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郎剑锋 《民俗研究》2014,(4):102-106
青铜器是中国传统金石学的重要研究对象,近代考古学则将对青铜器的研究扩展至青铜冶铸技术方面。通过传世文献的记载,对中山灵寿故城出土的一组"人俑拜山"陶器组合的文化意义进行了解读,揭示出古人在青铜冶铸过程中存在"烁身以成物"的观念。夏商周时期铸铜遗址内发现的祭祀遗存、传世及出土文献中关于"釁"礼的记载则表明,"烁身以成物"的观念不仅贯穿于青铜冶铸技术的多个环节,而且有着非常悠久的历史,并以不同的形式延续至今。  相似文献   

煨桑是藏民族千百年来形成的一种文化,是祭祀神灵,祈求保佑的一种仪式。  相似文献   

<正>一年之中,哈尼族有四分之一的时间都在过节。逢节日必有祭祀,必有祭祀的神灵。哈尼族最重要的两个节日,一个是二月节"昂玛突",意思就是祭祀寨神,在农历二月的特定日子,元阳哈尼族会以村寨为单位,举行一系列的公共祭祀活动,村寨内的各家也会举行家庭祭祀活动。祭祀神灵是以寨神昂玛为主,其他的一些神灵比如地神咪收、天神摩咪、火神、水井神以及祖先神也被祭祀。二月节在寨神林举行,祈求神灵保护自己的村寨。  相似文献   

奥登 《世界遗产》2014,(9):24-28
一年之中,哈尼族有四分之一的时间都在过节。逢节日必有祭祀,必有祭祀的神灵。 哈尼族最重要的两个节日,一个是二月节“昂玛突”,意思就是祭祀寨神,在农历二月的特定日子,元阳哈尼族会以村寨为单位,举行一系列的公共祭祀活动,村寨内的各家也会举行家庭祭祀活动。祭祀神灵是以寨神昂玛为主,其他的一些神灵比如地神咪收、天神摩咪、火神、水井神以及祖先神也被祭祀。二月节在寨神林举行,祈求神灵保护自己的村寨。  相似文献   

西汉时期邯郸位列"五都"之一,具有重要的历史地位.居延汉简编号26·29记载的"邯郸铫",经考证应为在汉代赵国都城邯郸生产的一种铜制炊具,这枚汉简是研究汉代邯郸铸铜业的珍贵史料,反映了西汉邯郸铸铜业的发达.结合其他出土青铜器分析,自战国至汉代邯郸铸铜业经历了一个从以兵器为主到以生活用具为主的发展过程.  相似文献   

面具即是我国多民族优秀文化遗产,又是中国少数民族文明史、美术史、工艺史等,而且还是我们今天研究民族学科的重要资料之一。那些凝聚着"狞厉美"的面具造型,已成为有意味的符号,充分体现了尚神兽图腾的观念和遗风。将危害人们的妖魔精灵驱逐出去以求一年的平安和吉祥。丘北县普者黑仙人洞村的彝族(撒尼人)有多神崇拜的习俗,他们对多神的崇拜又大多通过面具作为载体,并在各种祭祀活动中(如招魂、捉鬼、祭天、祭地、打猎、捕鱼、种植、养植等)得以体现。撒尼人不管选用什么面具,挂在什么地方,都是为祈求家里平安,祈求人蓄兴旺、风调雨顺、五谷丰登而制作出的避邪物。它是集文明史、美术史、工艺史一身的的复合体。  相似文献   

卡斯达温,藏语意为“身着铠甲的舞蹈”。它是古代黑水人在出征之前,勇士们褥告胜利,亲人们为之祈求平安、祝福吉祥的一种民间祭祀性歌舞活动。同时,作为中国原始舞蹈的一种宝贵遗存,它更充分体现了古羌化与吐蕃化的完美交融。  相似文献   

关于郑州商城发现的三处商代铜器窖藏坑的性质,学界存在"祭祀说""动乱说"等争议,且论证简略,亟待进行深度辨析。考古发现的古代铜器窖藏坑性质一般可分为动乱类、祭祀类、陪葬类、仓储类等类型。郑州商城铜器窖藏坑性质之"动乱说"疑窦重重,埋藏状态与动乱类窖藏坑的紧急处置态势并不相符。从窖藏坑方位、地势环境、埋藏成因和程序、礼仪活动等方面综合分析,三处窖藏坑与祭祀类窖藏坑的特点颇为符合,应是商王基于尊神和以地通神的思想意识、在举行大型祭祀活动之后把青铜礼器瘞埋地下所致。祭祀的对象很可能就是城垣与护城壕,即后代的"城隍"。商王多次举行城隍之祭的原因与商代中期社会动乱、自然灾害频发、国势衰微有关,祭祀的目的是祈求鬼神保佑商都乃至国家的安全。  相似文献   

<正>盾牌舞又叫男子群舞藤牌舞或滚挡牌,体现出一种最原始的民族凝聚力、团队精神和战斗精神。就艺术价值而言,它集武术、杂耍、舞蹈、造型于一体,成为江西汉族地方文化的典型代表。盾牌舞有一套传统的、颇具庄严和悲壮色彩的表演形式。盾牌舞风格特点为动作幅度小、频率快,表演时要掌握"推、挡、搭、架、逼、闪、跌、滚"8字诀,习练前有一套令人肃然的仪式,舞者要在族长的带领下杀雄鸡祭祀祖先牌位,其目的是"祈求神灵保佑出征男儿",显然是古代士兵出征前祭祀仪式的遗留。  相似文献   

<正>单鼓烧香,又称太平鼓、答祖宗、唱家班、唱阴阳戏等。曾在黑龙江农村广泛流行。单鼓是一种民间祭祀活动,它烧"愿香"以酬神祭祖、免灾除病、祈求昌盛;烧"乐香"以欢庆丰收、祝贺婚嫁、庆幸平安,又称"太平香",多在中秋节至年末、正月至端午节期间活动。前者称"秋香",后者称"春香"。单鼓在表演时,不仅亲戚朋友前来"送礼"(上礼钱),而且附近村屯、左邻右舍的男女老少都来看热闹。  相似文献   

Archaeological works at Entre Águas 5 (Portugal) uncovered a seasonal LBA settlement with significant metallurgical remains (crucibles, moulds, prills and a tuyere) related to bronze production. Radiocarbon dating ascribes an occupation period (10th–9th century BC) previous to Phoenician establishment in Southwestern Iberia. In spite of the proliferation of metal artefacts during LBA, the production of bronze alloys is still poorly understood. An integrated analytical approach (EDXRF, optical microscopy, SEM–EDS, micro-EDXRF and Vickers microhardness) was used to characterise this metallurgy. Crucibles show immature slags with copious copper nodules, displaying variable tin content (c. 0–26 wt.%), low iron amount (<0.05 wt.%) and different cooling rates. Certain evidences point to direct reduction of oxide copper ores with cassiterite. Scorched moulds with residues of copper and tin indicate local casting of artefacts. Finished artefacts also recovered at the site have an analogous composition (bronze with ∼10 wt.% Sn and low amounts of Pb, As and Fe) typical of coeval metallurgy in SW Iberia. Some artefacts reveal a relationship between typology and composition or manufacture: a higher tin content for a golden coloured ring or absence of the final hammering for a bracelet. An uncommon gilded nail (gold foil c. 140 μm thick; 11.6 wt.% Ag; ∼1 wt.% Cu) attests the existence of evolved prestige typologies. This LBA settlement discloses a domestic metallurgy whose main features are typical in Iberian Peninsula. Finally, it should be emphasized that a collection as comprehensive and representative of a single workshop has rarely been studied, enabling a deeper understanding of the various operations involving the bronze production and manufacture of artefacts.  相似文献   

本文详细地分析了嫩江流域青铜时代的遗址墓葬的地理分布及周围环境、遗址自身特点、生产生活用具的分类及数量、动物骨骼及各种贝类遗存等方面的资料,得出该地区的生业方式是一种复合型的——定居、狩猎、捕捞、采集、畜养、手工业以及少量的交换经济,这几种经济方式相互补充,共同构成了一种有别于青铜时代中原地区以农业经济为主的新的生业方...  相似文献   

艾露露 《收藏家》2008,(9):59-60
青铜是指红铜(纯铜)与锡或铅等元素的合金,因表面色泽黄中泛白,略显青色而得名。青铜的熔点比红铜低,而硬度却比红铜高,所以具有较强的可塑性与较高的耐用性,适合于铸造各种器具。  相似文献   

Portable X-ray Fluorescence (pXRF) analysis of over 400 samples of Early and Middle Bronze Age Cypriot pottery from four widely separated sites identifies both local and non-local products at each. A series of analyses of sub-sets of the data highlights differences in the clays used at each site and for some distinctive types and wares. When assessed in the context of general typological, technological and stylistic factors these variations provide the basis for considering patterns of local production and inter-regional relationships across the island. Although the great majority of pots were locally made, particular wares and shapes were brought in from elsewhere. For some sites finer, more highly decorated vessels are mostly imports, but at others both simpler and more complex vessels were made of the same local clays. While small juglets or flasks may have been containers for transporting small quantities of rare substances, larger vessels are likely to have held less precious material. Open vessels, especially small bowls – some of which are plain, utilitarian items – represent another aspect of social behaviour and inter-regional relationships.  相似文献   


Excavations at Ojakly (site 1744) in the Murghab alluvial fan in Turkmenistan mark the first systematic collection of archaeological materials related to Bronze Age mobile pastoralists in the region, and the earliest evidence to date of their occupation patterns, subsistence practices, and ceramic production activities. Because the appearance of mobile pastoral groups in the Murghab during the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1950–1500 b.c.) is traditionally associated with significant changes in regional sociopolitical structures, these data are important for establishing local strategies of and the relationship between sedentary agricultural and mobile pastoral populations. Here, we present ceramic, faunal, archaeobotanical, and lithic data that force us to reconsider the traditional sedentary-mobile dichotomy. Specifically, we find that while the subsistence economies are distinct at urban and non-urban sites, the ceramic production and trade interactions are significantly intertwined and more complex than previously acknowledged for this time period. Additionally, the presence of a ceramic kiln at Ojakly (Turkmen for “place with kiln”) containing unfired ceramics of a type typically associated with sedentary farmers in the Bronze Age Murghab suggests the transfer of technical knowledge between groups who nevertheless maintained distinct material cultural identities. Ojakly provides important new data about coexisting economies in the Late Bronze Age Murghab that can productively unsettle traditional notions of dominance, control, and polarization in sedentary-mobile interactions.  相似文献   

汉代铜器皿的生产经营方式多样,且变化明显。大致可分为三个阶段:西汉早期,国家的经济政策较为宽松,铜器生产较为自由,制作机构既有中央和地方政府控制的各级工官,也有地方诸侯和富商,产品得以自由买卖;西汉中晚期,由于对地方诸侯和私人工商业实行打击和限制政策,铜器的生产经营方式发生变化,地方诸侯和富商基本退出铜器的生产领域,铜器的制造由政府专控;东汉早期,随着政策的放宽,铜器由政府专控的局面开始松动,私人作坊造作的铜器出现,至东汉中晚期政府各级工官基本退出铜器生产领域,铜器的制作为私营或工官监制私人承制的形式。  相似文献   

中国的早期铜器与青铜器的起源   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
中国公元前16世纪以前的早期铜器已在50多个地点发现500多件,主要分布在四个地区,其年代最早为公元前4500年。早期铜器的发展,经历了公元前4500~前2500年尝试冶炼各种原始铜合金的发生期,公元前2500~前2000年以红铜为主的发展期和公元前2000~前1600年以青铜为主的成熟期。中国古代青铜器分别起源于西北地区和中原地区,青铜时代开始于公元前2000年前后。  相似文献   

文章主要从命名、形制和演变等几方面对铜鏂进行了初步探讨,由于鏂的形制不同于碗、簋或豆,故其名称也不同。鏂主要流行于两汉时期,早期为深腹、矮圈足,后逐渐深变为高圈足、浅腹。出土器物组合及文献均说明鏂应为盛器。文未对瓯的形制及用途也稍作说明。  相似文献   

论早期铜镜   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高西省 《中原文物》2001,16(3):28-36
本文通过对考古发现的齐家文化、商代、西周、春秋早期铜镜的系统整理分析,探讨了我国早期铜镜的起源地、定名、类型及相关问题,进而论证了我国早期铜镜的几个特点.  相似文献   

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