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While households are widely held to have existed as the fundamental building block of early agricultural villages, researchers have only a limited understanding of the local social and economic trajectory of Neolithic households. Expanding our archaeological understanding of the Neolithic household beyond architecture, settlement organization, and subsistence practices, in this paper we explore how gradual changes in mortuary practices at Tell Halula, Syria, help us to understand the process of household development around 7500–7300 Cal. BC. Drawing upon high-resolution mortuary data we consider the tempo and mechanisms of change and how these patterns help us understand the organization of the household. Material patterns including the increased use of burial objects, an increased frequency of the placement of burial objects among adults, and the differential use of burial objects between households. These represent subtle, yet observable, small-scale shifts in how social roles were redefined and materialized. We argue that these reflect a series of gradual changes that are suggestive of increased household autonomy and an increase in social segmentation within and between households. The Tell Halula data highlight elements of continuity and how household members adhered to a broadly shared physical and organizational framework of life. Data also illustrate how household members developed subtle means by which practices were personalization, and potentially, reflect growing means by which households and individuals were identified within these communities. Collectively, this research provides a detailed understanding of the grass-roots building blocks of Neolithic households over a short time frame and a more detailed understanding of the local social and economic trajectory of Neolithic households.  相似文献   

Based on household food security surveys conducted in Ethiopia, this study seeks to understand the roles and limitations of income transfer projects as determinants of households’ food security. By covering the Food-For-Work Programs (FFWPs) and the Productive Safety Net Programs (PSNPs), the study shows that these programs served as temporary safety nets for food availability, but they were limited in boosting the dietary diversity of households and their coping strategies. Households which participated in the programs increased their supply of food as a temporary buffer to seasonal asset depletion. However, participation in the programs was marred by inclusion error (food-secure households were included) and exclusion error (food-insecure households were excluded). Income transfer projects alone were not robust determinants of household food security. Rather, socio-demographic variables of education and family size as well as agricultural input of land size were found to be significant in accounting for changes in households’ food security. The programs in the research sites were funded through foreign aid, and the findings of the study imply the need to reexamine the approaches adopted by bilateral donors in allocating aid to Ethiopia. At the same time the study underscores the need to improve domestic policy framework in terms of engendering rural local institutional participation in project management.  相似文献   

The intercensal period (2006–2011) was a time of significant policy and population change in Indigenous affairs. The aim of this paper is to document the changing distribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population and housing geographies over that period. We use the Indigenous Region structure developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics to show that Indigenous Australians grew at a rate that significantly outstrips the non‐Indigenous population with an increasing concentration of the Indigenous population on the urban eastern seaboard and particularly among older people. We present results that show that for certain measures, the housing situation of the Indigenous population in 2011 had improved relative to the Indigenous population in 2006. A smaller proportion of Indigenous households were estimated to live in an overcrowded dwelling compared with Indigenous households in 2006. There were also significant increases in the per cent of Indigenous households that owned or were purchasing their own home. Other results might be seen as less positive with community housing (a tenure type identified as having benefits in both qualitative and quantitative analysis) declining in importance. In net terms though, Indigenous households continue to experience a high degree of housing need. Compared with other households, they were 3.7 times as likely to live in an overcrowded dwelling.  相似文献   

经济地理学中的农户研究   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:31  
中国目前约有2/3的人口生活在农村,农村地区的发展成为中国区域发展中令人关注的大问题。然而,经济地理学在农区发展的研究中,存在一个明显的缺陷,既大多数研究均忽视了农区经济中最基本的单位-农户。文章分析了忽视农户对地理学研究的局限,论述了农户与农区的关系,评述了国内外的相关研究成果,提出在经济地理学的农户研究中,应加强农户发展环境研究、基于农户的农区发展模型研究、农户与地理环境相互作用研究、基于农户的农区发展战略研究。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that households are sensitive to commuting distance. In particular, households beyond a threshold distance move closer to the job when they change residence. The questions that motivate this paper are: how does race affect the probability of moving closer to the job when households change residence, and is there a trade off between commuting distance and neighborhood composition? Using a specialized data set the research shows that the commuting behaviors of minority and white households are consistent with the overall hypothesis that households minimize their commuting distance whenever possible. The research also shows that there is a tendency for both white and black households to choose slightly more integrated settings after changing residences. Yet, black households have to juggle the trade‐off between neighborhoods with high socioeconomic status and commute distance and those who choose higher socioeconomic status neighborhoods have longer commutes.  相似文献   

Demographic events, such as death of adults and marriage of children, place a heavy burden on household economy, while economic and labour migration may lessen the burden. This study examined the effects of demographic events on economic condition of rural households in Bangladesh. Household possessions of durable assets in the Matlab demographic surveillance area in 1996 and 2005 were used to calculate asset scores, a proxy for long-term economic condition. Events of adult (aged 15–59 years) death and marriage of girls during 1996–2005 were associated with lower asset scores in 2005 compared to households with no such events. Out-migration of adult males, but not females, to urban areas or other countries and marriage of boys were associated with higher asset scores in 2005 compared to households with no out-migration or boy's marriage. Findings suggest that the government should attach high priority to adult health, abolition of dowry, and encourage out-migration.  相似文献   

In rural Cambodia, illness has caused more serious economic damage to rural households than crop failure. This article explores the reasons for this using data on the strategies adopted by households in two Cambodian villages to cope with these different types of shock. The data show that Cambodian households can cope with crop failure by earning additional income. However, to cope with illness, which entails lump‐sum treatment costs, they have to borrow money or sell their assets, because households cannot acquire the necessary funds in a short period just by earning additional income. Combined with the harsh conditions of credit markets (high interest rates, strict debt collection and credit rationing), and weak risk‐sharing among households, this results in illness causing a large number of land sales in the surveyed villages.  相似文献   

宋代县望等级制度基本承袭唐代,按“政治地位”和“户口”两大标准划分。但唐宋县望等级存在不少差异,其中的演化少不了后周制度的作用和影响,后周时期,望县、紧县失去按“政治地位”划分的资格,转而按“户口”划分。这一制度被宋代继承,实质是受次赤、次畿县的冲击影响。北宋前期,诸府属县严格按“政治地位”标准划分,与诸州属县按“户口”划分形成鲜明对比。至北宋末年,府、州政区属县等级“泾渭分明”的划分格局被打破,次府属县等级开始转向按照“户口”划分。唐宋划分县望等级的“户口”含义有所不同,唐代完全依据户数,宋代则根据纳两税的“主户”数,这一差异变化也与后周制度有很大关系。北宋前期,动态划分县望等级的政策得到了执行;到后期,则出现了“户口多而县望等级低”等脱离实际的现象,提升县等的户口标准成为解决县等与户口脱节问题较为务实的方案。  相似文献   

高句丽人口问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对高句丽人口数量的发展演变和丧失王统后的高句丽人口流向问题进行了分析考察 ,认为其人口初创时不多 ,三国曹魏时明确记载是 3万户 ,南北朝时为 9万户 ,盛唐之际则达 6 9 7万户。其人口在持续增长中 ,加入了汉、扶余、沃沮、秽貊、百济、等各部族或民族的众多人口。当高氏王统丧失后 ,人口渐次迁移 ,流入中原和东北的渤海、突厥、新罗等政权的辖区中。  相似文献   

Recent investigations and reconsideration of households in the Mesoamerican highlands illustrate the central role of domestic spheres of interaction to the broader cultural dynamics of the region over four millennia. Methodological advances in the analysis of past houses permit more sophisticated social reconstructions of the spaces and activities that constituted domestic life for the diverse peoples of the region. Current studies highlight the economic interdependence and diversification of households, their strategic flexibility in affiliation, the integrative ritual practices undertaken within domestic spaces, the material correlates of prestige competition between households, and the manner in which households articulated with a larger social universe.  相似文献   

基于重庆市武陵山区和秦巴山区贫困农户与非贫困农户的调研数据,运用双重差分模型检验精准扶贫政策对贫困农户收入增长的影响。结果表明,贫困农户在精准扶贫政策的支持下,家庭人均纯收入增长显著,与非贫困农户相比差距进一步缩小;家庭主要收入来源,由单一渠道向多渠道转变,人均种植业收入和人均养殖业收入增长最明显,二者贡献率合计达到61.87%;农户的年龄、家庭人口数量、老人小孩数量、耕地面积、耕作半径、是否发展特色产业等因素对贫困农户家庭人均纯收入影响显著。因此,发展特色产业,解决贫困农户的教育、医疗、住房和土地撂荒问题是保障贫困农户脱贫后稳定增收的关键。  相似文献   

基于农户视角的农区发展研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
基于河南省11村的1251农户调查数据的分析表明:①农村发展的主要障碍是资金缺乏以及农区发展环境约束,农民自身素能(如缺乏技术、文化水平低等)也有一定影响。②农区发展中最希望得到的外部支持是给项目建厂或提供资金支持,还有一些农户期望政府提供其他发展生产上的帮助。③农户对未来的期望以改善生活条件为主,且随着未来时间段的变长,他们的总体期望变得更加模糊。④多数农户(占样本71.58%)对其生活现状"基本满意"或"满意"。⑤农户对其发展的考虑,受多种因素的影响。其中家庭收入状况、受教育水平、地理环境等的作用更为明显。基于农户视角对农区发展的分析,对有关农区发展政策的设计有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

嘉道年間江南的漕弊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周健 《中华文史论丛》2011,(1):233-299,402
嘉道年間的漕務是與積弊聯繫在一起的,作爲一種常態而存在的漕弊,本身即是制度的組成部分。在財政層面,漕弊主要表現爲旗丁幫費問題、大小户問題、漕糧的浮收勒折與虧空問題。嘉道年間的江南,一方面是倉漕衛所規費、旗丁幫費、官紳漕規、州縣浮收逐年遞增,而另一方面,捏災、短漕、虧空也隨之愈演愈烈,這導致了漕糧河運制度在道咸之交的崩潰。本文認爲:從財政結構的角度來看,所謂漕弊是各種"浮費"代表的額外財政對於額定財政的空前侵蝕。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper presents a model with a domestic household and a heterogeneous migrant household in arrival timing. The domestic and documented migrant households divide their one unit of time between lobbying for/against immigration enforcement expenditures and employment. The analysis shows that an increase in public dislike for undocumented workers lowers domestic and existing migrant households private investment in own child education. It also causes average public expenditures on education to fall and leads to a negative impact on the educational outcomes of all households.  相似文献   

汉代专业农户的商品生产与市场效益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄今言 《安徽史学》2004,3(4):30-34
随着商品经济的发展,汉代在畜牧业、渔业、林业和园圃业等领域中,都出现了专业户.他们所进行的商品化生产,由于规模大、数量多,具有较高的生产技术和管理水平,故市场经济效益好,可与"千户侯等".  相似文献   

重建山地聚落人口变化的时空过程对认识历史时期人口发展有重要意义。本文以西南山地聚落沿河村为例,以田野调查资料为主,辅以历史文献和档案,利用估算户数和户均口数的方法重建了沿河村近三百年的人口变化过程。户数以某一时点占主导的世代可婚男子数作为代用指标进行折算;户均口数使用家庭结构模型,以流域内多个聚落人口的婚姻、生育和死亡数据推算出时段上的平均值,再通过1953年流域人口的年龄构成和多个聚落的户均子女和老人数得到平均值作为经验值,代入1920年之前户均口数的重建中,得到长时序的户均口数。重建结果通过对比检验,表明该方法能较好地重建历史时期山地聚落代际分辨率的人口序列。分析发现,该山地聚落人口变化具有大起大落和阶段性发展的特征,且大落的速度比大起的速度快。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In research conducted some 20 years ago, we elucidated the starkly lower suburbanization propensities of black households in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The paper showed that simulated closure of large socio‐economic gaps between blacks and whites did little to diminish prevailing high levels of residential segregation or otherwise enhance moves by black households to areas of educational, employment, and housing opportunity. Some two decades later and in the wake of significant urban evolution, this paper assesses anew racial variations in residential location choice. Results of the multinomial logit (MNL) analysis indicate large, persistent racial differentials in intrametropolitan residential location choice. While black location choice in 2000 was relatively more dispersed than in 1980, it remained remarkably concentrated in D.C. and Prince George's County. As in our prior analysis, results showed that large simulated gains in black economic and educational status had little effect on prevailing racial segregation. These findings underscore the ongoing, limited access of black households to schooling, employment, and homeownership opportunities available outside traditional areas of settlement. In marked contrast, the locational choices of Latino and immigrant households bore greater similarity to those of whites and were more sensitive to improvements in socio‐economic status.  相似文献   

黎洁  党佩英  任林静 《人文地理》2020,35(6):122-131
在分析乡村旅游对农户多维贫困影响机理的基础上,利用陕西4市22个乡村旅游扶贫村农户调查数据,采用内生转换回归模型,定量分析了乡村旅游对贫困山区农户多维贫困的影响。研究发现:多维贫困程度越深,农户参与旅游比例越低,乡村旅游不具有天然益贫性;参与旅游能够显著减缓农户的多维贫困。从单维贫困看,乡村旅游对调查地农户的经济、教育、生活水平和权利维度具有显著的减贫效应,其中对生活水平的减贫效应最大,健康维度效应不显著;参与和未参与乡村旅游的农户在多维贫困以及经济、生活水平维度的减贫影响因素存在着显著差异,而在教育、健康、权利维度的减贫影响因素差异不大。据此,从乡村旅游经营、精准帮扶、权益保障等方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Most Canadian urban centres are facing difficulties with public transport systems. As car ownership has increased, urban areas have experienced a long‐term decrease in per capita ridership. At present, a significant proportion of riders in most cities is considered to be transit captives, which usually refers to carless individuals or members of carless households. But, what about members of motorised households without effective or real access to a car as, for instance, two‐income households with only one car? Do these ‘restricted car users’ constitute a significant, but somewhat hidden, segment of the transit market? The initial purpose of this paper was to learn more about individuals with restricted or no‐car access who live in car‐owning households: Who are they? Where do they live? Do their numbers fluctuate significantly throughout the day? More specifically, how has car access in motorised households changed in the past two decades? Sociospatial profiles of motorised household members with restricted car access are presented for 1981 and 1996. The second purpose was to analyse restricted car access in motorised households by using a multivariate model of car access for motorised households in the Québec metropolitan area. To achieve these objectives, we developed a logical typology of forms of ‘restricted car access’ based on a combination of variables, or resources, qualifying the degree of car access enjoyed by individuals at any given moment during the day: availability of a car, possession of a driver's licence and a driver at the disposal of other household members. This typology was then applied to the 1981 and 1996 origin–destination survey data obtained from the Québec Census Metropolitan Area.  相似文献   

Based on 12 months of ethnographic, interview and archival research in a poor rural county in China, this article argues that three state policies, namely the concentration of rural educational resources in the county seat, the decision to make access to county-seat public schools conditional upon homeownership in school districts, and the (former) one-child policy, have compelled rural households to participate in the real-estate market to meet the reproductive needs of basic education and marriage. The increasing commodification of education and marriage has fuelled a local real-estate boom during the past decade. At the same time, it has put peasant-migrant households under severe economic pressure, forcing them to relocate unpaid female care labour away from the village and to become heavily indebted. These outcomes have had serious repercussions for two other reproductive institutions, leading to a breakdown in intergenerational care and financial support for the elderly, and a sharp decline in the rural birth rate. The Chinese countryside as a social space in which peasant-migrant households were able to reproduce themselves in a relatively non-commodified manner has disappeared.  相似文献   

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