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Book reviewed in this article:
Archaeonautica 10; 1990. B. LIOU and C. DOMERGUE
A world too vast: the four voyages of Columbus. ALEXANDER McKEE
Westward with Columbus. JOHN DYSON
The Ship of Christopher Columbus. XAVIER PASTOR
Le muée imaginaire de la marine antique. LUCIEN BASCH
Voiles et Voiliers au temps de Louis XIV. MICHEL VERGÉ-FRANCESCHI and ERIC RIETH
Henry VIII. A European Court in England. DAVID STARKEY (Ed.)  相似文献   

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Lehrbuch der Geographie, von Hermann Wagner. Sechste, gänzlich umgear‐beitete Auflage von Guthe‐Wagner's “Lehrbuch der Geographie.” Erster Band—Erschienen in 4 Lieferungen, 1894–1899—Einleitung. Allgemeine Erdkunde. Hannover und Leipzig. Hahn'sche Buchhandlungen, 1900. Pp. xvi + 882.

La Traversée de l'Afrique du Zambèze au Congo Français. Par Edouard Foá. Paris: Librairie Plon. Pp. xii + 323.

Eaglehawk and Crow: A Study of the Australian Aborigines. By John Matiiew, M.A., B.D. London : David Nutt; and Melbourne : Melville, Mullen, and Slade, 1899. With Illustrations and a Linguistic Map. Pp. xvi. and 288. Price 18s. net.

Origin and Character of the British People. By Nottidge Charles Macnamara. London : Smith, Elder, and Co. 1900. Pp. 234. With 33 Illustrations. Price 6s.

La Rénovation de l'Asie. Par Pierre Leroy‐Beaulieu. Armand Colin et Cie, Editeurs. Paris, 5. Rue de Mézières, 1900.

Narrative of Cruises in the Mediterranean during the Greek War of Independence, 1822–26. By William Black, L.E.C.S.E., Surgeon H.M.S. Chanticleer. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd; London : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Limited, 1900. Price 14s.

British America. ("The British Empire Series.”) London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, 1900.

Bilder aus dem Kaukasus. Neue Studien zur Kenntnis Kaukasiens. Von C. von Hahn, Professor am I. Gymnasium zu Tiflis. Leipzig : Dunckler und Humbolt, 1900. Pp. 335. Price 6 M.

Surveying and Exploring in Siam. By James McCarthy, F.R.G.S., Director‐General of the Siamese Government Surveys. London : John Murray, 1900. Pp. xii + 215. Price 10s. 6d. net.

The Value of the Waters of the Great Rivers of India. By Major‐General F. C. Cotton.

Die Insel Giglio. Prague : Heinr. Mercy Sohn, 1900. Folio. Pp. 127.

Nelson's Supplementary ReaderThe Story of the North‐West and North‐East Passages. By C. G. Cash, F.R.S.G.S. London, Edinburgh, and New York : Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1899.

La Spéléologie on Science des Cavernes. Par E. A. Martel (Scientia, Mars 1900). Paris : G. Carré et C. Naud. Pp.126. Price 2 frcs.

Dent's County Guides.I. Hampshire with the Isle of Wight. By George A. B. Dewar, John Vaughan, and others. II. Norfolk. By William A. Duff. London : J. M. Dent and Co., 1900. Price 4s. 6d. net each.

Sir Stamford Raffles. England in the Far East. By Hugh E. Egerton, M.A. ("Builders of Greater Britain” Series.) London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. Pp. 290. Price 5s.

Khaki in South Africa. China of To‐day: The Yellow Peril. London : George Newnes, Ltd., 1900. Price 5s. each.

How to read the War News from China. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. Pp. 142. Price 1s.

The Dominion of Canada: With Newfoundland and an Excursion to Alaska. Handbook for Travellers. By Karl Baedeker. Second revised edition. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. 1900. Pp. lxii + 268. Price M. 5.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Skuldelev Ships I: Topography, Archaeology, History, Conservation and Display (Ships and Boats of the North: 4.1), OLE CRUMLIN‐PEDERSEN, OLAF OLSEN (Eds) III‐starred Captains—Flinders and Baudin, ANTHONY J. BROWN Facing the Ocean. The Atlantic and its Peoples, 8000 BC‐AD 1500, BARRY CUNLIFFE Archaeology and Seafaring: the Indian Ocean in the Ancient Period (ICHR Monograph 1), HAMINSHU PRABHA RAY The Sea in Antiquity (BAR International Series 899), G. J. OLIVER, R. BROCK, T. J. CORNELL, S. HODKINSON (Eds) Lost Warships: an archaeological tour of war at sea, JAMES P. DELGADO ‘A ship cast away about Alderney’—Investigation of an Elizabethan shipwreck, JASON MONAGHAN and, MENSUN BOUND (Eds) Archeologisch onderzoek in het tracé van Willemsspoortunnel te Rotterdam. Sluizen en schepen in de dam van de Rotte (BOO Rbalans 4, 2 vols), M. van TRIERUM, A. CARMIGGELT, A. J. GUIRAN (Eds) Schutz des Kulturerbes unter Wasser (IKUWA conference 1999 proceedings), CHRISTOPHER BÖRKER et al. (Eds) Construzione navale antica, PIER0 DELL'AMICO The Voyages of the Discovery: the illustrated history of Scott's ship, ANN SAVOURS Chicago Maritime: An Illustrated History, DAVID M. YOUNG Deux siècles de constructions et chantiers navals (milieu XVIIe‐milieu XIXe) Proceedings of 124th Congrès des societés historiques et scientifiques, Nantes 1999), CHRISTIANE VILLAIN‐GANDOSSI (Ed.) Submarine Researches by C. A. Deane (1836), MICHAEL FARDELL & NIGEL PHILLIPS (Eds.), JOHN BEVAN Naval Guns: 500 years of Ship and Coastal Artillery, HANS MEHL Lords of the East—the East India Company and its ships 1600–1874, JEAN SUTTON CSS Alabama: Anatomy of a Confederate raider, ANDREW BOWCOCK The extraordinary voyage of Pytheas the Greek, BARRY CUNLIFFE Trincomalee— the last of Nelson's frigates, ANDREW LAMBERT Galleons and Galleys (Cassel's History of Warfare Series), JOHN F. GUIIMARTIN Jr.  相似文献   

Deissmann, Adolf: Forschungen und Funde im Serai. Mit einem Verzeichnis der nichtislamischen Handschriften im Topkapu Serai zu Istanbul. — Berlin, Leipzig 1933. X+144S.

Dzikowski, Mikolaj: Zbior kartograficzny Uniwersy‐teckiej bibljoteki publicznej w Wilnie (= Kartographische Sammlung der öffentlichen Universitätsbibliothek in Wilno). S. A. aus dem Sammelband “Bibljoteki Wilenskia”. Jahrbuch VIII des “Ateneum Wilenskiego”. Wilno 1932, 29 pp.

Katalog wystawy zbioröw kartograficznych Bibljoteki Narodowej w Warszawie. — Warszawa 1934.— Catalogue de l'exposition des collections cartographiques de la .Bibliothèque Nationale à Varsovie, Varsovie 1934. 113 pp.

Catalogus Mapparum geographicarum ad his‐toriam pertinentium, quae curante collegio historico‐geographorum adiuvantibus viris con‐gressui ordinando in polytechnico Varsoviensi exponuntur. — Varsovie 1933. XV+296 pp.

Fischer, Josephus: De Cl. Ptolemaei vita operibus Geographia praesentim eiusque fatis. — Leiden‐Leipzig 1932. XVI+607 pp. 4°.

Almagia, Roberto: II planisfero di Arnoldo de Arnoldi (1600). — Publicazioni dell’ Istituto di Geografia della R. Universita di Roma. Serie B. Num. 2. Roma 1934. 13 pp.+1 Tab. 4°.

Buczek, Karol: Beauplaniana. — S.A. aus “Wiado‐mosci sluzby geograficznej”. Nr. 1, 1934, 36 pp.

Otani, Ryökichi: Tadataka Inö, the Japanese Land‐surveyor. — Tokyo 1932. V+IV +358 pp.

Kordt, V. Materijali do istorii kartografii Ukraini. Cordt, B. Monumenta cartographica Ucrainae. Vol. I. Kiev 1931. 34 pp. + 41 Tab. 2°.

Svambera, V. & Salamon, B.: Monumenta Cartographica Bohemiae. I. Feuilles 1 et la. — Carte de la Bohême de 1518 par Nicolaus Claudianus. Texte par Iv. Honl et K. Kuchaf. — Praha 1930. 2 Tab. 2°.

Feuille 2e. — Une Carte de la Bohême de la 2e moitié du XVIe siècle du type Criginger. — Praha 1930. 1 Tab. 2°. Texte par K. Kuchaf. Praha 1932. 31 pp. (französisch) + 26 pp. (tschechisch).

II. Mappa geographica regni Bohemiae ... XXV sec‐tionibus exhibita à Joh. Cristoph: Müller, S. C. M. Capitan: et Ingen: A. C. MDCCXX. — Regni Bohemiae... conspectus Generaiis... à Joh: Christoph: Müller... — Gallice et bohemice praefatus est Dr. K. Kuchaf. — Praha 1934. 1 p. (französisch) + 7 pp. (8° tschechisch), 26 Tab. 2°.

Sindik, Ilija: Les cartes anciennes de pays Jugo‐slaves. — Atlas de la Société de Géographie de Beograd. Fase. 6: I. Tabula Peutingeriana et les types de cartes médiévales. 1931. 8 Tab. Fase. 8: II. Les Cartes de la période de Renaissance. 1932. 8 Tab. 4°.

Karpinski, Louis C: Bibliography of the printed maps of Michigan 1804—1880 with a series of over one hundred reproductions of maps constituting an historical atlas of the Great Lakes and Michigan. Including discussions of Michigan maps and map‐makers, by William Lee Jenks. — Lancing 1931. 539 pp., XXXVI + 86 Tab.

Newton, Arthur Percival: The great age of discovery. — London 1932. XI + 230 pp., 30 Tab.

Fournier, P.: Voyages et découvertes scientifiques des missionares naturalistes français à travers le monde pendant cinq siècles, XVe a XXe siècles. — Paris 1932. 108+258 pp.

Berg, Leo S. Uroven Kaspijskogo morja za istoriieskoe vremja. — Niveau de la mer Caspienne dans les temps historiques. — Aus: Problemy fiziîeskoj geografii, Leningrad. 1. 1934, p. 11–64.

Schulze, Berthold: Erläuterungen zur Brandenburgischen Kreiskarte von 1815. Einzelschriften der Historischen Kommission für die Provinz Brandenburg und die Reichshauptstadt Berlin, 6. — Berlin 1933, VI+98 pp.

Adolf Schück. Historisk Atlas. Skolupplaga. Stockholm, 1934. 32 pp. 4°.  相似文献   

The extensiveness of Alfonso X’s Libro del saber de astrología created such a challenge that only one of the nine subsequent, variant copies attempted to copy it in its entirety: Vatican Library, Ms. Vat. lat. 8174. None of them, including this one, however, contains all of the original text. It is the intricacy of design of the first treatise, the Libro de las figuras de las estrellas fijas que son en el ochavo cielo, however, that posed the greatest challenge for copyists. The Vatican copy and Ms. 1197 of the Biblioteca Nacional de España approximated the design of text of the constellation to the left with a wheel diagram of the various stars to the right as found in the original. The way that Ms. 9-28-8 5707 of the Biblioteca de la Real Academia de la Historia negotiated this arrangement by using two conjugate folios, placing the star wheel diagram across the interior two pages and the text on the first and fourth page, which left a considerable amount of blank space that invited over the years several kinds of writings—tallies, signatures, memorias (a record of transactions), and billet doux (essentially, love messages sent via a go-between). The billet doux form the greatest literary interest given their date, their content, and the name of the male protagonist—Felisardo, which aligns them with Lope de Vega’s work called Novelas a Marcia Leonarda, and in particular the one titled La desdicha por la honra—published in 1624.  相似文献   

With this paper, I advocate an approach to violence in film that elaborates what Gilles Deleuze calls ‘preverbal intelligible content’. I focus on leading men and cinematic contrivances between emotions and violence with intent, ultimately, on saying something about how masculinities are differentiated spatially. I argue that masculinity is far from unassailable and I use filmic manifestations of leading men's emotions and violence to explore the contestable boundaries of that manliness. To demonstrate differentiated affective spaces, I use three movies that cast leading men in violent roles—Braveheart (1995), Pulp Fiction (1994) and Mystic River (2003)—as a foil against which larger theoretical issues find form. This offers insight into how spatiality and difference are inherent parts of film viewing, and how repetition invites multiple angles for engaging masculinities.

Guiando los hombres a violencia y creando espacios para sus emociones

Con éste artículo, propongo un enfoque en la violencia en el cine que elabora lo que llama Gilles Deleuze el ‘contenido preverbal inteligible’. Enfoco en los protagonistas masculinos y las artimañas cinematográficas entre emociones y violencia con intento, los cuales, últimamente, dicen algo sobre cómo las masculinidades son espacialmente diferenciados. Argumento que la masculinidad no es invulnerable, y utilizo manifestaciones cinematográficas de la violencia y las emociones de los protagonistas masculinos para explorar las fronteras impugnables de aquel virilidad. Para demostrar que los espacios son diferenciados y afectivos, utilizo tres películas que tiene protagonistas masculinos en papeles violentos—Braveheart (1995), Pulp Fiction (1994), y Mystic River (2003)—como un escenario en dónde se forman los asuntos teoréticos más grandes. Éste ofrece una comprensión de cómo la especialidad y la diferencia son partes elementales de viendo las películas, y de cómo las repeticiones invitan perspectivas múltiples para entender las masculinidades.  相似文献   

The Poema de Fernán González is usually regarded as a hybrid text—while its subject matter is deemed epic, its expression, intentionality, and ideology are considered clerical. This article studies several elements shared by Fernán González and the other poems of the mester de clerecía school: the same stanza (the cuaderna vía) and poetic rules; similar modes of composition, transmission, and reception; and common structural, thematic, and verbal patterns. The article concludes that the Poema de Fernán González fully participates in the common artistry of the mester de clerecía and therefore can be regarded as the attempt to produce epic poetry by this learned clerical school.  相似文献   

When Pierre-Ambroise-François Choderlos de Laclos’s Liaisons dangereuses first appeared in late March 1782, it was an immediate succès de scandale. Laclos’s focus on his characters’ libertine psychology and his creation of a “monstrous” female villain, Merteuil, distinguished the novel from mainstream eighteenth-century French works. As an analysis of the novel’s reception demonstrates, Laclos’s suggestive portrayal of female sexuality and empowerment—and, specifically, of Merteuil—led first to the text’s association with dangerous works known as “mauvais livres” or “livres philosophiques” such as the Marquis de Sade’s Justine (1791) and the anonymous Histoire de Dom Bougre, Portier de Chartreux (1741), and later contributed to its classification as a pornographic work at the time the concept was invented in the early nineteenth century—and, ultimately, to its censorship in 1823. If the novel was devoid of explicitly sexual scenes, it nonetheless elicited such images in the minds of (at least some of) its readers and thereby caught the attention of the authorities. Les Liaisons dangereuses may be one of the most prominent historical cases of a book being banned not for what was depicted in its pages, but for the fantasies it inspired—providing a compelling twist to the adage that “pornography is in the eyes of the beholder,” or the mind of the reader.  相似文献   

Introduction to the History of Science. Volume III. Science and Learning in the Fourteenth Century. By George Sarton. Baltimore 1947. In 2 parts: XXXV + XI + 2155 PP.

W. W. Hyde. Ancient Greek Mariners. New York. 1947. XII+360. 5 maps.

Some American Contributions to the Art of Navigation 1519–1802. By Lawrence C. Wroth. Providence. 1947. 41 p.

Marcel Destombes. La Mappemonde de Petrus Plancius. Grav´e Par Josua van den Ende 1604, D'apràs L'unique Exemplaire de la Bibliothàque Nationale de Paris. Publication de la Société de Géographie de Hanoi. Tonkin. 1944. 52 p. XIII tab. Folio.

Ermano Armao. Vincenzo Coronelli. Cenni sull'Uomo e la sua vita‐‐‐catalogo ragionato delle sue opere —— Lettere — Fonti bibliografiche —— Indici. Biblicteca di bibliografia italiana diretta da Albano Sorbelli. XVII. Firenze. 1944. XI + 326. Fig.

El Rio Del Espi'Ritu Santo. An Essay on the Cartography or the Gulf Coast and the Adjacent Territory during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Jean Delanglez, S. J. Edited by Th. J. Me. Mahon. U. S. Catholic Historical Society, Monograph Series. XXI. New York. 1945. XIII+182 p. Facs.

Gamla Kartor. Varlden— Norden — Västkusten — Göteborg. Sjöfartsmuseet 4–30 Maj 1948. Göteborg. 1948. (Lund) 91 p. 12 Tab.

L'Africa Dalle Origini alla meta del Secolo XIX. Mostra Bibliografica. Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze. Firenze. 1948. 81 p.

Catalogue of Maps in the Essex Record Office, 1566 —1875. Edited, for the Records Committee by F. G. Emmison. Essex County Council, Chelmsford. 1947, 106 p., 30 pl. Facs.

The John Carter Brown Library. Annual Report 1946–1947. Providence. 1947. 63 P.  相似文献   

Tineo, D.E., Bona, P., Pérez, L.M., Vergani, G.D., González, G., Poiré, D.G., Gasparini, Z.N. & Legarreta, P., 1.10.2014. Palaeoenvironmental implications of the giant crocodylian Mourasuchus (Alligatoridae, Caimaninae) in the Yecua Formation (late Miocene) of Bolivia. Alcheringa 39, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518

Outcrops of the Yecua Formation (late Miocene) are exposed for approximately 230 m along the La Angostura section of the Piraí River (50 km southwest of Santa Cruz de la Sierra). These reveal massive (argillic palaeosols) and laminated (quiet-water lacustrine and marsh settings) mudstones interbedded with thin sandstones containing microfossils, molluscs and vertebrate remains. Significantly, the succession hosts a giant crocodylian, Mourasuchus (Alligatoridae, Caimaninae), which is represented by both skull and postcranial fragments found in association with freshwater turtles and fishes. Mourasuchus was distributed widely from the middle Miocene of Colombia to upper Miocene of Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina, suggesting connections between major fluvial systems and an active mechanism for dispersal of South American freshwater vertebrates during the Miocene.

David Eric Tineo [] and Daniel Gustavo Poiré [], CONICET—Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Calle 1 (644), B1900FWA, La Plata, Argentina; Paula Bona [] and Zulma Gasparini [], CONICET—División Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata. Paseo del Bosque s/n, B1900FWA, La Plata, Argentina; Leandro Martín Pérez [] CONICET—División Paleozoología Invertebrados, Museo de La Plata. Paseo del Bosque s/n, B1900FWA, La Plata, Argentina; Gustavo Dardo Vergani []Pluspetrol S.A. Lima (339), C1073AAG, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Gloria González Rigas []Pluspetrol Bolivia Corporation SA, Av. Grigotá esq. Las Palmas, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia; Pablo Legarreta []—Pluspetrol S.A. Lima (339), C1073AAG, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.  相似文献   


The Place‐Names of Argyll. By H. Cameron Gillies, M.D. With a Preface from the Duke of Argyll. London: David Nutt.


Geology: Earth History. By Thomas C. Chamberlin and Rollin D. Salisbury. Vols. II. and III. London: John Muriay, 1906.

Les Tremblements de TerreGéographie Seismologique. By F. de Montessus de Ballore. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1906.

Some Facts about the Weather. By William Mariott. London: Edward Stanford, 1906. Price 6d.

A Historical Geography of the British Colonies. By C. P. Lucas. Vol. I. The Mediterranean and Eastern Colonies. Second Edition. Eevised and brought up to date by R. S. Stubbs, B.A. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1906. Price 5s.  相似文献   

O’Gorman, J.P. & Coria, R.A. September 2016. A new elasmosaurid specimen from the upper Maastrichtian of Antarctica: new evidence of a monophyletic group of Weddellian elasmosaurids. Alcheringa 41, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518

A new fossil elasmosaurid specimen, MLP 15-I-7-48, from the upper Maastrichtian Sandwich Bluff Member of the López de Bertodano Formation, Vega Island, Archipelago James Ross, Antarctica, is described. The fossil is a well-preserved anterior limb, which shares with Vegasaurus molyi from the upper Maastrichtian of Antarctica, a concave to flat anterior margin of the humeral shaft, and with Vegasaurus molyi and Aphrosaurus furlongi from the upper Maastrichtian of California, a well-defined depression on the anterior margin of the ventral surface of the humeral shaft. A phylogenetic analysis recovered MLP 15-I-7–48 as sister group of the lower Maastrichtian Vegasaurus molyi within a new clade nominated as Weddellonectia: Kawanectes lafquenianum ((Vegasaurus molyi; MLP 15-I-7–48) (Morenosaurus stocki (Aristonectinae))). This indicates that the previously proposed faunal turnover between the early and late Maastrichtian Weddellian marine reptile fauna, did not severely affect the non-aristonectine elasmosaurids. Additionally, other taxa previously considered evidence of a faunal turnover are re-evaluated.

José P. O’Gorman. []. División Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n., B1900FWA, La Plata, Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina. Rodolfo A. Coria. []. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología, Universidad Nacional de Río NegroSubsecretaría de Cultura de NeuquénMuseo Carmen Funes, Av. CVórdoba 55 (8318), Plaza Huincul, Neuquén, Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina.  相似文献   

Carlorosi, J., Heredia, S. & Aceñolaza, G, 2013. Middle Ordovician (early Dapingian) conodonts in the Central Andean Basin of NW Argentina. Alcheringa 37, 1–13. ISSN 0311-5518.

This paper describes and analyzes the significance of a conodont fauna from the Alto del Cóndor Formation, exposed in the Los Colorados region of the Argentine Eastern Cordillera. Identified taxa are Baltoniodus triangularis, Baltoniodus sp. cf. B. triangularis, Drepanodus sp., Drepanoistodus basiovalis, Drepanoistodus sp. B., Erraticodon patu, Gothodus costulatus, Oistodus sp., Trapezognathus diprion, T. quadrangulum, Triangulodus sp. and Triangulodus? sp. The presence of Baltoniodus triangularis indicates the base of the Dapingian stage (Middle Ordovician). In addition, we report the coexistence of T. diprion and T. quadrangulum. The conodont association suggests a faunal affinity with Baltica and South China, both belonging to the Shallow-Sea Realm of the Temperate-Cold Domain.

Josefina Carlorosi [josefinacarlorosi77@gmail]com], INSUGEO—Universidad Nacional de Tucumán—CONICET, Miguel Lillo 205, (4000) Tucumán, Argentina; Guillermo F. Aceñolaza [acecha@webmail.unt.edu.ar], Universidad Nacional de Tucumán—CONICET, Miguel Lillo 205, (4000) Tucumán, Argentina; Susana Heredia [sheredia@unsj.edu.ar], CONICET–CIGEOBIO and Instituto de Investigaciones Mineras, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Urquiza y Libertador, (5400) San Juan, Argentina. Received 22.8.2012; revised 18.10.2012; accepted 24.10.12.  相似文献   

By highlighting central anthropological theories of food and identity—(1) food events, (2) group eating, (3) the act of eating itself, and (4) the idea of consumption—and linking them to medieval portrayals of Iberian diet, this article aims to elucidate societal coding based on a culinary system and reveal unconsidered or unnoted aspects of medieval Castilian culture. Medieval texts are analyzed, including Cantigas de Santa María, Siete Partidas, El libro de Alexandre, and El cantar del Mio Cid.  相似文献   

This introductory article examines the issue of gendered homelessness and asks why so little academic feminist writing addresses this theme. The article begins with reference to a feminist novel—The Longings of Women by Marge Piercy—that does tackle this matter. The invisibility of the novel's homeless character is used as a way of introducing some distinctions between women's and men's homelessness. More generally, the article has two objectives. The first is to examine what feminist and other critical geographers have said, conceptually and empirically, about gendered homelessness, especially in Canada but also in other Western contexts. The second involves highlighting the problematic nature of too great a focus on visibility in relation to gendered homelessness, and offers an alternative reading drawn from examining the relations of bodies and urban space in conjunction with a discussion about the politics of scale and difference. All told, this collection of essays is an effort to highlight the often hidden and variable nature of gendered homelessness in Ontario, Canada and to argue that the theme is worthy of greater attention by feminist geographers.

Paisajes en los margines: género y la falta de vivienda

Éste artículo introductoria examina el tema de género y la falta de vivienda y pregunta porque hay pocos escritos feministas académicas que toca éste tema. El artículo empieza con relación a una novela feminista—The Longings of Women por Marge Piercy—que trata el tema. La invisibilidad del personaje sin hogar en el libro se utiliza como una manera de introducir algunas distinciones entre la falta de vivienda de mujeres y hombres. Más generalmente, el artículo tiene dos objetivos. El primer es examinar lo que feminista y otros geógrafos críticos han dicho conceptualmente y empíricamente sobre género y la falta de viviendo, no solo en Canadá sino en otros contextos Occidentales. El segundo involucra destacar la naturaleza problemática de un enfoque extensivo en la visibilidad en relación a género y la falta de viviendo, y ofrecer una lectura alternativa que viene de examinando las relaciones de cuerpos y espacio urbano conjuntamente con una discusión sobre las políticas de espacio y diferencia. En general, ésta compilación de ensayos es una tentativa para enfatizar que la naturaleza de género y la falta de vivienda en Ontario, Canadá son a menudo escondidos y variables, y además para argumentar que éste tema vale la pena de tender más atención por geógrafas feministas.  相似文献   

Traditionally it has been considered that Castilian cancionero poetry has hardly preserved diálogos interestróficos, such as the primitive tensón. However, the Cancionero de Palacio contains a very significant sample of the different possibilities of the cancioneril dialogic mold: beyond poetic dialogue forms more common in Fifteenth Century Spanish poetry, through whole texts juxtaposed, the Cancionero de Palacio contains several other more original forms, and as a result it serves as a codex unicus. This article offers, for the first time, an analysis of all the diálogos interestróficos collected in this Cancionero. This analysis contradicts the widely held view about the rarity and scarcity of these texts and confirms the originality of the dialogic schemes and the strong presence of polyphonic texts in this colectánea. The article presents a list of twelve compositions—a very significant number—in which the dialogue articulates all the text, with voices alternating stanza to stanza or even within each stanza. After establishing this body of work, the study centers on a typological analysis based on the voices found in these poems.  相似文献   

《Textile history》2013,44(2):183-205

Based on new archival findings, this essay maps the life and business strategies of Brussels tapissiers Albert Auwercx and Judocus de Vos. It shows that categorising Auwerxc as a minor tapissier — a label he was assigned in the past — ignores the underlying structure and dynamics of the industry. Brussels tapissiers created an intricate web of social networks that generated trust, which paved the way for semi-structured and flexible cooperation between small firms. Judocus de Vos also belonged to the Brussels social and production networks but made his name as a commercial link and broker between Brussels, the Antwerp-Oudenarde production and trading complex, and the European élite — particularly after 1719 when he handed over the reins and assets of the De Vos workshop to his brother Jan-Frans.  相似文献   

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