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介绍了考古对象的磁性、磁异常特征及一般工作方法等。例举了在一些地区应用高精度磁测的情况和效果。以具体的实例证明该方法高效率、无损伤等优点的同时,进一步提出该方法在考古应用中应注意研究的问题。  相似文献   

水下被掩埋沉船的地球物理调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王传雷  祁明松  曲赞 《江汉考古》2002,(1):79-82,66
本文在简要介绍可用于水域考古的物探方法及各自的特点外,结合在长江某河道使用磁法勘察技术发现河床中被掩埋的7条金属沉船的实例,讨论寻找水下磁性物体的方法技术,以及在考古工作中使用高精度磁测能发现的最小磁性体场源及相应的最大有效探测埋深。  相似文献   

高精度磁测技术在考古中的应用曲赞磁测技术是一种有效的地球物理勘探方法,用于考古研究开始于1958年。当时主要是用来确定古代炼铁炉和砖瓦窑的具体位置,以及通过探测古墓葬的石头地基来寻找古墓①。由于该方法具有速度快、成本低、效果好和无损伤的优点,几十年来...  相似文献   

盘龙城商代城址田野考古物探工作总结   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盘龙城商代城址田野考古物探工作是协助武汉市文物考古队承担的市政府关于《武汉市建城年代及商周时期武汉历史概况研究》科研课题而进行的,从投入的方法种类和所完成的工作量来衡量,是迄今在武汉市开展的最大规模的一次考古物探工作,共完成5×2m2测网的高精度(均方差≤±0.5nT)磁法详查面积为73000平方米,实测7776个物理点,地质雷达完成23条测线总长为862.1米的2415个物理点的测试;共发现、识别和圈出磁异常36个,地质雷达异常12个,供考古工作者验证、发掘。现总结如下:1.考古工作原理及方法、技术选择在应用地球物理学中,…  相似文献   

杨天民  赵强  阮新正 《文博》2013,(2):84-87
在传统考古调查研究的基础上,应用现代地磁探测技术,通过咀头遗址的地磁考古探测,初步掌握了地磁探测这一新的科技考古手段。总结了一种具有高效率、直观、非破坏性等特点的遗址探测方法,一该方法将考古与磁测相结合,将揭示出更多古遗址的真实面貌。地磁探测技术将在大遗址的考古调查及保护方面发挥独特的优势。  相似文献   

通过对元代造作制度的分析可知,浮梁磁局设立于至元十五年(1278),其初衷仅是烧造御用瓷以及部分中央机构用瓷,而磁局中大使、副使的主要职责是监临制瓷工匠的造作流程,即充当"监工官",将元泰定前后所烧造瓷器的形式进行比较可知,泰定年间浮梁磁局已被裁撤,改由饶州路总管府承办地方官窑烧造贡瓷。此外,现有考古发掘资料并不足以证明浮梁磁局和官窑的关系,既不能证明磁局是从事具体瓷器烧造事务的官窑作坊,也不能证明其是官窑的管理机构,二者间关系如何仍有待进一步考古发现。  相似文献   

洛阳新石器时代的考古工作已经有七八十年的历史。早在1921年瑞典地质学家安特生就在距洛阳西不远的渑池县仰韶村和新安县东杨进行考占调查,并发现了著名的仰韶文化遗址①,揭开了我国新石器时代考古的第一页。1919年~1921年,安特生在新安县磁涧乡东杨镇和铁门镇岗村两遗址进行发掘时,搜集到有关新石器时代的陶器和生产工具②。1937年原河南省博物馆亦派工作人员到偃师灰嘴进行过考古调查,同时采集到一些新石器时代的遗物③。新中国成立后随着党和政府对考古工作的重视,洛阳新石器时代的考古工作被列入正式的日程。5…  相似文献   

随着科技考古的发展,大量现代勘探手段被应用到考古领域中。在晋阳古城城墙考古勘探过程中,结合传统的考古技术手段,同时引入了地球物理方法中高密度电阻率法,研究其在考古工作中的可行性,并最终取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

概要介绍X射线衍射、原子发射光谱、差热分析、扫描电子显微镜、电子微区能谱分析、磁.性测量等现代实验手段在古陶瓷考古学中的某些应用,并指出通过以上各种不同方法所能得到的重要的考古学信息,展示了科技考古学广阔的应用领域和发展前景。  相似文献   

近年来14C测年工作的新进展主要是AMS14C测年方法和14C年代的高精度树轮年代校正.前者由于应用样品量极大减少,扩大了可测样品的范围,提高了样品年代的可靠性。后者标志着考古年代的高精度测定成为可能。因而在我国考古学中将有很多新的应用课题.诸如商周历史纪年的不确定性,已可作为探索性课题提上日程。技术的进步和应用无疑会给应用学科展现出新的图景。  相似文献   

Worldwide archaeological tourism, or tourism to sites with archaeological significance, has been rapidly growing and has attracted increased academic attention in recent years. China is an outstanding case in this field. In fact, its government has been actively promoting tourism and archaeological tourism for the last three decades. The understanding of the challenges that Chinese archaeological tourism is currently facing is the focus of this article. Four aspects will guide the discussion: the dilemma between site preservation and economic profitability, unregulated tourism development, the influence of UNESCO World Heritage designation, and authorities’ sensitivity towards ethnic issues in archaeological tourism.  相似文献   

Within the context of a growing emphasis on digital recording, what is the place of analog drawing in archaeological fieldwork? In this article, we situate the increased application of digital drawing methods by providing several historical examples of archaeological field drawing in British archaeology to demonstrate the connection between understanding the archaeological record and illustration. Given this background of analog archaeological recording, we then explore the current state of archaeological field drawing and the affordances of digital illustration for recording and interpreting the archaeological record, review literature in architecture and design regarding the cognitive function of analog and digital drawing, and discuss the possible future implications of born-digital or paperless archaeology.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to re-examine how concepts of public archaeology have been established and developed in varying social and political contexts in China, and how the recent national archaeological park project is structured as an important approach for improving public-archaeology relationships and promoting the public uses of archaeology. Since all archaeological activities in China are exclusively regulated by the state, all archaeological resources are administered for the benefit of the public. As such, concepts of public archaeology demonstrate the efforts of Chinese archaeologists to re-evaluate public-archaeology relationships and uses of archaeology through public engagement as well as archaeological communications with the public. The national archaeological park project was launched in 2006 to expand the practice of archaeology with the creation of archaeological communications, public space, and community-driven programmes. The project facilitates multiple perspectives on public archaeology practice through public education, community cohesion, re-creation of public space, and local economic development.  相似文献   


There are roughly 2300 recognized archaeological sites in Taiwan. Under the Cultural Properties Preservation Law (CPPL) of 1982, archaeological heritage falls under the category of 'historic relics'. However, archaeological sites are not designated as such until they have been excavated and studied to prove their cultural value. Protection of the archaeological heritage has been reinforced through the Environmental Impact Assessment Act (EIAA), which regulates all environmental management plans. These study and determine the degree and scope of the potential impact of development on the cultural environment.

The CPPL was extensively amended and promulgated in 2005, and in this recent document discussed archaeological heritage in a distinct chapter (Chapter 3 with 16 acts). Furthermore, three regulations have been issued concerning the examination of designations of archaeological sites, qualification standards for excavation, as well as the administration and protection of archaeological sites. The newly enacted Cultural Law and Regulations confer competent authorities at all levels with all powers to supervise, administer, and then protect valuable buried cultural property. Although the protection of archaeological heritage has been better enforced since 2005, archaeological remains in Taiwan are still under various threats. Preservation of the cultural heritage is threatened by development, in many cases resulting in impasse. This paper discusses several recent examples of such dilemmas and presents a personal opinion on a better way to settle the controversy.  相似文献   

张萌 《南方文物》2012,(1):124-131
本文将1987年以来的中国环境考古研究称为"现代中国环境考古研究",并将之归纳为"考古地理的环境考古研究模式"、"文化历史环境考古研究模式"和"资源环境考古研究模式"。本文对这三种研究模式的合理性进行了分析。接下来,从考古学的基本理论假设出发,指出环境考古学、文化历史考古学之间并没有严格的继承关系,中国环境考古研究的最大问题是核心概念的不匹配。最后,通过考察西方环境考古研究和考古学史,本文提出应该用文化适应,即"考古学中的文化"取代考古学文化而将之作为核心概念进行环境考古研究,让中国环境考古摆脱文化历史考古学概念体系的束缚。  相似文献   

考古发掘与考古发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考古发现和考古学理论方法是考古学赖以进步的两条腿。考古发现不断刷新考古学家的视野并为考古学研究的深入提供新的资料,考古学理论方法使考古学的眼睛更加明亮,分析和思考更具有科学的力量。理论方法让考古学家对考古发现有更深入的认识,考古发现同时也推动综合研究和理论方法的进步。此外,考古发现往往会引起社会的关注,考古发现和考古学知识的普及可以为考古学的进步提供良好的社会环境,从而对考古学的发展产生强大的推动力量。考古学的持续发展要求考古学家必须正确处理考古发现、考古学自身理论方法的完善以及考古学与化遗产保护、公众知识状况和社会需求的关系。  相似文献   

赵宾福 《史学集刊》2004,(3):95-101
20世纪90年代以前,重庆市奉节县的考古工作基本上属于空白。近十年来,配合三峡工程建设,考古工作者对该县三峡水库淹没区地下文物进行了大规模的调查和发掘,取得了一系列的研究成果。其中先秦时期的重要考古收获主要有二:一是通过对三个遗址的调查和发掘,辨识出了五种不同时期的文化遗存,第一次建立了奉节县先秦时期考古学文化的编年坐标,也为整个重庆三峡库区的先秦考古研究提供了一把可供比照的标尺。二是找到并确认了川东地区的第一个新石器时代考古学文化——老关庙下层文化,这一发现不仅填补了该地区新石器时代考古研究的空白,而且为进一步研究整个重庆三峡库区的新石器文化搭建了一个认识和讨论问题的平台。  相似文献   

Cross-cultural approaches have been used widely in archaeological research. Comparative ethnology has provided a number of archaeological indicators of behavior, but large segments of the archaeological record have not yet been subjected to extensive comparative analysis. Comparative archaeology has aided in exploring variation among societal types (such as chiefdoms) and categories within the archaeological record (such as settlements). Diachronic comparisons have been used frequently by archaeologists, but these have often been based on unique samples and only rarely have employed statistics to aid in the discovery or testing of hypotheses. Archaeoethnology, comparative analyses of archaeological cases employing valid samples and statistical evaluation of theories and hypotheses, is introduced.  相似文献   

In this article, GPR – Ground Penetrating Radar and inductive electromagnetic (EM38 equipment) results are presented for three archaeological sites of shell mounds located between Laguna and Jaguaruna cities, mid-southern coast of Santa Catarina state, Brazil. The Jabuticabeira II, Santa Marta IV, and Encantada III sites were studied. These sites consist of carbonate shell mounds built by societies that inhabited this region during the pre-colonial period (7.5–1.3 ky BP). Geophysical responses obtained in these archaeological sites had allowed the identification of anomalous regions related to archaeological point targets as well as continuous targets, correlated to the shell mound's structure and buried geologic features. GPR numerical modelling studies were done in order to evaluate the performance of the GPR method in relation to materials found in that environment, besides helping interpretations of real results. The synthetic GPR model was a good match with real data obtained in the field. So, the real and synthetic results serve as a reference guide to direct excavation activities in these archaeological and geological structures. In the Jabuticabeira II shell mound, lithic materials and burials were found amidst archaeological layers characterized by sediment rich in organic material, ferruginous concretions, and loose shells. In the Santa Marta IV archaeological site, a concentration of ceramic materials, burials and fireplaces were found. In the Encantada III site, a strong anomaly characterized by a hyperbolic reflection was related to the presence of a silicified tree root; a great example of ambiguity in shallow geophysics interpretation in archaeological applications. Results functioned as a guide to archaeological excavations, allowing cost and time reduction as well as contributing to improve the knowledge of these archaeological sites situated in southern Brazil.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses an assessment of the scope, priorities, and coverage of existing archaeological datasets, via database comparison and on-the-ground re-survey of all accessible known sites in one region of the West Bank, the Etzion Bloc. The main goal of this survey was to assess the current inventories listing archaeological sites in the Etzion Bloc, an area that brings together an interesting range of archaeological and geographical issues that result directly from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This database assessment and review of listed archaeological sites included the verification of site existence and the examination of sites’ modern context, accessibility, current condition, potential threats, and the accuracy of their recorded location. The results of this fieldwork demonstrate the importance of keeping data up-do-date, provide suggestions on how to enhance the structure and contents of current inventories, and help prioritize and inform plans for further archaeological fieldwork in this region.  相似文献   

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