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Kilbride, Philip Leroy and Janet Capriotti Kilbride. Changing Family Life in East Africa: Women and Children at Risk. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1990. xv + 271 pp. including references and index. $29.95 cloth.

White, Luise. The Comforts of Home: Prostitution in Colonial Nairobi. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991. xiii + 285 pp. including notes, references, and index. $34.95 cloth, $14.95 paper.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two outstanding forms of state intervention devised to cope with structural change in old industrial areas: Urban Development Corporations (UDCs) in Great Britain and the Emscher Park International Building Exhibition (IBA) in the Ruhr district in Germany. In Sections 2 and 3, we deal with UDCs and the IBA separately, concentrating on their history, objectives, modes of operation, financial arrangements, and their relationship with other heal and state agencies. Furthermore, these two policies are related to the general political and social situation in Britain and Germany. In Section 4, we compare the IBA with UDCs directly, discussing whether these schemes can be considered a success with regard to their own objectives. Of particular importance is the role of the local level and the opportunity for various actors, interest groups and public bodies to participate in the process of restructuring. Finally, we reflect upon the implications for planning in general emanating from the IBA and UDCs. One important result of our research is that the very broad approach behind the IBA — despite certain inherent contradictions — will do more justice to the multi‐faceted problems of old industrial areas than the concept of ‘regeneration’ behind UDCs.  相似文献   

This article presents an inquiry into which tacit differences are relevant for how people make sense of encounters with others in urban settings, and how, if at all, they are translated into ethnic categories understood as ‘basic operators’ in everyday life. Drawing from our interviews with twenty Polish mothers living in Berlin and Munich, we argue that what our research participants distinguish as ‘typically Polish’ or ‘typically German’ is not necessarily connected to some ethnically specific ways of working or mothering, but, rather, significantly structured by locally specific forms of neoliberalism. By asking what kind of difference becomes understood as ethnic difference and how this process of demarcation occurs, this article adds to the strand of intersectional approaches that theorise the notion of difference, recognise heterogeneity of individual categories and render them suspect.  相似文献   

The North European Basin hosts mineral deposits like the Kupferschiefer and the Mississippi Valley Type deposits in the Silesian sub‐basin in Poland. The basement to this basin, exposed in the Harz Mts and in the Flechtingen and Calvörde Blocks, contains Mesozoic Pb–Zn vein mineralization and barite–fluorite deposits as well as massive hematite veins in the Rotliegend volcanics. A comparison of the mineralizing models of these deposits with results from a basin‐wide petrographic, fluid inclusion and stable isotope study shows that the genesis of the mineral deposits can be explained by fluid systems that were active during different stages of basin evolution. These comprise syn‐ to post‐magmatic fluids derived from or mobilized in the course of the Rotliegend magmatism, fluids convecting in the Rotliegend units during the extensional basin subsidence in the Permo‐Triassic and originating from progressive devolatilization of the basin sequence and fluids derived from the overlying Zechstein evaporites. Deep‐reaching fault systems developing during the Cretaceous tectonic reactivation enhanced fluid percolation from the surface to the deep sections of the basin sequence. Identification and correlation of these fluids across the basin and in the mineralizations provide the base for a basin‐wide metallogenetic model.  相似文献   

Over several decades, the East German stance towards Israel was marked by condemnation of Zionism, a unilateral position on the Arab-Israeli conflict and denial of reparations and restitution claims. This position had its ideological background in the communist approach to the “Jewish question,” anti-Semitism and nationalism, while the most important criterion in shaping attitudes towards Israel was the incorporation of the German Democratic Republic's Middle East policy into the foreign policy of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. In addition, the East German political elite followed its own political interests when it tried to break through the West German Hallstein doctrine with the help of some Arab countries.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse the role played by Scandinavian politicians and experts working for the League of Nations in resolving conflicts to which Poland was a party and how this activity was assessed by Polish diplomats and politicians. Scandinavian involvement in decision-making processes related to Polish interests was mainly studied on the basis of diplomatic documents as well as Polish and Swedish press articles. The analysis focuses on several key issues. The first relates to the background to the involvement of Swedish politicians and experts in the procedures employed to resolve the PolishLithuanian conflict over Vilnius. Another concerns the attitude of the Scandinavian states towards electing Poland as a member of the League Council between 1923 and 1935, with special emphasis on the Swedish veto of 1926. Finally, the involvement of Scandinavian experts in resolving conflicts between Poland and the city of Danzig is discussed. In this case, the most important figure was Helmer Rosting, who held the position of the League of Nations High Commissioner in the Free City of Danzig between 1932 and 1934. The conclusions emphasize that Poles were generally dissatisfied with the work of the Scandinavians, accusing them of being biased towards the Germans and Lithuanians. Moreover, the Polish party involved believed that, when making their judgments and decisions, Scandinavian officials only followed the letter of the law and did not pay sufficient regard to the political context.  相似文献   


The atrocities of Nazi Germany included the radical transformation of natural landscapes. At Ravensbrück (Brandenburg), a lakeside setting became the site of the largest women’s concentration camp in Germany, processing approximately 159,000 inmates until 1945. Similarly, at Flossenbürg (Bavaria), a picturesque valley in the Oberpfälzer Wald housed a large concentration camp with approximately 100,000 inmates over seven years and a granite quarry to support Hitler’s extensive construction programme. After the war, part of Ravensbrück became a Soviet Army base, while large sections of Flossenbürg were removed to make way for a new housing and industrial development. Along with other former camps (particularly Auschwitz-Birkenau), parts of these landscapes were developed into memorial sites that aim to provide a liminal experience for visitors – a ‘rite of passage’. In attempting to regain a sense of place that evokes the trauma of the past, the landscapes of the memorial sites of Ravensbrück and Flossenbürg were recently altered to resemble their appearance in 1945. For visitors, however, the aesthetic experience of these landscapes lies in stark contrast to the narrative they encounter at both sites; they are surprised to see signs of life, objecting to modernisation at Ravensbrück or the existence of a supermarket next to the memorial site in Flossenbürg. This paper examines the transformative processes of these landscapes and explores how their liminality is constructed, experienced and challenged. Through empirical visitor research conducted at both sites, it provides a critical evaluation of the narrative given to visitors and suggests how these important sites can offer a more engaging ‘rite of passage’.  相似文献   

Although ice hockey has been characterized as a “people's sport,” since the 1980s neoliberalism has stimulated elite hockey to take on industrial characteristics, driven by: the commodification of sport; a growing scale of hockey performance; the branding of teams and cities; a strategic coupling with media; and the privatization of training and facilities. In British Columbia, elite hockey players are being produced in new regional settings. Formerly, many elite players came from smaller resource-hinterland towns offering strong local support. With neoliberal commodification of the sport, the Lower Mainland has emerged as the main centre of elite player production in British Columbia. This has occurred very rapidly as costly private training programs located mostly in larger metropolitan areas have become the main source of young players aspiring to elite status. High-performance training companies and private hockey academies offer costly routes to elite player status, with new class relations that exclude low-income families. A range of internal and external scale economies lead to these new facilities being concentrated in larger conurbations, particularly in Greater Vancouver.  相似文献   

This is the second paper reporting on research which has attempted an evaluation of the performance of the Industrial Areas Programme in Greece. The programme itself has the objective of promoting industrial development in selected regions of Greece mainly through the provision of land and industrial infrastructure. It began in 1968. This research is about the cost-effectiveness of this policy and the methodologies used are those based on cost-benefit analysis. These were discussed in the first paper. This paper reports on the results of several different types of analysis. Although the research findings illustrate a wide variety in the levels of performance across the industrial areas selected for study, it is difficult not to conclude that the initiative in general has provided the state with good value for money.  相似文献   

The problem of conquests and territorial expansion, including their interpretation, evaluation, and legitimisation, has been crucial for European national historiographies. Consequently, attempts by the Holy Roman emperors, particularly of the Saxon and Hohenstaufen dynasties, to control Italy and Burgundy were hotly debated among nineteenth-century German historians, while Poland's union with Lithuania, and the annexation of the vast territories of the east which followed, was a central topic for Polish historians of the time. Modern historians of historiography in both countries have carefully analysed these narratives, emphasising their ideological and political contexts, such as their involvement in the Grossdeutsch versus Kleindeutsch controversy and the controversy between the so-called Cracow and Warsaw historical schools. In this paper I propose a comparative analysis of these two discourses which dealt with analogical issues and, as I demonstrate, developed with a parallel dynamic. Such an analysis, I argue, allows an escape from the paradigm of national exceptionalism, and the discovery of what was typical or, perhaps, constitutive of the discourse on territorial expansion of the time, instead of focusing on the uniqueness of the national context. This analysis embraces the conceptualisation, argumentation, and rhetoric of those nineteenth-century German and Polish historians discussing the expansion of the medieval Holy Empire and early-modern Poland. Moreover, it locates their interpretations within an international context of a broader Western historiographical tradition, involving issues of domination, cultural transfer, and colonialism. Finally, it examines the parallel mechanism of searching for, advocating, and perpetuating the idea of uniqueness of national history.  相似文献   

In a spatial context, flexible substitution patterns play an important role when modeling individual choice behavior. Issues of correlation may arise if two or more alternatives of a selected choice set share characteristics that cannot be observed by a modeler. Multivariate extreme value (MEV) models provide the possibility to relax the property of constant substitution imposed by the multinomial logit (MNL) model through its independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) property. Existing approaches in school network planning often do not account for substitution patterns, nor do they take free school choice into consideration. In this article, we briefly operationalize a closed‐form discrete choice model (generalized nested logit [GNL] model) from utility maximization to account for spatial correlation. Moreover, we show that very simple and restrictive models are usually not adequate in a spatial choice context. In contrast, the GNL is still computationally convenient and obtains a very flexible structure of substitution patterns among choice alternatives. Roughly speaking, this flexibility is achieved by allocating alternatives that are located close to each other into nests. A given alternative may belong to several nests. Therefore, we specify a more general discrete choice model. Furthermore, the data and the model specification for the school choice problem are presented. The analysis of free school choice in the city of Dresden, Germany, confirms the influence of most of the exogenous variables reported in the literature. The estimation results generally indicate the applicability of MEV models in a spatial context and the importance of spatial correlation in school choice modeling. Therefore, we suggest the use of more flexible and complex models than standard logit models in particular. En un contexto espacial, los patrones sustitución flexible juegan un papel importante en el modelamiento del comportamiento de las decisiones individuales. Varios problemas de correlación pueden presentarse si dos o más alternativas de elección comparten características no observables por el modelador. Los modelos de valor extremo (multivariate extreme value‐MEV) ofrecen la posibilidad de relajar la propiedad de sustitución constante (constant substitution) presente en los modelos logit multinomiales (multinomial logit‐MNL), a través de su propiedad de independencia de alternativas irrelevantes (Independence of irrelevant alternatives property ‐IIA). A menudo, los enfoques existentes en la planificación de redes escolares no toman en consideración los patrones de sustitución y de libre elección de escuela. En este artículo, los autores presentan brevemente el funcionamiento de un modelo de elección discreta (discrete choice model) para la maximización de utilidad o modelo logit anidado generalizado (generalized nested logit model‐GNL) para dar cuenta de la autocorrelación espacial. Los autores sostienen que modelos demasiado simples y restrictivos no suelen ser adecuados en un contexto de elección espacial. En contraste el modelo GNL es conveniente en términos de su computación y obtiene una estructura muy flexible de los patrones de sustitución entre las alternativas de elección. En términos generales, esta flexibilidad se logra mediante la asignación (o anidación) de las alternativas cercanas en el espacio (una alternativa puede pertenecer a varios nidos). Por lo tanto, los autores presentan un modelo de elección discreta más general. El estudio presenta además datos y la especificación del modelo para un caso de elección de escuela concreto: el análisis de libre elección de escuela en la ciudad de Dresden, Alemania. El análisis confirma la influencia de la mayoría de las variables exógenas presentes en la literatura. Los resultados de la estimación demuestran en términos generales la aplicabilidad de los modelos MEV en un contexto espacial y la importancia de la autocorrelación espacial en el modelado de elección de escuela. Los autores concluyen sugiriendo el uso de modelos más flexibles y complejos que los modelos utilizados habitualmente, en particular los modelos logit estándar. 从空间视角看,灵活的替代模式在个人行为选择建模中发挥着重要作用。当存在两个或两个以上备选方案集具有共性且无法被建模者观察到时,就可能出现相关性问题。多元极值模型(MEV)通过不相关的替代属性(IIA)实现了对多元logit模型(MNL)中常数限制的松弛替代。现有校园网络规划方法通常无法解释替代模式,而且没有考虑到自由择校因素。本文简要地建立一个封闭离散选择模型(广义嵌套(GNL)模型),从效用最大化角度来解释空间相关性。此外分析还表明,非常简单的约束模型通常不具有足够的空间选择情境。相比之下,GNL模型计算便捷,且可以在各选择方案中获得非常灵活的替代模式。大致而言,这种灵活性大体是通过与住处位置距离上彼此靠近的替代选择分配而获得,一个给定的选择可能属于不同的住处。因此,我们给出了一个更一般的离散选择模型。此外,还给出了针对择校问题的数据和模型设定。基于德国德累斯顿市自由择校分析,证实了已有研究中多数外生变量的影响。估计结果证实了MEV模型在空间分析中的适用性以及择校模型中空间相关的重要性,并建议使用更加灵活和复杂的模型而不是标准的logit模型。  相似文献   

Muller  Michael G. 《German history》2004,22(3):433-447
The Joint Polish–German Commission for the Revision ofSchool Textbooks was set up in 1972, bringing together historiansfrom Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany in view of reopeninga scholarly dialogue after decades of almost complete noncommunication.Until the late 1980s, the commission played a prominent roleas a forum for cross-national discussions on Polish-German Beziehungsgeschichte,and most of the leading Polish experts in German history participatedin its proceedings. For the development of Polish historiographyon Germany the work of the commission seems to have been relevantin at least two respects. The commission's regular conferenceson controversial or methodologically complex issues of Polish-GermanBeziehungsgeschichte contributed, on the one hand, to defininga new agenda for Polish historiography on Germany. The interestin explicitly comparative approaches to German and Polish historyincreased, and the focus shifted from specifically ‘Polishinterests’ in German history to more general issues. Onthe other hand, these conferences provided Polish historianswith the opportunity to make their research more visible toGerman historians (even outside the field of specialised EastEuropeanists)—a fact that encouraged Polish historiographyon Germany to pursue more ambitious tasks.  相似文献   

This introduction points out major developments in Polish scholarshipon German history between the end of the war and the presentday. The fraught relationship between Polish and German scholarswas not merely a result of the destruction of the war yearsbut older nationalist traditions of history-writing, which needto be taken into account as well as the status of partitionedPoland between 1795 and 1918.  相似文献   

The topics of the territorial structure of the German states and the strategic development of the metropolitan regions are at first glance two completely separate discourses. However, this paper demonstrates that the development of the metropolitan regions in Germany, supported by Federal Spatial Planning, has at least in some cases been influenced by the possibility of offering an alternative to state restructuring and that the metropolitan regions today continue to represent a basis for interstate cooperation. The in-depth observation of four cross-state metropolitan regions makes clear that different development paths have been followed. Thus, while certain metropolitan regions have distanced themselves from issues relevant to interstate cooperation, the examples of Hamburg and Berlin-Brandenburg show the value of metropolitan regions for cooperation between states and as an alternative to state restructuring.  相似文献   

Feverishly the strikers watched for signs of intervention bythe American and British occupation forces. It was beyond theircomprehension . . . that the nations of the free world withwhom they felt themselves allied, should stand idly by whilethe Soviet Union crushed the rising with its war machine. Insome places rumour had it that American tanks had crossed thezonal border, that American aircraft were to drop weapons.1  相似文献   

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