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民国时期改土归流政策的推行,使土司辖地被纳入与内地一致的省县体系当中.这一过程在解决历史遗留问题的同时,也激化了新的土司辖地的归属纠纷,促使甘肃省政府展开界务调整,但实际勘划并不完全与相关勘界法规相符.狄道赵土司辖地乔家沟以耕种土地租户的籍贯为标准而划归渭源;河州何土司辖地何家堡则在甘青省界调整的过程中被划归永靖;卓尼...  相似文献   

湖滩争夺与省界成型——以皖北青冢湖为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在传统地方史志的记载中,对于一个行政区疆域的记载往往是以"四至八到"的形式来表示的,依照这种粗略的记载,在很多地区根本无法准确的划出政区之间的边界。在各级政区的边界类型中,又属省界的地位比较特殊。对于省界争端的处理往往会面临"属人主义"和"属地主义"两种原则的抉择,而争端的处理过程其实体现了中央政府、省政府、基层政府与普通民众之间的多重复杂、互动的关系。民国时期青冢湖苏皖省界纠纷的处理过程正是体现了上述关系,并且展现了原本模糊的省级政区界限逐渐演变为精确的几何界线的动态过程。  相似文献   

幅员和边界是政区的基本要素。城市型政区作为一种新型的政区类型,肇始于民国时期,是从原地域型政区中切块设置而来。在设市之初,并没有现成的法律、法规加以规范,因此市的范围到底应该划多大就成为新设之市府与原地域型政区(即其划离之母体)之间首先需要解决的问题。通过考察南京特别市行政区域边界的划定过程,展示了城市型政区幅员划定过程中的各种冲突以及在中国近代市制完善过程中所起的作用。  相似文献   

<正>一、概述著作。据不完全统计,2009年出版的与历史地理有关的著作如下:综合研究:施和金《中国历史地理研究(续集)》(中华书局);华林甫《中国历史地理学·综述》(山东教育出版社)。历史政区地理:后晓荣《秦代政区地理》(社会科学文献出版社)、辛德勇《秦汉政区与边界地理研究》(中华书局)、徐建平《政治地理视角下的省界变迁:以民国时期安徽省为例》(上海  相似文献   

清代治边、防边讲究"守在四夷"、"树表捍边",中法战争后越南沦为法国殖民地,原本辅车相依的南疆藩篱一变为卧榻之侧的西方敌国,传统观念却仍然左右时人认识。战后中法勘分中越边界,清政府为阻法国进逼边境,在如何分画边界问题上始终纠结瞻顾,勘界过程纠葛不断,由边界划留"隙地"到争取"新界",最后始定"一线为界"。时人观念也由开始竭力避免与法国为邻,演变为守定现界、与法方争利,此一时期也成为国人近代边界、边防观念形成的重要时期。  相似文献   

历史上,广信与浙江在政治空间层面一直有着牵扯不断的联系,明初更曾为浙江行省的组成部分。其政区隶属关系发生由浙改赣的变化,是牵涉到浙、赣省界形成的重要问题。通过对历史时期广信与浙江空间关系的考察,还原出两地在交通往来、文化认同、政治统合等方面存在着固有的矛盾,进而揭示出广信政区隶属变迁乃至浙、赣省界形成的背后,实际上受到了信、浙之间自然地理条件的深刻影响。  相似文献   

永和三年,桓温平蜀之后,东晋系统调整了梁、益、荆三州政区边界:通过将巴西、梓潼、宕渠三郡"配隶"益州,设立晋寿郡,使梁、益二州政区边界符合"山川形便"之势;通过将巴东郡移属荆州,以"犬牙交错"原则重新厘定了荆、益二州边界。东晋对于梁、益、荆三州边界的重新调整,导源于"皇居南迁"之后"树根本于扬越,任推毂于荆楚"的政治地理形势。此次调整,在很大程度上,被同样定都建康、立国江左的南朝所继承。  相似文献   

北魏天兴元年,在"正封畿,制郊甸"的政策下,道武帝首先完成"正封畿"以及"八国"的设置。道武帝最初设置的"八国",延续了拓跋魏立国策略"离散部落""分土定居"的内在逻辑。至天兴二年初建司州,"正封畿,制郊甸"的政策设计方见轮廓。其后,八部政区与司州政区的变动皆以此为基础拓展、演化。至天赐年间,司州政治地理的一系列变动引发八部突破畿内与畿外的地理界限,形成以"八部五百里"为新界的政治地理格局。在八部政区之内,道武帝因地设置鲜卑官号,位亚牧守,与郡县分民而治。秉承八国制而改置的六部大人,通过进入爵制序列体系,将部制政区定格为与州等级的特别行政区。而道武帝所开创的部制政区与司州相互联结的政治地理进程,亦随之消沉。  相似文献   

川黔两省在边界地区存在大量疆界错壤,加之边境地带的管辖权十分模糊,历来难治.明清时期鉴于时局的变化以及稳定地方政治的需要,朝廷对川黔两省交界地带重新勘定,明晰其边界,其中最具代表性的是雍正年间的"遵义调龙安"1."遵义调龙安"表面上看是简单的政区调整与两地归属权的变换,其本质则是中央与地方的权利博弈,是中央欲通过对地方政治空间的再塑造,从而达到维护川黔两省政治经济均衡及巩固西南边疆之目的.  相似文献   

北魏平城时代,孝文帝改革州郡体制、"分置州郡",在此大势中,河南地区由州镇复合型政区转变为州郡型政区,进而形成以黄河为轴心、诸州并立的政治地理格局。然而,突发性的迁洛事件,成为改变河南政治地理格局的开端。但是司州政区规划要晚于司州的设置,故而迟至太和十八年(494年)二月,以司州为中心重构河南州郡结构的变革,才真正开启。在"罢州立郡"模式下,怀、泰等州并入司州,太和中形成的河南诸州政区格局至此基本消失,取而代之以司州都督区、豫州都督区格局。翌年,二都督区格局随着豫州刺史元幹的离任而崩析,豫州"省州置郡"并入司州,司州建置进程进入第三阶段。至此,由迁洛引发的司州建置进程完成,河南诸州政区变局亦随之终结。司州政区的成立及其展开,建立在孝文帝州郡改革而形成的河南诸州政区格局之上,其对后者颠覆性的重构,在北魏地方行政史中具有深刻的政治地理意义。  相似文献   

The morphology of precipitating particles, measured at low altitude in the polar regions, varies systematically with the strength and direction of IMF Bz and with solar wind speed Vsw. We use particle data taken onboard the DMSP satellites to determine these variations. Both individual satellite passes during the storm/quieting period of 26 and 27 August 1990, and statistical maps compiled from a data base over 4.5 yr are presented. We focus attention on those magnetospheric populations that have magnetosheath characteristics, the boundary populations. We show that the precipitating ion boundary population, whose down-coming spectra can be fitted to streaming Maxwellians, expands from a region confined near the dayside cusp for southward IMF, to a thick, annular region, including the dayside cusp, for northward IMF. The expansion in local time is inhibited by increasing solar wind speed. Boundary electrons behave somewhat differently. They have easier access to the polar regions and their variations have shorter spatial/temporal scale lengths than the boundary ions. For strongly northward IMF, intense, agitated boundary electrons can be found over all or part of the polar cap. Broad regions (up to ~ 100 km) of strongly accelerated electrons (several keV) that produce visible arcs are embedded in this population. Two features of the ion boundary population help identify its source. (1) The spectra of the boundary ions expanding into the polar cap exhibit field-aligned streaming, which, downtail, is toward the Earth. (2) The region into which the boundary ions expand best maps magnetically to a dawn-dusk cut across the neutral sheet, rather than to the low-latitude boundary layer. Therefore, we conclude that the immediate source for boundary ions in the polar regions during northward IMF is the plasma sheet boundary layer. These ions reach tail lobe field lines by convection whose direction when mapped to the ionosphere is sunward. Significant change in the topology of the magnetospheric magnetic field, and, in particular, the closing of high-latitude field lines, is not required to explain the data.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(1):31-47

Henry Bolingbroke allegedly swore not to usurp the throne in Yorkshire in 1399 before going on to do so. Whether he committed perjury has divided historians of the past fifty years. Understanding of some old sources has improved and a new source has been discovered. This article reviews the evidence. It itemises each source in its original language and a modern translation as a foundation for future study. It suggests that Henry swore several oaths in different parts of Yorkshire and that originally there were options other than replacement of Richard II by Henry IV. It finds that all nine sources are interrelated. All date from the Percy revolt of 1403 or later. Some definitely do re-use Percy propaganda and others may. They cannot therefore be regarded as independent accounts of Henry's perjuries, which may nevertheless be true.  相似文献   

禁忌,作为一种普遍的文化现象,是民俗学、人类学等学科特别关注的领域.在我国民俗学界,关于禁忌的研究亦有相当多的成果问世.但是,禁忌问题本身的复杂性,使得在禁忌研究的许多方面都存在着一些还十分模糊、有待于进一步深入讨论的问题.从我国民俗学界关于禁忌研究的情况来看,禁忌现象的范围或曰禁忌的界限,就是一个需要进一步明确的问题.……  相似文献   

宋夏疆界考论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分三个阶段对宋夏疆界的演变过程进行了较为详细的考述,清理出宋夏疆界变化的基本脉络,部分修正了清人吴广成的“东尽黄河,西界玉门,南接萧关,北控大漠”之观点。文章还就宋夏疆界演变的特点、宋夏疆界划分的复杂性等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

研究古苏国地理及其疆域,应区别古温国与古苏国。古有苏与古温国没有关系,不能把古温邑说成古苏国始封地苏城。古温国在温邑。但苏、温二国关系密切,渊源流长,西周苏忿生封于温,则将苏国与温国合并为一苏国,其分封地望,应在今河南温县上苑村、古城村一带,为古温邑。  相似文献   

司马迁规划的由碣石至于龙门的农牧分界线,是适合于生态环境的。当时如此,后世亦然。在农耕操作尚稽留在粗放经营的时期,为农为牧都不能过分超越这条分界线。过分超越就会促成这条分界线的移动,从而影响到生态环境的平衡发展,引起不良的后果。这条分界线绝大段落经过黄土高原,黄土高原沟壑纵横,甚至于黄河的溃决泛滥,都与这条分界线的移动有关,是不应稍事忽视的。  相似文献   

司马迁规划的由碣石至于龙门的农牧分界线,是适合于生态环境的。当时如此,后世亦然。在农耕操作尚稽留在粗放经营的时期,为农为牧都不能过分超越这条分界线。过分超越就会促成这条分界线的移动,从而影响到生态环境的平衡发展,引起不良的后果。这条分界线绝大段落经过黄土高原,黄土高原沟壑纵横,甚至于黄河的溃决泛滥,都与这条分界线的移动有关,是不应稍事忽视的。  相似文献   

Boundary spanning in social and cultural geography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article situates interactions between German- and English-language social and cultural geographies since the mid-twentieth century within their wider intellectual, political and socio-economic contexts. Based on case study examples, we outline main challenges of international knowledge transfer due to nationally and linguistically structured publication cultures, differing academic paradigms and varying promotion criteria. We argue that such transfer requires formal and informal platforms for academic debate, the commitment of boundary spanners and supportive peer groups. In German-language social and cultural geography, these three aspects induced a shift from a prevalent applied research tradition in the context of the modern welfare state towards a deeper engagement with Anglophone debates about critical and post-structuralist approaches that have helped to critique the rise of neoliberal governance since the 1990s. Anglophone and especially British social and cultural geography, firmly grounded in critical and post-structuralist thought since the 1980s, are increasingly pressurized through the neoliberal corporatization of the university to develop more applied features such as research impact and students’ employability.  相似文献   

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