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Property value data reveal that markets in the vicinity of five mental health facilities in Toronto are essentially identical to those in control areas. The volume of sales activity and the sale price of transactions are generally comparable. The most important influences on sale price are the characteristics of the property itself. Controlling for these characteristics, the presence of a facility has a weak effect on sale price. Distance from facility, facility type, and the number offacilities had no significant effect on price.
La vente de la proprieté fait voir que les marchés à proximité de cinq centres de la santé mentale à Toronto sont essentiellement identiques aux ceux-làà proximité des cas temoins. Le nombre des ventes et le cours du marché sont comparables. Les plus importantes influences sur le cours du marché sont les traites de la propriété elle-même. Si l'on tient en équilibre ces traites, donc on découvre que la présence d'un centre de la santé mentale n'a qu'un effet faible sur le cours du marché. De plus les trois autres éléments (la distance d'un centre, le type du centre, et le nombre des centres) n'ont aucuns effets importants sur le cours du marché.  相似文献   

How physicians choose their places of practice within urban areas is a basic problem in understanding health care delivery systems. Using the results of a postal survey in metropolitan Toronto, location factors important to physicians are examined using several different categories of analysis. As a result, three locational situations are discussed for their importance in the physician location decision and as the basis for a policy to influence the location of physicians in urban areas.
Comment les médecins choisissent l'emplacement de leur cabinet dans les secteurs urbains s'avère être un problème fondamental pour comprendre les systèmes de prestation de soins de santé. En se servant des résultats d'un sondage postal effectué dans la métropole torontoise, les facteurs de location importants aux médecins sont examinés en utilisant diverses catégories d'analyse différentes. En conséquence, trois situations d'emplacement sont discutées d'après leur importance dans la décision du médecin concernant son choix de location. Elles servent également comme base à une politique pour influencer l'emplacement des médecins dans les secteurs urbains.  相似文献   

中国的快速城镇化推动了乡村发展转型与空间重构,农村居民对于土地退出、定居的想法正发生着变化。基于2014 年在南京市江宁区的问卷及访谈调查,本文探索了发达地区大都市边缘区中农村居民针对宅基地退出和未来定居的意愿。通过运用访谈资料和回归模型,本文发现村庄属性、一些个人主客观因子都影响着农村居民对于土地退出和未来定居的决策。本文还发现,相当多的农村居民倾向于在邻近小城镇定居,对宅基地退出普遍持负面态度。随着宅基地财产功能的提升、城乡一体化进程推进等方面的变化,关于宅基地流转制度的改革势在必行。  相似文献   

In this pilot study of water withdrawals in Metropolitan Toronto, a quantitative assessment of the impact of weather and climate variations on t 980-3 water use is presented. Variations in daily water use were positively correlated with temperature, potential evapotranspiration, and climatic water deficit, and negatively correlated with summer precipitation. This kind of information will be useful to policy makers, who will have to plan for a future climate that may be different from today's if the 'greenhouse effect' does indeed create a warmer, drier environment in the Great Lakes region.
On décrit une étude-pilote sur les retraits d'eau dans le grand Toronto. Elle vise à quantifier l'effet des variations météorologiques et climatiques sur l'utilisation d'eau en 1980-3. l'utilisation d'eau est directement proportionnelle à la température, à l'évapotranspiration éventuelle et au déficit en eau du climat, mais inversement proportionnelle aux précipitations d'été. Ce genre d'information sera utile aux autorités compétentes qui devront établir des plans en fonction d'un climat qui sera peut-être différent de celui d'aujourd'hui, si l'éffet de serre' engendre effectivement un milieu plus chaud et plus sec dans la région des Grands Lacs.  相似文献   

Although net natural increase accounts for slightly more than half of the over-all growth in the population of Metropolitan Toronto between 1966 and 1971, the redistribution of the 1966 population and the addition of people from outside the metropolitan area are more important in understanding spatial variations in population change. Longer-term residents have tended to move away from the inner municipalities, but the pattern of a suburbanizing population has been obscured by the tendency of recent immigrants to reside in the inner areas.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper by the same authors (Amrhein and Reynolds 1996), the variation of the G statistic (Getis 1991; Getis and Ord 1992) was demonstrated to correlate very highly with calculated aggregation effects. In the conclusions to this earlier paper, we called for experiments with different data sets, different aggregation rules, and different definitions of the connectivity matrix. In this paper, we explore the behaviour of census data from enumeration areas of the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area. Experiments are conducted that describe the aggregation effects that creep into the data at different scales, and the effect of the aggregation algorithm on the results. Finally, we test the ability of a modified G statistic, our Getis statistic, to predict aggregation effects  相似文献   

Before World War II, many immigrant workers in North America lived in industrial and residential suburbs. The early history of a residential suburbo of Toronto, Ontario, shows that, initially, homes were modest and public services were absent. Men worked long hours, commuted far and built the family home. Women strove hard to keep house and raise a family in unserviced homes. Children helped out, and played in the accessible bush. Self-provisioning was common, and early opportunities to acquire homes and establish businesses were good. Community-building created a strong neighbourhood identity. At first, settlers felt loyal to Britain, compared their experience with the situation back home, and concluded that Canada was 'all right. The Depression brought working-class loyalities to the fore and prompted many to become more critical of the Canadian status quo. This story raises questions about the nature of the immigrant working-class experience in North American cities in the early twentieth century.  相似文献   

The incidence and spatial patterns of residential mortgage lending for a sample of resales in Metropolitan Toronto in 1976–7 are examined. The empirical evidence indicates a high level of private individual financing and a clear spatial differentiation of lender types. Regression analyses indicate the importance of ethnicity, in addition to income, in accounting for these spatial variations. The importance of ethnicity is verified by cross tabulations between source of mortgage funds and borrower ethnicity. Factors such as the legislative environment within which financial institutions operate, the policies of individual institutions, and the advantages of private mortgages are evaluated as possible explanations for the observed patterns and relationships .  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  This paper investigates the effects of national and regional economic conditions on outcomes in the single-family housing market: housing prices, vacancies, and residential construction activity. Our three-equation model confirms the importance of changes in regional economic conditions, income, and employment on local housing markets. The results also provide the first detailed evidence on the importance of vacancies in the owner-occupied housing market on housing prices and supplier activities. The results also document the importance of variations in materials, labor and capital costs, and regulation in affecting new supply. Simulation exercises, using standard impulse response models, document the lags in market responses to exogenous shocks and the variations arising from differences in local parameters. The results also suggest the importance of local regulation in affecting the pattern of market responses to regional income shocks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We study the link between neighborhood immigrant concentration and crime in England. Over previous decades there has been a significant increase in the number of immigrant enclaves, where immigrants account for a substantial fraction of the local population. Using both recorded crime and self‐reported crime victimization data, we find that crime is significantly lower in those neighborhoods with sizeable immigrant population shares. The effect is nonlinear and only becomes significant in enclaves. The crime reducing effect is substantially enhanced if the enclave is composed of immigrants from the same ethnic background. We discuss some possible mechanisms for the results we observe.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This research tests the ability of six metropolitan‐level measures of housing costs to predict a benchmark housing cost measure based on Aten's area price level index. The first four measures are calculated with U.S. Census Data, the fifth is based on HUD Fair Market Rents, and the sixth is the housing portion of the ACCRA Index. In 25 large metropolitan areas, the fourth measure predicts 86 percent of the variation in the benchmark index in 1990 and 85 percent in 2000. The fifth measure performs nearly as well. The paper concludes both are promising measures of living costs.  相似文献   

It is estimated that the Federal government will spend more than $170 million on the Experimental Housing Allowance Program (EHAP). So far more then $50 million has been spent on EHAP research alone. This paper indicates some of the analytical issues in evaluation and suggests that housing allowance policies have ample historical precedent.  相似文献   

温州大都市区形成机制及其空间结构研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
大都市区是发达的城市化区域,它包括城市核心区和与之在经济、社会、文化上有紧密联系的地区。21世纪到来之际,大都市区发生了巨大的变化。大都市区,无论是走向繁荣还是衰退,都面临着经济发展、基础设施建设、环境保护、社会平等发展战略问题。本文以温州为例,在对区域经济发展水平差异和客流、物流分析的基础上,界定了温州大都市区范围;通过对温州大都市区的研究认为,宏观政策机制、市场机制、工业化模式、温州人精神和温州社会网络是温州大都市区形成的重要动力源泉;最后,作者以上述研究为依据,提出了近期和远期温州大都市区空间结构设想。  相似文献   

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