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This article argues that Cuba's economic demise following the collapse of the former Soviet Union should be seen as a crisis in reproduction as well as a crisis in consumption and production. Using qualitative field research carried out in 1994 and 1995 in Havana and in the province of Matanzas, the author shows that the commodities and services required for reproduction could no longer be guaranteed through the distribution system of the Cuban state. Consequently, people began to devise a range of survival strategies in order to ensure the reproduction of their households, including trading in unofficial markets, leaving formal employment and engaging in a portfolio of income-generating activities in the informal sector. Such strategies were patterned by the existing sexual division of labour and show a reinforcement of traditional gender roles. The article argues that these changes will have important political as well as economic consequences for Cuba's future.  相似文献   

In the 1950s and 1960s, decolonization coincided with the ‘goldenage’ of British capitalism, with record rises in popularliving standards. Economic historians have understandably usedthis coincidence to suggest that by this period the BritishEmpire was no longer offering substantial economic benefitsto the mass of the metropolitan population. Yet there were linksbetween economic performance and the decline of the Empire.First, despite the good performance, profoundly pessimistic‘declinist’ accounts of British society and theeconomy abounded in the early 1960s, and these had a major impacton policy formation. A key underpinning for such accounts wasthe ‘culture of decline’ intimately linked withthe loss of imperial status. Secondly, while it has become acommonplace of discussion of post-war Britain to assume thatreversing ‘decline’ and modernizing the economyrequired a re-orientation of policy away from the Empire andCommonwealth towards Europe, such a reorientation was not aconstant feature of modernization strategies. Indeed, a centralfeature of the initial period of Wilsonian ‘modernization’after 1964 was its attempt to use closer links with the Commonwealthto achieve this objective.  相似文献   

This paper, originally presented to the AESOP‐ACSP joint conference in Oxford in 1991, stresses that both in Europe and in the US, there is a major difference for planning in the switch from boom to recession. During the 1990s a major challenge will be to find new ways of public‐private partnership in financing new urban infrastructure at a time when developer contributions — a major innovation of the 1980s — have dried up. This particularly applies to the European high‐speed train system — one critical element of which will run through the East Thames Corridor, one of Britain's major urban developments in the coming years. In the US, planners are likely to remain more locally focused, less internationally concerned, than in a Europe in which national barriers are rapidly eroding.  相似文献   

As scientific archaeology takes hold in Japan, our understanding of the nature and content of Japanese prehistory is changing radically. All of the period boundaries of Japanese prehistory are being rewritten, and many new “archaeologies” are growing up around particular scientific techniques. New publications in English give greater access to archaeological thinking in Japan, while Japanese publications focus on ever-narrowing aspects of prehistoric lifeways. Policy changes are giving archaeologists more access to the imperial tombs, and rescue teams are under less obligation to “save everything” as selective preservation is instituted.  相似文献   

Russia's natural gas industry has been enormously successful over the past quarter century (gas production increased nearly eightfold between 1970 and 1990 and exports outside the territory of the former USSR increased by 33 times), an outward success that appears to have carried over into the difficult transition period of the last five years; output has remained almost stable despite unprecedented declines elsewhere in the economy. Still, in recent years, with the overall economic and political transformation, the situation has become far more unsettled for the industry. This paper identifies and analyzes emerging new forces associated with the economic transition and assesses their likely impact upon the natural gas sector in terms of production trends and related developments in demand (both in terms of internal consumption and exports). 6 tables, 3 figures, 41 references.  相似文献   

王键 《世界历史》2001,(1):60-68
中共十五届四中全会指出:“积极探索公有制的多种有效实现形式,大力发展股份制和混合所有制经济,重要企业由国家控股。继续对国有企业实施战略性改组,充分发挥市场机制作用,着力培育大型企业和企业集团。”市场经济的发展和改革的深化,要求我们加强企业集团学  相似文献   

Considerations of the compactness and aesthetics of electoral districts have loomed large in the litigation surrounding the last round of US redistricting. For a variety of reasons, we expect that there will be increasing pressure on Canadian electoral cartographers to provide opportunities for protected minorities to be represented in the country's federal legislature. As a result, we expect that future electoral maps may well embody a tradeoff between compactness and other representational and cartographic desiderata. We look for evidence of this in an exploratory analysis of the last two federal electoral maps (adopted in 1987 and 1996) and in so doing we offer the first country-wide assessment of the compactness of Canadian federal electoral districts (FEDs). The results demonstrate the importance of natural boundaries in the achievement of district compactness. Strong evidence of a decline in the compactness of FEDs between the two maps is not forthcoming, however. Thus there is relatively little sign that Canadian electoral districts will be open to the kind of aesthetically-based legal challenges that American Congressional Districts faced in the 1990s. However, the analyses we report establish an important baseline against which the next electoral map, to be produced following the 2001 census, can be compared.  相似文献   

Much interest-group analysis assumes that producer-group pressures are especially influential. Sometimes business interests conflict; in that case, which producer groups will be most influential? Using data from 54 state telephone rate cases, this paper explores the relative influence of several different intervener types. Estimates indicate that influencing outcomes depends on credible information rather than other resources, and also that business interest groups cannot all be considered homogenous. Some implications for the Telecommunications Act of 1996 are drawn.  相似文献   

This article discusses some of the distinguishing features of the debate over national identity that took place in Italy in the 1990s. Reacting against the threats of the Lega Nord and in response to the new ideological and political landscape of the post-Cold War order, a number of Italian intellectuals rediscovered the value of patriotism. Searching for the origins of the Italians' allegedly weak sense of national identity, some questioned the Resistance and the party system that originated from it. While this historical revisionism has been the object of well-deserved criticism, there is another type of thematization of identity which has received less attention: it deploys the old notion of an 'Italian character', which appears frequently in the press and the media. The article shows that this discourse, too, is a way of articulating patriotism, and then reflects on the meaning that this reconfiguration of ideologies and identities acquires in the new context, both domestic and international.  相似文献   

This article explores a range of conversations in Czech that have been undertaken by popular and intellectual Czech feminists since 1989. These have attempted to ‘explain the usefulness of feminist thinking’ to frequently reticent Czech audiences. It examines feminists' claim that feminism and feminist social criticism have an important role to play in making a new social order in which what they describe as women's values and cultures would have a central place. It explores the often maternalist strategies that intellectuals have devised for working through the pall of ambivalence that surrounds feminism in the Czech Republic, and it examines how an enthusiastic defence of local feminisms and the desire to highlight intransigent attitudes towards the remaking of gender identities have become important hallmarks of contemporary Czech feminisms.  相似文献   

The 1960s was a particularly rich period in the history of UKtax reform The decade also saw an ambitious attempt by the UKgovernment to reverse Britain's relative economic decline viathe adoption of a ‘Keynesian-plus’ package of enhanceddemand management, incomes policy, and indicative planning.This article argues that the two phenomena were closely related.It argues that the new Keynesian-plus policy framework transcendedparty ideology and led both the Conservative government andits Labour successor to use the tax system in a constructiveattempt to intervene in the economy to try and raise growth.Nevertheless,despite a high level of elite consensus on the need to makethe tax structure more growth oriented, and despite a good dealof policy continuity between the two governments, viewed asa whole the changes that were made lacked coherence. A combinationof Britain's adversarial party system, a tradition of secretivegovernment Policy-making, and the profound fragmentation ofBritish policy-making, institutions made it impossible to deviseand implement a strategic programme of reform.  相似文献   


This article examines Italian religious historiography of the past decade, taking into account the difficulty of this national limitation, given the increasingly frequent arid profitable exchanges among the diverse European traditions. The review first examines some general works and then focuses on certain themes that mark the historiographical trends: ecclesiastical institutions, with particular reference to the period of the Reformation and the Counter‐Reformation; religious complexity, with special reference to heterodox movements, to Jewish culture and to the Islamic presence; and people's religious experiences, with particular emphasis on those of women, in their interaction with both cultural production and social history.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中国区域经济发展的历史考察与基本经验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从20世纪90年代初开始,中国区域经济发展开始由非均衡发展转向区域协调发展。区域协调发展战略的形成有着特定的历史与现实背景。1991年和1999年是中国区域战略大调整的转折点,1991年开始强调区域协调发展,1999年正式提出西部大开发战略。随着区域经济政策的制定与实施,中国区域经济格局发生了深刻变化。考察中国区域经济发展历程,其基本经验对中国未来区域发展有着重要的启示与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A senior Japanese economist briefly examines the causes of Russia's great economic depression of the 1990s, highlighting the important role of the ruble exchange rate. The author argues that “liberalization” of exchange markets contributed substantially to the depression, because of the “dual” nature of the Russian economy (strong energy sector and weak manufacturing sector). Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: E50, E58, F31. 7 tables, 22 references.  相似文献   

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