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This article argues that flawed western strategies for 'small wars', those fought in the non—European world, have been informed by illusions concerning the cultural, military and political superiority of the West. With 9/11, such wars ceased to be small. The main threat to the western powers no longer emanates from other states organized along lines similar to their own, but from a transnational network enterprise that has its origins in the global South and the Islamic world. Nonetheless, old imperial and orientalist constructions continue to inform western and particularly US perceptions of the war on terror. 'Knowing thy enemy' and 'knowing thyself', Sun Tzu's formula for victory, requires abandoning flattering accounts of western identity and learning to empathize with those we call terrorists.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the way in which public photographic depictions of places and place-based communities contribute to the construction of local identity and community building. Being public and visualised statements about what a place and the people living there are and what they are not, photographs incite public debate about place and community. The paper discusses two interventions, one in Ghent, Belgium, involving professional photographers from outside the neighbourhood, and one in Bonnybridge, Scotland, involving amateur photography by local residents. Both are attempts by community workers to encourage citizens to discuss alternative realities of themselves, their neighbours and their neighbourhood. Starting from theories of place-making and public pedagogy, we reveal how both nonetheless exemplify very different strategies to democratise community-building processes.  相似文献   

The effects of the solar eclipse of 26 February 1979 on the ionosphere were measured using differential Doppler techniques. Nayy navigation satellite passes were monitored at 12 sites located across the North American continent. These data yield a measurement of the vertical columnar electron content along a north-south line. Different sites monitoring the same pass provide simultaneous observations of ionospheric variations along different longitude lines. Two satellite passes occurred during or just after the eclipse. These data show a shoulderjust northward of the umbra region and a trough just behind the umbra containing large horizontal gradients. This sharp trough recovered quickly with a half-life of about 10 min.  相似文献   

The solar eclipse of 23 October 1976 passed across south-east Australia in the local solar afternoon. This paper records the magnetic observations of a line of ten temporary stations stretching from a region of fifty percent obscuration to the path of totality. Magnetic conditions at the time were mildly disturbed. Analyses of the data have sought an eclipse effect in the basic quiet daily variation, and also in the disturbance variations. However, no eclipse effect in the primary ionospheric currents has been clearly distinguished above spatial uneveness, due to local differential induction, in the induced secondary currents flowing in the earth.  相似文献   

中日甲午战争对近代中国甚至世界历史影响深远。赫德在中日甲午战争中积极参与了清政府的备战,帮助清政府筹措战争借款,帮助购买军火,支持洋员参战,并为清政府提供了各种战况与情报。在中国连连失利的情况下,他又倡议英国调停。日本拒绝调停后,他一方面建议清政府继续抵抗,另一方面却更为积极地支持中日议和,不断为促进议和与换约成功而献策,希望早日结束战争,防止日军攻陷北京,保住他的既得利益。  相似文献   

This article links protest and pedagogy in a study of the public university in India. Using as case studies two publicly funded metropolitan universities demonstrates how protests in a neoliberal higher education context in India are instantiations of a larger debate about the nature of democracy, and about the nature of the ‘public’ across the country itself.  相似文献   

We recorded shadow bands just before and just after the total phase of the solar eclipse of 3 November 1994. The recordings were made using two broad-band silicon photodiodes separated by 100 mm. They were mounted on a plate that faced the eclipsed Sun, which was at an altitude of 32.4° as seen from our observing site 4500 m above sea level between Putre and Lake Chungara in northern Chile. The irradiance fluctuations associated with the shadow bands were around 0.008 W m−2 rms on a background of about 2–8 W m−2. The cross-correlation function indicates that the shadow bands were moving at a speed of about 1.8 m s−1 perpendicular to their extent. The power spectral density functions are in accord with the shadow band theory of Codona (1986). We carried out a similar experiment in Baja California during the eclipse of 11 July 1991. In spite of teh considerable differences between the two circumstances, our results on the two occasions are broadly similar.  相似文献   

We recorded shadow bands just before and just after the total phase of the solar eclipse of 11 July 1991. The recordings were made using two broad band silicon photodiodes separated horizontally by 100 mm. They faced the zenith, near to where the eclipsed Sun lay as seen from our observing site close to San José del Cabo in Baja California. The irradiance fluctuations associated with the shadow bands were around 0.04 W m−2 peak to peak on a background of 1–3 W m−2. The cross-correlation function indicates that the shadow bands were moving at about 1.8 m s−1 perpendicular to their extent. The power spectral density functions are in accord with the shadow band theory of Codona [(1986), Astron. Astrophys. 164, 415–427].  相似文献   

徐华娟 《史学集刊》2007,23(3):88-94
农业是英国资本主义的基础,约曼又是农业资本主义的发动者、农村社会的“脊梁”。在英国农业资本主义发生的时候,约曼是先行者。“约曼”经历了由一个带有荣誉感的职业名词向具有经济与社会含义的名词的转变;约曼阶层经历了由采邑制度下的农民向资本主义农场主的演进。约曼是社会转型时期英国农村的精英群体,对经济、政治、教育文化、日常生活等方面都产生了重大而深远的影响,为英国率先成为第一个工业化国家提供了最初的、最基本的经济力量和政治力量,是英国资本主义的启动者。  相似文献   

This article traces the relationship between parliament and the ordinary people of medieval England, mainly peasants but including townsmen, between about 1270 and 1450. In charting the early history of representation prior to 1270, it outlines the transition from representation of the people by the country's magnates, to the socially broader system of representation through the election of shire knights and town burgesses. Two themes emerge: the growth of the electorate, from the probable presence of freeholders among the electors in the county court under Edward I, to the enfranchisement of the 40s. freeholders by the famous statute of 1430; and the changing nature of petitions to parliament, from the complaints of individuals to those presented by the Commons on behalf of the nation. In the history of both these themes, the Black Death and subsequent plagues marked a turning point. In drastically reducing the population, the plagues brought prosperity to many of the peasant survivors – men who sought a place among the electorate in the early 15th century. And in threatening the income of the gentry through higher labour costs, the plagues fundamentally changed the attitude of the Commons in parliament towards the people. Until about 1350, the Commons had spoken up for their interests, in the face of Edward III's oppressive wartime demands; but from that time onwards, the Commons set their collective face against the rising claims of a potentially more prosperous people. The article pays special attention to the position of the villeins, whose relationship with parliament differed considerably from that of the freeholders.  相似文献   

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