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There is an increasing awareness of the potentials of nonlinear modeling in regional science. This can be explained partly by the recognition of the limitations of conventional equilibrium models in complex situations, and also by the easy availability and accessibility of sophisticated computational techniques. Among the class of nonlinear models, dynamic variants based on, for example, chaos theory stand out as an interesting approach. However, the operational significance of such approaches is still rather limited and a rigorous statistical-econometric treatment of nonlinear dynamic modeling experiments is lacking. Against this background this paper is concerned with a methodological and empirical analysis of a general misspecification test for spatial regression models that is expected to have power against nonlinearity, spatial dependence, and heteroskedasticity. The paper seeks to break new research ground by linking the classical diagnostic tools developed in spatial econometrics to a misspecification test derived directly from chaos theory—the BDS test, developed by Brock, Dechert, and Scheinkman (1987). A spatial variant of the BDS test is introduced and applied in the context of two examples of spatial process models, one of which is concerned with the spatial distribution of regional investments in The Netherlands, the other with spatial crime patterns in Columbus, Ohio.  相似文献   

Based on a large number of Monte Carlo simulation experiments on a regular lattice, we compare the properties of Moran's I and Lagrange multiplier tests for spatial dependence, that is, for both spatial error autocorrelation and for a spatially lagged dependent variable. We consider both bias and power of the tests for six sample sizes, ranging from twenty-five to 225 observations, for different structures of the spatial weights matrix, for several underlying error distributions, for misspecified weights matrices, and for the situation where boundary effects are present. The results provide an indication of the sample sizes for which the asymptotic properties of the tests can be considered to hold. They also illustrate the power of the Lagrange multiplier tests to distinguish between substantive spatial dependence (spatial lag) and spatial dependence as a nuisance (error autocorrelation).  相似文献   

Estimation Bias in Spatial Models with Strongly Connected Weight Matrices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article shows that, for both spatial lag and spatial error models with strongly connected weight matrices, maximum likelihood estimates of the spatial dependence parameter are necessarily biased downward . In addition, this bias is shown to be present in general Moran tests of spatial dependency. Thus, positive dependencies may often fail to be detected when weight matrices are strongly connected. The analysis begins with a detailed examination of downward bias for the extreme case of maximally connected weight matrices. Results for this case are then extended by continuity to a broader range of (appropriately defined) strongly connected matrices. Finally, a simulated numerical example is presented to illustrate some of the practical consequences of these biases.  相似文献   

A maximization procedure for identifying significant links in a flow matrix is described and its use illustrated. The method appears to have advantages over primary-flow linkage methods and over methods based on flow-combination procedures.  相似文献   

We develop tests of whether a pattern of geographic variation departs significantly from random variation over an area. Localities are vertices in a graph whose edges are connections based on criteria of geographic contiguity. Ranked variables are assigned to each locality. Distributions of absolute differences in rank along edges between vertices yield various statistics of edge length that are compared with expectations developed in the paper. Several typical patterns such as a cline, depression, or a crazy-quilt are generated and their behavior characterized by this method. Computational and graphical methods allocate observed patterns to one of several types. The methods are general; three illustrative examples from biology and one from regional studies are furnished.  相似文献   

In this study, we develop spatial autoregressive (SAR) models relating grizzly bear body length to environmental predictor variables in the Alberta Rocky Mountains. We examine the ability of several different spatial neighborhoods to model spatial dependence and compare the estimated parameters and residuals from a standard linear regression model (LRM) with those from three types of SAR models: error, lag, and Durbin. Further, we examine variable selection in the presence of negative dependence by repeating the modeling process using a SAR model. Two findings are that significant negative spatial dependence was present in the residuals of the LRM and that the choice of spatial neighborhood greatly affects the ability to detect spatial dependence. The incorporation of appropriate spatial weights into SAR models improves the fit and increases the significance of the parameter estimates vis‐à‐vis the linear model. The results of this study indicate that negative dependence may not have as severe negative effects on variable selection and parameter estimation as positive dependence. An examination of spatial dependence in regression modeling appears to be an important means of exploring the appropriateness of a sampling framework, predictor variables, and model form. En este estudio desarrollamos modelos espaciales autorregresivos (SAR) que vinculan la longitud del cuerpo de osos grizzli con variables predictivas ambientales en las montañas rocosas de Alberta, Canadá. Examinamos la capacidad de varias vecindades espaciales para modelar la dependencia espacial y la comparación de los parámetros estimados, así como los residuos de un modelo de regresión lineal estándar (LRM) versus tres tipos de modelos SAR: error, retraso (lag) y Durbin. Además, se examina la selección de variables en la presencia de dependencia negativa mediante la repetición del proceso de modelado con un modelo de SAR. El estudio concluye que: 1) existe dependencia espacial negativa significativa en los residuos de la LRM y; 2) la selección de la vecindad espacial afecta en gran medida la capacidad de detectar la dependencia espacial. La incorporación de ponderaciones espaciales correspondientes a los modelos SAR mejora el ajuste y aumenta la importancia de los parámetros estimados versus el modelo lineal. Los resultados de este estudio indican que la dependencia negativa puede no tener los graves efectos negativos en la selección de variables y la estimación de parámetros si se comparan dichos efectos con = la dependencia positiva. Los autores recomiendan un examen de la dependencia espacial en modelos de regresión como medio importante para explorar la conveniencia de un marco de muestreo, de variables de predicción, y de la forma del modelo. 本文构建了阿尔伯达省落基山脉地区的灰熊体态大小与环境预测变量之间的空间自回归模型(SAR),检验了几种以不同空间邻域矩阵拟合变量的空间相关性,并比较了标准回归模型(LRM)与几种不同类型的SAR模型(空间残差模型、空间滞后模型和空间杜宾模型)的估计参数和残差大小。进而利用一种SAR模型重复模拟过程,进一步测试变量选择对负相关性存在的影响。研究表明,显著的空间负相关存在于LRM的残差中,且空间邻域权重的选择很大程度上影响模型空间相关性的探测能力。将适当的空间权重引入SAR模型中可提高拟合精度,增加相对于线性模型参数估计的显著性。研究结果表明,负相关性在变量选择和参数估计上严重负影响的程度不如正相关性强。回归模型中空间相关性检验似乎是采样结构、预测变量和模型形式适用性分析的一个重要途径。  相似文献   

A Nonparametric Analysis of Employment Density in a Polycentric City   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Nonparametric estimation procedures offer distinct advantages in modeling polycentric cities because they are flexible enough to account for functional form misspecification and incorrect subcenter sites. This paper presents locally weighted (LW) regression estimates of employment density in suburban Chicago. LW regression estimates are more accurate than OLS regression and capture the effects of missing variables. The results demonstrate that Chicago is indeed a polycentric city: although the traditional city center continues to affect employment density patterns in the suburbs, local peaks have developed around secondary employment centers.  相似文献   

Some basic concepts and principles of general systems theory applicable to geographical systems are formulated. A geosystem is viewed from the point of view of the controllable processes that convert it from one state to another and insure its self-regulation and stability. Since geographical systems derive energy from the surrounding environment and use it for their physical-chemical and biological functions, the structural elements of such systems behave thermodynamically like automata performing irreversible processes, and the laws of thermodynamics can therefore be applied to the functioning of such systems. A mathematical apparatus is demonstrated for the study migratory flows of mass and energy in geographical systems.  相似文献   

This article develops and calibrates a spatial interaction model (SIM) incorporating additional temporal characteristics of consumer demand for the U.K. grocery market. SIMs have been routinely used by the retail sector for location modeling and revenue prediction and have a good record of success, especially in the supermarket/hypermarket sector. However, greater planning controls and a more competitive trading environment in recent years has forced retailers to look to new markets. This has meant a greater focus on the convenience market which creates new challenges for retail location models. In this article, we present a custom built SIM for the grocery market in West Yorkshire incorporating trading and consumer data provided by a major U.K. retailer. We show that this model works well for supermarkets and hypermarkets but poorly for convenience stores. We then build a series of new demand layers taking into account the spatial distributions of demand at the time of day that consumers are likely to use grocery stores. These new demand layers include workplace populations, university student populations and secondary school children. When these demand layers are added to the models, we see a very promising increase in the accuracy of the revenue forecasts.  相似文献   

Spatial co‐location patterns are useful for understanding positive spatial interactions among different geographical phenomena. Existing methods for detecting spatial co‐location patterns are mostly developed based on planar space assumption; however, geographical phenomena related to human activities are strongly constrained by road networks. Although these methods can be simply modified to consider the constraints of networks by using the network distance or network partitioning scheme, user‐specified parameters or priori assumptions for determining prevalent co‐location patterns are still subjective. As a result, some co‐location patterns may be wrongly reported or omitted. Therefore, a nonparametric significance test without priori assumptions about the distributions of the spatial features is proposed in this article. Both point‐dependent and location‐dependent network‐constrained summary statistics are first utilized to model the distribution characteristics of the spatial features. Then, by using these summary statistics, a network‐constrained pattern reconstruction method is developed to construct the null model of the test, and the prevalence degree of co‐location patterns is modeled as the significance level. The significance test is evaluated using the facility points‐of‐interest data sets. Experiments and comparisons show that the significance test can effectively detect network‐constrained spatial co‐location patterns with less priori knowledge and outperforms two state‐of‐the‐art methods in excluding spurious patterns.  相似文献   

Local spatial statistics measure and test for spatial association for a variable or variables of interest in a geographic neighborhood surrounding a predefined location. Most applications adopt a single scale of analysis but give little attention to the scale of the process generating the data. Alternatively, when the researcher is uncertain about the process scale, local statistics may examine a number of scales. In these cases, it is important to include a correction for multiple testing when evaluating the statistical significance of each local statistic, something that is rarely done. Consequently, local statistics are more likely to identify significant relationships, even when no meaningful spatial association exists. In this article, we develop a methodology for the local Moran statistic that provides both an empirical estimate of the spatial scale of association and an assessment of the significance of the statistic for that scale. The key idea is to test a number of possible choices for the statistic's weight matrix and then account for the multiple testing associated with the number of weight matrices examined. Unlike previous research, our statistic avoids the use of simulation to determine statistical significance in the presence of multiple testing. To test the validity of our approach, we constructed a numerical example to assess the statistic's performance and conducted an empirical study using leukemia data from central New York state. The developed statistic addresses the need for the empirical determination of weights and spatial scale. The test therefore addresses the common weakness of many applications, where weights are defined exogenously, with little or no thought given to either the definition or its implications. Los indicadores locales (local spatial statistics) evalúan la asociación espacial de una o varias variables de interés dada un área predefinida y sus áreas vecinas. La mayoría de dichas medidas utilizan una escala única de análisis y prestan poca atención a la escala del proceso de generación de los datos. En los casos en los que el investigador no está seguro de la escala del proceso, las los indicadores locales pueden ser evaluados a varias escalas. En dichos casos, cuando se hace la evaluación de la significancia estadística de cada indicador local, es importante incorporar una corrección para pruebas múltiples (multiple tests), un ajuste que raramente se realiza en la gran mayoría de estudios. Debido al problema de pruebas múltiples, los indicadores locales son más propensos a identificar relaciones significativas, incluso cuando no existe asociación espacial significativa alguna. En este artículo los autores desarrollan una metodología que produce un índice local de Moran que proporciona tanto una estimación empírica de la escala espacial de la asociación así como una evaluación de la importancia del indicador para dicha escala. La idea clave es poner a prueba una serie de opciones posibles para la definición de la matriz de pesos espaciales (spatial weight matrix) del índice y luego tomar en cuenta las pruebas múltiples asociadas con el número de matrices de peso examinadas. A diferencia de métodos anteriores, el indicador local propuesto evita el uso de simulaciones para determinar la significancia estadística con pruebas múltiples. Para probar la validez del enfoque propuesto, se construyó un ejemplo numérico con el fin de evaluar el desempeño del nuevo índice y se llevó a cabo un estudio comparativo a partir de datos del centro de leucemia del estado de Nueva York. El índice desarrollado responde a la necesidad de definir las ponderaciones (pesos) empíricamente y la escala espacial. De esta forma el método propuesto supera limitaciones comúnmente halladas de muchas aplicaciones en las cuales los pesos son definidos exógenamente, con poca o ninguna atención a su definición o su implicancias. 局部空间统计量可用于度量和检验预定地理区域周围邻域的空间关联。大多数情况下仅采用单一尺度的分析而较少关注数据生成过程的尺度。而当其过程尺度无法确定时,局部统计量却可能检测出多个尺度。在这些案例中,对单个局部统计量统计显著性评估建立多重检验的修正是重要的,而这却鲜有实施。因此,即使存在无意义的空间关联时,局部统计也更可能识别出显著的相关性。 本文发展了一种基于局部Moran统计的方法,提供了空间尺度关联性的经验估计以及对该尺度下统计显著性的评估。其核心思想是测试统计权重矩阵的可能选择,然后考虑与权重矩阵检验数量数目相关的多重检验。与以往研究不同,该方法在多重检验情况中避免了采用模拟来确定统计显著性。为检验其有效性,采用了数值案例来评估其统计性能,并基于纽约州中部的血癌数据进行比较研究。该方法解决了权重和空间尺度确定经验估计的需求,通过验证也相应地解决了很多应用中的普遍弱点,即权重被定义成外生变量,而很少或根本没有考虑其定义或含义。  相似文献   

One of the defining objectives in location science is to maximize dispersion. Facilities can be dispersed for a wide variety of purposes, including attempts to optimize competitive market advantage, disperse negative impacts, and optimize security. With one exception, all of the extant dispersion models consider only one type of facility, and ignore problems where multiple types of facilities must be located. We provide examples where multiple-type dispersion is appropriate and based on this develop a general class of facility location problems that optimize multiple-type dispersion. This family of models expands on the previously formulated definitions of dispersion for single types of facilities, by allowing the interactions among different types of facilities to determine the extent to which they will be spatially dispersed. We provide a set of integer-linear programming formulations for the principal models of this class and suggest a methodology for intelligent constraint elimination. We also present results of solving a range of multiple-type dispersion problems optimally and demonstrate that only the smallest versions of such problems can be solved in a reasonable amount of computer time using general-purpose optimization software. We conclude that the family of multiple-type dispersion models provides a more comprehensive, flexible, and realistic framework for locating facilities where weighted distances should be maximized, when compared with the special case of locating only a single type of facility.  相似文献   

Four different boundary conditions consisting of fixed nodes, motion of roller only in the z or the x direction, and equivalent motion of two side boundaries were applied with a finite element code to simulate seismic behavior of two foundation conditions consisting of dry loose and dense sands. Comparing numerical results with physical model tests indicates that data obtained from the finite element code when considering soil nonlinearity with a sand model based on the tij concept have acceptable agreements with those from dynamic centrifuge tests regardless of the boundary conditions. The results from the boundary conditions of roller in the x direction and equivalent motion of two side boundaries agree well with the experimental data in wave peaks. The two side boundary conditions also keep the ground middle undisturbed and provide the results that are similar to those obtained from the wave amplification experimental data. For numerical simulations of centrifuge model tests, the side boundary condition with roller in the x direction is recommended because of low computation time and high simulation quality.  相似文献   

Post‐Watergate critics of the American presidency have directed much attention to the problem of controlling the White House staff. This paper argues that their proposals have ignored an implicit lesson contained in the Brownlow Report of 1937 and that it is unrealistic to build the Cabinet and department secretaries into any model of white House staff functions, particularly as a constraint mechanism on the staff. Such proposals understate the political role of the staff and approaches to reform must search for a political rather than an institutional response.  相似文献   

Spatial interaction models commonly use discrete zones to represent locations. The computational requirements of the models normally arise with the square of the number of zones or worse. For computationally intensive models, such as land use–transport interaction models and activity‐based models for city regions, this dependency of zone size is a long‐standing problem that has not disappeared even with increasing computation speed in PCs—it still forces modelers to compromise on the spatial resolution and extent of model coverage as well as on the rigor and depth of model‐based analysis. This article introduces a new type of discrete zone system, with the objective of reducing the time for estimating and applying spatial interaction models while maintaining their accuracy. The premise of the new system is that the appropriate size of destination zones depends on the distance to their origin zone: at short distances, spatial accuracy is important and destination zones must be small; at longer distances, knowing the precise location becomes less important and zones can be larger. The new method defines a specific zone map for every origin zone; each origin zone becomes the focus of its own map, surrounded by small zones nearby and large zones farther away. We present the theoretical formulation of the new method and test it with a model of commuting in England. The results of the new method are equivalent to those of the conventional model, despite reducing the number of zone pairs by 96% and the computation time by 70%. Los modelos de interacción espacial suelen utilizar zonas discretas para representar áreas o puntos de interés. Los requisitos computacionales de estos modelos normalmente aumentan a razón del número de zonas elevadas al cuadrado o más. Para modelos computacionalmente intensivos como los modelos de interacción entre uso de suelo y transporte y los modelos basados en actividades para ciudades‐región, el impacto del tamaño de la zona es un problema persistente no superado aun. Esta limitación persiste a pesar de los grandes avances en la velocidad de procesamiento en computadoras, pues obliga a los modeladores a hacer concesiones entre la resolución espacial y la extensión que abarca el modelo, así como en el rigor y profundidad del análisis. En este artículo se presenta un nuevo tipo de sistema de zonas discretas que: a) tienen como objetivo reducir el tiempo de estimación de la aplicación de modelos de interacción espacial; y b) al mismo tiempo mantienen su nivel de precisión. La premisa que gobierna este nuevo sistema es que el tamaño apropiado de las zonas de destino depende de la distancia a su zona de origen: a distancias cortas, la precisión espacial es importante y las zonas de destino deben ser pequeño; a distancias mas largas, conocer la ubicación precisa es progresivamente menos importante y las zonas pueden ser mayores. El nuevo método define un mapa específico de zonas para cada zona de origen; cada zona de origen se convierte en el foco de su propio mapa, rodeada de zonas cercanas pequeñas y zonas grandes a mayor distancia. El estudio presenta la formulación teórica del nuevo método y su demostración vía un modelo de desplazamientos residencia‐trabajo en Inglaterra. Los resultados del nuevo método son equivalentes a las del modelo convencional, a pesar de reducir del número de pares de zonas en un 96% y el tiempo de cálculo en un 70%. 空间相互作用模型通常采用离散区域代表区位。模型的计算量往往与区域数量呈平方甚至更高阶增长。对于可计算的精细模型,如土地利用‐交通相互作用模型和基于行为的城市区域模型,区域尺度的依赖性是长期存在的问题,即使计算机的计算速度增加,该问题仍无法消除。因此,建模者需在模型空间分辨率和覆盖范围以及模型分析的严谨性和深度上做出权衡。本文介绍了一种新型的离散分区系统,目的在于减少空间相互作用模型估算和计算时间,同时维持其精度。新系统的前提是目标区域的适当尺度取决于与初始区域的距离:在短距离范围内,空间精确性是重要的,且目标区域必须是小的;在更远距离上,位置精度的重要性降低,目标区域可以变大。该方法为每个初始区域制定了具体的尺度地图。每个初始区域成为其自身地图的中心,被近邻的小区域和更远距离的大区域所包围。本文给出了新方法的理论公式,并以英格兰地区的通勤模型进行检验。结果显示,尽管区域对的数量减少了96%,计算时间缩短了70%,但新方法的计算结果等效于常规模型。  相似文献   

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