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CeringDenzhol:ArchiveWorker¥JAMBACECENIn1982,whenCeringDenzholwastransferredtoworkfortheSichuanGarzeArchives,hewasamanwhodidn...  相似文献   

Gongbo is one of the three Chinese mountaineers who climbed Qomolangma, the highest peak of the world, from the northern side for the first time. Nowadays his son, Galsang Cering,last autumn successfully climbed Cho Oyu, which is the world‘s sixth highest peak at 8.201 meters.  相似文献   

ZhaxiCering:MasterFrescoPainter¥byZhangDanandDoqungZhaxiCering74,isawellknownfrescopainterWhowearsafelthatandapurpleTibetanro...  相似文献   

LadmirethePamdoHotel,aSinoGermanyjointventure,andlovetostaytherewheneverIgotoLhasa.Involvingcomparativelysmallinvestment,thehotelissimplyfurnished.However,itdoesagoodbusiness,attractinglotsoftourists,Chineseandforeign.Thoughthishasmuchtodowiththecuriosityofthevisitors,thereisonepointthathastobeadmittedfitsChinesegeneralmanagerCeringZholgaralwaysbearsasmiletypicalofTibetanwomen.DAUGHTEROFTWOFATHERS.Intheearly1950s,MaYongfu,aPLAofficerfromBeijing,fellinlovewithaTibetangirlnamedZh…  相似文献   

ZhaxiCering:FirstGenerationTibetanPilotDAINBALHAMOAboywasbornintoapoorpeasantfamilyinGarzeCounty,SichuanProvince,in1954.Wat...  相似文献   

ThePaintingCareerofXawuCering¥byZhaoQingyangandGuanQuejieWutunisasmallTibetanvillageonthebankoftheazureLongwuRiverwhichwindst...  相似文献   

A Visit to Burma     

Closure of small schools has been a contentious policy issue, addressed most recently in the Schools Consultation (Scotland) Act 2010. Local authorities are currently delivering public service under great financial pressure and, given the high per capita costs of running small schools, have often sought to close them. One of the arguments for retaining small schools is the purported contribution that they make in maintaining rural community vibrancy. However, the evidence base for retaining small schools as ‘the heart of the rural community’ is largely untested, and such evidence as there is suggests that school closures have a modest effect on community vibrancy. School catchment studies show a long-term pattern of adjustment to demographic changes but this process may be curtailed by government policy in Scotland. A solid employment base and affordable housing are deemed by many to be more important factors in rural socio-economic wellbeing than the presence or absence of a primary school.  相似文献   

AsoneofthesixmajormonasteriesoftheGelugSect,theTar'Monastervisfamousforthreekindsofarts:painting,embossedembroideryandbuttersculpture.Duringourrecentvisittothemonastery,weweretotakentothehouseofZhaxiNyimainac1eanrectangularcourtyard.The75-year-o1dlamagree…  相似文献   

Cities and towns in Tibet are basically centered on monasteries. Lhasa, Xigaze and Qamdo, for example,came into being after monasteries were established on the spot.Lhasa was built based on Jokhang Monastery and the Potala Palace; Xigaze developed from the well known Tashilhungpo Monastery and Qamdo in relation to Qambaling Monastery. A large number of monks living in monasteries needed daily sustenance, so that lay people to serve them began to gather and gradually settle down. Merchants came, too, thereby forming cities. Zada was among them,coming into being with the establishment  相似文献   

祝勇 《华夏地理》2002,(11):98-105
迷宫般的深宅大院 由于这里的民居多为两层楼,倾斜的屋顶,以及飞翘的檐角,不仅保证雨水以最快的速度滑落到地面,而且向外伸出的下檐,增加了房屋的采光和活动空间.檐廊是房屋与庭院的过渡空间,这里不仅是庭院的重要交通空间,而且这个半户内半户外的地方是家庭生活的主要场所.  相似文献   

吴哥,一座分布在柬埔寨茂密丛林中的历史遗城,位于洞里萨湖之北,距暹粒市约6公里。吴哥古迹占地约15平方公里,始建于8世纪,13世纪完成。吴哥是高棉人(柬埔寨人口最多的民族)的精神中心和宗教中心,作为历史上的东南亚高棉王国的都城,吴哥记载了一个王朝的昌盛与没落。它曾在世上消失了500年,直至19世纪中叶才重见天日,与中国的万里长城,埃及的金字塔,印度尼西亚的婆罗浮屠并称为"东方四大奇迹"。  相似文献   

ThestatueofYutogYundainGongbu,forefatherofTibetanmedicine,standsinthemiddleoftheofficebuildingoftheTibetanMedicineCollege.CoruCenam,afamousTibetologist,BuddhistandTibetanmedicineexpert,isthepresident,andQambaChilie,whopresidedoveritsestablishment,servesas…  相似文献   

大多数东方陶瓷学会的成员都非常熟悉安阳这个名字,而且也深知安阳发现的重要意义。但是为其中的一些来宾着想,也许我还需要做一些简单的介绍。  相似文献   

Low-lying houses, dirt paths, stinking ditches, a litter-strewn environment, poor school conditions, and poorly equipped clinics-these are problems still plaguing many parts of the rural areas today.Generally speaking, living conditions in rural areas in the autonomous region can only be termed as nasty. In some villages, many houses have no space for bicycles in front. Some of the farmers' houses have their door facing the toilets of the house in front.  相似文献   

It is a typical Tibetan house with a large Stone slab paved court-yard. As I entered afierce Tibetan dog came rushing from behind a pile of straw stacks. I hurriedly stepped back, but the dog came to a halt as he was tied to a willow tree. At the sound of the barking, Nongbu Chilin, his master, ordered him to retreat, and we entered the sitting room.Nongbu Chilin, 30, is a noted dancer in Yunnan. He is of the Tibetan ethnic group and lives in Zhongdian. At his invitation, visited him last…  相似文献   

Ithadbeenrainingfordays,andtheresultingfloodshaddamagedtheroadandcausedamud-rockflowthatblockedthewav.Alltheseobstacles,however,didn'tdampentheenthusiasmofthosedrivingfromHezuo,capitaloftheGannanTibetanNationalityAutonomousPrefecture,toBoyuviaMingxian,Wud…  相似文献   

In1938,athree-yearoldboynamedLhamoToinzhubfromHongyaVillage,easternQinghaiProvince,wasidentifiedasthereincarnateoftheenthronedasthel4thDalaiLamaDainzinGyamcotwoyearslaterinthePotalaPalaceinLhasa.HongyaVillagethusbecamefainous.Thezigzagpassagetheyoungboyto…  相似文献   

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