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Study of the small clay ship-model T832 in the Kassel Museum suggests that it is an instructive document bearing on ancient Greek maritime history and folklore. A preliminary dating that has had to rely on iconographic and literary sources gives an origin in the 6th or 5th centuries BC and a tentative identification as a small coastal warship. Some suggestions as to the purpose and use of the model are discussed.
© 2004 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   

张墨 《史学月刊》2002,(4):26-34
哀公十年(前485年),吴徐承帅舟师沿海北上攻齐进行海战事,似难确认。襄公二十四年(前549),楚以舟师伐吴,是为史籍明确记载的第一次动用舟师的征战,但恐难排除此前已发生过动用舟师征战的事实,是故中国古代海军的产生(形成)时间,尚需进一步科学、准确论证。“海军”是个历史范畴,在不同的历史时期具有不同的形态,称谓也有所变化。中国古代海军的主要称谓有舟师、楼船军、水军、水师等。  相似文献   

古希腊政治文化是研究现代西方政治文化的重要逻辑起点,古希腊政治文化以其对民主、法治、自由、平等等内在价值理念的追求对现代政治文化的形成和发展产生了深刻的影响。本文从自然地理、经济、社会和政治四个维度对古希腊政治文化产生的基础进行了探讨,力求从源头上对古希腊政治文化的生成环境给予全景性的呈现。  相似文献   

Current models of DNA degradation and previous research on Icelandic human skeletons predict ancient DNA preservation in the Norse North Atlantic faunal remains to be excellent. In contrast, we found that DNA preservation in Viking‐Age pig remains was poor. We posit that this discrepancy in DNA survival between human and faunal remains is due to differing taphonomies. Our results highlight that DNA degradation is strongly dictated by micro‐environmental taphonomic processes even in regions where the climate is conducive to DNA survival. Due to these differences, DNA preservation in animal remains may not be suitable proxies for DNA preservation in associated human remains. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In recent years, mitochondrial diversity of goats has been extensively studied, in order to shed light on domestication processes. There are limited studies on genetic diversity and demographic history of Anatolian goat breeds, and these studies have focused only on modern goats. Until today, no research has been conducted on DNA analysis of ancient Anatolian goats. In the present study, seven ancient DNA samples of goat remains from Van‐Yoncatepe archaeological site in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, dating 1000 BC, were successfully extracted and amplified for the first time. A 230‐bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA Hypervariable Region 1 of the samples was analyzed. All of the ancient sequences belonged to haplogroup A, which is the most widely distributed and frequently encountered haplogroup in modern goats. The results also pointed out that Anatolian ancient goats might have contributed to the genetic structure of modern goats in the Near East, the Mediterranean Region and South‐Southeastern Asia. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

古玺文字考释(十则)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对《古玺汇编》中的一些未识字、误识字进行了新的考释和辨别,具有相当的学术参考价值。  相似文献   

从凌家滩古玉的玉质成分可以看出,古人对“玉,石之美”的认识,主要依据玉石的外感而定。  相似文献   

This article examines how concepts of ‘play’ can be used within studies of cultural heritage to build an alternative to the dominant use of consumer-orientated models within current scholarship. Using the example of how the traditions, motifs and history of Ancient Greece have been reused within New York, from the nineteenth century to the present day this work demonstrates that this is a heritage that has been ‘played with’ by successive generations as a means of establishing identity within the metropolis. Whilst the ideals of Athenian democracy and classical learning inspired the formation of the early American republic, these associations were brought into wider usage in New York with the arrival of significant Greek immigration into the city during the twentieth century. This provided a new opportunity of a playful use of Ancient Greek heritage as this émigré community built new identities and became established in the metropolis. The Greek American enclave of Astoria, located in the borough of Queens, will be the focus of this study as the site where this playful use of heritage has taken place, undertaken both by members of the Greek American community and also by individuals and groups responding to their presence.  相似文献   

This review begins by defining the diverse field of Greek archaeology. Based on our own expertise, we focus on recent advances in the study of ancient Greece, especially the prehistoric Aegean, and on regional approaches, primarily those associated with archaeological surface survey. General developments in method and theory are addressed as they relate to several major topics: social complexity, Aegean chronology, writing systems, exchange, and regional studies.  相似文献   

为做好太仓万丰村半泾河古船的脱盐保护工作,本研究检测了半泾河古船的第6、7隔舱板和第8隔舱龙骨及船板下淤泥样品中主要元素和离子的含量,并用电导率仪测量样品在脱盐过程中电导率的变化情况。检测结果表明,木材和淤泥中的主要元素含量高于对照样品,且主要以可溶性盐的状态存在;木材腐蚀程度也与其离子含量有关,腐蚀程度愈严重,样品的离子含量也愈大;经过脱盐处理后,脱盐溶液的电导率值降低至较低水平。测试数据将对今后古船脱盐工作有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

由于时代精神和社会风俗的差异,历代玉器上的凤纹在造型、纹饰、艺术风格和制作技法上均有一定的时代特征。  相似文献   

The skeletal remains of 18 individuals interred at the ancient Maya site of Caledonia (100 to 1000 C.E.), located in the Cayo District of Belize, w ere sampled for stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis in order to reconstruct their diet. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in 18 bone collagen samples and stable carbon isotope ratios in bioapatite from 15 bone and 6 tooth enamel samples were assessed. Small sample sizes precluded the assessment of dietary variation with respect to age, sex, social status or time period among the Caledonia Maya. However, the sampled individuals consumed a varied diet consisting of maize, supplemented with some C3 plants, terrestrial herbivores and/or lower order freshwater resources such as snails and molluscs and possibly maize‐fed animals. This dietary variability with an emphasis on maize is unsurprising given the biological diversity surrounding the site and the known importance of this crop to the ancient Maya. As expected, the isotopic values from Caledonia are similar to those from nearby sites from similar time periods. However, four individuals exhibit a marine dietary signature, possibly indicating inland trade of marine resources from coastal sites, or the migration of coastal people to Caledonia. This study demonstrates the validity of sampling small, fragmented collections from minor Maya centres in order to gain valuable insight into ancient Maya dietary practices. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

顾颉刚创立的“古史层累说”理论具有普遍适用性,不仅适用于中国古史研究,也适用于其他地区古代史的研究。本文以“古史层累说”的理论为指导,分析毕达哥拉斯从人到神的演变过程以及导致这种现象产生的背后原因,进而通过这个具体个案的研究,来论证顾颉刚“古史层累说”理论所具有的普遍意义。  相似文献   

古村落旅游是一种特殊的乡村旅游、文化生态旅游。识别古村落游客感知价值的内在维度、探明古村落游客感知价值的来源,可以为古村落旅游发展提供理论支持。本文构建了古村落游客感知价值概念模型,并以张谷英古村落为例进行了实证研究。研究初步探明了古村落游客感知价值的来源,并且发现,古村落游客感知价值的内在维度呈三层次贡献分异,认知维显性化,情感维隐性化。  相似文献   

中国古代文明可持续发展的原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国古代文明持续发展,在世界文明史上是极为少见的。究其原因为,一方面是地理环境的基础作用,独特地理位置、封闭而又复杂的地理环境使其然;另一方面,中国古代大一统的历史和文化起着决定性的作用。相对封闭、完整且一脉相承的文化是其内在动因;人口、土地开发和技术水平三者关系的协调是其前提;先进的农耕制对土地资源的保护是其基础;文明中心随环境而变迁,保证了古代文明的持续发展。  相似文献   

More than a dozen hydrocarbon seep‐carbonate occurrences in late Jurassic to late Cretaceous forearc and accretionary prism strata, western California, accumulated in turbidite/fault‐hosted or serpentine diapir‐related settings. Three sites, Paskenta, Cold Fork of Cottonwood Creek and Wilbur Springs, were analyzed for their petrographic, geochemical and palaeoecological attributes, and each showed a three‐stage development that recorded the evolution of fluids through reducing–oxidizing–reducing conditions. The first stage constituted diffusive, reduced fluid seepage (CH4, H2S) through seafloor sediments, as indicated by Fe‐rich detrital micrite, corroded surfaces encrusted with framboidal pyrite, anhedral yellow calcite and negative cement stable isotopic signatures (δ13C as low as ?35.5‰ PDB; δ18O as low as ?10.8‰ PDB). Mega‐invertebrates, adapted to reduced conditions and/or bacterial chemosymbiosis, colonized the sites during this earliest period of fluid seepage. A second, early stage of centralized venting at the seafloor followed, which was coincident with hydrocarbon migration, as evidenced by nonluminescent fibrous cements with δ13C values as low as ?43.7‰ PDB, elevated δ18O (up to +2.3‰ PDB), petroleum inclusions, marine borings and lack of pyrite. Throughout these early phases of hydrocarbon seepage, microbial sediments were preserved as layered and clotted, nondetrital micrites. A final late‐stage of development marked a return to reducing conditions during burial diagenesis, as implied by pore‐associated Mn‐rich cement phases with bright cathodoluminescent patterns, and negative δ18O signatures (as low as ?14‰ PDB). These recurring patterns among sites highlight similarities in the hydrogeological evolution of the Mesozoic convergent margin of California, which influenced local geochemical conditions and organism responses. A comparison of stable carbon and oxygen isotopic data for 33 globally distributed seep‐carbonates, ranging in age from Devonian to Recent, delineated three groupings that reflect variable fluid input, different tectono‐sedimentary regimes and time–temperature‐dependent burial diagenesis.  相似文献   

The study of ancient DNA (aDNA) using molecular methods is an increasingly valuable tactic in bioarchaeology. While this method must be carefully undertaken to ensure that the molecules detected are representative of the ancient sample and not modern contaminates, there is a danger that a ‘one size fits all’ approach to validation will lead to misinterpretation and/or missed opportunities of valuable findings. When comparing human and pathogen aDNA, there are many shared technical means that can ensure best practice. However, there are a number of assumptions that should not be used for both scenarios. We discuss these aspects in reference to a recent article published by this journal and highlight some of the latest advances in molecular detection of ancient pathogen DNA that can further improve this endeavour. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A human skull, buried about 2500 years ago in a Bronze Age cemetery at Jinggouzi, a site of an important ethnic group in ancient China, appeared to have characteristics of fibrous dysplasia. The CT images indicated a reduction in bone density and relatively homogeneous lesions. More features were revealed using CT reconstruction techniques. Lesions seen in low‐magnification images using a 3D deep‐field microscope had an irregular honeycomb‐like structure. At higher magnification, the trabeculae morphology and the gaps between the trabeculae were irregular and varied in size and shape. Paraffin‐embedded specimens stained with HE showed trabeculae with tortuous irregular arrangements varying in shape and width. The irregular trabeculae of woven bone has been described as having fibrous dysplasia. Molecular analysis of the GNAS gene indicated no mutation. This provides a non‐invasive approach for us to make more comprehensive diagnoses and to assist research into ancient human diseases.  相似文献   


Providing an introduction to this special issue on the ancient notions of liberty and its modern perspectives, this essay contains, first, some reflections about the relation between the fields of ancient history and contemporary political theory. Building on the comments of the final roundtable with Kinch Hoekstra and Quentin Skinner, it then makes an attempt at extrapolating some theoretical understandings of liberty from a wide range of geographical and historical contexts covered in the contributions. Moving away from a strictly classical Graeco-Roman focus, these include investigations from the second millennium BCE polities in the Levant to the Byzantine empire in the fifth-century CE.  相似文献   

“古诗”之数,不仅十九之限,余见《乐府诗集》所收“古辞”之中,相与援袭,而存在一个共同的模仿对象,即乐府民歌。《乐府诗集》中《西门行》、《艳歌行》、《长歌行》等,当与乐府民歌相去不远,其主题元素广泛影响文人“古诗”制作;《西门行》一首尤为十九首中多篇祖述,而十九首之《生年不满百》为其改写。即此改写的言辞整练、构篇变化与音乐脱离,显见乐府歌辞向文人“古诗”的过渡,体现了后者的共同特点。究之“古诗”之作,并非“作者”的个体“创作”,而是展转相袭的共鸣抒写。  相似文献   

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