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As is true for most indigenous programmes concerned with cultural heritage management, the White Mountain Apache Tribe Historic Preservation Office (THPO) operates at dynamic and contested intersections of expanding populations and economies, shrinking budgets, diversifying international interests in heritage issues, and increasing indigenous demands for self-governance, self-reliance, self-determination, and self-representation. Faced with limited funds, large mandates, and land users having variable support for cultural heritage protection, the White Mountain Apache THPO has harnessed long-standing and emergent community heritage values as authentic foundations for 'actionable' rules promoting consultation, identification, documentation, and protection for tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Developed on the basis of a decade of interactions with elders and other cultural experts, foresters, hydrologists, engineers, and planners, the Tribe's Best Cultural Heritage Stewardship Practices illuminate challenges and opportunities faced by many THPOs and illustrate the crafting of appropriate institutional frameworks for community-based historic preservation initiatives.  相似文献   

In this article I discuss the systematisation of Maori tradition in New Zealand during the 1970s and 1980s. More particularly, my focus is on the politicisation and rationalisation of Maori tradition within the New Zealand state, these processes occurring partly in response to calls by Maori leaders for a dismantling of colonial and monocultural structures in New Zealand and reactive objectifications of Maori tradition which challenged the legitimacy of the post-colonial state administration. I begin with a consideration of the main objectives towards which the systematisation of tradition has been directed over the past two decades, and I examine the way in which priorities have shifted in response to reactive politicisations of ethnic identity. I then draw upon a number of specific examples to illustrate the ethnicisation and rationalisation of Maori tradition as aspects of the systematisation process within the New Zealand state.  相似文献   

By focusing on two successive phases in the traditionalisation of the Maori meeting house — exhibition and aestheticisation in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and standardisation and tribalisation during the 1930s and 1940s — I seek to illustrate how the diverse projects of national identity, tourist marketing, ethnology and state-directed rural development converged to displace meeting houses out of time. I argue that while the short-term effect of this displacement was to suppress developing traditions of oppositional Maori agency this was not the case in the longer term, nor was it always the intention of those engaged in the process.  相似文献   

Why do I refer to Tsosisumkyi village as a"tribe"?The simple reason is that this rural community did not go through any democratic reform while Tibet experienced its transition from a feudal serfdom to socialism.How is Tsosisumkyi today?Is there any kind of chieftain in control of this"tribe"?  相似文献   

早就知道青海省乐都县有个达拉土族乡,由于该乡地处大山深沟之中,交通不便,以前无缘领略这块彩虹天地的诸多美景,更无缘探测达拉部落的种种神秘。今年盛夏,笔者从乐都县城出发,途经努木赤沟、达拉滩、水磨沟,对这里的土族进行了一次访问。那青山秀水,那诗画一般的田园风光,那奇特诱人的风俗习惯,那古朴迷离的民间传说……时时处处扣动着我这个城里人的传感神经,给我以精神享受。  相似文献   

The levels of tooth wear were surveyed in 50 pre‐contact Maori skulls (23 of them female) from New Zealand. In addition to a generalized tooth wear index, we evaluated occlusal wear for erosion and abrasion. Occlusal microwear was also investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images and, finally, the occlusal slope was determined at the level of the first molar teeth. The general pattern of wear was one of severe occlusal reduction with no significant differences between males and females. Both silicone impressions and SEM views confirmed a large component (30%) of erosion. While most individuals had flat wear planes, 33% of males and 44% of females showed reversed Monson's curves. Accentuated Monson's curves were found in 23.8% of males. While these results confirm early studies of the excessive wear experienced by pre‐contact Maori, our study shows for the first time that erosion played a significant role in the dental wear of these people. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

黄帝部族活动的北线地域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄帝部族是新石器时代活动于中原地区的主要部落族团,这一族团的历史创造促进了当时的社会向文明方向发展。根据古籍记载和考古资料,该部族历代的迁徙路线已较为明确,并且其活动的北线地域很可能在今北京附近的燕山山脉南麓一带。  相似文献   

本文反对唐代“黑水”是指穆棱河与乌苏里江及其支流的观点,认为黑水是指黑龙江中下游段。结雅河下游发现的考古遗迹族属是黑水靺鞨之思慕部,不是从松花江迁移到结雅河下游流域的粟末靺鞨。靺鞨思慕部文化具有草原文化的成分。靺鞨族人种是复杂的、多源的。思慕部墓葬人骨得出的人种类型只能代表思慕部,能否代表黑水人种,或代表全体靺鞨人种,还需要新的对比材料。  相似文献   

黄帝族的发祥地及其时代   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本论文对关于黄帝族的发祥地及其所处时代的各家之说,进行比较考辨后,据古文献的记载与考古学的研究成果,得出:黄帝族发祥于今西北陕甘黄土高原,其时代约相当于考古学上的仰韶文化中、晚期,年代大致为公元前4000-3000年之间。  相似文献   

Dental wear and intrabony lesions were evaluated in a sample of 225 skulls (136 male) of pre‐contact New Zealand Maoris. The degree and direction of surface wear was scored according to the method of Molnar ( Molnar 1971 . Human tooth wear, tooth function and cultural variability. American Journal of Physical Anthropology34: 175–190) and revealed severe surface loss in both males and females with horizontal wear being the dominant pattern (62.4% male, 57.5% female). The width of coronal tissue above the pulp chamber, as well as the maximum depth and width of periapical lesions, was measured from both standard radiographs and digital images. The high prevalence of periapical pathology in the Maori underlined the extreme nature of dental wear in these people. It is postulated that this degree of tooth loss may be attributable to a change in diet from large birds to marine‐dependence, the introduction of the kumara to New Zealand, dental erosion and finally, to the excessive masticatory forces exerted by a robust facial complex on normally sized teeth. Fenestrated lesions were highly prevalent (83% of skulls) and were centered mostly on the maxilla, with an even distribution among tooth classes. The finding of periapical lesions in teeth with minimal observable wear was attributed to traumatic occlusion. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

作为明朝边疆民族的建州女真董山部,一度居住于朝鲜境内的会宁地区。以世宗为首的朝鲜王朝为了开疆辟土,极力挽留董山部居于朝鲜境土,但董山率部冲破朝鲜重重阻挠迁回了明朝境内。此后,以世祖为首的朝鲜王朝,又通过授予官职、赏赐物品等方式,与建州部私下交通,予以绥抚。为了维护领土统一与边疆安定,防止朝鲜北进拓边,明政权对朝鲜王朝与董山部的交往进行了干涉,这就构成了彼时富有特色的三角关系。  相似文献   

Research in Maori land history, burgeoning under the influence of the Waitangi Tribunal since the mid-1980s, promises a better understanding of the history of Maori kinship as well as New Zealand political economy. It has often been merely assumed, for instance, that contemporary hapu are a (or the) traditional form. I argue that Maori kinship and especially hapu or their equivalent need to be better understood in historical perspective. This essay examines some evidence and issues arising from the first few decades of colonisation before the land wars of the 1860s.  相似文献   

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