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全新世以来,我国沿海海岸随着海侵——海退的变化而不断发生变化。从辽东半岛发现的新石器时代诸文化遗存来看,各贝丘遗址出土的海生贝壳反映出这些遗址距离海岸不远。根据这些遗址的分布范围及出土贝壳等遗物,可以看出:辽东半岛东港地区最大的海侵发生在距今6500~5000年,其时间上限可追溯到距今8000年左右。  相似文献   

正目次一序言二考古发现与研究三文化序列演变四文化格局演变五结语一序言燕山南北指辽西、燕山及其南麓地区,北起松花江和辽河分水岭,南抵永定河、海河,西起大兴安岭南段的苏克斜鲁山,东到医巫闾山、辽东湾西岸和渤海西岸。在末次冰期,海平面下降,浅海大陆架成为陆地,渤海成为内陆湖。全新世气候变暖,冰川融化,海平面上升,形成海侵。在距今一万二千年时海岸到达黄海北部,万年前海水进入渤海海峡。距今六千年海岸西达天津宝坻和惠民一带,是全新世海侵最大范围,使现在的渤海西岸形成宽广的水域,被称为"北京湾"。距今五千年后,海岸回落到天津、黄骅、海兴一线,较现今海平面略高,华北平原湖泊、沼泽遍布[1]。在高海面时期,由于渤海海侵,阻隔了燕山及其南麓地区与黄河下游的陆路交通,  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸东汉遗存的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
60年代,天津考古工作者在对宁河、天津、黄骅等地进行多次考古调查和清理发掘后提出:“天津郊区、黄骅北部和宁河南部,仅见战国和西汉遗存,不见西汉晚期和东汉的遗存,再迟的就是唐宋时期的遗物,在年代上不连续,中间有一个突出的割裂现象。”;这个问题一提出来,就引起了学术界的关注。谭其骧先生首先著文提出:西汉末年渤海西岸曾发生过一次大海侵。这种说法很快被天津考古界接受。到了70年代,天津考古界对海侵的看法有了一些值得注意的变化,不再称“海侵”而称“海溢”(这是历史文献的说法),认为“海溢后不久,  相似文献   

21世纪以来自拉丁美洲移民的新浪潮提升了拉美裔语言在美国国家政治中的地位,尤其是西班牙语有形成美国第二语言之势,随即产生的拉美裔化的文化断层倾向不仅使美国陷入了语言感知的恐慌、影响了全民的民族认同,亦对以"语言同质"为导向的有意识的语言立法的实质内容提供了严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

海沃德断层是地球上很长又特别要命的一条大裂缝,它沿伯克利丘陵底部切过,又直直穿过加州大学伯克利分校的校园.断层从一所剧院和几间学生宿舍下方经过,然后把体育场外的水泥台阶弄得歪歪扭扭.如果一只脚踩在上一级台阶,另一只脚踩在下一级,你就能横跨这条断层.接着,断层从体育场底下穿了过去.一份地震断层地图显示,海沃德断层从球场北面得分区的两个球门柱间穿了过去,然后经过整个球场,一路下杀穿过南面得分区,它还不肯罢休,又向南沿着大街一口气扎到奥克兰.  相似文献   

海沃德断层是地球上很长又特别要命的一条大裂缝,它沿伯克利丘陵底部切过,又直直穿过加州大学伯克利分校的校园。断层从一所剧院和几间学生宿舍下方经过,然后把体育场外的水泥台阶弄得歪歪扭扭。如果一只脚踩在上一级台阶,另一只脚踩在下一级, 你就能横跨这条断层。接着,断层从体育场底下穿了过去。一份地震断层地图显示,海沃德断层从球场北面得分区的两个球门柱间穿了过去,然后经过整个球场, 一路下杀穿过南面得分区,它还不肯罢休,又向南沿着大街一口气扎到奥克兰。  相似文献   

利用地震相干解释技术,对王家岗油田王14复杂断块进行了精细构造解释。共解释大小断层130余条,其中15条断层延伸距离较长(4—13km),断距在20—330m之间,大部分为小断层,延伸距离短(0.6—2.8km),断距在10—40m之间。多数断层有井钻遇,并且地震解释结果与钻井吻合较好,为分析剩余油分布和井网调整提供有力技术支持。  相似文献   

很长又特别要命的一条大裂缝,它沿伯克利丘陵底部切过,又直直穿过加州大学伯克利分校的校园。断层从一所剧院和几间学生宿舍下方经过,然后把体育场外的水泥台阶弄得歪歪扭扭。如果一只脚踩在上一级台阶,另一只脚踩在下一级,你就能横跨这条断层。接着,断层从体育场底下穿了过去。一份地震断层地图显示,海沃德断层从球场北面得分区的两个球门柱间穿了过去,然后经过整个球场,一路下杀穿过南面得分区,它还不肯罢休,又向南沿着大街一口气扎到奥克兰。[编者按]  相似文献   

关于《历史时期渤海湾西岸的大海侵》的一桩公案葛剑雄八十年代初,北京学术界有人传说,先师谭其骧先生1965年发表在《人民日报》上的《历史时期渤海湾西岸的大海侵》(以下简称《海侵》)一文是剽窃李世瑜的,为此李曾向有关方面告发,结果谭其骧先生在人代会小组会...  相似文献   

1906年4月18日的旧金山大地震,是美国迄今破坏最严重的一次地震。震级7.9级。这次地震是沿着著名的圣安德烈斯大断层发生的。在地度甚微。地震的破坏区沿断裂带延伸很长,但离开断裂带50公里就看不到破坏了。由于地震前后横跨断层有重复三角面上造成的断裂带约300多公里长,其锚动方式几乎是平推的,有些地方水平错动幅度达7米,而垂直错动幅测量资料,从而得到了震前震后震源断层变形和位移的资料。据此,美国学者里德提出了著名的弹性回跳理论,并建立了地震是断层突然错动形成的学说。  相似文献   

Following the establishment of the Irish Free State in the 1920s, the continuing levels of emigration from Ireland came as a disappointment to many who believed that British colonialism had caused and perpetuated the emigration problem. Within this context, there was a need to explain emigration in ways that deflected blame away from the new state authorities. In this article, the author contributes to a gendered analysis of these shifting constructions of emigration. Drawing upon Irish newspapers of the period, she suggests that the figure of the 'emigrant girl' was central to post-colonial discourses on emigration. During the 1930s, the emigration of thousands of young Irish women to English cities such as London sparked widespread comment and criticism. The Irish press and the Catholic hierarchy in particular propagated an image of these vulnerable young women as lost and alone in the big, bad cities of England. The author analyses the ways in which the 'emigrant girl' embodied specific representations of place, culture and gendered identity; the 'emigrant girl' embodied an Irishness marked by religion, culture and landscape. Through her transgression of physical, cultural and religious spaces, she encountered loneliness, danger and the risk of denationalisation.  相似文献   

Paleoamerican colonization models have emphasized the importance of coastal zones for provisioning hunter gatherers with a diverse range of subsistence resources. This article expands on recent research by Lowery et al. 2012, and presents a model to explain the distribution of Clovis points across the Atlantic slope of Eastern North America. Marine transgression since the last glaciation has submerged large tracts of the Atlantic continental shelf. Global bathymetric data was used to estimate the Clovis age shoreline from Delaware to Florida. Clovis biface data for modern coastal areas, obtained from the Paleoindian database of the Americas, was compared to the slope of the paleo-shoreline to predict coastal zone preference. Results indicate a relationship between point distribution and coastal zone type. Areas where major rivers with high-quality tool-stone intersect broad coastal zones served important roles to Clovis subsistence adaptations. The potential exists for early Paleoamerican sites along the continental shelf submerged beneath 55–75 m of the Atlantic Ocean. Modern coastal regions with high densities of Clovis points may serve as analogues for identifying earlier sites that have been submerged as a result of marine transgression.  相似文献   

The themed section consists of articles that explore the relationship between power and space in relation to gender and sexuality by looking at processes of transgression, subversion or expansion of normative spatial practices and narratives. Using a theoretical framework that draws out power and space within a more specific context of feminist and queer literature, the articles explore the possibility to transgress, subvert or expand norms at the interstices of spatial boundaries beyond traditional binaries and hierarchies. Collectively, the articles call for a continued theoretical and methodological focus into the importance of looking at everyday sites of struggles and resistance in the crevasses, the liminal zones of space. The transgression of spatialized norms of sexuality and gender present a transformative potential that should be recognized for its political significance but, we argue, with caution as heteronormative and heteropatriarchal norms too often remain de rigueur in a neoliberal context.  相似文献   

Jeff Ferrell 《对极》2012,44(5):1687-1704
Abstract: The consumerist economies of the late modern city, in combination with contemporary models of urban policing, operate to close down the public spaces of social life. In response, social groups dedicated to democratic urbanism utilize anarchic tactics of “dis‐organization” and direct action to reopen public space and to revitalize it with unregulated activity. Complicating and animating these spatial conflicts is the issue of drift. On the one hand, consumerist economies and contemporary policing strategies exacerbate urban drift, spawning the very sorts of spatial transgression they seek to control. On the other hand, many of the progressive movements that battle for open space and alternative economic arrangements themselves embrace a culture of drift, and explore drift for its anarchic and progressive potential. In this context drift can usefully be investigated as an emergent form of epistemology, community, and spatial politics.  相似文献   

宁绍地区史前文化遗址地理环境特征及相关问题探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本从宁绍地区各个遗址不同时期遗存的海拔数据对比入手,试图找出距今7000至4000年间遗址环境变迁的规律,并从化生态学角度去分析、解释、推断诸如河姆渡化“缺环”说、宁绍地区7000年前古化地理环境、宁绍地区史前化遗址环境与聚落形态特征的关系等问题。  相似文献   

Oscar Wilde considered crime and sin no impediment to art or culture, as the case of the poisoner-artist-critic Thomas Wainewright (1794–1847) allowed him to demonstrate. English society of the time, as George Orwell famously declared, was as fascinated by poisoning as was Wilde. One of Orwell's cases was that of Edith Thompson who, along with her young lover, was convicted in 1922 in London of conspiracy to murder her husband whom it was alleged she had tried to poison. She and her lover were hanged in early 1923. Thompson's preoccupation with poison was entangled with her preoccupation with popular romance fiction of the day which she read copiously and discussed perceptively with her lover in the letters that helped to convict her. Her favourite novelist was Robert Hichens, the acquaintance, imitator and caricaturist of Wilde. She quoted Hichens's novel Bella Donna (1909) in letters to her lover, including on the practical matter of poison, which helped convince the jury of her guilt. Her trial, like Wilde's trials – all involving sexual transgression – raised the difficult question of whether literature could poison and influence for the worse its readers or whether it lay outside both morality and the world of action. Moreover, were Thompson's own letters literature and fantasy or were they oblique discussions of practical intent, including the intent to murder? As in the case of Wilde, a larger question supervened. In part through her reading, in part through her own experience, Edith came to believe, even before the murder, that freedom is an illusion, fate an inescapable reality.  相似文献   

Tim Cresswell 《对极》1994,26(1):35-58
In this paper I examine reactions to the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp. I argue that the media, local and government responses to the Greenham women reveal geographical assumptions about “normality.” The peace women, by living away from home, on the edge of a military (and therefore masculine) establishment challenged accepted patriarchal understandings of “women's place” and were thus described as “out of place.” More specifically, the women were referred to in terms of hygiene, inadequate culinary ability, sexuality and hysteria. Each of these implies a gendered form of disorder in which social, cultural and geographical boundaries have been transgressed. These reactions are placed within the context of Bakhtin's formulations of the carnivalesque and grotesque realism. I suggest that the women, through their highly visible opposition to a patriarchal military establishment, represent a threat to neatly bounded official culture which finds its geographical expression in the formal territories of the courtroom and the air base. In conclusion this illustration is placed in the wider context of cultural/political protest. I argue that transgression, while serving to reveal normally assumed hegemonic landscapes, is restrained by already existing boundaries.  相似文献   

World‐class unconformity‐related U deposits in the Athabasca Basin (Saskatchewan, Canada) are generally located within or near fault zones that intersect the unconformity between the Athabasca Group sedimentary basin rocks and underlying metamorphic basement rocks. Two distinct subtypes of unconformity‐related uranium deposits have been identified: those hosted primarily in the Athabasca Group sandstones (sediment‐hosted) and those hosted primarily in the underlying basement rocks (basement‐hosted). Although significant research on these deposits has been carried out, certain aspects of their formation are still under discussion, one of the main issues being the fluid flow mechanisms responsible for uranium mineralization. The intriguing feature of this problem is that sediment‐hosted and basement‐hosted deposits are characterized by oppositely directed vectors of fluid flow via associated fault zones. Sediment‐hosted deposits formed via upward flow of basement fluids, basement‐hosted deposits via downward flow of basinal fluids. We have hypothesized that such flow patterns are indicative of the fluid flow self‐organization in fault‐bounded thermal convection (Transport in Porous Media, 110, 2015, 25). To explore this hypothesis, we constructed a simplified hydrogeologic model with fault‐bounded thermal convection of fluids in the faulted basement linked with fluid circulation in the overlying fault‐free sandstone horizon. Based on this model, a series of numerical experiments was carried out to simulate the hypothesized fluid flow patterns. The results obtained are in reasonable agreement with the concept of fault‐bounded convection cells as an explanation of focused upflow and downflow across the basement/sandstone unconformity. We then discuss application of the model to another debated problem, the uranium source for the ore‐forming basinal brines.  相似文献   

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