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张敏  熊帼 《人文地理》2013,28(2):38-44
回顾消费空间的文化研究与地理研究,指出文化与社会、政治、经济复合的视角成为近年来消费空间研究的特征。提出日常生活的视角能够整合、批判地进行消费空间的文化研究。并结合空间生产理论,建立消费空间的文化研究框架。作者指出,施加于日常的惯习、规训与日常内部的抵抗、诗性构成消费空间生产的核心机制。社会结构、政治经济、生活样式在日常中纽结为消费空间生产的动力源。借助列斐伏尔三元空间概念,指出消费空间生产中的支配与被支配、底部与顶部、文化与资本、地方与全球等一系列辩证过程与机制。  相似文献   

后消费时代城市文化资本空间生产状况解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,以文化资源为消费目标的空间克隆生产逐渐成为我国城市营销发展的重要手段。本文从新马克思主义视角切入,以消费社会大众心理研究为基石,以"文化资本"为理论依据,探索文化进入市场循环生产的模式,并结合当代中国文化消费空间生产性状况,揭示其"异质的同质化"与文化认同偏差的弊病:一方面推崇所谓异质多样的空间以迎合大众消费心理;另一方面市场经济体制下文化与资本的结合,使文化不可避免地沦为市场的奴隶,最终导致文化断层。文章最后在简要对比国内外文化资本空间生产状况的基础上,套用资本循环理论探讨其症结之所在。  相似文献   

本文引入 Sack 的道德地理相关理论,从商品链中生产与消费节点的地方—道德维度,考察 Kpop 偶像商品链中生产与消费节点间的互动机制。研究表明:①新自由主义理念构建下的地理要素促进了K-pop偶像产业的高效运转,但阻碍了 K-pop练习生的差异化与多元化发展,因此具有消极的内在地理特征。②媒介营造了 K-pop 偶像后现代性的消费场景,满足了消费者对于空间情境、寻求认同以及创造意义的需求,但其对生产地事实的掩盖使得消费空间丧失了地方真实性与复杂性,呈现单一、割裂的内在地理特征。③K-pop偶像的生产与消费景观作为积极的工具道德地理景观促进了商品链的高效运作与循环,但其生产与消费互动具有消极的内在地理特征,不利于人们对客观世界的感知。  相似文献   

正一切经济系统包含三个组成部分:生产,分配及消费。考古学家通常认为他们将复原的古代器物总结成表就是对消费的恰当讨论。生产和分配已经得到了较为明确的研究。尽管大多数考古学家认识到有必要将两者联系起来~(1),但是通常从"交换"来讨论的分配在文献中讨论似乎得到更多的系统关注。在某些情况下,生产主要是作为了解交换模式的一种方式来研究的。  相似文献   

农业生产空间是农村基本功能的载体。从资本“三重循环”视角出发,将“空间的生产”理论引入农业研究,提出并构建农业空间生产资本化的作用逻辑及其特征表征,并以山东省泰安市村庄为研究单元,研究其农业空间生产资本化特征、模式表征及空间规律。发现,泰安市农业生产具有资本投入集约化、空间生产集中化、组织分工专业化等特征;农业空间生产资本化模式共有四种,在空间上呈现出以中心城区为圆心,圈层式向外拓展的规律性,农业空间生产资本化度和三重特征都表现出由内向外先增后缓降的格局。在乡村振兴背景下,识别村庄农业发展模式,根据要素条件,分类指导农业种植结构调整,有利于促进农村多功能有机融合,实现乡村农业产业兴旺发展目标。  相似文献   

元代饮料的消费与生产(香港)陈伟明饮料,是有效供给人体水分的饮品,也是有益于人体健康的一种日常生活中不可缺少的食品之一。因为水是一切生命活动的基础,没有水,便没有生命,人体中有三分之二以上是水。人体要保持正常的新陈代谢,必须有效地补充水分。除了水的饮...  相似文献   

隋代是白瓷的创烧和初兴时期.相州窑、巩义窑和邢窑为这一时期最重要的三处白瓷窑场,其技术特点和产品面貌存在区别与联系.此时新出现的白瓷产品消费数量、范围和使用阶层都较为有限,其消费地主要在窑场周边区域、都城及邻近地区和经略要地附近.数量较多的白瓷明器在隋代白瓷产品结构中占有较大比重,同时我们还可以看出白瓷在此时的奢侈品属性.  相似文献   

英国工业革命时期的家庭生产   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舒小昀 《史学月刊》2000,4(3):72-78
家庭史学是史学的一个新成员,现已成为新史学的研究热点之一。家庭生产包括物质生产和人口生产两个方面。英国工业革命时期,物质生产的发展改变了人类单一依靠土地的生产方式,增加了财富.使人口增长成为可能,人口增长又反过来成为英国工业革命的推进剂,当两发展不协调时可以通过生育控制等来达到平衡。在英国工业革命这一特定的历史时期,两种生产互为因果、互相制约,形成社会发展的良性机制。  相似文献   

桂榕  吕宛青 《人文地理》2013,28(3):154-160
本文从空间生产视角研究民族文化旅游开发,提出"民族文化旅游空间生产"学术概念。此概念借鉴融汇了空间生产、文化空间与文化再生产等核心理念,凸显旅游空间的文化建构本质。民族文化旅游空间是民族文化旅游地地理空间、文化空间、社会空间的叠合概念,是具有明确地理空间的旅游主客体互动的场域,具有物理性、社会性、符号性、可生产和可消费性四大属性。民族文化旅游空间的生产原则,以旅游环境承载力、游客体验满意度和旅游系统利益相关者的和谐度为前提。生产内容包括旅游物理空间、旅游景观符号空间、旅游参与体验空间三层面的生产。主要生产方式有原态保护式、历史复原式、模拟示范式、创新复合式、虚拟流动式。  相似文献   

吕慧妮  杨忍 《人文地理》2023,38(1):130-139
本文基于“网络结构—作用因子”互补视角综合运用行动者网络理论与空间生产理论,采用半结构访谈法,以广州市凤和空港小镇为典型案例,深度分析乡村转型的具体过程与逻辑内涵,并证实了空间生产的运作机制与行动者网络构建过程的内在关联性。研究表明,凤和空港小镇通过创建文旅型美丽乡村构建了行动者网络,政府、企业、游客、村民等异质行动者互构空间,使原来的空心村、贫困村转型为现代商业社区;空港小镇的乡村转型本质上是将传统村落社群“生产”为都市消费空间的空间商品化过程,以资本、权力、消费文化为主导的空间生产过程,在多方关系交织与话语建构下表现为错综复杂的社会效应。  相似文献   

胶济铁路及其沿线煤炭产销(1920—1937)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1920年至1937年间胶济铁路沿线煤矿利用便捷的运输条件,其生产能力、对外运输量均得以提高。产运的最终目的是为了满足煤炭消费者的需求。胶济铁路沿线煤炭销售市场具体状况如下:胶济铁路沿线是淄博煤炭的最重要的销售市场;上海商埠虽然是具有外资背景的日煤、开滦煤的天下,但淄博煤凭借着自身的优势仍然在该地占有一席地位,且市场份额有逐渐提升的趋势;除此之外,淄博煤炭还远销到日本、广州等国内外区域,但由于数额少,在整个淄博煤炭销售总额中,其地位无足轻重。淄博煤炭从当地农家自产自销抑或拘隅当地的小范围流通到日益成为埠内外市场经济体系的一环,是近代山东经济逐渐融入国际化的表现。当然淄博煤炭能在青岛、上海等埠内外畅销,从更宽广的历史视野来看,最重要的原因在于近代以来我国沿海城市相继成为商埠,工业化萌动刺激了对燃料的需求。  相似文献   

Ethnoarchaeological studies have constantly emphasized the complexity of pottery distribution and its close ties with other aspects of social life. It is argued here that, among the Dowayo of northern Cameroon, pottery exchange is not regulated by preferential economic relationships between producers and consumers but rather by mechanisms such as fashion or the reputation of the artisans.De récentes études ethnoarchéologiques ont constamment mis en avant la complexité des processus de distribution de la poterie et les liens étroits que ceux-ci entretiennent avec les autres aspects de la vie sociale. Il est démontré dans cet article que, chez les Dowayo du Nord-Cameroun, les échanges de poterie sont structurés par une absence de lien privilégié entre producteurs et consommateurs et sont dès lors régulés par des mécanismes tels que la mode ou la réputation des artisans.  相似文献   

This article considers the Italian household product design company Alessi as quintessentially Italian and international. The interplay of mass-production and craft techniques at Alessi, an extended design process and the presentation of the family in company publicity exemplify the ambiguities identified within Italian design. The extent to which Alessi typifies Italian post-war design is questioned with reference to the company's international design team and the marketing of its products to foreign consumers as manifestations of italianità. The findings are based on primary research in Milan and the Alessi factory, including a series of interviews with designers, retailers, curators and media workers, combined with secondary material centred upon design history.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a model of developers' strategies for tenant mixes and the locations of shopping centers (SCs). Consumers have preferences for product variety, and tenants in the SCs sell differentiated goods. The consumers can choose two shopping behaviors: patronizing one or both of the two SCs. We show that if the consumers have strong preferences for product variety, the SCs agglomerate to free‐ride on the rivals' product varieties, and the consumers patronize both SCs. On the other hand, if consumer preferences are weak, the SCs locate at different locations, and the consumers patronize one of the two SCs.  相似文献   

As food production becomes increasingly integrated, globalized and competitive, small‐scale food‐related enterprises in many European countries are struggling to market and monetize their products. Although these struggles have been well documented, few studies have considered the ways in which food‐related entrepreneurs in rural contexts are adapting to and overcoming these challenges. In particular, little is known about how they differentiate and add value to their products. This article focuses on the development and implementation of new and hybrid commercial strategies by food‐related entrepreneurs in three rural communities in Denmark. These strategies add experiential elements to the longstanding practice of commodifying myths associated with rural settings and identities. Although harnessing culture and experiences to sell things is nothing new, we demonstrate that some Danish entrepreneurs are responding to market competition by tweaking and extending these concepts. In particular, it is argued that entrepreneurs use different experiences with varying levels of intensity and consumer engagement for different purposes. Whereas passive experiences such as storytelling are used to educate consumers about the specific qualities of products, more active and participatory experiences are sold as add‐ons and standalone products. The findings contribute to our understanding of food‐related entrepreneurship in rural contexts, consumption, value creation and the experience of economy more broadly.  相似文献   

This paper examines the importance of the distribution of consumers in Hotelling's circle on the comparison between the optimal and the market equilibrium levels of diversity. It finds that when most consumers are located very close to the firms, the result of Salop—that the equilibrium number of firms is larger than the optimal one (surplus maximizing)—can be reversed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the residential development sequence and land price. Inherent in the dynamics of residential development is that the first consumers face the greatest risk since they do not know with certainty what the neighborhood characteristics will be; subsequent consumers have more information. The model predicts that land prices will rise over time relative to the market; developers offer the first consumers discounted land prices to compensate them for the first-mover disadvantage. The empirical evidence indicates that this is indeed the case.  相似文献   

The theory of the marginal consumer holds that a subset of better informed consumers can create a globally more efficient market through their purchase decisions. In the market for education created by recent school choice initiatives, these "market mavens" are essential to the successful functioning of the choice system given the empirically documented low quantity and quality of information possessed by the average consumer. Little is known, however, about the differences between how marginal consumers and average consumers of education search for information and make decisions about their children's schooling.  相似文献   

广告的目的是宣传产品争取消费者,促成其购买行为。这决定了其翻译的特殊性,决定了语义翻译和交际翻译的适用性。译者在翻译过程中以纽马克的翻译理论为基础,灵活采用语义翻译与语用翻译相结合的方法,同时考虑到文化差异及译语消费者的审美标准和价值取向,巧妙处理内容与功能的传达,充分发挥广告宣传产品吸引顾客的功能。  相似文献   

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