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Private Politics: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to ‘Big-man’ Systems. Edited by Martin A. van Bakel, Renée R. Hagesteijn and Peter van de Velde . The Politics and Finance of Provincial Government in Papua New Guinea. By Norman Bonney . Torres trait Islanders: Custom and Colonialism. By J. Beckett . Aging and Its Transformations: Moving Towards Death in Pacific Societies. Edited by Dorothy Ayers Counts and David R. Counts . Gender and Society in the New Guinea Highlands: an Anthropological Perspective on Antagonism Towards Women. By Marilyn G. Gelber . An Introduction to Aboriginal Societies. By W.H. Edwards . Cosmologies in the Making: a Generative Approach to Cultural Variation in Inner New Guinea. By Fredrik Barth . Cultural Models in Language and Thought. Edited by D. Holland and Naomi Quinn . Leslie A. White: Ethnological Essays. Edited by Beth Dillingham and Robert L. Carneiro . Wetan Fieldnotes: Some Eastern Indonesian Texts with Linguistic Notes and a Vocabulary. By J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong . The Heart of the Pearlshell: The Mythological Dimension of Foi Sociality. By James F. Weiner . Upon a Stone Altar: A History of the Island of Pohnpei to 1890. By David Hanlon . Copra Marketing and Price Stabilization in Papua New Guinea. A History to 1975. By Harry H. Jackman . Wealth of the Solomons: a History of a Pacific Archipelago, 1800–1978. By Judith A. Bennett . An Account in Two Volumes of Two Voyages to the South Seas. By Jules S-C. Dumont D'Urville — Translated and edited by Helen Rosenman . Connections: Essays on Black Literatures. Edited by Emmanuel S. Nelson . Anthropological Studies of Religion: An Introductory Text. By Brian Morris . Human Resources Development in the Pacific. Edited by C.D. Throsby . Intimations of Infinity: The Mythopoeia of the Iqwaye Counting System and Number. By Jadran Mimica . La Dernière Isle. By Joel Bonnemaison .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviwed in this article From Arrian to Alexander: Studies in Historical Interpretation. By A. B. Bosworth. The Jews in the Greek Age. By Elias J. Bickerman. Greeks, Romans and Barbarians. By Barry Cunliffe. On Pagans, Jews, and Christians. By Arnaldo Momigliano. The Crusades: A Short History. By Jonathan Riley-Smith. Searches for an Imaginary Kingdom: The Legend of the Kingdom of Prester John. By L. N. Gumilev. Translated by R. E. F. Smith. The Papal Prince, One Body and Two Souls: The Papal Monarchy in Early Modern Europe. By Paolo Prodi. Translated by Susan Haskins. Britannia: A History of Roman Britain. By Sheppard Frere. The English: A Social History, 1066–1945. By Christopher Hibbert. Suffolk and the Tudors: Politics and Religion in an English County, 1500–1600. By Barmaid MacCulloch. Village Revolts: Social Protest and Popular Disturbances in England, 1509–1640. By Roger B. Manning. The Civil Wars of England. By J. P. Kenyon. Politics, Society and Civil War in Warwickshire, 1620–1660. By Ann Hughes. Charles I and Oliver Cromwell: A Study in Contrasts and Comparisons. By Maurice Ashley. Criticism and Compliment. The Politics of Literature in the England of Charles I. By Kevin Sharpe. London Crowds in the Reign of Charles II: Propaganda and Politics from the Restoration until the Exclusion Crisis. By Tim Harris. The Quakers and the English Legal System, 1660–1688. By Craig W. Horle. Ladies Elect: Women in English Local Government, 1865–1914. By Patricia Hollis. Nobles in Nineteenth-Century France. The Practice of Inegalitarianism. By David Higgs. The Search for Social Peace: Reform Legislation in France, 1890–1914. By Judith F. Stone. The Reluctant Empress: A Biography of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. By Brigitte Hamann. Translated by Ruth Hein. Philip IV and the Government of Spain, 1621–1665. By R. A. Stradling. Jewish High Society in Old Regime Berlin. By Deborah Hertz. Rethinking German History: Nineteenth-Century Germany and the Origins of the Third Reich. By Richard J. Evans. Germany and Europe in the Era of the Two World Wars: Essays in Honor of Oron James Hale. Edited by F. X. J. Homer and Larry D. Wilcox. The Making of Three Russian Revolutionaries: Voices from the Menshevik Past. By Leopold H. Haimson in collaboration with Ziva Galilii y Garcia and Richard Wortman. Stalin: Man and Ruler. By Robert H. McNeal. Soviet Succession Struggles: Kremlinology and the Russian Question from Lenin to Gorbachev. By Anthony D'Agostino. Cecil Rhodes: Flawed Colossus. By Brian Roberta. Foundations of Representative Government in Maryland, 1632–1715. By David W. Jordan. “To Serve Well and Faithfully”: Labor and Indentured Servants in Pennsylvania, 1682–1800. By Sharon V. Salinger. The Concept of Liberty in the Age of the American Revolution. By John Phillip Reid. Rhetoric and History in Revolutionary New England. By Donald Weber. Greatness in The White House: Rating the Presidents, Washington Through Carter. By Robert K. Murray and Tim H. Blessing. Towards a Christian Republic: Antimasonry and the Great Transition in New England, 1826–1836. By Paul Goodman. The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery, 1776–1848. By Robin Blackburn. Paupers and Poor Relief in New York City and Its Rural Environs, 1700–1830. By Robert E. Cray Jr. A House Divided: Sectionalism and Ciuil War, 1848–1865. [The American Moment Series.] By Richard H. Sewell. Embattled Courage: The Experience of Combat in the American Civil War. By Gerald F. Linderman. The Transformation of American Quakerism: Orthodox Friends, 1800–1907. By Thomas D. Hamm. Feud: Hatfields. McCoys, and Social Change in Appalachia, 1860–1900. By Altina L. Waller. Gilded Age Cato: The Life of Walter Q. Gresham. By Charles W. Calhoun. Badge and Buckshot: Lawlessness in Old California. By John Boessenecker. No Step Backward: Women and Family on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier, Helena, Montana, 1865–1900. By Paula Petrik. Heartland: Comparative Histories of the Midwestern States. [Midwestern History and Culture Series.] Edited by James H. Madison. The Presidencies of Grover Cleveland. [American Presidency Series.] By Richard E. Welch Jr. A History of Neglect: Health Care for Blacks and Mill Workers in the Twentieth-Century South. By Edward H. Beardsley. Toward a New Deal in Baltimore: People and Government in the Great Depression. By Jo Ann E. Argersinger. Black Coal Miners in America: Race, Class, and Community Conflict, 1780–1980. By Ronald L. Lewis. Oliver Heaviside: Sage in Solitude. By Paul J. Nahin. Commander in Chief: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, His Lieutenants, and Their War. By Eric Larrabee. William Fulbright and the Vietnam War. By William C. Berman. The Cold War Begins in Asia. [Contemporary American History Series.] By Marc S. Gallicchio. Mexico through Russian Eyes, 1806–1940. By William Harrison Richardson.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Philosophy and the Historical Understanding. By W. B. Gallie. The Third Dimension: Studies in Literary History. By Robert E. Spiller. George of Bohemia: King of Heretics. By Frederick G. Heymann. The Politics of Discretion: Pufendorf and the Acceptance of Natural Law. By Leonard Krieger. DNVP: Right-Wing Oposition in the Weimar Republic, 1918–1924. By Lewis Hertzman. Kurt Schumacher: A Study in Personality and Political Behavior. By Lewis J. Edinger. France, Germany, and the New Europe, 1945–1963. By F. Roy Willis. The Spread of Italian Humanism. By Roberto Weiss. Literature and the Pastoral. For interpretation the many work of Eugenio Garin are incomparable. Things Seen. By Victor Hugo. Selected, translated, and edited by David Kimber, with an Introduction by Janna Richardson. A Medieval Oxfordshire Village: Cuxham, 1240 to 1400. By P. D. A. Harvey. Edward III and the Scots: The Formative Years of a Military Career, 1327–1335. By Ranald Nicholson. The English reformation. BY A. G. Dickens. The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 1558–1641. By Lawrence Stone. The Office of Speaker. By Philip Laundy. Wellington and His Friends, Letters of the First Duke selected and edited by the 7th Duke of Wellington. Before the Socialists: Studies In London and Politics, 1861–1881. By Royden Harrison. The Origins of the Labour Party, 1880–1900. By Henry Pelling. Ambitions and Strategies: The Struggle for the Leadership of the Liberal Party in the 1890s. By Peter Stansky. The Golden Age of Wireless. By Asa Briggs. Winthrop's Boston: Portrait of a puritan Town, 1630–1649. By Darrett B. Rutman. As a highly interpretive, analytical study of unusual focus, Winthrop's Boston is an imaginative and valuable book. The Theatre in Colonial America. By Hugh F. Rankin. Colonials and Partriots: Historic Places Commemorating Our FOrebears, 1700–1783. By Frank B. Sarles, Jr. and Charles E. Shedd. Edited by John Porter Bloom and Robert M. Utley. The Lamp of Experience: Whig History and the Intellectual Origins of the American Revolution. By H. Trevor Colbourn. East Florida as a British Province, 1763–1784. By Charles Lock Mowat. Slaery and Jeffersonian Virginia. By Robert McColley. Theodore Sedgwick, Federalist: A Political Portrait. By Richard E. Welch The Journals of Captain Meriwether Lewis and Sergeant John Ordway, Kept on the Expedition of Western Exploration, 1803–1806. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Milo M. Quaife. Religious Strife on the Southern Frontier. By Walter Brownlow Posey. The Awakening of American Nationalism, 1815–1828. By George Dangerfield. Jacksonian Democracy and the Historians. By Alfred A. Cave. Freedom and Franchise: The Political Career of B. Gratz Brown. By Norma L. Peterson. The Antislavery Vanguard: New Essays on the Abolitionists. Edited (with an Introduction) by Martin Duberman. After Slavery: The Negro in South Carolina during Reconstruction, 1861–1877. By Joel Williamson. The Southern States Since the War, 1870–1871. By Robert Somers. Guide to Florida. By “Rambler.” Edited with an Introduction by Rembert W. Patrick. The Deep South in Transformation. Edited by Robert B. Highsaw. Frontier Iron: The Maramec Iron Works, 1826–1876. By James D. Norris. Boss Twed's New York. By Seymour J. Mandelbaum. Governor Theodore Rooseelt: The Albany Apprenticeship, 1898–1990. By G. Wallace Chessman. The Ideas of the Woman Suffrage Movement, 1890–1920. By Aileen S. Kraditor. Community Planning in the 1920's: The Contribution of the Regional Planning Association of America. By Roy Lubove. Where the Light Falls: A Portrait of Edwin Arlington Robinson. By Chard Powers Smith. Central America. By Mario Rodriguez. The Caste War of Yucatan. By Nelson Reed. Foreword by Howard F. Cline. The Cuban Revolution and Latin America. By Boris Goldenberg. A History of Medieval Islam. By J. J. Saunders. Muslim Civilization in India. By S. M. Ikram. Edited by Ainslie T. Embree. India Under Morely and Minto: Politics Behind Revolution, Repression and Reforms. By M. N. Das. Mao and the Chinese Revolution. By Jerome Ch'ên. An Instance of Treason, Ozaki Hotsumi and The Sorge Spy Ring. By Chalmers Johnson. The Squatting Age in Australia, 1835–1847. By Stephen H. Roberts. French at Kilwa Island. By G. S. P. Freeman-Granville. Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy. By Charles A. Beard. Public Opinion. By Walter Lippmann. The Rise of the Spanish American Empire. By Salvador de Madariaga. The Mind of Germany: The Education of a Nation. By Hans Kohn. Midwestern Progressive olitics: A Historical Study of its Origins and Development, 1870–1958. By Russell B. Nye. The Beginnings of American Foreign Policy to the Farewell Address. By Felix Gilbert. Medieval England, as Viewed by Contemporaries. By W. O. Hassall. An Intellectual and Cultural History of the Western World. By Harry Elmer Barnes. Three volumes. Third editiion, revised. Based on the 1941 edition of Reynal and Hitchock. The Greeks Overseas. By John Boardman. The Histories. By Tecitus. A New Translation by Kenneth Wellesley. The Vikings. By Joannes Bronstad. Translated by Kalle Skov. London Life in the Eighteenth Century. By M. Dorothy George. London Life in the Eighteenth Century. By M. Dorothy George. The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany. By Guenter Lewy. The English Revolution, 1688–1689. By G. M. Trevelyan. Medieval Europe: A Short History. By C. Werren Hollister. The Reform of Parliament. By Benard Crick. The Life of Washington. By Mason L. Weems. Edited by Marcus Cunliffe. Philosophy of History. By Alan and Barbara Donagan. Understanding the American Past: American History and its Interpreters. By Edward N. Saventh.  相似文献   

The Cold War and Soviet Insecurity: Re Stafin Years. By Vojtech Mastny. History in Three Keys: The Boxers as Event, Experience, and Myth. By Paul A. Cohen. Private Wealth and Public Life: Foundation Philanthropy and the Reshaping of American Social Life. By Judith Sealander. Slavery and the American West: The Eclipse of Manifest Destiny and the Coming of the Civil War. By Michael A. Morrison. The Approaching Fury: Voices of the Storm, 1820–1861. By Stephen B. Oates. For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War. By James M. McPhers The Iranian Constitutional Revolution, 1906–1911: Grassroots Democracy, Social Democracy, and the Origin of Ferninism. By Janet Afary. Drink, Power, and Cultural Change: A Social History of Alcohol in Ghana, c. 1800 to Recent Times. By Emmanuel Kwaku Akyeampong. Decolonization and African Society: The Labor Question in French and British Africa. By Frederick Cooper. Religious Militancy and Self-Assertion: Islam and Politics in Nigeria. By Matthew Hassan Kukah and Toyin Falola. Family Identity and the State in the Bamako Kafu, c. 1800-c. 1900. By B. Marie Perinbam. Crisis and Commitment: United States Policy toward Taiwan, 1950–1955. By Robert Accinelli. The Death and Rebirth of American Radicalism. By Stanley Aronowitz. In the Shadow of the Giant: The Making of Mexico's Central America Policy, 1876–1930. By Jurgen Buchenau. Our Hearts Fell to the Ground: Plains Indian Views of How the West Was Lost. Edited by Colin G. Calloway. A History of Chile, 1808–1994. By Simon Collier and William F. Sater. Labor Movements and Dictatorships: The Southern Cone in Comparative Perspective. By Paul W. Drake. On Constitutional Ground. By John Hart Ely. Shavetails and Bell Sharps: The History of the U.S. Army Mule. By Emmett M. Essin. To Be Useful to the World: Women in Revolutionary America, 1740–1790. By Joan R. Gundersen. The Living and the Dead: Robert McNamara and Five Lives of a Lost War. By Paul Hendrickson. The Ohio Frontier: Crucible of the Old Northwest, 1720–1830. By R. Douglas Hurt. Black Savannah: 1788–1864. By Whittington B. Johnson. The Making of Sacagawea: A Euro-American Legend. By Donna J. Kessler. The Culture of Wilderness: Agriculture as Colonization in the American West. By Frieda Knobloch. Red Cloud: Warrior-Statesman of the Lakota Sioux By Robert W. Larson. A History of the Confederate Navy. By Raymond Luraghi. “We Are All Leaders”: The Alternative Unionism of the Early 1930s. Edited by Staughton Lynd. One Dies, Get Another: Convict Leasing in the American South, 1866–1928. By Matthew J. Mancini. Born at the Right Time: A History of the Baby Boom Generation. By Doug Owram. Sojourner Truth: A Life, A Symbol. By Nell Irvin Painter. Building a Democratic Political Order: Reshaping American Liberalism in the 1930s and 1940s. By David Plotke. The Strategy of Rhetoric: Campaigning for the American Constitution. By William H. Riker. Edited by Randall L. Calvert, John Mueller, and Rick K. Wilson. The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradox of Progress, 1817–1862. By Carol Sheriff. Jonathan Edwards's Writings: Text, Context, Interpretation. Edited by Stephen J. Stein. The Origins of the Urban Crisis: Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit. By Thomas J. Sugrue. Summer of Discontent, Seasons of Upheaval: Elite Politics and Rural Insurgency in Yucatán, 1876–1915. By Allen Wells and Gilbert M. Joseph. The Origins of American Slavery: Freedom and Bondage in the English Colonies. By Betty Wood. State of Rebellion: Reconstruction in South Carolina. By Richard Zuczek. Echoes of the Past, Epics of Dissent: A South Korean Social Movement. By Nancy Abelmann. Empire & Information: Intelligence Gathering and Social Communication in India, 1780–1870. By C. A. Bayly. China in the 1980s: Centre-Province Relations in a Reforming Socialist State. By Shaun Gerard Breslin. The Origins of Japanese Trade Supremacy: Development and Technology in Asia from 1540 to the Pacific War. By Christopher Howe. Re-imaging Japanese Women. Edited, with an introduction, by Anne E. Imamura. A Partnership for Disorder: China, the United States, and Their Policies for the Postwar Disposition of the Japanese Empire, 1941–1945. By Xiaoyuan Liu. The Shanghai Badlands: Wartime Terrorism and Urban Crime, 1937–1941. By Frederic Wakeman Jr. Confucian Traditions in East Asian Modernity: Moral Education and Economic Culture in Japan and the Four Mini-Dragons. Edited by Tu Weiming. The Politics of Punishment: Prison Reform in Russia, 1863–1917. By Bruce F. Adams. Building in Egypt: Pharaonic Stone Masonry. By Dieter Arnold. Ideology of Obsession: A.K. Chesterton and British Fascism. By David Baker. Peace, War and the European Powers, 1814–1914. By C. J. Bartlett. The Church for Others: Protestant Theology in Communist East Germany. By Gregory Baum. Europe under Napoleon, 1799–1815. By Michael Broers. Miners, Unions and Politics, 1910–47. Edited by Alan Campbell, Nina Fishman, and David Howell. Russia through Women's Eyes: Autobiographies from Tsarist Russia. Edited, with an introduction and chapter introductions, by Toby W. Clyman and Judith Vowles. The Politics of German Child Welfare from the Empire to the Federal Republic. By Edward ROSS Dickinson. The State against Society: Political Crises and Their Aftermath in Central Europe. By Grzegorz Ekiert. Reinventing Germany: German Political Developments Since 1945. By Anthony Glees. Florence Nightingale: Letters from the Crimea, 1854–1856. Edited by Sue M. Goldie. Spanish Cultural Studies: An Introduction, The Struggle for Modernity. Edited by Helen Graham and Jo Labanyi. From Artisans to Paupers: Economic Change and Poverty in London, 1790–1870. By David R. Green. The World of William and Mary: Anglo-Dutch Perspectives on the Revolution of 1688–89. Edited by Dale Hoak and Mordechai Feingold. Towns in Tudor and Stuart Britain. By Sybil M. Jack. A Medieval Mercantile Community: The Grocers' Company and the Politics and Trade of London, 1000–1485. By Pamela Nightingale. Church and Culture in Seventeenth-Century France. By Henry Phillips. The Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina: Their Historic Development from the Middle Ages to the Dissolution of Yugoslavia. Edited by Mark Pinson. Alfred Marshall's “Lectures to Women”: Some Economic Questions Directly Connected to the Welfare of the Laborer. Edited by Tiziano Raffaelli, Eugenio Biagini, and Rita Mc Williams Tullberg. Medieval Society and the Manor Court. Edited by Zvi Razi and Richard Smith. The Ministry of Illusion: Nazi Cinema and Its Afterlife. By Eric Rentschler. Reforming the Russian Legal System. By Gordon B. Smith. King or Covenant? Voices from Civil War. By David Stevenson. Popular Contention in Great Britain, 1758–1834. By Charles Tilly. The Religious Origins of the French Revolution: From Calvin to the Civil Constitution, 1560–1791. By Dale K. Van Kley. The Austro-Prussian War: Austria's War with Prussia and Italy in 1866. By Geoffrey Wawro. The Cambridge Illustrated History of Archaeology. Edited by Paul G. Bahn. Fins de siècles: How Centuries End, 1400–2000. Edited by Asa Briggs and Daniel Snowman. Railways. [Studies in Transport History Series]. Volume I, edited by Terri Gourvish; volume II, edited by Geoffrey Channon. Ghosts: Appearances of the Dead and Cultural Transformation. By R. C. Finucane.  相似文献   

Earl Swanson, ed. Lithic Technology: Making and Using Stone Tools. The Hague and Paris: Mouton Publishers, 1975. Distributed in North America by Aldine Publishing Company, vii + 251 pp. Illustrations, tables, figures, biographical notes, and indices. $27.50.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Nations & Nationalism》2000,6(1):129-149
Books reviewed in this article: Michael Keating, Nations against the State: the new politics of nationalism in Quebec, Catalonia and Scotland. Roel Meijer (ed.), Cosmopolitanism, Identity and Authenticity in the Middle East. Charles King and Neil J. Melvin (eds.), Nations Abroad: Diaspora Politics and International Relations in the Former Soviet Union. John T. Ishiyama and Marijke Breuning, Ethnopolitics in the New Europe. Karl Cordell (ed.), Ethnicity and Democratisation in the New Europe. Kemal Kirisci and Gareth M. Winrow, The Kurdish Question and Turkey, An Example of a Trans‐state Ethnic Conflict. Martin Stone, The Agony of Algeria. Asafa Jalata (ed.), Oromo Nationalism and Ethiopian Discourse: The Search for Freedom and Democracy. Kay B. Warren, Indigenous Movements and their Critics: Pan Maya Activism in Guatemala. Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Common Denominators: Ethnicity, Nation‐Building and Compromise in Mauritius.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article Soundtngs, Psychohistorical and Psycholiterary. By Rudolph Binion. Foundations of Psychohistory. By Lloyd deMause. End and Begznning: O n the Generatzons of Cultures and the Origins of the West. By Franr Borkenau. Edited, with an introduction, by Richard Lowenthal. The Making of Roman Italy. Early Medieval Italy: Central Power and Local Society, 400-1000. By Chris Wickham. Rhinocrros Bound: Cluny in thr Tenth Century. By Barbara H. Rosenwein. The Comuneros of Castile: The Forging of a Revolution, 1475-1521. By Stephen Haliczer. Essays on Frontiers in World Hzstory. Edited by George Wolfskill and Stanley Palmer. Enemies of God: The Witch-hunt in Scotland. By Christina Larner. Small Books and Pleasant Histories: Popular Fiction and its Readership in Seuenteenth-Century England. By Margaret Spufford. The Declaration of Rights, 1689. By Lois G. Schwoerer. Elzrabeth Fry: A Biography. By June Rose. Country Towns in Pre-Industrial England. Edited by Peter Clark. The Emergence of Modern Ireland, 1600-1900. By L.M. Cullen. British Labor and the American Czvil War. By Philip S . Foner. Lord Randolph Churchzll: A Political Life. By R. F. Foster. No Gods and Precious Few Heroes: Scotland, 1914-1980. [The New History of Scotland series.] By Christopher Harvie. Reconstructing Europe after the Great War. By Dan P. Silverman. The Abbey of St. Germain des Prts in the Sezmzteenth Century. By Maarten Ultee. The Godly Rebellion: Parisian Curts and theReligious Fronde, 1652-1662. By Richard M. Golden. La Rochelle and the Atlantic Economy duringtheEighteenth Century. By John G. Clark. The Jacobin Clubs in the French Revolution: The First Years. By Michael L. Kennedy. An Economic History of Modern France, 1730-1914. By Roger Price. Vichy France and the Jews. By Michael R. Marrus and Robert O. Paxton. The Pope and the Duce: The international Impact of the Lateran Agreements. By Peter C. Kent. Ferdinand I of Austria. By Paula Fichtner. Political Pilgrims: Travels of Western Intellectuals to the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba, 1928-1978. By Paul Hollander. Chinese Democracy: The Self-Goiiernment Moiiement in Local, Provincial, and National Politics, 1905-1914. By John H. Fincher. Organzing Chzna: T h e Problem of Bureaucracy, 1949-1976. By Iiarry Hartling. Korea: The Untold Story of the War. By Joseph C. Coulden. The Revolutionary Orzgins of Modern Japan. By Thomas M. Huber. The African Nexus: Black American Perspectives on the European Partition of Africa, 1880-1920. By Sylvia M. Jacobs. The King's Coffer: Proprietors of the Spanish Florida Treasury, 1565-1702. By Amy Bushnell. Lewis Morris, 1671-1746. By Eugene R. Sheridan. Chesapeake Bay zn the American Revolution. Edited by Ernest M. Eller. The Presidential Game: The Ortgins of American Presidential Politics. By Richard P. McCormick. The American Experiment: The Vineyard of Liberty. By James MacCregor Burns. Transcendentalism IIS a Social Movement, 1830-1850. By Anne C. Rose. Abraham Lincoln: The Quest for Immortality. By Dwight G. Anderson. Sherman's Other War: The General and the Ciuil War Press. By John F. Marszalek. Lee: The Last Years. By Charles Bracelen Flood. James Kimble Vardaman: Southern Commoner. By George Coleman Osborn. Making Sense of Self: Medical Advice Literature i n Late Nineteenth-Centu y America. By Anita Clair Fellman and Michael Fellman. Race and Manifest Destiny: The Origins of American Racial Anglo-Saxonism. By Reginald Horsman. “Empire Can Wait”: American Opposition to Hawaiian Annexation, 1893-1898. By Thomas J. Osborne. Ideas in America's Cultures: From Republic to Mass Society. Edited by Hamilton Cravens Red Harvest: The Communist Party and American Farmers. By Lowell K. Dyson. A Different Kind of Victory: A Biography of Admiral Thomas C. Hart. By James Leutze. Macclrthur in Korea: The Naked Emperor. By Robert Smith. Dwight D. Eisenhower: Soldier and Statesman. By R. Alton Lee.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: A Question of Labour: Indentured Immigration into Trinidad and British Guiana, 1875–1917. By K. O. Laurence Indentured Labor, Caribbean Sugar: Chinese and Indian Migrants to the British West Indies, 1838–1918. By Walton Look Lai Plantation Workers: Resistance and Accommodation. Edited by Brij V. Lal, Doug Munro, and Edward D. Beechert Mau Mau and Kenya: An Analysis of a Peasant Revolt. By Wunyabari O. Maloba Torture and Modernity: Self, Society, and the State in Modern Iran. By Darius M. Rejali Peasants, Traders, and Wives: Shona Women in the History of Zimbabwe, 1870–1939. By Elizabeth Schmidt Pilgrims and Sultans: The Hajj under the Ottomans. By Suraiya Faroqhi From Skisport to Skiing: One Hundred Years of An American Sport, 1840–1940. By E. John B. Allen The South and the New Deal. By Roger Biles The New Dealers: Power Politics in the Age of Roosevelt. By Jordan A. Schwarz Radicals of the Worst Sort: Laboring Women in Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1860–1912. By Ardis Cameron Evangelicals and Politics in Antebellum America. By Richard J. Carwardine Redeeming America: Evangelicals and the Road to Civil War. By Curtis D. Johnson Dangerous Passage: The Santa Fe Trail and the Mexican War. By William Y. Chalfant “No Sorrow like Our Sorrow”: Northern Protestant Ministers and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. By David B. Chesebrough The Presidency of Andrew Jackson. By Donald B. Cole Up From Communism. By John P. Diggins Antisemitism in America. By Leonard Dinnerstein Intervention! The United States and the Mexican Revolution, 1913–1917. By John S. D. Eisenhower The Age of Federalism: The Early American Republic, 1788–1800. By Stanley Elkins and Eric McKitrick In the Absence of Towns: Settlement and Country Trade in Southside Virginia, 1730–1800. By Charles J. Farmer The North Fights the Civil War: The Home Front. By J. Matthew Gallman Mexico and the Spanish Conquest. By Ross Hassig The Nation and Its City: Politics, “Corruption,” and Progress in Washington, D.C., 1861–1902. By Alan Lessoff The American Presidency: An Intellectual History. By Forrest McDonald The People of Quito, 1690–1810: Change and Unrest in the Underclass. By Martin Minchom Los Comanches: The Horse People, 1751–1845. By Stanley Noyes A Woman of Valor: Clara Barton and the Civil War. By Stephen B. Oates Race, Ethnicity, and Urbanization: Selected Essays. By Howard N. Rabinowitz General Richard Montgomery and the American Revolution: From Redcoat to Rebel. By Hal T. Shelton The Gospel of Disunion: Religion and Separatism in the Antebellum South. By Mitchell Snay Conquest: Montezuma, Cortes, and the Fall of Old Mexico. By Hugh Thomas The La Follettes of Wisconsin: Love and Politics in Progressive America. By Bernard A. Weisberger Governor John Wentworth and the American Revolution: The English Connection. By Paul W. Wilderson Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the United States of Europe. By Pascaline Winand The Rise of Confucian Ritualism In Late Imperial China: Ethics, Classics and Lineage Discourse. By Kai-wing Chow Indirect Rule in India: Residents and the Residency System, 1764–1858. By Michael H. Fisher Dialogue and History: Constructing South India, 1785–1895. By Eugene F. Irschick The Cold War on the Periphery: The United States, India, and Pakistan. By Robert J. McMahon The Origins of the Tiandihui: The Chinese Triads in Legend and History. By Dian H. Murray China, 1898–1912: The Xinzheng Revolution and Japan. By Douglas R. Reynolds Chinese Roundabout: Essays in History and Culture. By Jonathan D. Spence The Soil: A Portrait of Rural Life in Meiji Japan. By Nagatsuka Takashi The Dragon, the Lion, and the Eagle: Chinese-British-American Relations, 1949–1958. By Qiang Zhai In Europe's Name, Germany and the Divided Continent. By Timothy Garton Ash The Later Roman Empire, AD 284–430. By Averil Cameron Bisexuality in the Ancient World. By Eva Cantarella. Trans. by Cormac ó Cuilleanáin The Rise of Russia and the Fall of the Soviet Empire. By John B. Dunlop Spiritual Marriage: Sexual Abstinence in Medieval Wedlock. By Dyan Elliott The Gilded Youth of Thermidor. By François Gendron. Translated by James Cookson Church, State and Society, 1760–1850. By William Gibson Constantine the Great: The Man and His Times. By M. Grant The Weimar Republic. By Helmut Heiber First Among Friends: George Fox and the Creation of Quakerism. By H. Larry Ingle The Honourable Company: A History of the English East India Company. By John Keay Arguing Revolution: The Intellectual Left In Postwar France. By Sunil Khilnani Diplomacy. By Henry Kissinger Politics, Censorship and the English Reformation. By David Loades The Culture of Labourism: The East End Between the Wars. By John Marriott Public Duty and Private Conscience in Seventeenth-Century England: Essays Presented to G. E. Aylmer. Edited by John Morrill, Paul Slack, and Daniel Woolf The Insatiable Earl: A Life of John Montagu, Fourth Earl of Sandzvich, 1718–1792. By N. A. M. Rodger ‘We are but Women’: Women in Ireland's History. By Roger Sawyer Mazzini. By Denis Mack Smith The Naval Policy of Austria-Hungary, 1867–1918: Navalism, Industrial Development, and the Politics of Dualism. By Lawrence Sondhaus Fathers & Sons in Athens: Ideology and Society in the Era of the Peloponnesian War. By Barry S. Strauss Raglan: From the Peninsula to the Crimea. By John Sweetman The Work of William Morris. By Paul Thompson The New Regime: Transformation of the French Civic Order, 1789-1820s. By Isser Woloch Hippeis: The Cavalry of Ancient Greece. By Leslie Worley D-Day June 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War II. By Stephen E. Ambrose Women's Work The First 20,000 Years. By Elizabeth Wayland Barber Emerging Feminism from the Revolution to World War. Edited by Geneviève Fraisse and Michelle Perrot At All Costs! Stories of Impossible Victories. By Bryan Perrett The Industrial Revolution in World History. By Peter N. Stearns Taxation & Democracy: Swedish, British, and American Approaches to Financing the Modern State. By Sven Steinmo  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Revolution from Above, Rebellion from Below: The Agrarian Transvaal at the Turn of the Century. By Jeremy Krikler. Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400—1680. By John Thorton. Mombasa, the Swahili, and the Making of the Mijikenda. By Justin Willis. The Americas : “Brother Woodrow”: A Memoir of Woodrow Wilson. By Stockton Axson. Edited, with an introduction, by Arthur S. Link. Liberty, Justice, Order: Writings as Past Politics. By John Morton Blum. The Women's Movements in the United States and Britain from the 1790s to the 1920s. By Christine Bolt. Fritz Pollard: Pioneer in Racial Advancement. By John M. Carroll. Prisoners without Trial: Japanese Americans in World War II. By Roger Daniels. The Great Road: The Building of the Baltimore & Ohio, the Nation's First Railroad, 2828–1853. By James D. Dilts. The Course of Industrial Decline: The Boott Cotton Mills of Lowell, Massachusetts, 2835–1955. By Laurence F. Gross. The Making and Remaking of Asian America through Immigration Policy, 1850–1990. By Bill Ong Hing. The Arabists: Romance of an American Elite. By Robert D. Kaplan. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller: The Woman in the Family. By Bernice Kert. Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, and the Rise of a New American Culture. By William Leach. Alternative Paths: Soviets and Americans, 1917–1920. By David W. McFadden. Controlling the Waves: Dean Acheson and US. Foreign Policy in Asia. By Ronald L. McGlothlen. Cortés: The Great Adventurer and the Fate of Aztec Mexico. By Richard Lee Marks. Dwight D. Eisenhower: Strategic Communicator. By Martin J. Medhurst. George Washington and American Constitutionalism. By Glenn A. Phelps. Northern Protest: Martin Luther King, Jr., Chicago, and the Civil Rights Movement. By James R. Ralph, Jr. Brandeis: Beyond Progressivism. By Philippa Strum. The Lance and the Shield: The Life and Times of Sitting Bull. By Robert M. Utley. Persistent Oligarchs: Elites and Politics in Chihuahua, Mexico, 1910–1940. By Mark Wasserman. New Women of the New South: The Leaders of the Woman Suffrage Movement in the Southern States. By Marjorie Spruill Wheeler. Asia and the Pacific : The World of Maluku: Eastern Indonesia in the Early Modern Period. By Leonard Y. Andaya. Kimono: Fashioning Culture. By Liza Crihfield Dalby Chiang Kai-Shek's Secret Past: The Memoir of His Second Wife, Ch'en Chiek-Ju. Edited by Lloyd E. Eastman. Economy, Society and Politics in Bengal: Jalpaiguri 1869–1947. By Ranajit Das Gupta. Old Malacca. By Sarnia Hayes Hoyt. Cities of Jiangnan in Late Imperial China. Edited by Linda Cooke Johnson. Towards a New Formation: South Indian Society under Vijayanagar Rule. By Noboru Karashima. The Japanese Merchant Marine in World War II. By Mark P. Parillo. Shanghai on Strike: The Politics of Chinese Labor. By Elizabeth J. Perry. Voices from the Ming-Qing Cataclysm: China in Tigers'Jaws. Edited and translated by Lynn A. Struve. Europe : A Gentry Community: Leicestershire in the Fifteenth Century, c. 1422–c. 2485. By Eric Acheson. Making Aristocracy Work: The Peerage and the Political System in Britain, 1884–1914. By Andrew Adonis. The Quest for Stability: Problems of West European Security, 1918–1957. Edited by R. Ahmann, A. M. Burke, and M. Howard. Ballots and Barricades: Class Formation and Republican Politics in France, 1830–1871. By Ronald Aminzade. Germany after the First World War. By Richard Bessel. The Augustan Court: Queen Anne and the Decline of Court Culture. By R 0. Bucholz. Knightly Piety and the Lay Response to the First Crusade: The Limousin and Gascony, c. 970–c. 1130. By Marcus Bull. Going to the Wars: The Experience of the British Civil Wars, 1638–1651. By Charles Carlton. Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars. By David G. Chandler. The Greek Civil War, 1943–1950: Studies of Polarization. Edited by David H. Close. Water Management in Ancient Greek Cities. By Dora P. Crouch. Marriage, Wife-Beating, and the Law in Victorian England. By Maeve E. Doggett. Fragile Lives: Violence, Power, and Solidarity in Eighteenth-Century Paris. By Arlette Farge. Translated by Carol Shelton. Russian Peasant Women. Edited by Beatrice Farnsworth and Lynne Viola. Creating the Nation in Provincial France: Religion and Political Identity in Brittany. By Caroline Ford. National Socialist Rule in Germany: The Führer State, 1933–1945. By Norbert Frei. Translated by Simon B. Steyne. Cavaliers and Roundheads: The English Civil War, 1642–1649. By Christopher Hibbert. Christians and Muslims in Ottoman Cyprus and the Mediterranean World, 1571–1640. By Ronald C. Jennings. History and the Historians of Medieval Spain. By Peter Linehan. Popular Reading and Publishing in Britain, 1914–1950. By Joseph McAleer. Charity and State in Late Renaissance Italy: The Monte di Pietà of Florence. By Carol Bresnahan Menning. Revolution and Restoration: England in the 1650s. Edited by John Morrill. The First Jesuits. By John W. O'Malley. Chamberlain and Appeasement: British Policy and the Coming of the Second World War. By R. A. C. Parker. Patronage and Piety: The Politics of English Roman Catholicism, 1850–1900. By Dermot Quinn. The Fronde: A French Revolution, 1648–1652. By Orest Ranum. A Very Civil War: The Swiss Sonderbund War of 1847. By Joachim Remak, with a foreword by James M. McPherson. Capitalism, Culture, and Decline in Britain 1750–1990. By W. D. Rubinstein. One Hundred Days: Napoleon's Road to Waterloo. By Alan Schom. Demosthenes and His Time: A Study in Defeat. By Raphael Sealey Revolutionary Justice in Paris, 1789–1790. By Barry M. Shapiro. The City and the Crown: Vienna and the Imperial Court, 1600–1740. By John P. Spielman. Songs of Mortals, Dialogues of the Gods: Music and Theater in Seventeenth-Century Spain. By Louise K Stein. European Revolutions, 1492–1992. By Charles Tilly. The Nobility of Holland: From Knights to Regents, 1500–1650. By H. F. K. van Nierop. Translated by Maarten Ultee. German Resistance against Hitler: The Search for Allies Abroad 1938–1945. By Klemens von Klemperer. Popular Anti-Catholicism in Mid-Victorian Britain. By Frank H. Wallis. The Third Reich: Politics and Propaganda. By David Welch. The Conversion of Henri IV: Politics, Power, and Religious Belief in Early Modern France. By Michael Wolfe. General : The Past in Ruins: Tradition and the Critique of Modernity. By David Gross. Growth Recurring: Economic Change in World History. By E. L. Jones.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviews in this articles: The New History and the Old: Critical Essays and Appraisals. By Gertrude Himmelfarb. Hellenistic Religions: An Introduction. By Luther H. Martin. The, Age of Exubrance, 1500–1700. [Vol. 3 of The Making of Britain, 1066–1939. Edited By Andrew Wheatcroft.] By Michael Reed. Emergence of a Bureaucracy: The Florentine Patricians, 1530–1790. By R. Burr Litchfield Court and Country: Studies in Tudor Social History. By A. L. Rowse. Deliver us from Evil: The Radical Underground in Britain, 1660–1663. By Richard L. Greaves. Crown and Calumet: British-Indian Relations, 1783–1815. By Colin G. Calloway. John Fielden and the Politics of Popular Radicalism, 1832–1847. By Stewart Angas Weaver. The Mediterranean Passion: Victorians and Edwardians in the South. By John Pemble. Sex and Suffrage in Britain, 1860–1914. By Susan Kingsley Kent. Mammon and the Pursuit of Empire: The Political Economy of British Imperialism, 1860–1912. By Lance E. Davis and Robert A. Huttenback. English Laundresses: A Social History, 1850–1930. By Patricia E. Malcolmson. Aneurin Bevan and The Mirage of British Socialism. By John Campbell. Diary of a Disaster: British Aid to Greece, 1940–1941, By Robin Higham. The Other Desert War: British Special Forces in North Africa, 1940–1943. By John W. Gordon. The Vision of Anglo-America: The US-UK Alliance and the Emerging Cold War, 1943–1946. By Henry Butterfield Ryan. Setting the Mould: The United States and Britain, 1945–1950. By Robin Edmonds. Philosophers and Pamphleteers: Political Theorists of the Enlightenment. By Maurice Cranston. Press and Politics in Pre-Revolutionary France. Edited by Jack R. Censer and Jeremy D. Popkin. The Canada Merchants, 1713–1763. By J. F. Bosher. The Seven Years War and the Old Regime in France: The Economic and Financial Toll. By James C. Riley. Charles Fourier: The Visionary and His World. By Jonathan Beecher. The French Generation of 1820. By Alan B. Spitzer. France, 1815–1914: The Bourgeois Century. By Roger Magraw. Workers on Strike. France, 1871–1890. By Michelle Perrot. Translated by Chris Turner. Paris Shopkeepers and the Politics of Resentment. By Philip G. Nord. Authority, Liberty and Automatic Machinery in Early Modern Europe. By Otto Mayr. Democracy Italian Style. By Joseph La Palombara. The Transformation of German Jewry, 1780–1840. [Studies in Jewish History. Edited by Jehuda Reinharz.] By David Sorkin. Jews in the German Economy: The German-Jewish Economic Elite, 1820–1935. By W. E. Mosse. Germans in Brazil: A Comparative History of Cultural Conflict During World War I. By Frederick C. Luebke. Under the Shadow of War: Fascism, Anti-Fascism, and Marxists, 1918–1939. By Larry Ceplair. The “Hitler Myth”: Image and Reality in the Third Reich. By Ian Kershaw. Odessa: A History, 1794–1914. By Patricia Herlihy. Alexander Kerensky. The First Love of the Revolution. By Richard Abraham. The Birth of Stalinism: The USSR on the Eve of the “Second Revolution.” By Michal Reiman. Translated by George Saunders. Religions of China: The World as a Living System. By Daniel L. Overmeyer. Printers and Press Freedom: The Ideology of Early American Journalism. By Jeffery A. Smith. Salmon P. Chase: A Life in Politics. By Frederick J. Blue. The Anglo-American Crisis of the Mid-Nineteenth Century: The Times and America, 1850–1862. By Martin Crawford. The Presidency of Benjamin Harrison. [American Presidency Series.] By Homer E. Socolofsky and Allan B. Spetter. Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy. By Michael H. Hunt. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Civil Service: Middle-Class Workers in Victorian America. By Cindy Sondik Aron. Lucy Sprague Mitchell: The Making of a Modern Woman. By Joyce Antler. The Poisonous Cloud: Chemical Warfare in the First World War. By L. F. Haber. FDR's Utopian: Arthur Morgan of the TVA. By Roy Talbert Jr. George C. Marshall: Statesman, 1945–1959. By Forrest C. Pogue. The Marshall Plan: America, Britain, and the Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947–1952. By Michael J. Hogan. Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics, Profits, and Propaganda Shaped World War II Movies. By Clayton R. Koppes and Gregory D. Black. Independent: A Biography of Lewis W. Douglas. By Robert Paul Browder and Thomas G. Smith. Federal Law and Southern Order: Racial Violence and Constitutional Conflict in the Post-Brown South. By Michal R. Belknap. Women and American Foreign Policy: Lobbyists, Critics and Insiders. Edited by Edward P. Crapol. Arrogant Diplomacy: US. Policy toward Colombia, 1903–1922. By Richard L. Lael.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article: Historical Sociology. By Philip Abrams The Concept of Class: An Historical Introduction. By Peter Calvert. Late Roman Fortifications. By Stephen Johnson. The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul. By Wayne A. Meeks. Peasant Classes: The Bureaucratization of Property and Family Relations Under Early Hapsburg Absolutism, 1511–1636. By Hermann Rebel. Lay Culture, Learned Culture: Books and Social Change in Strasbourg, 1480–1599. By Miriam Usher Chrisman. Luther's Last Battles: Politics and Polemics 1531–46. By Mark U. Edwards, Jr. European Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. By Woodruff D. Smith. Social Protest, Violence and Terror in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Europe. Edited by W. Mommsen and G. Hirschfeld. Electoral Behavior in Unreformed England. Plumpers, Splitters, and Straights. By John A. Phillips. Slavery and British Society 1776–1846. Edited, with an introduction, by James Walvin. Peasants and Power: The Whiteboy Movements and their Control in Pre-Famine Ireland. By Michael Beames. De Valera and the Ulster Question, 1917–1973. By John Bowman. The Wildness Pleases. The Origins of Romanticism. By Christopher Thacker. The Eclipse of Darwinism: Anti-Darwinian Evolution Theories in the Decades Around 1900. By Peter J. Bowler. The Chouans: The Social Origins of Popular Counter-Revolution in Upper Brittany, 1770–1796. By Donald Sutherland. Ideology and Experience: Antisemitism in France at the Time of the Dreyfus Affair. By Stephen Wilson. Karamanlis: The Restorer of Greek Democracy. By C. M. Woodhouse. Carl Schmitt: Theorist for the Reich. By Joseph W. Bendersky. French and Germans, Germans and French: A Personal Interpretation of France under Two Occupations, 1914–1918 / 1940–1944. By Richard Cobb. Zionism: The Formative Years. By David Vital. The Jews of Warsaw, 1939–1943. Ghetto, Underground, Revolt. By Yisrael Gutman. Translated from the Hebrew by Ina Friedman. Kronstadt, 1917–1921: The Fate of a Soviet Democracy. By Israel Getzler. Soviet Policy in East Asia. Edited by Donald S. Zagoria. The Practice of Piety: The Puritan Devotional Disciplines in Seventeenth-Century New England. By Charles E. Hambrick-Stowe. War, Politics, & Revolution in Provincial Massachusetts. By William Pencak. Early Maryland in a Wider World. Edited by David B. Quinn. Abraham Clark and the Quest for Equality in the Revolutionary Era, 1774–1794. By Ruth Bogin. Fur Trade and Exploration: Opening of the Far Northwest, 1821–1852. By Theodore J. Karamanski. John Dickenson: Conservative Revolutionary. By Milton E. Flower. Ambivalent Conspirators: John Brown, The Secret Six, and A Theory of Slave Violence. By Jeffrey Rossbach. The Imperiled Union: 1861–1865. Volume II: Stand in the Day of Battle. By William C. Davis. Affairs of Party: The Political Culture of Northern Democrats in the Mid-Nineteenth Century. By Jean H. Baker. Mill and Town in South Carolina, 1880–1920. By David L. Carlton. Lucien Bonaparte Maxwell: Napoleon of the Southwest. By Lawrence R. Murphy. Custer Victorious: The Civil War Rattles of General George Armstrong Custer. By Gregory J. W. Urwin. Singing Cowboys and All That Jazz A Short History of Popular Music in Oklahoma. By William W. Savage, Jr. George Gauld: Surveyor and Cartographer of the Gulf Coast. By John D. Ware, Revised and completed by Robert R. Rea. Geology in the Nineteenth Century: Changing Views of a Changing World. By Mott T. Greene. A Patron for Pure Science: The National Science Foundation's Formative Years, 1945–57. By J. Merton England. The American Planner: Biographies and Recollections. Edited by Donald A. Krueckeberg. The Air-Line to Seattle: Studies in Literary and Historical Writing about America. By Kenneth S. Lynn. The Making of a Special Relationship: The United States and China to 1914. By Michael H. Hunt. HAP: The Story of the US. Air Force and the Man Who Built It, General Henry H. “Hap” Arnold. By Thomas M. Coffey. The American Style of Foreign Policy: Cultural Politics and Foreign Affairs. By Robert Dallek F. D. R.: An Intimate History. By Nathan Miller. Oklahoma Politics: A History. By James R. Scales and Danney Goble. Counting Sheep: From Open Range to Agribusiness on the Columbia Plateau. BY Alexander Campbell McGregor. The Cattle Guard: Its History and Lore. By James F. Hoy. The Code of the West. By Bruce A. Rosenberg.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article The Historian invites scholars who wish to prepare book reviews for the journal to write to Dr. Phillip D. Thomas Medieval Medicus A Social History of Anglo Norman Medicine By Edward J. Kealey. The Friars and the Jews: The Evolution of Medieval Anti-Judaism. By Jeremy Cohen. The Knights Templar. By Stephen Howarth. Literature as Recreation in the Later Middle Ages. By Glending Olson. A History of Venice. By John Julius Norwich. Bury St. Edmunds and the Urban Crisis: 1290-1539. By Robert S. Gottfried. English Lordship in Ireland, 1318-1361. By Robin Frame. The Outbreak of the English Civil War. By Anthony Fletcher. A Woman to Deliver Her People: Joanna Southcott and English Millenarianism in an Era of Revolution. By James K. Hopkins. For the Cause of Truth: Radicalism in London, 1796-1821. By J. Ann Hone. Madhouse, Mad-Doctors and Madmen: The Social History of Psychiatry in the Victorian Era. Edited by Andrew Scull. Trial by Medicine: Insanity and Responsibility in Victorian Trials. By Roger Smith. Gladstone: Church, State, and Tractarianism. By Perry Butler. Davitt and Irish Revolution. By T. W. Moody. Toward A Programme of Imperial Life: The British Empire at the Turn of the Century. (Contirbutions in Comparative Colonial Studies, no. 9.) By H. John Field. Alanbrooke. By David Fraser. G.P.Gooch: A Study in History and Politics. By Frank Eyck. The King's Debts: Finance and Politics in France, 1589-1661. By Richard Bonney. The Philosophes and Post-Revolutionary France. By John Lough. The Making of Technological Man: The Social Origins of French Engineering Education.By John Hubbel Weiss. France in Greece during World War I: A Study in the Politics of Power. By Alexander S. Mitrakos. The Reluctant Ally: France and Atlantic Security. By Michael M. Harrison. Mussolini. By Denis Mack Smith. Windthorst: A Political Biography. By Margaret Lavinia Anderson. Zabern 1913: Consensus Politics in Imperial Germany. By David Schoenbaum. Redemption by War: The Intellectuals and 1914. By Ronals N. Stromberg. Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World. By Elisabeth Young-Bruchi. The Rise of Colleges: Institutions of Learning in Islam and the West. By George Makdisi. The Politics of Eastern Cape Separatism, 1820-1854. By Basil A. LeCordeur. The Glory and Fall of the Ming Dynasty. By Albert Chan, S.J. China: A Political History, 1917-1980. By Richard C. Thornton. Unconditional Democracy: Education and Politics in Occupied Japan, 1945-1952. (Education and Society Series. Edited by Paul R. Hanna.) The Transformation of Virginia, 1740-1790. By Rhys Isaac. The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789. [The Oxford History of the United States. Edited by C. Vann Woodward. Vol. 2.] By Robert Middlekauff. The New Metropolis: New York City, 1840-1857. [Columbia History of Urban Life series. Edited by Kenneth T. Jackson.] By Edward K. Spann. The Ruling Race: A History of American Slaveholders. By James Oakes. Black Messiahs and Uncle Toms: Social and Literary Manipulations of a Religious Myth. By Wilson Jeremiah Moses. A Rock in a Weary Land: The African Methodist Episcopal Church during the Civil War and Reconstruction. By Clarence E. Walker. The Earnest Men: Republicans of the Civil War Senate. By Allan G. Bogue. The Imperiled Union, 1861-1865, vol.1, The Deep Waters of the Proud. By William C. Davis. Army Generals and Reconstructions: Louisiana, 1862-1877. By Joseph G. Dawson III. The Vanishing American: White Attitudes and U.S. Indian Policy. By Brian W. Dippie. Muscles and Morals: Organized Playgrounds and Urban Reform, 1880-1920. By Dominick Cavallo. Vision or Villainy: Origins of the Owens Valley-Los Angeles Water Controversy. [Environmental History Series, number 3.] By Abraham Hoffman. John W. Foster: Politics and Diplomacy in the Imperial Era, 1873-1917. By Michael J. Devine. European Direct Investment in the USA before World War I. By Peter J. Buckley and Brian R. Roberts. Herbert Hoover as Secretary of Commerce: Studies in New Era Thought and Practice. Edited, with an introduction, by Ellis W. Hawley. Garden Cities for America: The Radburn Experience. By Daniel Schaffer. Black Leaders of the Twentieth Century. Edited by John Hope Franklin and August Meier. The Brandeis Frankfurter Connection: The Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court. By Bruce Allen Murphy. The Road to OPEC: United States Relations with Venezuela, 1919-1976. By Stephen G. Rabe.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Magistrates of the Sacred: Priests and Parishioners in Eighteenth-Century Mexico. By William B. Taylor. Democratization of Old Dominion: Virginia and the Second Party System, 1824–1861. By William G. Shade. Mastered by the Clock: Time, Slavery, and Freedom in the American South. By Mark M. Smith. The Ancient Near East, c. 3,000–330 B.C. 2 vols. By Amelie Kuhrt. Palestinian Citizens in an Ethnic Jewish State. By Nadim N. Rouhana. Palestine and the Palestinians. By Samih K. Farsoun with Christina E. Zacharia. Pivot of the Universe: Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar and the Iranian Monarchy, 1831–1896. By Abbas Amanat. African Women: A Modern History. By Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch. The Empire of the Mahdi: The Rise of the Fatimids. By Heinz Halm. Life in the Ancient Near East: 3100–332 B.C.E. By Daniel C. Snell. Mountain Farmers: Moral Economies of Land and Agricultural Development in Arusha and Meru. By Thomas Spear. South Africa's Alternative Press: Voices of Protest and Resistance. Edited by Les Switzer. Ancient Civilizations of the New World. By Richard E. W. Adams. The Empire City: New York and Its People, 1624–1996. By Selma Berrol. Angel in the Whirlwind: The Triumph of the American Revolution. By Benson Bobrick. The New Federalist Papers: Essays in Defense of the Constitution. By Alan Brinkley, Nelson W. Polsby, and Kathleen M. Sullivan. Under Sentence of Death: Lynching in the South. Edited by W. Fitzhugh Brundage. Reel Patriotism: The Movies and World War I. By Leslie Midkiff DeBauche. The War in American Culture: Society and Consciousness During World War II. Edited by Lewis A. Erenberg and Susan E. Hirsch. Reinterpreting the Banana Republic: Region & State in Honduras, 1870–1972. By Dario A. Euraque. Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy. By Annette Gordon-Reed. Bounded Lives, Bounded Places: Free Black Society in Colonial New Orleans, 1769–1803. By Kimberly S. Hanger. With Charity for All: Lincoln and the Restoration of the Union. By William C. Harris. Robert Kennedy: Brother Protector. By James W. Hilty. The End of the American Avant Garde. By Stuart D. Hobbs. FDR and the Creation of the U.N. By Townsend Hoopes and Douglas Brinkley. From Fort Laramie to Wounded Knee in the West That Was. By Charles W. Allen. Edited and with an introduction by Richard E. Jensen. Giants in the Cornfield: The 27th Indiana Infantry. By Wilbur D. Jones Jr. Not of Pure Blood: The Free People of Color and Racial Prejudice in Nineteenth-Century Puerto Rico. By Jay Kinsbruner. Mexico, Biography of Power: A History of Modern Mexico, 1810–1996. By Enrique Krauze. Homicide, Race, and Justice in the American West, 1880–1920. By Clare V. McKanna Jr. Idolatry and Its Enemies: Colonial Andean Religion and Extirpation, 1640–1750. By Kenneth Mills. Welfare as We Knew It: A Political History of the American Welfare State. By Charles Noble. Fevered Lives: Tuberculosis in American Culture Since 1870. By Katherine Ott. Making the World Safe for Democracy: A Century of Wilsonianism and Its Totalitarian Challengers. By Amos Perlmutter. Wandering Peoples: Colonialism, Ethnic Spaces, and Ecological Frontiers in Northwestern Mexico, 1700–1850. By Cynthia Radding. Black Movements in America. By Cedric J. Robinson. Socializing Capital: The Rise of the Large Industrial Corporation in America. By William C. Roy. Slaves, Peasants, and Rebels: Reconsidering Brazilian Slavery. By Stuart B. Schwartz. A Mythic Land Apart: Reassessing Southerners and Their History. Edited by John David Smith and Thomas H. Appleton Jr. Tradition Transformed: The Jewish Experience in America. By Gerald Sorin. From the Outside In: World War II and the American State. By Bartholomew H. Sparrow. Celebrating the Fourth: Independence Day and the Rites of Nationalism in the Early Republic. By Len Travers. Shadows of Vietnam: Lyndon Johnson's Wars. By Frank E. Vandiver. Prompt and Utter Destruction: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs Against Japan. By J. Samuel Walker. Rethinking Race: Franz Boas and His Contemporaries. By Vernon J. Williams Jr. A Voice of Thunder: The Civil War Letters of George E. Stephens. By Donald Yacovone. Voices From Indenture: Experiences of Indian Migrants in the British Empire. By Marina Carter. Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History. By Bruce Cumings. Multicultural Japan, Palaeolithic to Postmodern. Edited by Donald Denoon, Mark Hudson, Gavan McCormack, and Tessa Morris-Suzuki. The Japanese Discovery of America: A Brief History with Documents. By Peter Duus. Women in Modern India. Volume IV.2 of The New Cambridge History of India. By Geraldine Forbes Genghis Khan: The History of the World Conqueror. By Ata-Malik Juvaini. Translated by J. A. Boyle. Revolution and Subjectivity in Postwar Japan. By J. Victor Koschmann. Europe : Visions and Revisions of Eighteenth-Century France. Edited by Christine Adams, Jack R. Censer, and Lisa Jane Graham. Government, Religion and Society in Northern England 1000–1700. Edited by John C. Appleby and Paul Dalton. The British Abroad: The Grand Tour in the Eighteenth Century. By Jeremy Black. Love Between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Homoeroticism. By Bernadette J. Brooten. The Revolution in Provincial France, Aquitaine 1789–1799. By Alan Forrest. Working-Class Girls in Nineteenth-Century England: Life, Work and Schooling. By Meg Gomersall. Raymond Poincaré. By J. F. V. Keiger. Stalinism and Nazism: Dictatorship in Comparison. Edited by Ian Kershaw and Moshe Lewin. Autocracy in the Provinces: The Muscovite Gentry and Political Culture in the Seventeenth Century. By Valerie A. Kivelson. The First Punic War. By J. F. Lazenby. Giant of the Grand Siécle: The French Army, 1610–1715. By John A. Lynn. Jewish Emancipation in a German City: Cologne, 1798–1871. By Shulamit S. Magnus. The Wars of the Bruces: Scotland, England and Ireland, 1306–1328. By Colm McNamee. Germany, 1870–1945: Politics, State Formation, and War. By Peter Pulzer. The Invisible Code: Honor and Sentiment in Postrevolutionary France, 1814–1848. By William M. Reddy. Growing Old in the Middle Ages: “Winter Clothes us in Shadow and Pain”. By Shulamith Shahar. Trans. By Yael Lotan. Adapting to Capitalism: Working Women in the English Economy, 1700–1850. By Pamela Sharpe. Civil War in Siberia: The Anti-Bolshevik Government of Admiral Kolchak, 1918–1920. By Jonathan D. Smele. The Art of Warfare in Western Europe During the Middle Ages from the Eighth Century to 1340. By J. F. Verbruggen. Second edition, translated by Sumner Williard and Mrs. R. W. Southern. Creating German Communism, 1890–1990: From Popular Protests to Socialist State. By Eric D. Weitz. Passchendaele and the Royal Navy. By Andrew Wiest. Elections Before Democracy: The History of Elections in Europe and Latin America. Edited by Eduardo Posada Carbhe The Western Medical Tradition: 800 B.C. to A.D. 1800. By Lawrence I. Conrad, Michael Neve, Vivian Nutton, Roy Porter, and Andrew Wear. Canals and Inland Navigation. Edited by Gerald Crompton. The Soldiers' Tale: Bearing Witness to Modern War. By Samuel Hynes. The Comintern: A History of International Communism from Lenin to Stalin. By Kevin McDermott and Jeremy Agnew.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article: The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading. By Jonathan Riley-Smith. The English Judiciary in the Age of Glanvill and Bracton, c. 1176–1239. By Ralph Turner. Robert Grosseteste: The Growth of an English Mind in Medieval Europe. By R. W. Southern. Crown and Nobility, 1271–1461. By Anthony Tuck. The Royal Household and the King's Affinity: Service, Politics and Finance in England, 1360–1413. By Chris Given-Wilson. Doctors and Medicine in Medieval England, 1340–1530. By Robert S. Gottfried. Renaissance Reviuals: City Comedy and Revenge Tragedy in the London Theatre, 1576–1980. By Wendy Griswold. The Quakers and the English Revolution. By Barry bay. Let Your Words Be Few. Symbolism of Speaking and Silence among Seventeenth-Century Quakers. By Richard Bauman. A Woman's Life in the Court of the Sun King: Letters of Liselotte von der Pfalz, 1652–1722. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchesse d‘Orléans. Trans. and introduced by Elborg Forster. The French Army and Politics, 1870–1970. By Alistair Horne. The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe during the Second World War. By Martin Gilbert. Industry and Politics in the Third Reich: Ruhr Coal, Hitler and Europe. By John Gillingham. The Wedemeyer Mission: American Politics and Foreign Policy during the Cold War. By William Stueck. Uncertain Victory: Social Democracy and Progressivism in European and American Thought, 1870–1920. By James T. Kloppenberg. China Through the Ages: History of a Civilization. By Franz Michael. The Bakufu in Japanese History. Edited by Jeffrey P. Mass and William B. Hauser. The Invasion Within: The Contest of Cultures in Colonial North America. By James Axtell. Colonial Augusta: “Key to the Indian Country.” Edited by Edward J. Cashin. The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins, 1796–1816. By Florette Henri. Smugglers & Patriots: Boston Merchants and the Advent of the American Revolution. By John W. Tyler. Joel Barlow: A Connecticut Yankee in an Age of Revolution. By Samuel Bernstein. George Washington and the American Military Tradition. By Don Higginbotham. A Son of Thunder: Patrick Henry and the American Republic. By Henry Mayer. Loosening the Bonds: Mid-Atlantic Farm Women, 1750–1850. By Joan M. Jensen. Zachary Taylor: soldier, Planter, Statesman of the Old Southwest. [Southern Biography Series.] By K. Jack Bauer. Kit Carson: A Pattern for Heroes. By Thelma S. Guild and Harvey L. Carter. Daughters of the State: A Social Portrait of the First Reform School for Girls in North America, 1856–1905. By Barbara M. Brenzel. Farming the Frontier: The Agricultural Opening of the Oregon Country, 1786–1846. By James R. Gibson. New Perspectives on Race and Slavery in America: Essays in Honor of Kenneth Stampp. Edited by Robert H. Abzug and Stephen E. Maizlish. Branches Without Roots: Genesis of the Black Working Class in the American South, 1862–1882. By Gerald David Jaynes. John A. Quitman: Old South Crusader. [Southern Biography Series.] By Robert E. May. Into The Wilderness With The Army of The Potomac. By Robert Garth Smith. Chinese in the Post-Civil War South: A People Without A History. By Lucy M. Cohen. The “Spider Web.” Congress and Lobbying in the Age of Grant. By Margaret Susan Thompson. Dreams and Visions: A Study of American Utopias, 1865–1917. By Charles J. Rooney Jr. When the War Was Over: The Failure of Self-Reconstruction in the South, 1865–1867. By Dan T. Carter (Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1865. Pp. xiii, 285. $12.95.) Coxey's Army: An American Odyssey. By Carlos A. Schwantes. The Unheralded Triumph: City Government in America, 1870–1900. [Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science.] By John C. Teaford. Welfare and the Poor in the Nineteenth-Century City, Philadelphia, 1800–1854. By Priscilla Ferguson Clement. Roots of Violence in Black Philadelphia, 1860–1900. By Roger Lane. The Life and Legend of Jay Gould. By Maury Klein. The Morality of Spending: Attitudes Toward the Consumer Society in America, 1875–1940. By Daniel Horowitz. Spirit of Vengeance: Nativism and Louisiana Justice, 1921–1924. By John V. Baiamonte Jr. Reaping the Whirlwind: The Civil Rights Movement in Tuskegee. By Robert J. Norrell. The Kansas City Monarchs: Champions of Black Baseball. By Janet Bruce. Hard Times & New Deal in Kentucky: 1929–1939. By George T. Blakey. Bluegrass: A History. By Neil V. Rosenberg. Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold War, 1945–1950. By Robert A. Pollard. Cold War and Black Liberation: The United States and White Rule in Africa, 1948–1968. By Thomas J. Noer. Social Change in the United States, 1945–1983. By William Issel. By the Bomb's Early Light: American Thought and Culture at the Dawn of the Atomic Age. By Paul Boyer. Anatomy of a War: Vietnam, The United States, and the Modern Historical Experience. By Gabriel Kolko.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article: Clio & The. Bitch Goddess: Quantification in American Political History. By Allan C. Bogue. From Graven Images: Patterns of Modem Materialism. By Chandra Mukerji. Ancient Egypt: A Social History. By B. G. Trigger, B. J. Kemp, D. O'Connor, and A. B. Lloyd. Greece: Old and New. Edited by Tom Winnifrith and Penelope Murray. Miracle in the Early Christian World A Study in Sociohistorical Method. By Howard Clark Kee. Feudal Assessments and the Political Community Under Henry II and His Sons. By Thomas K. Keefe. Feudalism to Capitalism: Peasant and Landlord in English Agrarian Development. By John E. Martin. Humanists and Holy Writ: Nm Testament Scholarship in the Renaissance. By Jerry H. Bentley. The Fall of the Florentine Republic, 1512–1530. By J. N. Stephens. Levant Trade in the Later Middle Ages. By Eliyahu Ashtor. Richard III: England's Black Legend. By Desmond Seward. Lancastrian Normandy, 1415–1450: The History of a Medieval Occupation. By C. T. Allmand. All the Queen's Men: Power and Politics in Mary Stewart's Scotland. By Gordon Donaldson. Clarendon and the English Revolution. By R. W. Harris. Thomas Chalmers and the Godly Commonwealth. By Stewart J. Brown. Lord Aberdeen: A Political Biography. By Muriel E. Chamberlain. Just Before the Origin. By Alfred Langdon Brooks. Church, Politics, and Society: Scotland 1408–1929. Edited by Norman Macdougall. The Freedom Rod 1944–1945. By Richard Collier. The Pursuit of Urban History. Edited by Derek Fraser and Anthony Sutcliffe. From Philosophy to Sociology: The Evolution of French Liberalism, 1870–1914. By William Logue. The Making of French Absolutism. By David Parker. Dream Worlds: Mass Consumption in Late Nineteenth Century France. By Rosalind H. Williams. The Emperor and his Chancellor: A Study of the Imperial Chancellery under Gattinara. By John M. Headley. Germany in the Later Middle Ages. By F. R. H. DuBoulay. Popular Entertainment, Class, and Politics in Munich, 1900–1923. By Robert Eben Sackett. The Congress of Vienna, 1814–1815. [Vol. 2 of Metternich's German Policy]. By Enno Kraehe. The Nazi Voter: The Social Foundations of Fascism in Germany 1919–1933. By Thomas Childers. Hitler's Luftwaffe in the Spanish Civil War. Germany, Russia, and the Balkans: Prelude to the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. By Marilynn Gimux Hitchens. A Convergence of Lives: Sofia Kovalevskaia: Scientist, Writer, Revolutionary. By Ann Hibner Koblitz. Culture, Conflict, and Coexistence: American-Soviet Cultural Relations, 1917–1958. By J. D. Parks. The Latvian Impact on the Bolshevik Revolution: The First Phase, September 1917 to April 1918. By Andrew Ezergailis. Russia and the Origins of the First World War. By D.C. B. Lieven. Low City, High City: Tokyo from Edo to the Earthquake. By Edward Seidensticker. The Virginia Militia in the Seventeenth Century. By William L. Shea. Congress Declares War: Rhetoric, Leadership, and Partisanship in the Early Republic. By Ronald L. Hatzenbuehler and Robert L. Ivie. Cherokees and Missionaries, 1789–1839. By William G. McLoughlin. Nothing But Freedom: Emancipation and Its Legacy. By Eric Foner. The Emergence of Giant Enterprise, 1860–1914: American Commercial Enterprise and Extractive Industries. [Contributions in Economics and Economic History, No. 54.] By David O. Whitten. Southern Progressivism: The Reconciliation of Progress and Tradition. By Dewey W. Grantham. The Formation of the Republican Party in New York: Politics and Conscience in the Antebellum North. By Hendrik Boraem V. Eight Hours for What We Will. Workers and Leisure in an Industrial City, 1870–1920. Roy Rosenzweig. Generations: An American Family. By John Egerton. Building Character in the American Boy: The Boy Scouts, YMCA, and their Forerunners, 1870–1920. By Donald I. Macleod. Dark Horse: A Biography of Wendell Willkie. By Steve Neal. Flight Patterns: Trends of Aeronautical Development in the United States, 1918–1929. By Roger E. Bilstein. The Ninth State: New Hampshire's Formative Years. By Lynn Warren Turner. Who Owns Appalachia? Landownership and Its Impact. By the Appalachian Land Ownership Task Force, with an introduction by Charles C. Geisler. The Corn Belt Route: A History of the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company. By H. Roger Grant. Winds of History: The German Years of Lucius DuBignon Clay. By John H. Backer. Morris Llewellyn Cooke: Progressive Engineer. By Jean Christie. Journey From Jim Crow: The Desegregation of Southern Transit. By Catherine A. Barnes. Farewell to the Party of Lincoln: Black Politics in the Age of FDR. By Nancy Weiss. In the Shadow of FDR: From Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan. By William E. Leuchtenburg. The Uneasy State: The United States from 1915 to 1945. By Barry D. Karl.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviwed in this article Rome and the Friendly King: The Character of the Client Kingship. By David C. Braund. A History of the Ostrogoths. By Thomas S. Burns. Early Medieval Spain: Unity in Diversity, 400–1000. By Roger Collins. The Age of Abbot Desiderius: Montecassino, the Papacy, and the Normans in the Eleventh and Early Twelfth Centuries. By H. E. J. Cowdrey. Capetian France, 987–1328. By Elizabeth M. Hallam. Renaissances before the Renaissance: Cultural Revivals of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Edited by Warren Treadgold. The Military Organization of a Renaissance State—Venice c. 1400–1617. [Cambridge Studies in Early Modern History]. By M. E. Mallett and J. R. Hale. The History Men: The Historical Profession in England since the Renaissance. By John Kenyon. The Last Popular Rebellion: The Western Rising of 1685. By Robin Clifton. The Last Stuarts: British Royalty in Exile. By James Lees-Milne. The Moth and the Candle: A Life of James Boswell. By Iain Finlayson. The Chartists: Popular Politics in the Industrial Revolution. By Dorothy Thompson. Prince Albert: A Biography. By Robert Rhodes James. Gladstone: Volume I, 1809–1865. By Richard Shannon. Redesigning the World: William Morris, the 1880s, and the Arts and Crafts. By Peter Stansky. Irish Peasants: Violence & Political Unrest, 1780–1914. Edited by Samuel Clark and James S. Donnelly, Jr. For the Sake of Example, Capital Courts Martial 1914–1918, The Truth. By Arthur Babington. Anglo-American Relations and Colonialism in East Asia, 1941–1945. By John J. Sbrega. The French Revolution in Miniature. Section Droits-de-l'Homme, 1789–1795. By Morris Slavin. The Fashoda Incident of 1898: Encounter on the Nile. By Darrell Bates. Liberty and Utility: The French Idéologues and the Transformation of Liberalism. By Cheryl B. Welch France and the Origins of the First World War. [Making of the Twentieth Century Series.] By John F. V. Keiger. Land and Society in Golden Age Castile. By David E. Vassberg. The Spanish Civil War. By Anthony Beevor. The Making of a State: Württemberg, 1593–1793. By James Allen Vann. Hitler and the Final Solution. By Gerald Fleming. Political Repression in 19th Century Europe. By Robert J. Goldstein. Europe Transformed, 1878–1919. By Norman stone. The Resistance in Austria, 1938–1945. By Radomir Luza. The Falcon and the Eagle: Montenegro and Austria-Hungary, 1908–1914. By John D. Treadway. The Guarantee of Belgian Independence and Neutrality in European Diplomacy, 1830's-1930's. By Daniel H. Thomas. History of the Balkans. Volume I, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries; Volume II, Twentieth Century. By Barbara Jelavich. The Lust for Power: Nationalism, Slovakia, and the Communists, 1918–1948. By Yeshayahu A. Jelinek. Feminism in Russia, 1900–1917. By Linda Edmondson. The Walled Kingdom: A History of China from Antiquity to the Present. By Witold Rodzinski. Seeds of Destruction: Nationalist China in War and Revolution, 1937–1949. By Lloyd E. Eastman. Discovering History in China American Historical Writing on the Recent Chinese Past. By Paul A. Cohen. George Washington: A Biography. By John R. Alden. Brigham Young: American Moses. By Leonard J. Arrington. The Black Press in the South, 1865–1979. Edited by Henry Lewis Suggs. The Road to Redemption: Southern Politics, 1869–1879. By Michael Perman. Chants Democratic. By Sean Wilentz. Railroad Development Programs in the Twentieth Century. By Roy V. Scott. Sergeant York: An American Hero. By David D. Lee. American Tough: The Tough-Guy Tradition and American Character. By Rupert Wilkinson. Women and the American Experience. By Nancy Woloch. Without God, Without Creek The Origins of Unbelief in America. By James Turner. Making Something of Ourselves: On Culture and Politics in the United States. By Richard M. Merelman. JFK: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy. By Herbert S. Parmet. The United States and Germany: A Diplomatic History. By Manfred Jonas. Dogs of the Conquest. By John G. Varner and Jeannette J. Varner. Modern Latin America. [Oxford University Latin America Series.] By Thomas E. Skidmore and Peter H. Smith.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Meaning of History. By Henri Marrou. Freedom in the Modern World. By Herbert J. Muller. The Shape of Medieval History: Studies in Modes of Perception. By William J. Brandt. They Saw it Happen in Europe, 1450–1600. By C. R. N. Routh. John the Fearless: The Growth of Burgundian Power. By Richard Vaughan. Reformation Europe, 1517–1559. By G. R. Elton. 1066: The Story of a Year. By Denis Butler. The Norman Conquest and the Common Law. By George W. Keeton. Origins of the Common Law. By Arthur R. Hogue. The Justicarship in England, 1066–1232. By Francis West. The Wars of the Roses. By J. R. Lander. Education and Society in Tudor England. By Joan Simon. Two Tudor Conspiracies. By D. M. Loades. The Growth of Responsible Government in Stuart England. By Clayton Roberts. The Corresopndence of Henry Oldenburg. Edited and translated by A. Rupert Hall and Marie Boas Hall with the collaboration of Eberhard Reichmann. The Stuart Constitution, 1603–1688, Documents and Commentary. Edited By J. P. Kenyon. Sherington: Fiefs and Fields of a Buckinghamshire Village. By A. C. Chibnall. The Bradlaugh Case: A Study in Late Victorian Opinion and Politics. By Walter L. Arnstein. The Age of Keynes. By Robert Lekachman. Scotland: James V to James VII. By Gordon Donaldson. The Making of Modern Ireland, 1603–1923. By J. C. Beckett. Daniel O'Connell and the Repeal Year. By Lawrence J. McCaffrey Plans for Political Reform in Imperial Russia, 1730–1905. By Marc Raeff. Stankevich and His Moscow Circle, 1830–1840. By Edward J. Brown. Russia and the Balkan Alliance of 1912. By Edward C. Thaden. Comintern and Peasant in East Europe 1919–1930. By George Jackson A Short History of Sweden. By Stewart Oakley. Seenteenth Century France. By G. R. R. Treasure. Louis XIV. By Vincent Buranelli. Empress Maria Theresa, the Earlier Years, 1717–1757 By Robert Pick. The Third Reich and the Arab East. By Lukasz Hirszowicz. Deutschlands Araberpolitik im iweiten Weltkrieg. By Heinz Tillmann. Napoleon III and the German Crisis, 1865–1866. By E. Ann Pottinger. Islam in the Modern National State. By Erwin I. J. Rosenthal. The Mutiny Outbreak at Meerut in 1857. By J. A. B. Palmer. British Policy in India, 1858–1905. By Sarvepalli Gopal. Yoshitsune: A Fifteenth-Century Japanese Chronicle. Translated, with an Introduction, by Helen Craig McCullough. Chinese Intellectuals and the West, 1972-1949. By Y. C. Wang. A Journey from St. Petersburg to Pekin, 1719–1722. By John Bell. Edited, with an Introduction, by J. L. Stevenson. The French in the Mississippi Valley. Edited by John Francis McDermott. Americana-Austriaca: Festschrift des Amerika-Instituts der Universität Innsbruck anläBlich seines zehnjährigen Bestehens. Edited By Klaus Lanzinger. Slavery and Methodism: A Chapter in American Morality 1780–1845. By Donald G. Mathews. The Prisoners of Algiers: An Account of the Forgotten American-Algerian, War, 1785–1797. By H. G. Barnby. A Shower of Stars: The Medal of Honor and the 27th Maine. By John J. Pullen. Bankers and Cattlemen. By Gene M. Gressley. Ray Stannard Baker: The Mind and Thought of a Progressive. By Robert C. Bannister The New York City Sketches of Stephen Crane and Related Pieces. Edited by R. W. Stallman and E. R. Hagemann. The Papers of Woodrow Wilson. Volume I, 1856–1880. Edited by Arthur S. Link. Politics Is Adjourned: Woodrow Wilson and the War Congress, 1916–1918. By Seward W. Livermore. Letters On The League of Nations: From the Files of Raymond B. Fosdick. By Raymond B. Fosdick. The Uncertain Giant: 1921–1941: American Foreign Policy between the Wars. By Selig Adler. High Dams and Slack Waters: TV A Rebuilds a River. By Wilmon Henry Droze. The Formative Year of Social Security. By Arthur J. Altmeyer. The Petitioners: The Story of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Negro. By Loren Miller. Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, USN: A Study in Command. By E. P. Forrestel, with an Introduction by E. M. Eller. The United States and Latin American Wars, 1932–1942. By Bryce Wood. Mexican Marxist: Vicente Lombardo Toledano. By Robert Paul Million. Actión Democratica: Evolution of a Modern Political Party in Venezuela. By John D. Martz. A History of Modern Brazil, 1889–1964. By José Maria Bello. Translated by James L. Taylor How to Study History. By Norman F. Cantor and Richard I. Schneider The Sense of the Past, Thirteen Studies in the Theory and Practice of History. By C. V. Wedgwood. The Structure of European History. Volume I, Ancient Civilization: 4000 B. C.-400 A. D. Volume II, Medieval Society: 400–1450. Volume III, Early Modern Europe: 1450–1650. Volume IV, The Fulfillment and Collapse of the Old Regime: 1650–1815. Volume V, The Making of the Modern World: 1815–1914. Volume VI, The Twentieth Century: 1914 to the Present. Edited, with introductions, by Norman F. Cantor and Michael S. Werthman. Continuity and Change in Latin America. Edited, with an introduction, by John J. Johnson. The Professions in America. Edited, with an introduction, by Kenneth S. Lynn The Popular Arts. By Stuart Hall and Paddy Whannel. The Colonizer and the Colonized. By Albert Memmi. Voices in the Classroom: Public Schools and Public Attitudes. By Peter Schrag. Science and Culture. Edited, with an introduction, by Gerald Holton. The Case for Liberty. By Helen Hill Miller. A History of the Bible. By Fred Gladstone Bratton. Utopias and Utopian Thought. A Timely Appraisal. Edited by Frank E. Manuel. Political Ideology. Why the American Common Man Believes What He Does. By Robert Lane. Studies on Asia 1966. Edited, with an introduction, by Robert K. Sakai. Life in the Middle Ages. Selected, translated, and annotated by G. G. Coulton. Emerging Medieval Europe: A.D. 400–1000. By Archibald R. Lewis. Joan of Arc. By Jules Michelet. Translated, with an introduction, by Albert Guerard. The English Tradition: Modern Studies in English History. Volume I, to 1714. Volume II, since 1714. Edited by Norman F. Cantor and Michael S. Werthman. Three Pillars of Zen. Teaching Practice Enlightenment. Compiled and Edited by Philip Kapleau. A New Europe? A Timely Appraisal. Edited by Stephen R. Graubard. World in Crisis: Readings in International Relations. Edited by Frederick l Hartmann. Diary of the Sinai Campaign. By Moshe Dayan. Theological Highlights of Vatican II. By Joseph Ratzinger. Sino-Soviet Relations, 1964–1965. Edited, with an introduction, by William E. Griffith. The Emergence of Modern Southeast Asia: 1511–1957. Edited by John Bastin. No Peace for Asia. By Harold R. Isaacs. The Woman in America. By Robert Jay Lifton. Savagism and Civilization: A Study of the Indian and the American Mind. By Roy Harvey Pearce. Essays in American Diplomacy. Edited, with an introduction, by Armin Rappaport. The Character of American History. By W. R. Brock. The Church and the City. Edited, with an introduction, by Robert D. Cross. The Storyo f Tobacco in America. By Joseph C. Robert. Absentee Ownership: The Case of America. By Thorstein Veblen. The Great Awakening. Edited by Alan Heimert and Perry Miller. The Sevdenteenth Century: 1600–1715. Edited, with an introduction, by Andrew Lossky. Provincial America, 1600–1763. Edited by Bradley Chapin. Navaho Witchcraft. By Clyde Kluckhohn. The Negro and the American Revolution. By Benjamin Quarles. The Pursuit of Science in Revolutionary America, 1735–1785. By Brooke Hindle. The Supreme Court: Law and Discretion. Edited by Wallace Mendelson. Freedom of the Press from Hamilton to the Warren Court. Edited by Harold L. Nelson. Expansion and Reform, 1815–1850. Edited by Charles M. Wiltse. The Radical Republicans and Reconstruction, 1861–1870. Edited, with an Introduction, by Harold M. Hyman. The South and the Sectional Image: The Sectional Theme Since Reconstruction. Edited by Dewey W. Grantham, Jr. The Urban Community: Housing and Planning in the Progressive Era. By Roy Lubove. The Populist Mind. Edited, with an introduction, by Norman Pollack. Lester Ward and the Welfare State. Edited, with an introduction, by Henry Steele Commager. The Progressives. Edited by Carl Resek. The Writings of Theodore Roosevelt. Edited by William H. Harbaugh. The Responsibilities of Power: 1900–1929. Edited, with an introduction, by George Harmon Knowles. The Contemporary University: U. S. A. Edited, with an introduction by Robert S. Morison. The New Student Left. Edited, with an introduction, by Mitchell Cohen and Dennis Hale. Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal. By Howard Zinn. American Consul in a Cretan War. By William J. Stillman. With an introduction and notes by George Georgiades Arnakis. Notes on the State of Virginia. By Thomas Jefferson. Edited, with an introduction, by William Peden. They Closed their Schools: Prince Edward County, Virginia, 1951–1964. By Bob Smith. Guide to the Wisconsin State Archives. Edited, with an introduction, by David J. Delgado.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviwed in this article The Ages of Man: A Study in Medieval Writing and Thought. By J. A. Burrow. Florence, Rome and the Origins of the Renaissance. By George Holmes. Erasmus and the Jews. By Shimon Markish. Translated by Anthony Olcott. Reform in the Provinces: The Government of Stuart England. By Anthony Fletcher. Crime and the Courts in England, 1660 1800. By J. M. Beattie. Disaffected Patriots: London Supporters of Revolutionary America, 1769–1782. By John Sainsbury. Prison Reform in Lancashire, 1700–1850: A Study in Local Administration. By Margaret DeLacy. Gladstone, 1809–1874. By H. C. G. Matthew. Oxford and Empire: The Last Lost Cause? By Richard Symonds. Austen Chamberlain: Gentleman in Politics. By David Dutton. Theories of Human Evolution: A Century of Debate, 1844–1944. By Peter J. Bowler. The Survival of Charles Darwin: A Biography of a Man and an Idea. By Ronald W. Clark. T. H. Huxley's Place in Natural Science. By Mario A. di Gregorio. Sewall Wright and Evolutionary Biology. By William B. Provine. Barricades and Borders: Europe 1800–1919. [Short Oxford History of the Modern World Series. Edited by J. M. Roberts.] By Robert Gildea. Decisive Years in France: 1840–1847. By David H. Pinkney. Syndicalist Legacy: Trade Unions and Politics in Two French Cities in the Era of World War I. By Kathryn E. Amdur. Unemployment and the Great Depression in Weimar Germany. Edited by Peter D. Stachura. Under the Bombs: The German Home Front, 1942–1945. By Earl R. Beck. The Challenge of the Third Reich: The Adam von Trott Memorial Lectures. Edited by Hedley Bull. From Unification to Nazism: Reinterpreting the German Past. By Geoff Eley. The Chinese Enlightenment: Intellectuals and The Legacy of the May Fourth Movement of 1919. By Vera Schwarcz. China's Continuous Revolution: The Post-Liberation Epoch, 1949–1981. By Lowell Dittmer. The Peopling of British North America: An Introduction. By Bernard Bailyn. Voyagers to the West: A Passage in the Peopling of America on the Eve of the Revolution. By Bernard Bailyn. Novus Ordo Seclorum: The Intellectual Origins of the Constitution. By Forrest McDonald. Beyond Confederation: Origins of the Constitution and American National Identity. Edited by Richard Beeman, Stephen Botein and Edward C. Carter II. The Art of Prophesying, New England Sermons and the Shaping of Belief. By Teresa Toulouse. Quakers in Conflict: The Hicksite Reformation. By H. Larry Ingle. In Pursuit of Reason: The Life of Thomas Jefferson. [Southern Biography Series. Edited by William J. Cooper, Jr.] By Noble E. Cunningham Jr. The Union at Risk: Jacksonian Democracy, States’Rights, and the Nullification Crisis. By Richard E. Ellis. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. By Marcus Rediker. America's First Battles, 1776–1965. Edited by Charles E. Heller and William A. Stofft. General A. P. Hill: The Story of a Confederate Warrior. By James I. Robertson Jr. Carpetbagger of Conscience: A Biography of John Emory Bryant. By Ruth Currie-McDaniel. Interpreting Southern History: Historiographical Essays in Honor of Sanford W. Higginbotham. Edited by John B. Boles and Evelyn Thomas Nolen. Honor and Violence in the Old South. By Bertram Wyatt-Brown. The Presidency of James K. Polk. [American Presidency Series.] By Paul H. Bergeron. New York Intellect: A History of Intellectual Life in New York City, from 1750 to the Beginnings of Our Own Time. By Thomas Bender. American Immigrant Leaders, 1800–1910: Marginality and Identity. By Victor R. Greene. America's Weather Warriors, 1814–1985. By Charles C. Bates and John F. Fuller. The Altruistic Imagination: A History of Social Work and Social Policy in the United Stetes. By John H. Ehrenreich. Partner and I: Molly Dewson, Feminism, and New Deal Politics. By Susan Ware. Counter Cultures: Saleswomen, Managers, and Customers in American Department Stores, 1890–1940. [Working Class in American History Series.] By Susan Porter Benson. City in the Woods: The Life and Design of an American Camp Meeting on Martha's Vineyard. By Ellen Weiss. Mission on Taylor Street: The Founding and Early Years of The Dayton Brethren in Christ Mission. By Paul Boyer. Creeks and Seminoles: The Destruction and Regeneration of the Muskogulge People. [Indians of the Southeast Series. Edited by Theda Perdue and Michael D. Green.] By J. Leitch Wright Jr. Science Encounters the Indian, 1820–1880: The Early Years of American Ethnology. By Robert E. Bieder. A History of the Navajos: The Reservation Years. By Garrick Bailey and Roberta Glenn Bailey. Closing the Frontier: Radical Response in Oklahoma, 1889–1923. By John Thompson. Hope Among Us Yet: Social Criticism and Social Solace in Depression America. By David P. Peeler. Management and Managed: Fifty Years of Crisis at Chrysler. By Steve Jefferys. Power and Principle: Armed Intervention in Wilsonian Foreign Policy. By Frederick S. Calhoun. Wilson and His Peacemakers: American Diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919. By Arthur Walworth. Armed Truce: The Beginnings of the Cold War, 1945–46. By Hugh Thomas. An Ordinary Relationship: American Opposition to Republican Revolution in China. By Daniel M. Crane and Thomas A. Breslin. The United States’Emergence as a Southeast Asian Power, 1940–1950. By Gary R. Hess.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1986,5(1):143-181
Book reviewed in this article: The Impeachment of Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, in 1386 in the Context of the Reign of Richard II. By J.S. Roskell. Property and Politics: Essays in Later Medieval English History. Edited by A.J. Pollard. Henry VII. By Roger Lockyer. Lancastrians and Yorkists: The Wars of the Roses. By David R. Cook. The Reign of Mary I. By Robert Tittler. All the Queen's Men: Power and Politics in Mary Stewart's Scotland. By Gordon Donaldson. Lordship to Patronage: Scotland 1603–1745. By Rosalind Mitchison. The House of Lords 1603–1649: Structure, Procedure and the Nature of Its Business. By Elizabeth Read Foster. Stuart Royal Proclamations. Volume II: Proclamations of King Charles I 1625–1646. Edited by James F. Larkin. The Making of a Ruling Class: The Glamorgan Gentry 1640–1790. By Philip Jenkins. Two Diaries of the Long Parliament. Edited by Maija Jansson. Party and Management in Parliament 1660–1784. Edited by Clyve Jones. A Handlist of British Parliamentary Poll Books. Edited by John Sims. The Correspondence of the Dukes of Richmond and Newcastle 1724–1750. Edited by Timothy J. McCann. Soame Jenyns. By Ronald Rompkey. British Parliamentary Parties 1742–1832: From the Fall of Walpole to the First Reform Act. By B.W. Hill. The Younger Pitt: The Reluctant Transition. By John Ehrman. The British Political Tradition. By W.H. Greenleaf. Victorian Radicalism: The Middle-Class Experience 1830–1914. By Paul Adelman. Crosses on the Ballot: Patterns of British Voter Alignment since 1885. By Kenneth D. Wald. Lloyd George: Backbencher. By W.R.P. George. Liberalism and the Rise of Labour 1890–1918. By Keith Laybourn and Jack Reynolds. Neville Chamberlain. Volume One: Pioneering and Reform 1869–1929.By David Dilks. Wars and Welfare: Britain 1914–1945. By Max Beloff. The Legend of Red Clydeside. By Iain McLean. Finest Hour: Winston S. Churchill 1939–41. By Martin Gilbert. Civil Liberties in Britain during the Second World War: A Political Study. By Neil Stammers.  相似文献   

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