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一、问题的提出饮食人类学自二战后兴起以来,得到了较快发展。20世纪70年代,饮食人类学在美国已颇为流行;而到20世纪80年代之前,饮食人类学甚至被喻为“成果丰富、不胜枚举”1。但作为一门学科,饮食人类学在中国还很落后,“其研究内容尚不明确,理论和研究方法等还不成熟”2。饮食人类学作为人类学分支之一,其关心的问题不局限于饮食本身,而是要“阐明人们通过饮食的生产与消费行为生产并实践何种意义,即权利、地位、认同感、对目前以及未来生活的解释、回顾历史等等是通过饮食的生产与消费实践的”3。具体来说,其内容涵盖食物研究、饮食习俗…  相似文献   

有着600多年历史的南京城墙,在历经风雨侵蚀、战火摧残和人为拆城的多舛命运后,终于从20世纪80年代开始,逐渐凸现出历史价值和现实意义。一块块古老的城砖,仿佛成了一个个深沉的音符,谱写出当今历史文化名城南京华美的乐章。  相似文献   

习近平同志关于历史文化的论述,对地方志有很强的启发意义。由于地方志编纂具有文化建设的基础性、历史知识的聚集性以及使历史智慧得以保存和代代相传的继承性,地方志是历史文化永续利用的基础性载体,在历史文化永续利用中起的是基础作用、积聚作用和传承作用。并提出,地方志工作要紧跟时代的步伐,在体制机制上,适应信息社会的新变化,承担新任务,解决新问题;要把地方志工作和自身的改革融入全面深化改革的大潮当中,为改革开放作出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

直到20世纪80年代以前,学术界尚无关于西藏地区佛教石窟寺遗存发现的报告,这一地区一直成为从南亚印度、西域到我国内陆地区佛教石窟寺分布链条上的一个缺环。1992年,随着东嘎·皮央石窟的调查发现,尤其是其中东嘎第1、第2号石窟以其宏大的规模和保存精美的壁画,引起了国内外学术界的广泛关注和高度评价。日本学者曾以“高原敦煌”的美誉盛赞西藏石窟艺术的高度艺术成就。  相似文献   

蔡靖泉 《江汉考古》2008,(2):129-130
自汉代以来,秦、楚的历史文化,尤其是秦的历史文化,一直是学者阐论的重点。1980年代以来,随着学术的日益繁荣、考古资料的大量面世,秦、楚文化及其他地域文化的研究热潮持久不衰,并且大都取得了多层面、全方位、体系化、综合性的研究成果。不过,其研究虽然是一如既往的论  相似文献   

马克思晚年停下《资本论》的写作,带病研究世界历史。除了《人类学笔记》、《历史学笔记》外,还搜集了美国殖民主义统治的史料,探讨了俄国、印度等东方落后国家的村社制度以及西方国家如何从封建主义向资本主义过渡等问题。一些学者基于马克思晚年对东方社会的研究,将马克思的历史发展理论分为“史前社会理论”、“西方社会理论”和“东方社会理论”,进而提出唯物史观只适用于西方社会,人道主义则适用于东方社会以及唯物史观理论早期和晚期的“对立”。这些认识是错误的,事实表明,马克思晚年的世界史研究,  相似文献   

The earliest identified settlement is in the Marianas, dated to about 3500 B.P., while the other islands in the region appear to be settled from about 2000 B.P. onward. The archaeological remains reveal diverse approaches to island living. While Nan Madol and Leluh in the eastern Carolines are major architectural achievements, a discussion of these sites does not detract, for example, from the terrace systems of Palau or the lattestone groups of the southern Marianas. Of equal interest is the settlement of atolls and their recently recognized potential for preservation of stratified deposits. As information allows, each island or group is considered on an individual basis in order to allow for each specific island context to be assessed. This is described within the broader themes of architecture, chronology, environment, material culture, settlement pattern, social organization, and subsistence. In conclusion, the current standing of prehistory in the region is outlined in relation to early settlement, environment, social organization, chronology, settlement pattern studies, portable material culture, subsistence, and atolls. Finally, suggestions for the future are made.  相似文献   


Rioting that followed clashes between police and strikers in Suva in December 1959 was interpreted by the authorities and the European minority as being motivated by anti-European feeling. But the racial interpretation of the strike tells us more about the authorities' own fears of solidarity between Indians and Fijians than it does about the strikers actual motivations, which were simply to advance an economic demand. The racialisation of the dispute came afterwards, in the suppression of the strike, and the reassertion of traditional Fijian authority vested in the Council of Chiefs, whose appeal to Fijians was made in specifically anti-Indian terms. The return to traditional authority prevented moves to modernise Fijian society.  相似文献   

Nature-Society Interactions in the Pacific Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT This paper focuses on nature—society interactions in the Pacific Islands before European contact about 200 years ago. It argues that the character of early interactions was decided by both the nature of a particular island environment and the intentions of the human settlers. Throughout the pre‐European contact human history of the Pacific Islands, environmental changes of extraneous cause have been the main control of societal and cultural change. This environmental determinist view is defended using many examples. The contrary (and more popular) cultural determinist view of societal change in the Pacific Islands is shown to be based on largely spurious data and argument. A key example discussed is the ‘AD 1300 Event’, a time of rapid temperature and sea‐level fall which had severe, abrupt and enduring effects on Pacific Island societies. It is important to acknowledge the role of environmental change in cultural transformation in this region.  相似文献   


The administration of criminal justice in the period 1875–1900 had very different effects on men and women in three separate arenas: colonial towns, plantations and areas subject to chiefly control. In the towns of Levuka and Suva, men were the main concern of the courts; women rarely came before the courts and were almost never imprisoned. On the plantations, British magistrates dealt mainly with alleged breaches of the labour ordinances, with the result that women were prosecuted on an equal basis with men. The gender balance of criminal prosecutions was also closer to equal in the Fijian Provincial Courts, but the nature of the crimes charged against women was totally different from that in the other two spheres of colonial administration, the main concern being breaches of the traditional moral code. Understanding the segmented nature of the judicial system sheds further light on the workings of indirect rule in Fiji and suggests comparisons with colonial administrations in Africa.  相似文献   

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