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Armstrong, Este, and Dean Falk, eds. Primate Brain Evolution: Methods and Concepts. Plenum Press: New York, 1982. vii + 332 pp. including chapter references, plates, photographs, and subject and author indices. $39.50 cloth.  相似文献   

The Motoring Landscape, the Pursuit of Performance, and the Cult of Ownership are identified as the thematic strands through which the history of the motor car and motoring can be accessed as heritage. Complex in its multi‐disciplinary character, ephemeral in its products and experiences, it needs to be presented as a democratic and popular culture that is both educational and entertainment.  相似文献   

1928至1929年的反日会   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周斌 《近代史研究》2004,(2):145-185
反日会表面为各地国民党党部奉中央命令而成立,实际乃是一个因“济南惨案”而发生的自发性的民众团体。早期受南京国民党及国民政府控制,主要从事和平的对日绝交运动;后期除上海等少数地方组织外,领导权大多落入国民党改组派之手,基本不受南京国民党及国民政府支配。反日会自始要求南京国民党及国民政府“恢复民众运动”,实行“革命外交”政策,力主公正解决“济案”和废除中日不平等条约,并在一定程度上延缓了屈辱的《济案协定》的签订时间。尽管反日会在对日经济绝交运动和南京国民政府对日交涉过程中偶有过急之举,但其维护国家主权、民族利益的立场和表现仍应给以积极评价和肯定。  相似文献   

Penslar D 《German history》2011,29(3):423-444
The story of German-Jewish soldiers and veterans of World War I illustrates how, under circumstances of inclusion (even if incomplete) rather than vicious persecution, Jewish suffering in wartime, and with it the forms of collective memory and strategies for commemoration of the dead, could closely parallel, even intersect with, the suffering of Germans as a whole. To be sure, the points of intersection were accompanied by points of deflection. Even when Jews served, fought, suffered and died as German soldiers, their interpretations of the war experience, and their communities’ postwar memory and commemorative practices, differed from those of other Germans. In many ways, however, German-Jewish veterans suffered the aftermath of the war as did other Germans; they shared the prevailing fury over war guilt and reparations, and they retained a strong pride in their military service, a pride through which they interpreted the events of 1933–1945.  相似文献   

The Belgian Constitution of 1831 marked a decisive step in the continental evolution from Restoration constitutional monarchy, based on the monarchical principle, towards the establishment of parliamentary constitutional monarchy. At the time, the new balance of power desired by the Belgian revolutionaries was captured by the phrase ‘republican monarchy’. It is remarkable that this concept, despite being so central to the founding fathers’ deliberations, has hardly been commented upon by later historians and public lawyers. This article aims to reconstruct the origin, meaning and uses of this concept in the context of the 1830 revolutionary wave. French revolutionary veteran general Lafayette was responsible for popularizing republican monarchy in the July Revolution, although the term’s origins went back to eighteenth-century debates on the reform of absolute monarchy. Lafayette used it to summarize the institutional demands of the republican movement vis-à-vis king Louis Philippe. Its transnational migration to the Belgian context subsequently entailed a shift in meaning which will be charted through an analysis of the Belgian constituent and public debates. Finally, the reasons for the concept’s sudden disappearance from the political stage will be addressed.  相似文献   

1918-1921年英国对待关余问题的态度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张北根 《民国档案》2004,5(4):64-70
1918-1921年英国对关余问题的态度经历了两个阶段:第一阶段,从1918年9月广州军政府打算武力夺取广州海关至1920年11月孙中山在广州重掌政权。英国的态度是:赞成按一定比例向滇、桂军阀控制的广州军政府拨付关余,但反对军政府武力攫取海关的企图;广州军政府分裂后,将关余交由总税务司掌管,反对将关余分别交给广州军政府中的不同派别;不支持北京政府独享关余;反对北京政府撇开列强,控制关余的企图;军政府分裂后,赞成支付属于北京政府的关余;反对由徐世昌提出、得到美国赞成的用属于广州军政府的关余收买南方舰队的计划。第二阶段,从1920年11月孙中山在广州重掌政权到1921年4月列强强行解决关余问题未能成功。英国的态度是:执行敌视孙中山的政策,仍不同意向广州政府拨付关余,对孙中山夺取海关的计划进行武力威胁;不直接与广州政府打交道,以免造成对其承认的印象;准备抛弃孙中山解决关余问题;支持北京政府得到所有关余;后来态度有所变化,赞成关余用于治理西江;最终欲在损害广州政府利益基础上强行解决关余问题,但未能成功。  相似文献   

学术之宗 明道之要——论《汉书·艺文志》的目录学价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<汉书@艺文志>是我国现存的最早的一部综合性国家书目,奠定了"辨章学术,考镜源流"的传统,在中国目录学史上具有重要的理论价值.本文比较全面地论述了<汉书@艺文志>的著录体例及其中的总序、小序、大序所体现的学术思想.  相似文献   

This article seeks to understand the place of the Russian immigrant community in the larger Israeli culture and to explore how immigrants themselves negotiate their position. One site of such negotiation is the film Paper Snow (2003) created predominantly by Russian-Israeli filmmakers. Their distinct vantage point emerges through the film's casting, genre, style, and language. Paper Snow features such iconic figures of Israeli culture-in-the-making as actress Hanna Rovina and poets Alexander Penn and Avraham Shlonsky, but represents them as part of the Russian intelligentsia. In this way, the film adheres to the familiar story of nation building, but tells it with an accent: by emphasizing the Russianness of the Israeli national past, the film inscribes contemporary Russian immigrants onto the grand narrative of the nation. By revising the official collective memory, Paper Snow produces accented memory.  相似文献   

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