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彭亮 《风景名胜》2008,(9):112-121
体认和表达,是个体面对环境的永恒主题,这对于风景和山水同样适用。如果说古代很多隐士专注于"体认"而籍籍无名,那么中国山水的闻名,更多是来自于文人学者和书画家的"表达"。在不可能实现大规模旅游和流动的时代,中国山水和名胜的长期存在形式和传播方式,其实是诗歌和书画。从  相似文献   

自古迄今,人类充分以自己的智慧和想象力,描绘和设计了各式各样美好的精神王国和人间仙境。“香巴拉”是印度和西藏的佛教徒想象、描绘和向往的美好而神奇的人间仙境和“理想国”。  相似文献   

扎染和蜡染以其悠久的历史和辉煌的成就给后人留下了宝贵的物质和精神财富,它们有着独特的社会价值和艺术价值,形式上丰富多彩,展现了独特的民族特色和艺术魅力,是艺术创造性和想象力的体现。本文深入挖掘传统意义上的扎染表现特色及发展前景,目的是传承和发展中国传统的手工艺术。  相似文献   

黑龙江省对口援建剑阁县的工作,得到了灾区人民和党政部门的充分认可和高度赞誉,同时也结下了深厚的友谊和感情,爱铸剑阁,与剑阁县人民共同建造了一座抗震救灾、爱心和友谊长存的历史丰碑. 新闻媒体和社会各界高度关注和赞誉黑龙江援建工作.黑龙江省的援建工作,始终受到新闻媒体和社会各界高度关注,各种支援和援建活动,全过程的及时得到报道和关注,受到高度的赞誉,引起全社会的热烈反响,成为支援工作的一个"亮点".  相似文献   

罗先哲 《文史春秋》2008,(10):54-55
宋庆龄(1893--1981)是孙中山先生的理想与事业的坚定捍卫者和继承人,是中国共产党忠贞不渝的亲密战友。她一生投身于民主民族革命斗争和致力于人民的进步事业,反对蒋介石集团的对日妥协政策和独裁专制,广泛争取和团结国际上一切进步团体和友好人士。  相似文献   

徐国利 《安徽史学》2005,(4):108-114
伦理革命是陈独秀领导的新文化运动的首要目标和中心内容;陈独秀伦理思想的来源主要是西方近代的民主主义、功利主义和进化伦理观;陈独秀的伦理思想在继承近代资产阶级维新派和革命派伦理思想的基础上,又对此作了发展.他的伦理革命观具有时代意义和贡献,然而,其思想体系又存在着许多逻辑上的悖论和混乱.  相似文献   

在数千年的征战和纷争间隙,和平显得弥足珍贵。在和平降临的时候,以色列的人们充分利用水源和土地,殚精竭虑地耕种和收获;同时,他们利用以色列联系了几个大洲和文明的优越地理位置,广泛开展商贸活动,在沙漠中留下了精巧的农业和商业建筑。  相似文献   

王利君 《神州》2012,(31):52-52
在涉检网络舆情时有发生的今天,检察机关的执法公信力和自身形象受到了极大挑战。怎样分析、应对和处置涉检网络舆情是当前和今后一个时期检察工作服务科学发展和实现自身科学发展必须面对和解决的重大课题。  相似文献   

朱克斌 《神州》2012,(6):275-276
教学中要重视概念和规律的建立过程,要切实培养提高学生的理解能力。要通过观察现象,观看演示和学生自己做实验,培养学生的观察能力和实验能力。要通过概念的形成,规律的得出,模型的建立,知识的运用等,培养学生抽象和概括,分析和综合、推理和判断思维能力以及科学的语言文字表达能力和口头交流能力。要培养学生运用数学处理问题能力,以及获取新知识和创新能力等。  相似文献   

邵妙苗 《神州》2011,(30):78-81
我觉得社会有如棋盘,人生在世,就是一场漫长的对弈:和人对弈、和时间对弈、和机遇对弈、和命运对弈,最重要的——是和自己对弈!棋峰对垒,俨然生活的顺逆对比,有时,阳光灿烂;有时,阴云密布。在棋局里,我也曾渴望得到支持和保护。但是我差点  相似文献   

刘彦昺是元末明初的一位名士,其生卒年一直未得其详。今据嘉靖十二年刘氏六世孙刘塾刻本《春雨轩集》所载《自序墓志铭》及文后刘氏后裔之小注,考定刘彦昺生于元文宗至顺二年(1331)九月初三日卯时,卒于明洪武三十二年(1399)四月初三日寅时。  相似文献   

殷人有重视东北方位、把东北看作是吉向尊位的传统观念。这是由于商族起源于东北地区的古渤海湾一带。甲骨文中“东北”为尊位而“西南”为卑位。商代都城规划中重东北方位的经营,如郑州商城、偃师商城、黄陂盘龙城、夏县东下冯商城、新近发现的焦作府城商代城址和洹北商城等莫不如此。尤以殷墟都城的规划布局重东北方位为甚,如殷墟地区时代最早的遗址在殷墟都城的东北部;殷墟都城之宫城正位于整个都城范围的东北部;殷墟发现的车马坑与大墓的位置关系也表明尊东北方位,等等。  相似文献   

James the Great, son of Zebedee and brother of St John, was one of the three Apostles privileged to accompany Jesus on special occasions like the Transfiguration and the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was beheaded in 42 AD by order of Herod. His connection with Spain is here the subject of critical enquiry, and it is demonstrated that there is virtually no evidence at all to substantiate the belief that his mortal remains lie in Spain, at Santiago de Compostela, which became one of the most important pilgrimage centres of the medieval West; nor indeed that he ever preached in Spain or visited that country. It is only in the ninth century that sources begin to mention the discovery of James' burial-place in Spain, while from the seventh century his preaching in Spain is mentioned. From about 800 the legend of St James in Spain took root in Latin Christian tradition.  相似文献   

于中国历史与文化的研究赐惠颇多的《四库全书总目》亦有纰漏之处,我们发现该书在明代史料鉴别上出现了两处失误:将《姜氏秘史》与《革除编年》、《续藏书》与《熙朝名臣实录》各自看作两本不同的书,并给予迥异的评价。通过考证,《革除编年》即《姜氏秘史》,《熙朝名臣实录》即《续藏书》。《四库全书总目》一书两收两评的失误,让我们体会到当时政治对学术的干预及做学问之难。  相似文献   


Prior to the amalgamation of Aberdeen’s two medieval universities in 1860, Geography had been taught to undergraduate students at both King’s and Marischal Colleges since at least the late 16th Century. First mooted in the early 1900s, it was not until 1919 that a lectureship in Geography at Aberdeen was created and a ‘Department of Geography’ came into being. In this contribution we chronicle how, over a century, the Geography department has evolved, highlighting developments in the curriculum and research-related activities. The early decades of the Department were shaped by John McFarlane, the first and only full-time appointee in Geography until his retirement in 1945. The post-World War II period, led by Andrew O’Dell, saw Geography develop into a large and influential Department. During the 1960s and 1970s, the Department (and University) experienced unprecedented levels of growth. Student numbers, research output and income accelerated apace. In the recent past national assessments of research and teaching quality and institutional restructuring have prompted further change. As the Department enters a second century it remains committed to delivering a high quality education to undergraduate and postgraduate students and to the pursuit of excellent geographical research.  相似文献   


This paper describes the rather neglected role played by committees of the Church of England in rewording and promoting a set of arguments that facilitated the reform of a number of repressive laws in mid-twentieth century England and Wales. It is in part a comment on the manner in which the Church provided a clear-eyed understanding of some of the major moral upheavals of the time, drawing on classic utilitarian principles. It is also a comment on our propensity to lose sight of interesting and influential passages in the history of criminal justice.  相似文献   

Odessa's advantageous economic-geographic situation has played a positive role in all phases of the city's development. It has promoted Odessa's pre-eminent place as a foreign trade center and its function as a key element in the geographical division of labor. The situational advantages of the city should be taken into account in any historical-geographic study and in insuring more rational economic relations between the city and the rest of the Soviet Union.  相似文献   

周玮 《东南文化》2001,(11):60-64
本文简要回顾玉琮名称的渊源,主要探讨了《古玉图考》中有关玉琮的定名,指出良渚文化玉琮的名和形的确定以《古玉图考》为源。在评述各主要观点的基础上,探讨良渚文化玉琮的渊源,提出了宏观上的“一元说”和微观上的“多元说”。  相似文献   

Roger of Lauria's family was exiled from the kingdom of Sicily by Charles I of Anjou for its support of the Hohenstaufen cause but in the service of Aragon he became the most feared and renowned warrior of his generation. His six great naval victories during the War of the Sicilian Vespers closely determined the outcome of that struggle.Lauria's fame has been diminished by the minor place awarded to the War of the Vespers by modern medievalists and by its overshadowing by the Hundred Years War. But in fact it was an extremely important war in medieval history, witnessing the decline of the papacy and the kingdom of Sicily and the rise for a brief time of a new power in the Mediterranean: Aragon. Moreover, it was in this war that medieval warfare first began to acquire attributes characteristics of the later middle ages: supremacy of archers and infantry over mounted and mailed knights, appearance of disciplined and professional companies of mercenaries led by professional war leaders, and decline from chivalric warfare into nationalistic hatred and ferocity.Lauria's success lay in the superior qualities of his crews and in his own genius. Handling galley fleets successfully required mastery of the difficult nexus between land and sea for Mediterranean galley warfare was more amphibious than naval in the modern sense of the word. Lauria proved to be the greatest master of the science in the middle ages; a war leader deserving to be ranked with Richard Coeur de Lion, the Black Prince, and Nelson.  相似文献   

Roger of Lauria's family was exiled from the kingdom of Sicily by Charles I of Anjou for its support of the Hohenstaufen cause but in the service of Aragon he became the most feared and renowned warrior of his generation. His six great naval victories during the War of the Sicilian Vespers closely determined the outcome of that struggle.Lauria's fame has been diminished by the minor place awarded to the War of the Vespers by modern medievalists and by its overshadowing by the Hundred Years War. But in fact it was an extremely important war in medieval history, witnessing the decline of the papacy and the kingdom of Sicily and the rise for a brief time of a new power in the Mediterranean: Aragon. Moreover, it was in this war that medieval warfare first began to acquire attributes characteristics of the later middle ages: supremacy of archers and infantry over mounted and mailed knights, appearance of disciplined and professional companies of mercenaries led by professional war leaders, and decline from chivalric warfare into nationalistic hatred and ferocity.Lauria's success lay in the superior qualities of his crews and in his own genius. Handling galley fleets successfully required mastery of the difficult nexus between land and sea for Mediterranean galley warfare was more amphibious than naval in the modern sense of the word. Lauria proved to be the greatest master of the science in the middle ages; a war leader deserving to be ranked with Richard Coeur de Lion, the Black Prince, and Nelson.  相似文献   

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