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李慧娟 《沧桑》2010,(3):154-156
虚拟实践是指人们运用虚拟现实等现代信息技术在赛伯空间中有目的、有意识地进行的一切能动地改造和探索虚拟客体的客观物质活动;它有客观实在性、有机整体性、创造的开放性、主客体界限的淡化性、感知超验性等基本特征。传统哲学是以现实作为其存在、生长之根,而虚拟性是针对现实性的,它是对传统哲学的扬弃,虚拟的事物虽非物质,但虚拟开创了一个新的实践领域,从而成为信息时代特有的新型社会实践形式。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学是时代精神的精华。但由于其是在当时历史条件和社会背景下诞生的,所以,历史局限在所难免。与时俱进,实事求是地进行马克思主义哲学的思想理论创新,既是其自身发展的内在要求,也是自然、社会和人自身发展的必然。我们要在坚持“宇宙是物质的”这一马克思主义哲学最根本的宇宙观的前提下,深化和发展对宇宙中各类物质的认识,特别是对人自身的认识。进而真正确立起全面科学彻底的宇宙物质观,为马克思主义哲学注入新的生机与活力。  相似文献   

邵蔷 《神州》2013,(33):223-223
虚拟实践从广义和狭义两方面定义,从两个视角分类剖析虚拟实践哲学本质,为人类打开事物的存在和发展提供多种可能性。从而拓展人类实践的空间给予人们足够的自由度,使人们获得宝贵的知识,使人的精神需求得到空前的满足。  相似文献   

李康 《沧桑》2010,(6):161-162
康德的哲学革命从认识的对象、人的认识能力和认识来源三个方面推翻了莱布尼茨—伏尔夫"形而上学"体系,康德的哲学革命竭力想要对古希腊以来的从本体论到认识论中的哲学疾病加以质疑、批判,但是康德最终走上了一条调和唯理论和经验论的道路。  相似文献   

正一从20世纪初期至中叶,就世界的范围而言,史学理论这一年轻的学科经历了由"思辨的历史哲学"向"分析的历史哲学"的演变转换,其后更发展至后现代的"叙事主义的历史哲学"(包括标志其近年来发展的"叙事的转向"。此问题可参看彭刚:《叙事的转向——当代西方史学理论的考察》,北京大学出版社2009年版)。"思辨的历史哲学"是对历史本身的思考,而"分析的历史哲学"则是关于历史认识中的主客体关系的思考。前者属于历史本体论,后者属于史学认识论——或者按照新的划分:前者属于"历史理  相似文献   

改革开放以来的历史认识论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国史学的历史认识论研究.是改革开放以来兴起的新的史学理论研究领域.将近30年来,在历史认识主体、历史认识客体、历史认识的相对性、历史事实概念以及如何对待西方史学方面.都进行了充分的讨论,取得了长足的进步.今后的历史认识论研究,应该着力于以下几个方面:一是要努力建立一个完整的以认识主体为核心的历史认识论体系;二是要大力开展历史认识机制的深入研究;三是在引进西方历史哲学方面,应该多一份辩证理性的分析态度.  相似文献   

尚晋 《神州》2014,(11):147-147
在传统的西方哲学形而上学理论中,“身心二元论”是基础的命题,这也导致了“主客体对立”的认识论观点,这在近代西方哲学,尤其是德国古典主义哲学中体现的尤为明显。现代西方哲学家对于这种认识形式进行了大量的批判,建立了众多新的认识论方法,其中以实用主义者狄尔泰、詹姆士、杜威的“主客体统一”思想最为有效地解决了近代西方哲学的诸多问题,这种思想拒斥传统的“旁观者的认识论”观点,改变了传统的认识对象,使真理的存在变得可能。  相似文献   

哲学是一种基于感觉、经验的逻辑推理,而科学是建立在实验和数学基础上的,哲学的设想正确与否,需要接受后续的建立在实验和数学基础上的科学的检验,由哲学到科学是人类认识的必由之路,而飞机的发明及发展历史正是符合了科学与哲学的这一关系。  相似文献   

在西方学术发展史上,19世纪被称为“历史学的世纪”。进入20世纪,西方史学在“新史学”的旗帜下,取得了新的成就。科学地认识20世纪的西方史学,借鉴其有益的内容,对当代中国史学的建设具有积极作用。第二次世界大战后西方史学发展的特点和趋势之一是随着史学家历史视野的开拓,研究领域迅速扩大,传统史学同其他哲学社会科学各学科的界限变得越来越模糊,在广泛采用新的史学方法的基础上,出现了一系列历史学新的史学方法和分支学科;第二次世界大战后西方史学发展的特点和趋势之二是关注社会生活中的现实问题,强调现实决定了历史研究要研究什么和怎样研究。中国世界史研究的真正动力,在于独立地对世界历史进行认识和思考。  相似文献   

韩淑红  ;吴远庆 《沧桑》2008,(4):209-210
语言学与哲学有着极为密切的关系。语言是哲学思想的核心与载体,是哲学研究的重要对象;哲学对语言学的发展有着不可忽视的指导及推动作用。不同的语言学流派均有各自的哲学渊源及各自的哲学基础。本文对当今世界上影响最大的语言学流派之一转换生成语法的哲学渊源进行梳理,探求其哲学基础及历史发展过程,以求对该学派的语言观及理论基石有更深层的认识和全面把握。  相似文献   

论中国古代社会的虚拟血缘关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代社会的虚拟血缘关系,主要包括异姓兄弟和异姓父子两大类。它的发展,从宏观方面来看,与王朝嬗替中传统社会组织的稳定与解体互相联系;而从微观运行来看,又与虚拟血缘关系在形成新的社会组织方面具有较高的运作效率以及较低的社会成本密切相关。正因为此,虚拟血缘关系在魏晋南北朝隋唐时期,成为宗族社会与王朝政权控制力下降或解体时,社会边缘族群及下层社会组成新的社会集团时的重要选择。在宋代以后,虚拟血缘关系中的异姓兄弟,由于对王朝的稳定构成巨大的挑战,受到历代王朝日益严厉的压制以至禁止,但因其组成新的社会利益集团的较低社会组织成本和高效率,却在明清时代成为民间秘密社会的主要组织方式。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is twofold: to provide a valid account of Spinoza’s theory of fictitious ideas, and to demonstrate its coherency with the overall modal metaphysics underpinning his philosophical system. According to Leibniz, in fact, the existence of romances and novels would be sufficient to demonstrate, against Spinoza’s necessitarianism, that possible entities exist and are intelligible, and that many other worlds different from ours could have existed in its place. I argue that Spinoza does not actually need to resort to the notion of possible entities in order to explain the incontrovertible existence of fictions and fictitious ideas. In order to demonstrate this, I will first show how, according to Spinoza, true ideas of nonexistent things need not be regarded as fictitious ideas. Then I will show by which means Spinoza can justify the real existence of fictions and fictitious ideas in the human mind through our present knowledge of actually existing things, to conclude that fictitious ideas neither add anything to what we already know of things, nor do they increase the extent of the existing conceivable reality by demanding the existence of possible non-actualised entities.  相似文献   

在东南亚殖民地时代,"虚拟血缘"的组织原则对于华人移民社会的重组重建及其运作,具有重要的意义.本文以19世纪的新加坡为个案,考察华人移民如何透过埋葬先人的坟山组织建构"社群共祖"以整合华人社会,讨论东南亚华人虚拟的"先人"或"祖先"概念,进而思考海外华人的亲属研究问题.本文也讨论与比较了"虚拟血缘"组织原则在明代华南宗族"联宗"形态、台湾汉人社会发展早期的"合约式"宗族和东南亚华人坟山组织的不同运用.  相似文献   

王前军 《攀登》2007,26(2):65-67
网络空间为人际交往提供了不同于物理空间的虚拟场所,人们可以藉此建构一种新的跨越时空制约的社会关系,以改善他们在现实社会生活中的地位。与现实社会的人际交往相比,网络人际交往呈现出迥然不同的特色,它在对个人和社会产生积极影响的同时,也面临着一些伦理方面的困境。  相似文献   

We explore the interrelationships between the concepts of fictitious commodities, fictitious capital and accumulation by dispossession. We do so through a detailed examination of the dynamics of land reclamation in the Kingdom of Bahrain during the years 2001–2014. Particularly, we dissect in‐depth the ensemble of social relations and chain of events involved in two specific real estate projects, Norana and Bahrain Financial Harbour, that have come to symbolize Bahrain's neoliberal era. Reclamation was a unique process in which land was explicitly produced as a commodity for market purposes. Primary material of land deeds, company registration documents, and news articles were used to map out the social relations across the state–finance–real estate nexus. We emphasize that our understanding of accumulation by dispossession involving land is greatly enhanced if we view it as a process of reconfiguring the ensemble of social relations using fictitious commodification and fictitious capital formation.  相似文献   

Dragon, in peoplei-s mindi-s eyes, is a certain prodigy as a kind of rigged-up and fictitious animal. But how does the figure of dragon evolve gradually?  相似文献   

This article engages ethnographically with the neoliberalization of nature in the spheres of tourism, conservation and agriculture. Drawing on a case study of Wayanad district, Kerala, the article explores a number of themes. First, it shows how a boom in domestic nature tourism is currently transforming Wayanad into a landscape for tourist consumption. Second, it examines how tourism in Wayanad articulates with projects of neoliberalizing forest and wildlife conservation and with their contestations by subaltern groups. Third, it argues that the contemporary commodification of nature in tourism and conservation is intimately related to earlier processes of commodifying nature in agrarian capitalism. Since independence, forest land has been violently appropriated for intensive cash-cropping. Capitalist agrarian change has transformed land into a (fictitious) commodity and produced a fragile and contested frontier of agriculture and wildlife. When agrarian capitalism reached its ecological limits and entered a crisis of accumulation, farming became increasingly speculative, exploring new modes of accumulation in out-of-state ginger cultivation. In this scenario nature and wildlife tourism emerges as a new prospect for accumulation in a post-agrarian economy. The neoliberalization of nature in Wayanad, the authors argue, is a process driven less by new modes of regulation than by the agrarian crisis and new modes of speculative farming.  相似文献   


The increase in the distribution and availability of images for personal use in the late Middle Ages raises the question of their potential historical value for understanding the societies that produced and made use of them. This paper exposes the effects and the historical meanings of some woodcut illustrations of disputations between Jews and Christians: the woodcuts were widespread during the 1470s and 1480s in Swabia and Bavaria and surrounding areas, and they are still familiar and continue to play a role in shaping perceptions of Jewish-Christian relations of that period. These images do not reflect actual events: rather they are misrepresentations of polemical anti-Jewish sermons, designed as fictitious scholarly discourses. Their historical value is not limited to their ability to expose hidden angles. They can guide us to a better understanding of the written sources and to find new meanings there.  相似文献   

It is not surprising to find that the city and rulers of Naples appear in the Decameron, for Boccaccio was trained as a merchant in Naples. Sicily was also visited by Florentine merchants and Boccaccio's tales of Sicilian history range from the near-present back to the reign of the Norman King William II, who died in 1189, a figure already associated with ‘good times’ in Naples and Sicily. In one story Boccaccio describes members of William's family, real and fictitious, and weaves romance around the voyage of an African princess to Granada under this king's guarantee of protection. This tale appears to derive from real events in about 1180, when William assured the safety of the daughter of an Almohad ruler; in token of gratitude, and to gain other concrete advantages, the Almohads at last made peace with the Sicilian king. Popular legends circulating in southern Italy were clearly avialable to Boccaccio, while writers of romance often located fictitious events in Sicily, an exotic part of the Latin world.  相似文献   

This article briefly outlines the origin of the persona theory as applied to Roman verse satire, particularly Juvenal. Scholars adapting this theory regard the speaker in the satires as a fictitious literary character, a dramatic mask (persona). The central arguments in favour of this concept put forward by W.S. Anderson and some of his followers are examined and discussed, and the validity of the whole persona doctrine in its more exceeding form is challenged.  相似文献   

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