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X-ray powder diffraction analysis identified a concentration of green pigment in a shell from Tell Abraq as the copper mineral atacamite. The use of atacamite as a pigment in the ancient world is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews attempts by osteologists to identify activities in the past through examination of particular alterations to skeletal remains. Following an outline of the history of interest in occupational pathology, the physiology of bone is briefly summarised in order better to understand the potential of investigating occupation in the past. A history of archaeological research and interpretations in this field is then provided, followed by a discussion of a particular case study in which the human skeletal remains and material culture from the site of Tell Abraq were examined by the author in an attempt to identify bone alterations which may be attributed to certain activities.  相似文献   

The results of two seasons of research at Hamriya and Tell Abraq (Sharjah, UAE) by an international team of researchers are presented. The research has revealed extensive evidence for occupation from c. 5000 BC to the recent past adjoining lagoon areas that face the Arabian Gulf. C14 analysis of shells has contributed to understanding the chronology of settlement and also assisted our understanding of species-specific deviation from the global reservoir effect.  相似文献   

An overview is presented of the cultivated plants found at Lake Constance (Bodensee) and in the Upper Swabia region including the Federsee (Baden-Württemberg/south-west Germany) between 4000 and 2400 cal BC. This work relates to recent archaeobotanical investigations of the waterlogged sediments of 30 different Neolithic lakeside settlements. These sites provided almost 500,000 crop plant macro-remains, excellently preserved under waterlogged conditions. Taken in conjunction with other previously collected samples from the region, they provide an added dimension to the understanding of crop plant development in the lakeshore Neolithic in south-west Germany.  相似文献   

论述了西安城墙东门箭楼的文化背景,实地考察了风化外状,并对风化外状进行了分类测试。通过对砖坯墙体材料进行化学全分析、X-射线衍射分析、吸水率测定(含他和系数)、冻融实验、泛霜实验、环境污染与水文气象监测资料的分析,研究了东门箭楼砖坯墙体不同风化外状的风化因素,同时对现代修缮用砖的理化性能及质量进行了评估。结果表明,温度的交替变化、水的冻结与融化使得砖坯裂解成碎块;干湿引起可溶盐的结晶与潮解以及自然界中的雨水、地面水或地下水、污染气体等通过溶解、水化、水解、碳酸化、氧化等方式,使得砖坯墙体表面酥碱粉化。同时说明研究适用于古建筑修缮使用的抗风化仿古青砖是当务之急。  相似文献   

张凤 《文博》2022,(1):15-21+2+113
2020年10月至2021年3月,为配合三门峡市刚玉砂厂棚户区改造工程的实施,河南省文物考古研究院联合三门峡市文物考古研究所对该地进行了考古发掘,其中编号为M003的唐代墓葬形制完整,出土物丰富。根据墓志志文,判定墓葬年代为盛唐时期。该墓的发现为进一步研究三门峡地区唐代丧葬习俗提供了详实的实物资料。  相似文献   


This article explores two ideas due to Alan Wilson: superconcepts and enabling disciplines. These ideas emerge from Wilson’s philosophy of knowledge and, in particular, from his thinking on interdisciplinarity. Both ideas are described, analysed and developed in the context of their wider importance in interdisciplinary undergraduate education and their implementation on the Arts and Sciences BASc at UCL. Some suggestions for future developments of these ideas at the proposed new university at the London Interdisciplinary School are offered.  相似文献   

This paper is the outcome of a lecture held at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. It provides a summary in English of the archaeozoological research work which has been carried out in Central Europe during the last 30 years, with special reference to material from medieval times. It is shown that a thorough zoological analysis of bones from excavations provides much information for historical interpretation. Not only was the ratio of wild and domestic animals or of the different species of interest, but also the age and sex structure of the population by taking the function of the site into consideration. Some observations on animal teeth gave indications of distinctive handicrafts. Cut marks on cervical vertebrae of horse skeletons found as grave goods from early medieval times were considered in connection with beliefs and juridical conceptions of that time.  相似文献   

为配合"秦始皇帝陵遗址公园"工程建设,并为进一步探索秦始皇帝陵园的布局及结构,2009年,陕西省考古研究院秦陵考古队在此前工作的基础上,对陵园进行了较大规模的考古勘探,本年度勘探区域主要集中在陵园外城南墙以北、南内外城垣之间,北内外城垣之间及西内外城垣之间等.  相似文献   

Mud walls are frequent in many archaeological sites, including sites located in semi-desert regions. In cases with buried walls, the geophysical methods can be useful tools for their investigation, since they provide maps of the subsoil in a non-invasive way and in relatively short times. This article deals with the characterization of mud walls in very dry soils through the resistivity method, discussing a methodology to satisfactorily apply the method in this kind of adverse environment and how to interpret the results. The case of the Palo Blanco archaeological site, a pre-Incaic village located in the NW region of Argentina, is analyzed.  相似文献   

本文通过对河南鲁山望城岗,台铁遗址出土和采集的冶铁遗物的综合分析,证明该遗址是个集冶炼、铸造和炼钢为一体的大型工场,持续时间较长,具体工艺表现为采用选好的褐铁矿在高炉中炼出生铁,然后铸成器物,存在脱碳制钢的处理工艺,并且在冶炼时可能使用了煤炭作为燃料。  相似文献   

荆寺二村位于西安市长安区义井乡西南沣河以东.2001年春西安市文物保护考古所配合西安至户县高速公路建设,在该村村东发掘清理9座西汉早期墓,其为研究秦文化向汉文化过渡提供了重要资料.现简报如下.  相似文献   

西安南郊傅村隋唐墓地发掘了39座小型土洞墓,可分为横室墓、直背刀形墓、弧背刀形墓、折背刀形墓、弧形斜背墓5种。时代从隋延续到晚唐,墓葬间存在几组打破关系。出土遗物较丰富,以陶瓷器为大宗,并有各式彩绘陶俑。其中M10出土的铜尺制作精良,十分罕见。  相似文献   

The results of six weeks'research in 1992 by a Belgian team from Gent University at ed-Dur in the Emirate of Umm al-Qaiwain are presented. The excavations concentrated on the areas BQ and BR, where a total of almost 2700 m2 were excavated. Both areas contained mostly graves, all plundered, however, except for some plain earth-burials. These large exposures provided a vast amount of various objects and pottery and gave further information on burial practices of the 1st cent. A.D. in southeastern Arabia.  相似文献   

安徽省萧县萧窑遗址群位于萧县东南部,本次调查了白土镇窑、欧盘窑、夏村窑和前圩子窑四个窑址。主要产品有碗、盏、罐、壶、高足盘、盘、三叉支托、窑棒和垫圈。釉色主要有青釉、黄釉、黑釉、白釉、白釉褐彩等。萧窑始烧于隋代,终烧于元代。  相似文献   

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