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吴山广场,因其留存的历史气息,成为杭州名胜之一,引得游客络绎不绝。在广场旁有一处设计时尚、名字却很古雅的小区——清波苑,70岁的卓鹤君住在这里图的就是闹中取静。"假如我怀着的梦想未能实现,那我会继续追求、继续期待。明天,我期待着走向一个灿烂的自由王国,它是红色的、黄色的、蓝色的,交织成一条条彩色的飘带;明天,我期待我的一幅幅作品,犹如一个个音符,来谱写我的人生交响乐,我的向往是强烈的,像  相似文献   

Christine Goldberg 《Folklore》2013,124(3):309-320
The female helper identified in two recent articles in this journal is a figure in a stereotyped scene that exists in a number of different folktales. When the hero arrives at the ogre's house, this woman warns him that when the ogre returns, he will eat him. Then she protects the hero by hiding him. When the ogre comes in, he smells the human, but the woman (his wife, daughter, grandmother, or captive) prevents him from finding the visitor.  相似文献   

汤菁 《风景名胜》2010,(4):76-77
5月1日,令世界为之瞩目的世界博览会将在上海黄浦江畔开幕。数百个大小展馆,散落在这逾五平方公里的园区内,想要在这风情各异的园区走一遭,并不简单。怎么走怎么看,成为最大的难题,那么先来看看这场馆都坐落在哪儿吧!  相似文献   

Drawing on Bachelard's notion of “cosmicity” this article investigates the living conditions of Parisian working-class families in the second half of the nineteenth century. Nineteenth-century social critics claimed that the lack of privacy in urban apartments made decent family life impossible. However, evidence from judicial dossiers concerning attentat à la pudeur (intimate assault against children) illuminates the lived experience of children and their families in Paris apartments. Rather than a sharp divide between public and private, children experienced their apartment homes as the core of a social and spatial world under the surveillance of parents, neighbors, and other children.  相似文献   

Interpreting variation in the size and quality of houses is a difficult task for the archaeologist. Are larger houses a sign of a larger household, of a higher-status household, or of a household which has lived at the site longer than others? This paper uses ethnographic data on the Kekchi Maya to test these alternative explanations. The discussion reveals a complex relationship between social positions, wealth, and house size. It is suggested that houses serve different symbolic functions in settlements with different kinds of economies.  相似文献   

窑变釉是清代御窑厂仿钧又不似钧的新色釉。钧窑是宋代名瓷窑之一,以生产青中带红,灿如红霞的瓷器驰名于当时,与汝、定、官、哥并称宋代五大名窑。钧窑以烧青瓷为主,但与一般青瓷相比,有其独特之处。其一,钧釉是一种蓝光乳浊釉,改变了汉唐以来历朝青瓷那种一览无余的玻璃质感。虽然它的色泽深浅不一,但多近于蓝色,人们根据其颜色深浅,分别称其为天青、天蓝、月白,它们都具有莹光般的蓝色光泽,晶莹温润,凝厚深沉。  相似文献   

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