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Decades of contention regarding Tasmania's forests have been accompanied by several attempts for peace. Most recently the ‘forest peace process’ culminated in the 2012 Tasmanian Forest Agreement (TFA). We evaluate the peace process that led to the TFA, and its subsequent dismantling, from the perspective of deliberative democracy, which promises to achieve democratically legitimate outcomes in the toughest conflicts. Using normative criteria to evaluate the deliberative democratic quality of the process, our analysis shows that trades-offs were needed, and not all normative criteria could be achieved equally and simultaneously. Despite its shortcomings, and short-lived life, the peace process illustrates the possibility of achieving meta-consensus in deep value conflicts, and the crucial role of this consensus for sustaining deliberation.  相似文献   

李文华 《攀登》2006,25(6):156-158
江河源文化有着其博大而精深的文化艺术内涵。在这一沃土上孕育凝聚成的民族精神,千百年来激励着一代又一代的青海各族人民为建设和保卫自己美好的家园而前仆后继,不惜牺牲生命。在今天,弘扬和培育新的民族精神,对于我们实现青海经济社会的繁荣与稳定更具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

金源女真姓氏谱及改汉姓之分类与特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对金源女真姓氏的研究,民族学界曾进行过考论和探讨.开创了先例,奠定了基础。本文着重从姓氏与谱牒探源、金源女真姓氏谱状况、女真改汉字姓的分类和特点、女真姓与后世满洲姓的关系四方面来探讨金源女真姓氏学,以增进和完善中华各民族姓氏学的研究领域和范围,并推进少数民族的姓氏研究向纵深发展。  相似文献   

60年一瞬间。在历史的长河里,60年只是惊鸿一瞥,但是对于共和国来说,60年却是波澜壮阔、跌荡起伏的一段光辉历程。它见证了河山变迁,见证了中国大地最美的那些山川历经岁月打磨,愈加光彩夺目。  相似文献   

赵洪容 《风景名胜》2009,(10):16-16
60年一瞬间。 在历史的长河里,60年只是惊鸿一瞥,但是对于共和国来说,60年却是波澜壮阔、跌荡起伏的一段光辉历程。它见证了河山变迁,见证了中国大地最美的那些山川历经岁月打磨,愈加光彩夺目。  相似文献   

Falling trees commonly turbate soils in primary forest, creating characteristic edaphic patterns related to pit and mound topography. Vernal ponds with associated mounds were observed in mineral soils on a treeless plain in subalpine Tasmania, Australia. The hypothesis that paired ponds and mounds on the plain originated as pit and mound features in forests that were later destroyed by fire was tested by comparing the soils and landforms caused by recent tree falls in adjacent forest with those on the plain. The soil characteristics, orientations, and dimensions of the ponds and mounds were consistent with a tree fall origin, although rare secondary ponds on the tops of mounds may derive from the burrowing activities of the medium‐sized marsupial, Vombatus ursinus (common wombat). The characteristics of pond and mound soils suggested that most were hundreds to thousands of years old, with the ponds persisting because of differences in deflation, deposition, and organic matter formation between themselves and adjacent persistently dry land.  相似文献   

The 2004 Australian federal election appeared to depart from the historical tendency for the Australian Labor Party to benefit electorally from adopting policies more sympathetic to environmental movement demands than those of the Liberal–National Coalition, when environmental issues have been prominent in election campaigns. This article assesses contending claims about the actual impact of environmental issues on the outcome of the 2004 election, and possible explanations for Labor's failure to gain a significant net electoral advantage from its environmental policies, in particular its commitment to preserve 240,000 hectares of native forest in Tasmania.  相似文献   

你是山。 你有多种别号:乌图长山、钟岭梁、峨头山、华石山、青阳山、野牛山、日月山、恰合山、黄茂大板山、将军山……  相似文献   

The Changing Value of Australian Tropical Rivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Until recently the objectives of tropical river management were narrowly construed: the development imperative drove resource policy. During recent decades, community attitudes to river and water management have changed considerably and the national program of water reform, the National Water Initiative, is accelerating alterations to the way that water is used, managed and priced. A broader range of values and imperatives is now influencing water resource management policy. Not least is the concern over the ecological impacts and economic inefficiencies of the large‐scale hydrological schemes that once excited the public's imagination. This paper reports on a recent study of social and economic values of tropical rivers conducted by the authors for an Australian statutory research and development corporation. The study shows that the values associated with tropical rivers have changed and diversified over time with growing societal awareness of the contribution made by unregulated, healthy river systems to human wellbeing and cultural identity. As a consequence of substantial social change, tropical river management must now contend with a more complex array of societal values and water management objectives.  相似文献   

<正>三江源是中国乃至亚洲大江大河的发源地,也是世界高海拔地区生物多样性特点最显著的地区。三江源具有独特而典型的高寒生态系统,其生物多样性在千百年来牧业发展的夹缝中仍保留了相当的规模,大量珍稀物种留存至今。因此,这里被誉为"高寒生物自然种质资源库"。位于青藏高原腹地的三江源自然保护区,具有独特而典型的高寒生态系统,从这里发端的长江、黄河、澜沧江三条大江,滋养了中国乃至东亚东  相似文献   

核心价值概述 在云南省西北部的崇山峻岭中,怒江(萨尔温江上游)、澜沧江(湄公河上游)和金沙江(长江上游)白北向南平行奔流近170千米,形成了世界上独特的自然奇观,故名“三江并流”.“三江并流”世界自然遗产由八个独立的片区组成,包括贡山片区、白茫—梅里雪山片区、云岭片区、老窝山片区、红山片区、千湖山片区、哈巴雪山片区和老君山片区.“三江并流”世界自然遗产地总面积为1.77万平方千米,其中核心区面积为0.96万平方千米,缓冲区面积为0.81万平方千米.  相似文献   

杨福泉 《华夏地理》2002,(11):124-125
大漠莽野,高山巨流,如今都有不倦的旅人的行踪.越来越多的人们走向原野,走向山川,即使只是短暂地逃离俗世,让奔忙劳碌的心,在原野上获得了慰藉. 行走在大地上的人们,各自寻找着他们的乐园.但在我心目中,真正的旅人,寻找和向往的应该是大地之"灵",山川之"神".  相似文献   

本文认为<山海经·南山经>中旋龟"可以为底"之底不应读为"疧"训病或读为"胝"训足茧,而应读为砥训磨刀石.而柢山之鱼"鯥",其音如留牛,不当训"留牛"为犁牛,"留牛"当是"鯥"之缓读,此鱼其鸣自呼."竹箭"一词在<山海经>中出现9次,袁珂先生除一处连读外,其馀均读断.其实"竹箭"就是"箭竹",虽可单称"箭",但8例"竹箭"不应读断.  相似文献   

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