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杨恒 《钱币博览》2006,(3):40-40
今年2月3日,在德国柏林举办的国际钱币博览会上,中国人民银行隆重地举行了“第29届奥林匹克运动会贵金属纪念币(第1组)项目发布会”,首次向世界展示出2008年在中国首都北京举办的第29届奥运会将要发行的贵金属金银纪念币。共三组中的第1组样品,深受与会的欢迎,并得到专家好评。  相似文献   

现在.世人和国人热切盼望的奥运会已经胜利举行。几年来,我国作为尽心尽力举办奥运会的东道主,先后发行了第29届奥运会贵金属纪念币系列的第1、2、3组,并发行了饶有兴趣的福娃贝贝等黄铜纪念币组.特别是发行了几枚大型的气势磅礴的贵金属纪念币。这些,都从一个侧面展现了博大精深的华夏文化。同时也是我们承诺文化奥运的一个生动实现。这些纪念币的发行广受欢迎与好评。与此同时,又有不少国家也相继发行了本届奥运会纪念币。以下选部分中外奥运纪念币以飨读者。  相似文献   

杨恒 《中国钱币》2010,(2):65-65
像夏季奥运会一样,冬奥会同样是展示国家体育实力的竞赛场。令人瞩目的第21届冬季奥林匹克运动会于2010年2月在加拿大的温哥华举行。像以往历届奥运会一样,也有不少国家为纪念这一届冬奥会的召开,发行了各类纪念币。其中,作为本届主办国的加拿大,开始发行纪念币的时间最早,发行的各类贵金属纪念币也最多。这里,我们选择主办国加拿大发行的部分第21届冬奥会贵金属纪念币和大家共赏。  相似文献   

2008年是中国举办奥运会的特殊年份.为第29届奥运会而发行的奥运贵金属纪念币共23枚,已经全部问世.这23枚亮灿灿的奥运贵金属纪念币,是历年米世界奥林匹克纪念币中最漂亮的一套.现在,我们可以很自豪地向全世界介绍这套贵金属纪念币.  相似文献   

杨恒 《中国钱币》2011,(4):48-50
2012年夏季,伦敦第30届奥运会就要召开了。为迎接奥运会的盛大召开,英国皇家造币厂早在几年前就开始发行第30届奥运会纪念金、银币等多个币类。其中纪念银币迄今已经发行三个系列了。现我们精选一些英国和其他国家发行的有特点的第30届奥运纪念币,和诸君共赏。  相似文献   

岳善乾 《钱币博览》2009,(3):33-33,F0003
赞比亚共和国位于非洲南部,为内部国家,面积752.614平方米,9世纪境内先后建立过卢巴、卡洛洛、巴罗兹曼王国。18世纪末葡萄牙入侵,1896年英国入境,1924年为英国的殖民地。1964年10月24日正式独立,建立赞比亚共和国.同年10月29日正式同中国建交。赞比亚共有居民1057万。有大大小小73个部族。都属班图语言,主要为奔巴族、洛兹族。信俸原始宗教,也有信奉基督教的。英语为官方语言。  相似文献   

A sample set of 42 bronze Punic coins dating from the third century bc and excavated in the Phoenician, Punic and then Roman town of Tharros (western Sardinia) has been used to test the performance of the literature lead isotope database and to establish a well defined provenancing procedure. A selection from the available database, including Cypriot, Sardinian and Spanish ore deposits, has been used. The complete assignment has been carried out twice, using both statistical methods (linear discriminant analysis) and the conventional raw data plots. Three major and one minor disagreements have been found, suggesting that the two procedures, when properly employed, may be acceptably compatible. Almost one third of the coins exhibit a characteristic Cypriot signature, whereas only very few samples are compatible with Sardinian ores. However, the majority of the coins (c. 60%) cannot be associated with any known source, which suggests the possibility of extensive metal recycling.  相似文献   

In Byzantium, images on coins were a means to disseminate information about the state widely and quickly. Portraits of emperors were standard; empresses also sometimes appeared. Between 324 and 802, imperial women served as important ideological resources, and their portraits on coins always served as symbols of state well‐being and especially of legitimacy for the current ruling family. Changes in the coin imagery demonstrate how the mints used images of imperial women to respond to specific political situations, but also allow us to chart broader shifts in Byzantine gender strategies.  相似文献   

Peel, J.S., February 2017. First records from Laurentia of some middle Cambrian (Series 3) sponge spicules. Alcheringa 41, 000–000. ISSN 0311-5518.

Spicules of the sponges Silicunculus Bengtson, Australispongia Dong & Knoll and Thoracospongia Mehl are described from the middle Cambrian (Cambrian Series 3) of North Greenland. The occurrences document the first records from the Cambrian of Laurentia of spicules initially reported from Australia. Obese spicules of Thoracospongia are now known to occur in strata of Cambrian Series 2 (Stage 4, Botoman) to Cambrian Series 3 (Stage 5 and Drumian) age in Australia, northern and southeastern Siberia and in the uppermost Henson Gletscher Formation (Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5) of western Peary Land. Morphologically similar obese spicules from the USA, Jordan, Iran and Sweden suggest an evolutionary trend towards armouring of the outer sponge surface during the middle and late Cambrian. New species described are Silicunculus saaqqutit sp. nov., Thoracospongia lacrimiformis sp. nov.

John S. Peel [], Department of Earth Sciences (Palaeobiology), Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden. Received 3.7.2016; revised 13.9.2016; accepted 15.9.2016.  相似文献   

1958-1964年的英国核裁军运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1958—1964年的英国核裁军运动,是一场以中产阶级为主体的颇具影响力的社会运动。运动的基本目标是反对核军备竟赛,主张推迟、禁止、甚至完全取消英国和其他国家的核试验,削减核军备。它反映了战后英国社会对核武器和核战争前景的恐惧心理。但运动内部,尤其是运动的组织领导者成分复杂,对战争的理解、英国的防务政策以及运动的战略和策略分歧广泛而深刻,从而造成内部协调和合作的困难,最终导致运动的衰落和解体。  相似文献   

曹魏景元元年朱书镇墓文读解   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张全民 《考古与文物》2007,(2):30-32,92
2005年5月,西安高新区新型工业园区广丰公司基建工地(位于长安区郭杜镇)清理了一座三国曹魏时期墓葬。该墓出土的一件灰陶镇墓瓶,小口外敞,平沿外斜,圆肩鼓腹,平底内凹,肩上钤有一枚印文,已模糊不清,瓶内尚存少量蛋壳残片。口径11、腹径27.5、底径19、高21.5厘米(图一)。其上朱书铭文有所脱落,尚有许多清晰可辨,或隐约可见,或可根据有关资料补上所缺之字(图二,封三)。尤为可贵的是纪年明确,为墓葬的绝对年代提供了准确的依据,同时也为研究当时的埋葬制度、信仰和习俗提供了重要资料。该镇墓文书体古朴娟秀,多具有楷书特征,尚存隶书意味,也为了解当时书法的发展提供了不可多得的实物资料。现将这些资料一并公布,并试作解读。  相似文献   

The South African War that broke out in October 1899 was bothvery old and very new. It was a traditional war, the last ofthe old-fashioned British imperial wars, with cavalry playinga significant part. But it was also a very modern war, for instancein the British Army's use of railways to subdue the Boers inthe early months of 1900, or the use of trench warfare by theBoers along the Modder river. It was disturbingly new in theway that it changed in the autumn of 1900 from a war betweenarmies to a guerrilla war against a civilian population, mostdistastefully so in the British concentration camps set up tohouse Boer women and children. Above all, it was a distinctlycontemporary war in its impact on the media, especially thenewspapers, and in the interaction between the media and thoseparticipating in the fighting. It was a significant war, farbigger than originally expected, and was therefore big news.The British Army, ill-prepared for the original Boer invasionof Natal, at first numbered 75,000 troops. In the end, the Britishand imperial forces totalled 450,000 with contingents from Canada,Australia, New Zealand, and India. The British lost 22,000 men,13,000 of them from disease. The Boers lost about 7,000 in thefield, while another 27,000 (many of them very young children)are estimated to have died in the concentration camps. Therewere also about 20,000 black and ‘coloured’ Africanswho died in concentration camps, though this was little reportedat the time. So it was a major episode in British military history.The impact on British opinion of the relief of Ladysmith andespecially of Mafeking in 1900 was quite overwhelming. In afrenzy of ‘jingo’ celebration, the verb ‘mafficking’entered the language. In these circumstances, the consequencesof the Boer War on the media and its representation of war wereinevitably massive.  相似文献   

南京大屠杀的历史记忆是值得研究的社会文化现象.战时,它被作为日本军国主义侵华暴行的象征,战后的审判进一步强化了中国民众的这一印象.新中国成立后,其象征地位继续延续,在东西方冷战的政治格局下,又与"反对美帝国主义"、"揭露国民党的腐朽统治"和"中日友好"等现实政治相连接,在此过程中,因被误用而扭曲变形.20世纪80年代初发生的日本教科书事件,使南京大屠杀再次成为新闻舆论的中心,在中国政府和民间的双重推动下,南京建立了纪念馆和纪念碑,南京大屠杀的记忆得以向更深层次延伸.  相似文献   

对古賨人(亦称板楯蛮)分布地区、建国经过及宕渠古城兴废情况的考证。  相似文献   

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