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2002年的仲夏,骄阳似火;2002年的初秋,阴雨连绵。配合国家重点工程——西气东输项目山西段的考古发掘是在2002年夏天的高温酷暑中开始的,结束田野工作时已经是仲秋时节。对于所有参加配合西气东输项目建设的工作人员来说,这都是一段难以忘怀的经历。在田野发掘期间,我们以高度负责的精神全身心地投入到工作当中,东西奔波于崇山峻岭、丘陵沟壑、河旁台地,甚至无暇整理一下自己的思路。当这次艰巨的田野发掘工作终于告一段落,我们有时间对此作一个全面的总结时,那东西驰骋,紧张繁忙的60多个日日夜夜、风风雨雨仿佛再一次浮现在我们…  相似文献   

本文将《敦煌诗集残卷辑考》所收的《禅门秘要诀》与敦煌图版、《景德传灯录》、《大正藏》、《石仓历代诗选》等文献进行校勘,并对钟书林先生《〈禅门秘要诀〉校补》一文中的部分意见有所辨正。  相似文献   

Preliminary results from the Tanzanian census of 1988 are examined against the background of two decades of policies attempting to influence the distribution of population within the country. The overall rate of population increase has slowed down, as has the rate of urban population growth. However, the latter is very powerfully influenced by a significant reduction in the rate of growth in Dar es Salaam. Elsewhere, urban areas continue to grow very rapidly. Along with this pattern of population concentration, a degree of population dispersal is also evident, as a number of formerly lightly populated areas have recorded large percentage increases in population. A major cause for concern is that many of these areas have demonstrated various aspects of environmental degradation for some time. It is concluded that spatial planning policies have had only a limited impact upon the regional distribution of population in Tanzania in the 1978–88 period, and that ‘spontaneous’ processes have been far more significant.  相似文献   

Current theoretical understandings of family-as-activity, as suggested by the terms ‘doing family’ or ‘families we choose’, locate family practices such as parenting, within the realm of the spatial. Feminist geography particularly has been instrumental in conceptualisations of parenting as a spatial project that involves constant renegotiation of the ‘everyday’ spaces of home, work and play. However, what are less evident in the literature are the specificities of the actual places and spaces of parenting: where parents go in the course of their parenting or how they actually use particular spaces. Furthermore, most scholarly work on parenting has been based on the theoretical and material experience of heterosexual parents, with the experiences of non-heterosexual parented families under-documented. Using data from a recent study with lesbian parents, this paper seeks to address some of these conceptual and empirical gaps, suggesting that an exploration of the everyday spatialities of same-sex parenting contributes, not only to expanding current geographic understandings of family and parenting, but also understanding of the material places where these identities—familial, parental, sexual—intersect.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore the geographies of nationhood manifest in everyday life, arguing that our quotidian surroundings continually reproduce the nation as we engage with them. We show that nationhood is obvious and ubiquitous in the lives of people when they are asked to attune to it, and that even when not in the forefront of attention, it partly informs how we make sense of our daily experiences. This is not to claim that nationhood is fully formed or coherent, a separate substratum waiting to be tapped into or closely defined by an identifiable symbolic repertoire, if only we pay attention. Instead, we demonstrate that nationhood is emergent in everyday life, is reproduced continuously and intimately entangled with the sensations, routines, material environments, public encounters, everyday competencies, memories, aspirations and a range of other affective and embodied qualities that comprise how we understand and inhabit our worlds. This mundane experience involves shifting between reflexive and unreflexive states, and the method we deploy ‐ photo‐elicitation ‐ is devised to draw out these oscillations and heighten the attunement of participants to the usually unreflexively apprehended taken‐for‐granted national qualities of everyday space. Here, we aim to empirically foreground the neglected spatial dimensions that characterize the experience of banal nationalism.  相似文献   

In any list of Carolingian emporia, Quentovic and Dorestad feature prominently, yet the numismatic evidence reveals a complete contrast between the two. In the late eighth and early ninth centuries, contrary to popular belief, Quentovic was of very little economic significance. At the same time, Dorestad was booming, reaching the peak of its prosperity around 820. Only thirty years later, the situation was dramatically reversed: Dorestad rapidly declined and disappeared, while Quentovic enjoyed a remarkable renaissance. This challenges the current theory that the emporia disappeared in the mid-ninth century, to be replaced by the emerging towns.  相似文献   

Virtual spaces have emerged as everyday life spaces in contemporary societies. Very quickly, they have gained a cultural role in the daily life of their users, as these new territories gain their own communities, ideologies, and spatializations. However, little is known about how place is experienced in these different realms. This study seeks to understand place experience in virtual spaces, taking the sim racing virtual spaces as a case study and endeavoring to build a bridge between theory and empirics. This study uses ethnographic methods, which included a year-long participant observation period and a set of 20 in-depth interviews with users, in order to understand their narratives of the virtual geographies of two sim racing videogames: Gran Turismo and rFactor. The results of the study show that spirit of place, place ballets, and sense of place exist just as well among users of virtual spaces—despite the particularities of these new territories and their remaining tensions.  相似文献   

乔伊斯的创作被称为很有“东方意味”,在他早期创作中采用了一种主张的方法,与禅的主张很接近。《尤利西斯》有“天书”之称,人物复杂的意识活动、无尽的典故和作家人为设置的阅读障碍,对此一切理性的解读和逻辑的考证往往失去了依据。而禅的非思量性、喝破执迷的力量却可以让我们柳暗花明。  相似文献   

Nodes and places: complexities of railway station redevelopment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An interpretation of the redevelopment prospects of railway stations and their surroundings is proposed. Station locations are at the same time nodes and places, affected by both global and local dynamics. Their potential roles within increased transport integration and emerging multi‐centered urban regions provide the foundations for their transformation. However, the task is a complex one, as a discussion of the issues connected with the intensification of flows, the accumulation of activities, and the tangle of actors which characterize these projects shows. More attention must be paid to the integration of the node and place dimensions and of diverging redevelopment strategies.  相似文献   

This paper argues that resilience of a place cannot necessarily be associated only with the level of its vulnerability to the environment or security. A place-based perspective to resilience helps understand the capacity of communities to withstand or adapt with change. Resilience of a place does not only refer to contingencies—such as formulating immediate responses to crisis situations or incidents such as earthquakes, floods or other disasters in vulnerable areas—but also considers long-term mitigation and adaptation strategies to face social, economic and environmental challenges. To this purpose, the paper applies an evolutionary resilience framework to the case of Transition towns in the UK as resilient places in terms of their capacity for learning, robustness, ability to innovate and adaptability to change. In conclusion, socially innovative actions and initiatives are found to be a primary source of resilience through bottom-up creativity among communities and stakeholders to help improve social relations, support socio-political empowerment and fulfil the basic needs of the people.  相似文献   

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