述。以网络知名度作为评价依据,遴选出排名居于前15位的优秀旅游口号,对口号的语词内容、句式特征、语言风格、诉求主题等设计特征进行了分析。研究提出,我国优秀旅游城市应该在推动形象设计与口号设计的一体整合、控制口号数量与质量、发挥形象口号的管理作用、注重口号的优化设计、提升口号的想象空间等方面进行改进。  相似文献   


The insularity of super-sized cruise ships is simultaneously part of their appeal and a problem. Seagoing tourism enclaves offer a world of fantasy, consumption, familiarity, and diversion. However, problems encountered by passengers with respect to seasickness, boredom, and a sense of entrapment are noted within a range of publications. Selling the desirable aspects of cruise-ship enclosure co-exists with attempts to address the unease, discomfort, and uncertainty associated with bounded domains. These two currents, to use a nautical metaphor, characterize – or steer – the way in which shipboard experiences are sold to passengers. The concept of place marketing can be related to the thrust of the currents. Place marketing has been widely addressed in relation to urban and rural areas but not tourism enclaves such as cruise ships. The insular cruise-ship environment – a contained, consumption-driven place – is sold to (prospective) passengers in different ways. Those who study place marketing have yet to address dissimilar, but complementary, promotional messages (or currents) that are used to sell resort-style environments. Commercial imperatives explain the actions of cruise-ship companies with respect to selling the enclosed nature of their vessels, especially to North American consumers. The way in which place marketers manage place-based images – a response to intensified intercity or inter-town competition – mirrors the careful management of the promotion of shipboard spaces, often a response to intense competition within the cruise industry and part of initiatives designed to attract first-time passengers. This study addresses a research question: How are different but congruous promotional messages deployed as part of efforts to sell shipboard spaces?  相似文献   

Despite decades of domination by a few large companies, the American beer market has seen a dramatic resurgence of microbreweries. Contrary to conventional oligopolistic market theories, small firms have consistently gained market share from their entrenched competitors. Researchers have attributed this success to “neolocalism.” Through their marketing, microbreweries appeal to consumers’ desire for connections to real people and distinctive products from local places. However, no study has verified whether this pattern is most characteristic of microbreweries. With newer firms threatening their market share, larger firms might adopt neolocal claims, but little empirical attention has been directed at large brewers, and mid-sized, regional firms have been largely ignored by researchers. This paper uses content analysis of beer packaging to investigate the nature of the appeals made to consumers. I find that while microbreweries do make neolocal claims, regional breweries are more likely to associate their products with places on a local scale. Large breweries make few such claims, but instead rely on “reflexive branding”: marketing that refers back to the brand itself rather than borrowing existing symbolism from people or places. These findings partly support the neolocal perspective, but also challenge our expectations of which firms use neolocal appeals the most.  相似文献   

As features of the landscape, waterfalls have been studied extensively by geographers, but the names given to these landforms have received relatively little scholarly attention. This paper examines the naming of waterfalls and addresses the question of classifying these hydronyms. The subject is considered in a global historical context, focusing on place names in the anglophone world. Until the 18th and 19th centuries, relatively few waterfalls were named. With the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, water power rose in economic importance, and at the same time, there was a growing scientific and aesthetic engagement with the landscape. These developments are suggested as reasons for the increased interest in waterfalls which were then being recorded in topographical literature and on maps, individual names being given to increasing numbers of falls. European exploration added to the knowledge of the world's waterfalls, many of which were given names by their ‘discoverers’. This naming process accelerated with the growth of domestic and overseas tourism which exploited scenic resources such as waterfalls. Until now, research on the names of waterfalls has been fragmentary, and the classification of these hydronyms has been neglected. This paper demonstrates that waterfall names can be classified in accordance with a recognised toponymic typology. Using examples drawn from waterfall guidebooks, databases, maps, and other sources, the following discussion supports George Stewart's claim that his toponymic classification is valid for place names of all kinds.  相似文献   

Place names have the potential to aid in the investigation of regional settlement histories because they reflect the importance of specific locations in the social or cultural memories of indigenous groups. Unique place names for ancient habitation sites such as villages or hamlets, i.e., those names for which there are no cognates in other languages, suggest that those ancient villages or hamlets still retain the names given to them by their original inhabitants. Here, we present Tewa place names for habitation sites identified archaeologically in the northern Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. The results of our study strongly suggest that the Tewa language was spoken in the northern Rio Grande Valley, specifically, within the southern Tewa Basin, as early as the Late Developmental period (a.d. 900–1200), thus challenging the currently well-accepted model postulating a Mesa Verde origin for the Tewa language and culture.  相似文献   


Private sector actors are often viewed as a part of the outcome for an economic development project. The assumption, however, ignores the early role of the private sector in marketing places for firm recruitment. Through a study of two recruitment projects in Rutherford County, North Carolina, I examine the points of entry of private sector actors in the place marketing process. Data gathered from interviews and primary sources reveal that the private sector is actively leading the recruitment of firms and the marketing of places. This paper shows how private sector actors produce knowledge about places, market a place within their own interests, and shape a government’s agenda through their involvement in place marketing. Examining economic development actors as active place-makers reveals how, through place marketing processes, these actors incorporate their own interests in the construction of place.  相似文献   

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